Independent Media Centre Ireland

Democracy - is it the great lie ?

category international | anti-capitalism | opinion/analysis author Wednesday August 28, 2013 17:18author by newsmedia

Merriam-Webster defines democracy as:

1 a : government by the people : rule of the majority b (1) : a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly (as in the ancient Greek city-states or the New England town meeting) — called also direct democracy (2) : a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority in which the people choose their officials and representatives at periodically held free elections — called also representative democracy

2 : a community or state in which the government is controlled by the people; specifically : a state in which the supreme power is held and exercised directly by the people rather than by their elected agents *in a democracy the people meet and exercise their government in person; in a republic, they assemble and administer it by their representatives and agents— James Madison

The difference between the above and democracy throughout most of our world today is that those elected to office immeadiately shift their primary focus away from the wishes of the electorate and instead use their position to broaden and cement their power of authority at both individual and political party levels. In short, the focus shifts to broadening their powers of control.

Since when has it been 'democratic' for an elected government to implement measures that are unapproved and wholly against and contrary to the wishes of the electorate?

Since when has it been 'democratic' to maintain secrecy over large slices of government business with the threat of punishment of one form or another if such secrecy is breached by a member of the public?

The above are just two broad examples but I have no doubt that I could fill one if not several foolscap pages with others of a similar nature.

Such attention to control has been at the root of government since the creation of a world in which almost everyone requires fiscal means to survive. Only those very few who live in fast dwindling and disappearing tribes that remain devoid of contact with the rest of the world remain free of this imposed financial prison.

The seeds to the collapse of any existing social order are sown when minorities seek to impose their control over the majority through the abuse of their election into office by the same majority.

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