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The Daily Sceptic

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#SpanishRevolution comes to Greece: #M25Gr = #GreekRevolution

category international | anti-capitalism | feature author Friday May 27, 2011 13:55author by #GREEKREVOLUTION - M25 Report this post to the editors

featured image
Tahrir comes to Spain
Spain comes to Greece
Where's next?

Yesterday was a beautiful beautiful day and a very very important one. 10 days after the "Spanish Revolution" kicked off peacefully all over Spain, it has been replicated massively in the homeland of Democracy, Greece. Yesterdat, M25, 20,000 people took to the streets and squares all over Greece... 7,000 alone and absolutely peaceful in Constitution square in athens. They have been inspired by Spain and the simple core idea of the movement; That we have had enough, that we are "indignant", we will not take it any more, its time to stand up, take to the streets, occupy squares, create a "true democracy"... and hope that the Spark of peaceful Revoution spreads all over this little planet...

Follow the #GREEKREVOLUTION as it unfolds and spreads...

Real democracy Greece - http://real-democracy.gr/

Instaling Democracy 2.0 █████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 10%

“Peoples of Europe, Rise Up”
In many ways this is almost an echo, a year ago the Greeks hung a massive banner from the Acropolis with a simple message: “Peoples of Europe, Rise Up”. Over the last year we have seen some responses, In October we saw massive strikes in France, we saw the students of London rebel against the harsh cuts being imposed at Christmas and in Spain we saw a general strike on S29, September 29. But none of this seemed to take off quiet as powerfully as that which has unfolded here in Spain over the last 10 days. In recent months we have seen the "Arab Spring", which was a massive inspiration to the "indignant" in Spain; the idea that it IS POSSIBLE to mobilise the masses (especially more so now with social networking tools; facebook, twitter etc...) and to absolutely change things PEACEFULLY. The movement here in Spain continues to grow and grow, and outside too it has sparked in a very quick profound way (650 global events around planet 3 days ago) but this response from Greece is something very very special, because of the size, because this is all about re-questioning, re-examining, re-creating the whole idea that came from Greece so many centuries ago; DEMOCRACY.

We have to remember that Greece has seen massive and very violent protests for a long time, so there was a fear that yesterdays first day of action could lead to the normal stand off between riot police and petrol bomb wielding anarchists, thankfully this did not surface, in fact 1 protestors message in 1 of the papers is that the government can deal with the violence, it doesnt threathen them, but this, this massive peaceful action does, they do not know how exactly to deal with it. So hopefully we will see these numbers growing, taking to the streets and starting to occupy squares to set up little free zones to talk, but also to demonstrate what true democracy looks like; a more direct and participative form as opposed to the once every four years version we see at present, which has failed us and left us in this sorry state of affairs.

S2S - communication is our weapon
Also last night, the second beautiful moment; When we in the occupied square of Placa Catalunya in Barcelona, #acampadaBCN (campsite Barcelona) connected live with the thousands in the square outside the parliament in Athens via live stream (again how great these new tek tools enable us to connect, even on this massive scale; S2S : square to square). After the massive cheers of greetings from each square of defiance and revolution to the other, we had about 5 or 10 minutes of exchange, giving updates on the situations and hoped for plans for where we go from here.

International Reports:

Πάνω από 20.000 «Αγανακτισμένοι» στο Σύνταγμα - ”Ξυπνήσαμε” φώναξαν
Over 20,000 "indignant" shouted "Wake up" in front of the Constitution
Google translation - http://translate.google.es/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=es...93169
Greek STAR.GR media report with vid and many photos (click on image and repeat clicks to view)

The pulse in each case was sensational with the assembled shouting "Hellas, Hellas," Greece, Greeks indignant "and" Bread, Education, Freedom".

It had "fallen" from early Wi-fi in the area (for several hours "fell" and the mobile network) so many to report that it might cut deliberately to avoid contact with the world focused on the internet and send impressions and photos.

In the process, however, said that the slogan was written by Greek students and it was ironic but ... warning meaning that if the Greeks wake up it will toll around the world!

Φωτορεπορτάζ από τους «Αγανακτισμένους» στις επαρχιακές πόλεις -
Photo of the "indignant" in provincial cities
Google translation - http://translate.google.es/translate?hl=es&sl=el&tl=en&...03%2F

Apart from Athens, Syntagma Square where thousands gathered flooding the city center, common slogans and banners, with no trace of violence and partisan coloring, and other provincial cities protesting citizens who are just "angry." all over Greece!

In Thessaloniki, more than 5000-6000 people all ages gathered in front of the symbol of the city, and they demonstrate peacefully uniting the voices of indignation they drown.

And Heraklion (more than 1,000 people), Chania and Rethymno held demonstrations, and especially young people in our country seems to take the baton from the movement of Indignados Spain.

