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Message to an Bord Snip Nua. Resolve the Recession. Tax Shell!![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() Unite to Fight
New licences are about to be issued for the Oil and Gas fields off Donegal without resolving the terrible situation in Rossport. Demand a freeze on the Corrib Gas refinery project until the people of Ireland are consulted about whether we want to continue giving our gas and oil away to Shell.
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Message to an Bord Snip Nua 1) Of all the countries whose mineral resources are exploited by multinationals Ireland has negotiated one of the worst deals in the world with Shell for the Corrib gas field. Nearly every other country has demanded a much bigger share of the profits from the exploitation of their natural resources than we have. Those countries who started off with unfavourable contracts renegotiated much better deals later. Ireland could do the same. There is no visible reason why not. Yet our politicians try to tell us this is impossible. Why? Beneath our eyes the government is cooking up another fiasco like the banks disaster. If our gas reserves are managed with care and intelligence there will be a much gentler recession in Ireland. There is enough gas out there to ensure a smooth transition from our oil-dependent economy to a sustainable economy. Make sure this happens by informing yourself about what is really happening in Rossport, Co. Mayo. The media present the protests there as the work of trouble makers and rabble rousers. Nothing could be further from the truth. Inform yourself about the struggle to protect our resources by visiting Pressure our politicians and trade unions to protect our mineral wealth. New licences are about to be issued for the Oil and Gas fields off Donegal without resolving the terrible situation in Rossport. Demand a freeze on the Corrib Gas refinery project until the people of Ireland are consulted about whether we want to continue giving our gas and oil away to Shell. Visit for more info on this Better still visit Rossport and find out for yourself what is happening.. See for how to get there. A new deal with Shell can be negotiated. Many countries have done this successfully. Imagine what a few billion euros would do for our health service, pensions and education.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3Cheers for that! Just a few things that popped up on the idiot box tonight that really highlight (without sensationalising) the effects the English have suffered and what us thick Paddies may have failed to pick up on..
BBC Four has a television series on now showing explores the non-unionised workforce and the cuts in health in safety called 'Crude Britannia: The Story of North Sea Oil' it finishes with the dramatic footage of the Piper Alpha explosions in which 112 died.
Up until 1979 the UK allowed oil explorations to the tax free Tony Benn's state owned oil jackpot enacted in 1975 which was then subject to Thather's 'free market revolution'; when with the other more heinous actions of 1981 it was repealed. If you watch what the ol' bitch says she states the value of the reserves and goes on to repeat 'got the billion?' (sound familiar?)
From 1974 some archival footage from Panorama on 'Scotland's defiant stance'; in 2009 some 'ten years on from devolution, with the Scottish Nationalists in power at Holyrood pushing for a referendum on full independence, Panorama asks, can the UK be kept in one piece?
In Will the Scots ever be happy?, BBC Scotland's political editor, Brian Taylor, revisits the economics and the politics of devolution and speaks to a handful of key people who could hold Scotland's fate in their hands.'
On RTÉ see TCD biochemistry graduate, Liz Bonnin, in an apologia for the nuclear lobbyists waiting in the wings to turn our little isle an unhealthy green.. it does highlight the protest activity that took place here in the late seventies it suggests that it was the Three Islands which is said to have stifled the debate then and now Liz 'meets the people who passionately believe that Chernobyl and Sellafield are all the reasons we need to stay non-nuclear'.
Hope this helps broaden it a bit. I remember looking for a start on the Aussie North West shelf perhaps it may also prove to be a useful area for comparison
There is so much that we do not know about this whole rotten buisness. Eamon Ryan has signed an agreement with Britain to share our Oil and gas resourses.
Friends of Fianna Fail and oposition td's also will have shares in Shell and other oil companies
The Green ministers are just as corrupt as Fianna Fail. They are now wedded to them because they know that their betrayal of the people that voted for the Green Party , leaves them ruined in the next election. They have to do what Fianna Fail wants them to.
The government does not care about EU or UN fines it is not them that will pay them, it is the Tax payer and the stupid electorate that have let crime flourish in Irish politics for decades.
VOTE NO TO LISBON They will not pay for their crimes but you will.
Thanks for all the links, I'm sure someone with time on their hands would be grateful for all that, but calling Irish people "thick Paddies"?
Not appreciated.