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The republican tradition - a place to build from?

category national | anti-capitalism | opinion/analysis author Thursday November 25, 2010 16:21author by Andrew - WSMauthor email wsm_ireland at yahoo dot com Report this post to the editors

Rethinking Revolution 5

Ireland has an indigenous revolutionary tradition that successfully mobilized tens if not hundreds of thousands in the struggle for more freedom over the 200 years since 1798. Irish republicanism has always included a radical democratic and leveling element and which continues to provide part of the culture of resistance of the most down trodden sections of the working class. Many believe this makes it the best base to build from, at the fifth Rethinking Revolution meeting Andrew Flood asked if they are right?

The sound file is just over an hour in length is a 20 minute presentation on the topic followed by 40 minutes of discussion. To fit the sound file within the 32m indymedia limit is was necessary to snip out about 3 minutes of the discussion, part of a segment which had wandered off topic onto the Garda attack on students that had taken place earlier that day.

The next Rethinking Revolution will take place December 1st and will be the the topic Crime: modern conceptions and possible alternatives see http://www.wsm.ie/rethinking-revolution for details

The republican tradition is it a place to build the left from
audio The republican tradition is it a place to build the left from 29.54 Mb

author by francis hughespublication date Fri Nov 26, 2010 00:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

pity i missed this, sounded interesting, i had wanted to go to this.

author by Emmetpublication date Fri Nov 26, 2010 04:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The intro statement mentions "tens if not hundreds of thousands in the struggle for more freedom" in the history of Ireland since 1798. I'd say tens of thousands probably turned out for '98 and many more were slaughtered, some atrociously contrary to all norms of humanity. Only around a thousand turned up at the GPO, Bolands Mill, the Castle and elsewhere for 1916. During the War of Independence 1919-21 maybe a few thousand actually joined the guerrilla forces, while a few thousand others gave help in the form of safe houses, quarter-mastering and information gathering. Probably less turned out for the Irregulars in the 8-month civil war of 22-23.

So far the turnout numbers for protests against bank bailouts and the cost cutting repercussions of the financial upheaval have been erratic. The trades unions don't represent all of the workforce and there are 'contradictions' among salaried workers, so we'll have to see how many thousands of citizens can be mobilised. And if FG-Lab forms the next government, will supportive trade union leaders 'cool it' so the new government can preside over the awful impact of the Four-Year Plan and things? Will the hundreds of thousands stay quiet then?