Live stream out from greece was at http://www.star.gr/ELLADA_KOSMOS/93174

VID FROM ATHENS LAST NIGHT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p5yR9Xylcc

Spanish reports:

Los «desesperados» griegos montan la #greekrevolution (ABC)
The "desperate" Greeks mount the #greekrevolution
Con banderas de Grecia y España, se concentran en todo el país contra la corrupción y a favor de una mayor justicia social
With flags of Greece and Spain, they gathered all around the country against corruption and for greater social justice
Google translation - http://translate.google.es/translate?hl=es&sl=es&tl=en&....html

The "angry" Greeks protest at this hour in the Plaza de la Constitution (Sindagma) in Athens, in a peaceful rally organized through Facebook that aims to emulate the call that started in the Puerta del Sol Madrid Greece have been baptized as "desperate" ("aganagtismeni" stronger word "angry") against corruption and for greater social justice. You can see it here live .

Concentrations have been convened in the Plaza of the Constitution in Athens, to the White Tower in Thessaloniki and in the Plaza de San Jorge de Patras. But little by little have been adding more groups in other cities. They all insist that it is spontaneous and peaceful concentrations without signs, without parties, without any tip or organizations.

Miles de griegos protestan contra los recortes frente al Parlamento de Atenas
Al menos 7.000 personas se concentran en la plaza Sintagma contra las medidas de austeridad

The Movement 15-M crosses borders. At least 7,000 people, police said, met on Wednesday in a peaceful manner in Syntagma Square (Constitution) of Athens, in response to a call of "outraged" Greek to protest against government austerity measures, Efe reported . At the rally in front of the Greek Parliament, a banner written in Castilian in the colors of the Spanish flag reads: "We are awake What time is it? It's time to go."

Rage and Responsibility
By Stratos Safioleas

I understand rage. I expect responsibility. I am not here to vent my frustration. I demand a new course.

Αγανάκτηση χωρίς επιθυμία για αλλαγή, δική μας, είναι απλώς εκτόνωση. Δε θέλω εκτόνωση. Θέλω κρίση. Θέλω αυτοκριτική. Θέλω προοπτική. Θέλω σχέδιο. Θέλω εργασία. Θέλω αλλαγή. Από όλους μας. Τώρα.

Tweet during live stream: http://twitter.com/#!/fuspey/status/73480734479892480

#spanishrevolution > #greekrevolution @acampadaBCN has connected live with Athens http://tinyurl.com/3uj37k4 #15m #25mGR #yeswecamp #protest


“Peoples of Europe, Rise Up”
“Peoples of Europe, Rise Up”

S2S - Placa Catalunya connect live with Ahtens
S2S - Placa Catalunya connect live with Ahtens

Caption: Video Id: -p5yR9Xylcc Type: Youtube Video
#SpanishRevolution comes to Greece: #M25Gr = #GreekRevolution

Caption: Video Id: ZvM1y0ptY5k Type: Youtube Video

Caption: Video Id: WNFkeVFgPhU Type: Youtube Video
People will rise against bank bailouts globally

author by Greek in Italypublication date Thu May 26, 2011 13:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

We are not on the streets for the first time in greece since the IMF!!We were not waiting for the spanish and even more we were not waiting for facebook. The people in the general strikes is ten times more and the media don't say a word. The media up to now seem to "love" this harmless almost non political "revolution". Anyway i don't want to be pesimistic or elitist. If this is additional to the other movents-which are very self organised it's ok. but if it's about to replace other actions, then it's dangerous and disorientating for the masses. Some good parts of this particullar struggle are the direct democracy prossess-allthough not any serious decision is taken yet, the isolation of fascists and the presense of people on the streets for the first time. I believe that we anarchists hove to intervene.

Salutations from greece and italy!!

author by Jorgeopublication date Thu May 26, 2011 17:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yeah, It's obviously not the first time, that must be a misunderstanding. Actually, one of Spaniards's example of struggle in order to go out, was the Greek one, so it's kind of contradictory to say it's the first time for Greeks. Anyway, anarchists should be there, as we have been in the Spanish ones.

author by iosafpublication date Fri May 27, 2011 06:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

& not only was a I awoken nice and early by the helicopters but I've now discovered I can't get to work by the usual route. (I live not too far away from placa catalunya).
Last weekend the right wing nationalist party CiU won the municipal elections. They had been in favour of ignoring the camp in Barcelona despite the legal objection of the electoral commission of Spain. Once they won the election and the support for left parties collapsed and even the far right had won councillors for the first time : they let it be known that the square should be cleared by the outgoing mayor in time for fans celebrating the BARCA FC game in Wembley this weekend. The hot potato has finally been touched by the Catalan interior minister (also of CiU) who indeed also wants to levy fines and costs on organisers of protests. This is the biggest eviction / public space clearance police action I've seen in ten years.

I wonder who'll pick up the bill?

author by Dunkpublication date Sat May 28, 2011 11:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Barcelona Camp being evicted now so Barca Football club can celebrate


CALL from #acampadaBCN: Protests with pots and pans (loads of noise) in front of all Spanish embassies of hte world tonight at 21h...

Friends in Barcelona... come in solidarity, all (women and men)... 17h protest from the statue of Colombus, 19h concentration in Placa Catalunya + open assembly, 21h cassolada (pots and pans (loads of noise)

Spanish revolution comes to Ireland
Demonstrations to express solidarity with the Spanish protests will take place in Dublin and Cork on Saturday, 28th May.
http://www.indymedia.ie/article/99889 + http://www.indymedia.ie/article/99881

Taking the Arab revolts as their inspiration the peaceful demonstrations have a distinctive grassroots feel and have been organised via social networking and word-of-mouth.

Our rules for the protest are 4 simple ones:
1. No Political Parties Bans
2. No Flags
3. No alcohol/Drug Use
4. No Violence

PLANNED ACTION: individuals to withdraw 155 euro from their bank account on 30 May 2011


indignados Spain Indignats | Desallotjament de la Plaça Catalunya

3.000 'indignados' recuperan plaza Cataluña : the glorious RE-TAKE OF THE SQUARE

catalan cops came, beat, left and made the momement even stronger and gave international attention to M15
catalan cops came, beat, left and made the momement even stronger and gave international attention to M15

We are stronger than their violence, WE ARE EVERYWHERE, WE ARE WINNING
We are stronger than their violence, WE ARE EVERYWHERE, WE ARE WINNING

Caption: Video Id: WqXHOe7FrL8 Type: Youtube Video
Desallotjament de la Plaça Catalunya - VIOLENT eviction of square

Caption: Video Id: D_QsnWfctRQ Type: Youtube Video
the glorious RE-TAKE OF THE SQUARE

author by M-15publication date Sat May 28, 2011 11:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Placa Catalunya was filled full last night, also all the side streets were car free revolutionary occupation zones, thanks to the cop violence, the movement has grown massivly here. heres photo from catalunyas Vanguardia newspaper:

La actuación policial de esta mañana crea un efecto llamada que dispara la asistencia en plaza Catalunya

fuller reports - M27- The Glorious re-taking of the square: Some reports on yesterday in Barcelona:

vid - 27/05/2011 Los Mossos cargan contra los 'Indignados' de la Plaza Cataluña ( Barcelona ) 15-M

AcampadaBCN 27M Desalojo Mossos

Placa Catalunya was filled full last night after cop violence
Placa Catalunya was filled full last night after cop violence

Caption: Video Id: 1l-n9reQpIE Type: Youtube Video
Los Mossos cargan contra los

Caption: Video Id: 12w0gbtZu2E Type: Youtube Video
AcampadaBCN 27M Desalojo Mossos

author by M27publication date Sat May 28, 2011 15:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Someone ought write a book on the politics of indignation explaining how it brings the mass somewhere better than anger.

.................................coz revolutions only happen if people are desperate or the middle class loses not only its aspiration for its offspring but the welfare of its elderly.

This young sweet utopian breathless squelling naïve generation without work & prospects is the first in post war Europe to face a future less splendid on the consumer durable front than its parents whilst also having to think about its grand-parents and their Alzheimers and paliative care

................... we do all know where we are going with this, dont we?

se tocan las narices? = a spanish saying literally means got you by the nostrils used to express utter indignation.
se tocan las narices? = a spanish saying literally means got you by the nostrils used to express utter indignation.

author by Anti-Teruelpublication date Sat May 28, 2011 16:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There have been scandals on Facebook, most recently an IDF soldier used it for her tourist postcards:

Here's Ferran Teruel , doing the same thing:


yep admitting he gets off on brutalisation and telling all his mateys.



Related Link: http://www.storyful.com/stories/1000003889-protesters-defiant-as-police-move-on-barcelona-square
author by garpublication date Sat May 28, 2011 17:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Demonstrations against IMF today in Athens

Caption: Video Id: AfpHwKmmgoQ Type: Youtube Video
Demonstrations against IMF today in Athens

Related Link: http://garizo.blogspot.com/2011/05/28-2011.html
author by #acampadaBCNpublication date Sat May 28, 2011 19:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

cops fired rubber bullets, heres vid of one such brave policeman...

The level of indigantion shot up due to this unprecedented violence from the spanish state, we even had a member of CIU (catalan right wind nationalist) on the main stage expressing his indignation at what happened, see vid 2 for the response of solidarity from Madrid: #spanishrevolution - Todos somos BCN (We are all Barcelona)

Los Invencibles de la plaza Cataluña 27/05/2011

Hagamos juntos algo nuevo - #spanishrevolution - Todos somos BCN

 Los Invencibles de la plaza Cataluña (the invincibles of Catalunya) shot and battered, but not standing down
Los Invencibles de la plaza Cataluña (the invincibles of Catalunya) shot and battered, but not standing down

Caption: Video Id: fiW-NesA-YM Type: Youtube Video
Los Invencibles de la plaza Cataluña

Caption: Video Id: YaV3eKVK18c Type: Youtube Video
#spanishrevolution - Todos somos BCN

author by dunkpublication date Sun May 29, 2011 23:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Why are the Irish not more like Spain’s Indignados?

Peripherals Revolt: Spanish Square Occupation Movement Challenges Austerity and Worthless Elections


Spanish "Real Democracy Now" protest - Dublin -21 and 28 May 2011

Democracia Real Ya Dublin Protestas

29 May Protest dublin!

Upcoming Dublin events:

3rd meeting true democracy now Dublin.
31 May · 19:00 - 22:00
Seomra Spraoi, 10 Belvedere Court.

the recent cork events

True Democracy Now #Cork rising up!
28 May · 14:00 - 18:00

True Democracy Now Demonstration and Assembly in Cork
29 May · 18:00 - 21:00

Another #IrishRevoulution action in Dublin this weekend
Another #IrishRevoulution action in Dublin this weekend

author by iosafpublication date Mon May 30, 2011 10:21author address Barcelona Cataloniaauthor phone Report this post to the editors

I write this comment as "devil's advocate" to explain some reasons and highlight certain factors which I think are vital.

* The chronology of the Spanish Revolution most visibly began with marches on May15 (M15). These resulted from cyber call outs and even facebook. A call to "reclaim the street" pacifically & declare that people "were not merchandise" nor were they to be ruled by "bankers" appealed to youth population who in the Spanish state average 52% unemployment. No other EU state has such high youth unemployment.

*The M15 march ended at Madrid's central square and on that balmy warm night several people decided to camp over.

*The Spanish municipal elections were in full campaign and all but 4 of Spain's regional governments were up for election too.

*the PSOE ruling party of Zapatero attempted to show sympathy with the protesters but minister Jose Blanco was rejected. The PSOE as a "New Labour" party naturally thought the protesters were its natural grass root base. If these people didn't vote for PSOE they would most likely vote for the further left post-marxist IU.

*the Spanish right wing party PP who control Madrid city council and Madrid's regional government decided to take a laissez fair attitude to the protests both seeing them as a useful political tool to increase their vote and also slightly wary as the protest spread : to Barcelona.

*In Barcelona a unpopular socialist mayor (of the PSOE local party) was about to see the uninterrupted control of city hall pass to the rightwing nationalist CiU. The candidate for CiU cannily requested that young people be "listened to" and thus the municipal laws not be used to evict them.

*good warm weather continued.

*the election resuts are known to all : the PSOE lost. they lost badly. the PP came back with a vengance. the far-right entered 67 council seats in Catalonia - the "left post marxists" lost.

*At that point focus moved from Madrid to Barcelona - the incoming CiU mayor changing his tune and requesting that the camp be cleared in time for his inauguration at most or the champion's league celebration at least. His fellow party member the CiU minister of the interior sent in the notorious police operation of last Friday.

*As a result of the elections, the leadership struggle for the PSOE reached a new level with the PSOE party fracturing completely. Zapatero had announced he will not run after the general elections in 2012 : the newspapers of Spain since Thursday have not led with coverage of the camps but of the split in PSOE as Carmen Chacon the female minister of defence and grand-daughter of an anarchist guerilla, who won international "respect" for taking up her job whilst pregnant ..... bowed out when political manouvred by the regional PSOE president of the Basque.................... For in the Basque council elections something extraordinary had occured : Bildu the electoral coalition of abertzale independence (batasuna) and pacifist far left groups had won a landslide becoming the second most voted party in the Basque and likely to take control of key cities............. Thus the PSOE is to be handed over to the leadership of Rubalcaba, that old wiley horse who currently fudges constitutionalism as both minister of the interior (destroying ETA) and vice-president.

There is at present no comparative macro-political situation in any other European state which allows such camps to be "blind-eyed".

2nd set of points ought also be considered and weighed :-

The demands of those on the camps. & let me stress again the weather and climate which certainly doesn't discourage people to spend nights of let's be frank - "poor quality sleep".

** Spanish politics operates a party list electoral system. The protesters are opposed to a system of democracy which at present influences no other EU state.

** The demand for an end to party political funding - the Spanish democratic system operates a system which though simliar to some other EU states has not been used to illegalise or penalise political viewpoints (Such as basque independence)

** the maximum wage idea naturally appeals and ought be explored by all workers everywhere.... but the directors of Spain's banks such as Santander and BBVA have to much publicity earned the largest bonuses and indeed Santander is the richest bank in the EU.

I hope this background and these thoughts are useful

how far can this revolution go when the road surface is changed (& not "Spanish")
how far can this revolution go when the road surface is changed (& not "Spanish")

Barcelona assembly votes to continue on site until confidence in diffusion to "Barrios" (Neighbourhoods) is felt.
Barcelona assembly votes to continue on site until confidence in diffusion to "Barrios" (Neighbourhoods) is felt.

author by iosafpublication date Mon May 30, 2011 11:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Last night several thousand indignant Greek people gathered on Athens despite enjoying a poor public transport system more than offset by fine balmy hot weather & replicated Spanish Revolution by being alltogether pacifist and indignant & banging pots and pans. Greek authorities seem to be delighted that Greek young people can be something other than the usual angry so directed their green uniformed plod to stay indoors for the Sunday night.

Meanwhile in slightly damp overcast Paris with night temperatures at 12ºC, a few hundred indignant people got baton charged by French plod.

Back home (For Dunk & I and indeed the whole "#_____(put your local place here)_____ revolution" The chief of Catalan police (who dragged people across the pavement by the nostrils on Friday has claimed that his boys in Kevlar® gave "self-defence" advice to the indignants on Saturday night as they kicked the shite out of the angry people celebrating BCN football victory ( c/f http://www.indymedia.ie/article/99883?comment_limit=0&c...80988 ) Which is quite dandy of him and I note he gave his interview to the Catalan nationalist ruling party CiU's newspaper http://www.ara.cat/societat/Barca-passara-Catalunya-coi....html which confirms my suspicions that the angry people were indeed those Catalan republicans and outright independence heads who knowing their parties have been wiped out at the last council elections are feeling more "patriotically angry" than "economically indignant". Thankfully then post-Lord Byron Athens is a place where such patriotism is not a factor in what our commercial press love to term auserity protests ......don't you love the word austerity? Oh yes. I'll have some austerity measures and the hot candle wax please.

I invite people to read my last comment on this thread which is a devil's advocate mini-critique of factors so far not being widely highlighted on the nature of "Spanish Revolution" and even why it's current focus is not Spanish Madrid but _____ Barcelona.

greek protesters trying out the indignant model of things instead of their usual angry stuff.
greek protesters trying out the indignant model of things instead of their usual angry stuff.

author by Dunkpublication date Tue May 31, 2011 07:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

100,000 ‘indignants’ march on Parliament in Athens (by Jérôme E. Roos on May 30, 2011)

While the international press looks the other way, unprecedented pro-democracy protests in Greece will be going into their 7th day tomorrow.

We keep repeating it, but it’s honestly unbelievable how little attention the international media are paying to something as huge as what’s happening in Spain and Greece right now.

Just yesterday, on the 5th day of a Spanish-style uprising, a record 100,000 Greeks marched on Parliament to protest against EU-IMF austerity measures and demand real democracy now.

While the international media looks the other way, Europe’s largest popular uprising since 1989 is unfolding in Athens right now.

Vid: Athens, May 25 2011

100,000 ‘indignants’ march on Parliament in Athens - unprecedented pro-democracy protests in Greece will be going into their 7th day tomorrow.
100,000 ‘indignants’ march on Parliament in Athens - unprecedented pro-democracy protests in Greece will be going into their 7th day tomorrow.

Caption: Video Id: 24261500 Type: Vimeo
unprecedented pro-democracy protests in Greece will be going into their 7th day tomorrow.

author by iosafpublication date Wed Jun 01, 2011 16:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Both the central Spanish state government & the regional Catalan generalitat have begun the PR process which shall see them evict the camps in the last 24 hours through commercial media & in the case of the Catalan government through the Catalan president's "Q&A" session in the parliament.

It is now time to "back to barrio" (neighbourhoods) in concerted preparation for the world day of "Democracia Real"(=Real Democracy) : October 15th.

I was impressed that yesterday's torrential rain here did not wash away the camp on Catalonia Square. The assembly to vote on continuation or abandonment merely being postponed to this evening. Many Irish readers might not understand what torrential rain actually means. We grow up with rain and our languages (Gaeilge or English) are filled with beautiful ways to differentiate the many kinds of precipitation we are accustomed to. But the mediterranean coast gets "torrential rain". In a few hours the average summer monthly rainfall for Ireland falls and in a city such as Barcelona which is situated between mountains and the sea, that mass of water flows in torrents whislt beyond in the countryside dry river beds (or torrents) are filled with silt laden water. 2 of those natural torrents were converted in the last two centuries into long avenues which lead into Catalonia Square which is itself on an incline. I have skidded off my bike crossing that square's marble (or formica) surface many a time & approach it now with utmost caution. Indeed, for one raised on classical latin & greek texts of military campaigns - Catalonia Square is a very poor place to pitch a tent. Yet all the same the throng sat it out & more than few risked colds and pneumonia.

Meanwhile the "return to Barrio" does appear to be working. I can only speak for my own for the noise protest at 21h00 on Monday night. But what began with pots and pans being banged in the flats on my street then turned into drums (& my piano) being bashed by 21h15 and by 21h30 many of us had left our homes and gathered down on our local square. We were of all ages and I know that a few hundred metres away in the next square this coming together in noise and out the door in mass had occured too. [ & let us not contain this movement by thinking it is only of the young - nor only of the indignant - many of us are well angry & long in the tooth but fond of our creature comforts and warm beds : indeed many of us know that this revolution needs indignance and anger in equal measure.]

Yesterday & Today in Barcelona I saw small focussed pacifist "indignant" protests (at mainstream trade union offices, French consulate, interior ministry, private university rectorships & banks) which if repeated everyday will stretch the resources of the police.

The Barcelona city policeman who blogged so horribly about beating the unemployed has been suspended

The CiU Catalan nationalist party of the right & business now wishes to use the violence of last Friday's failed eviction to pander even more to one of its favourite lobbies. They are to equip their riot police with cameras.... so they can counter "media manipulation" such as ours.... for that photo which I and many others have been repeating of cops wielding a baton against a wheelchair bound protester are...... misleading ..... they were about to batter the shite out of the uppities behind him.... the uppities sheltering behind him.....so he needn't have been scared.

As we have seen French revolution evicted before it could consolidate & we see Greek revolution exceed expectations - so too must we consider that Madrid & Barcelona revolution are entering a new phase which might indeed be easier to replicate in other EU states such as Ireland.

& we can not forget that the Arab Spring is turning into a bloody Arab Summer

.................If I may be so bold................

the end of Iberian camp revolution is approaching - but as I've written before the most interesting parts of any temporary autonomous space are the conjunt of their birth and end. These camps have now passed through a stage equivalent to that moment when a prolongwed protest fast becomes a hunger strike. They will move again & harder against the camps should the camps stay.

I daresay m-a-r-t-y-r-d-o-m might just help fill the public space left by indignation with anger.

& if our neighbourhoods and floating pacifist protests remain indignant....

then a little anger just might be called for.

The Greek Revolution has now beyond doubt dwarfed the mass assemblies and concentrations

Perhaps the Greeks are better at this than the Iberians..... hmmmm.... ¿time to get angry again?
Perhaps the Greeks are better at this than the Iberians..... hmmmm.... ¿time to get angry again?

author by iosaf = o as ifpublication date Fri Jun 03, 2011 00:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Now that kind of "coup d'etat" or "putsch" (as it is in German) would not be on account of cucumbers, e-coli or indignation - would it?
Nor would it have any bearing on the traditional loathing of the Turk for the Greek or the recent non-solidarity Euro-attitude of the German.
Likewise it need not be considered along with the unfathomable and irrational increase in the value of the US dollar and trading in US bonds which the current Greek government's attempt to blaa blaa about haggling for the special services of austerity measures & hot candle wax have seemingly coincided with...................

Yes the #Spanish Revolution continues in Greece.

& yep - it's continuing in the Spanish state too.

¿aren't we all delighted & inspired?

Not a one of us put off our revolutionary zeal and internet social networking & cyber footprint profile by the hint of a good old fashioned fascist put us up against the wall or electrode our gonads without the comfort of a backrub coup d'etat and twist in the tale of Europe's history.


Today I made the effort to visit camps and protests on the periphery of Barcelona's central square's camp. I went out to a small neighbouring county's town whose assembly wish to bring in a 15km radius catchment of other small towns and organise daily noise protests, info drops, discussions & meals.

They aren't going to chance pitching tents.

Their nearest city isn't Barcelona but rather the mostly ignored city of Hospitalet. The un-funky predominantly working class city which forms part of the "urban sprawl and conurbation" understood by most foreigners like you dear & esteemed reader as "Barcelona" which is indeed home to 3.7 million people................. that's most of the Eire state within 55 minutes commute on public transport.

I left Martorell's fresh camp to visit "district 4" of Hospitallet which is technically the most densely populated urban area in Europe.

That's where the neo-nazis got elected forthe first time in the last muncipal elections.

I didn't see any of our indignation or angry revolution.

but I did see a lot of wallpaper paste hate posters.

source for this latest CIA psy-op coup d'etat shite :
The Germans and their cucumber bollox credibility
The Turks and their whatever it is they have viz-a-vizar the Greeks

German Hun press bounces CIA bollox that Greek army might launch coup d'etat with e-coli cucumbers.
German Hun press bounces CIA bollox that Greek army might launch coup d'etat with e-coli cucumbers.

author by iosafpublication date Fri Jun 03, 2011 20:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

..........their press statement (very proactive which is a shift from passive aggressive sulky).............."From dawn today forces of PAME [All-Workers Militant Front] have symbolically occupied the finance ministry, calling on workers to rise, organize their struggle and prevent the government's barbarous and anti-popular measures from passing," the front said, AFP reported. Angry citizens in the country have now, for a tenth consecutive day, held anti-government demonstrations against the austerity measures. Protesters have set up a camp in the central square of the capital, in a move modeled after the Spanish M-15 movement and the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. The new bailout plan will mean harsher austerity measures, as it is aimed at reducing the 2011 budget deficit by EUR 6.5 billion. PAME said the new plan would “turn workers into slaves.”

proactive Greeks occupy Finance ministry and call general strike & use the word "angry" but don't get "angry"
proactive Greeks occupy Finance ministry and call general strike & use the word "angry" but don't get "angry"

author by iosafpublication date Wed Jun 08, 2011 19:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As such they are bouncing the #greek revolution which bounced from #spanish revolution & interestingly we see a secular M15 movement begin in an ostensibly muslim state which despite its aspirations to be a member EU state has never been considered an arabic one.


¿did you know there are 40 million fked young workers in Turkey ?

Turkish indignants set up camp on Taksim square in Istanbul ahead of elections & repeat the formula.
Turkish indignants set up camp on Taksim square in Istanbul ahead of elections & repeat the formula.

Related Link: http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internacional/indignados/turcos/movilizan/dias/elecciones/generales/elpepuint/20110608elpepuint_8/Tes
author by Dunkpublication date Wed Jun 08, 2011 21:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

At 8.40 this evening more than a thousand people gathered outside the main congress building in madrid, shouts of "huelga general" (general strike)

reports, both with vids
- http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2011/06/08/espana/1307554....html
- http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2011/06/08/actualid....html

follow on TWITTER #15frentealcongreso

Watch stream - http://www.livestream.com/spanishrevolutionsol

author by iosafpublication date Fri Jun 10, 2011 16:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The camp which had been outside the Valencian regional government was stormed by Spanish national police yesterday as the newly elected Valencian regional government (PP again) took power.
The ceann chomhairle (love that word) of the Valencian parliament placed his personal crucifix (he's a noted Opus Dei head) on the table by the constitution as the new cabinet & deputies swore their oaths. 10 of the new members of the Valencian government are currently facing charges and investigation for corruption.

Meanwhile the Syrian contigent is arriving in Istanbul. Which is really getting interesting.

speaks for itself really
speaks for itself really

author by Dunkpublication date Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

(this letter appears as a NOTE on Facebook, therefor, I think, it is not fully available to all online, therefor I post in full here, assume ye at imc-ie will understand)

News from the streets in Greece: Hello friends, I am writing to you as we are experiencing huge demonstrations all over Greece on daily basis for the past week. After our entrance to the IMF, a year or so later people have had enough. There are daily demonstrations happening in over 60 cities around Greece. Everywhere. In Athens yesterday some 200,000 people surrounded the parliament chanting "Thieves, thieves, thieves" and calling politicians names. They brought rope and hang a dummy representing a politician. Women, children, young, old, from all walks of life have come out with metal pans. The movement is called "The outraged" and there is a web site and a face book blog created where people are joining and are exchanging ideas and organizing. The movement is calling for direct democracy, for the IMF loan not to be payed off, for the corrupt politicians to go to jail, for change in the constitution and for the government to step down. They also are saying they want out of the euro and to go back to our own currency, the drachma. People are starting to take their money out of the bank, effectively creating a "bank run" saying that if the government doesn't default on the IMF loan they will collapse the banking system. There is a call for people to start taking 100-200 euros each day out of their bank account until the government decides to default on the IMF loan, or go bankrupt. Which ever comes first. There are assemblies happening each night on squares around the cities where people are getting together and talking about a new system using direct democracy. They don't want any political parties and when they see anyone with a flag or a sign from a political party trying to approach the demonstration or to come to the assemblies they turn them away, asking them to come back without any political signage or affiliation. So far the demonstrations have been very peaceful. The movement has created a security group to police the demonstrations, so no provocateurs can infiltrate and cause problems. There are people camping outside of the parliament 24/7, there are teams created to feed people and teams created for legal support, medical support etc. So far the people are learning how to self organize and the movement is growing at the speed of light. Just yesterday on the Athens face book there where 90000 people, today there are more than 110000. People are massively calling TV stations and making their web sites to go down because they are not covering the uprising and/or are misinforming people. Last night the politicians had to escape from the back entrance of the parliament, at night, through the park where security took them with flash lights because the people had blocked the front entrance. The outpouring of the people was so large, estimated at 200,000 that even the cops were not able to hold them back. There is no stopping us now. Everyone is talking about change. People who never even talked about politics, are now coming out in an outcry for direct democracy. The government is scared and they don't know what to do. The prime minister has not appeared in days anywhere and has not made any comments. It is becoming known now that the IMF deal is a big scandal. The agreement has been liked and is online and many constitutional lawyers are going to the streets to inform people of what has really happened. They have forced on us terms that are illegal even under International or European law. They are not allowing us to go to elections. The IMF agreement states that the Greek state cannot go to a Greek court to challenge the agreement and it cannot sale its debt in order to pay it back. We have to go to European courts (from 10-15 different European nations who are the creditors of the loan) and challenge the legality of the loan in each court individually. They, on the other hand, can sale the loan to another country. They have asked that all political parties in Greece accept the IMF and EU loan as legal and that all political parties sign it, or else we will not get the next payment. That is why they refuse to allow us to go to elections. How can they stop us from having elections in our own country? Well it is a term written in the loan agreement. Yet it is illegal and there is no court in Europe or International that can uphold such term. But our stupid sold out government has no guts. Our system is parliamentarian, so we have a President of Democracy, who is basically a person voted by all political parties in parliament, and serves as a check and balance in our political system. If he resigns the government gets dissolved as per our constitution. In the past week he has refused to sign anything that has been voted from the Greek parliament and the Government. We hope that he will do what is right and resign. If he doesn't sign an agreement or a law that gets passed in parliament, it doesn't come to effect. Well, there are tons of things happening. It is crazy how people, especially the youth, has mobilized. Even the church is starting to come out for the protesters, although probably a political move to gain sympathy and approval from the people. I will write again soon with updates, there are a lot of things happening and I cannot even begin to start elaborating on them. This same movement is also going on in Portugal for the past 3 weeks, in Spain for the past 2 weeks, and in Greece for a week now. It is spreading now in France, Italy, England and other countries. Last Sunday it happened all across Europe in dozens of European cities. Millions of people came out on the streets and is now been organized for the entire Europe. This coming Sunday there will be a huge protest outside of the Greek parliament where protesters will come from all over Greece. Look for the government to possibly come out or escape via helicopters, like in Argentina. OUT OF THE IMF, EURO AND THE EU NOW. DIRECT DEMOCRACY NOW!!! lots of love and peace

original letter found at http://www.facebook.com/notes/leticia-ortega/letter-fro...52138

keep updated on stories from Greece, Via OCCUPIED LONDON, ie:

#613 | Democracy is born in the squares

author by iosafpublication date Wed Jun 15, 2011 13:30author address barcelona cataloniaauthor phone Report this post to the editors

Coz today the Greek parliament debates its "austerity" whilst over where I live (one km down the road) the Catalan indignants have attempted to prevent the Catalan parliament meeting to vote on our local "austerity". But they got flown in on helicopters (the important ones) whereas the unimportant ones (the opposition) got brought in riot vans. Oh it's dandy.

Meanwhile for those who missed it : the Spanish national police website was taken down by "anonymous" my last posting (kind of demonstrating that they had no in fact disarticulated the ring as they had claimed) and then the Turkish police claimed to have disarticulated their "anonymous ring" with several arrests a day later.

So key words and trend topics :

............... indignant..................austerity.................anonymous...............parliament....................berserk bloodlust plod.................revolution

"no pasaran"....well they will if they're in helicopters.
"no pasaran"....well they will if they're in helicopters.

author by Take the squarepublication date Sun Jun 19, 2011 15:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

@takethesquare Take the square

Time for #globalrevolution is here :-) ... today #19jun is our first movilization day, but it will not be the only one

@takethesquare Tweet at http://tinyurl.com/65hggke

vid - Join the #SpanishRevolution
Spanish Revolution

J19: Where and when!
View all links to all events at http://takethesquare.wordpress.com/where-and-when/

- Buenos Aires. Avenida Figueroa Alcorta 3102, CABA 13:00

- Vienna. Rathaus 19:00
- Graz. Hauptplatz Graz 18:00

- Bruxelles. Place Flagey 14h place Flagey pour se diriger vers la place du Luxembourg
- Liège. 14h30 de l’esplanade St Léonard. Assemblée Populaire : 17h place St Lambert

- Belém-Pará. We go to #TakeTheSquare Waldemar henrique, 19/6 – 14:00

- Montreal. Parc du Portugal. Saint Laurent/Marie Anne. 13:00

- Bogotá. Spanish Embassy calle 92 con cra 12 – 12:00

Costa Rica:
- San José. Parque CENTRAL, 11 a.m

Czech Republi:
- Praha. Španělská ambasáda (+ pochod na Můstek) Badeniho 4. 16:00

- Copenhagen. City hall Square. Rådhuspladsen (København)19:00

- Quito. Plaza Grande. 10:00

Paris : 11h départ métro Jussieu
Annecy : 18h30, Parc Paquier
Angers : 12h30, Pique-nique puis rassemblement Place du Ralliement
Angoulême: à 18h à la place du champ de Mars
Arles : 19h, Place de la République
Avignon : 18h place Pie
Bordeaux : 19h Place de la Bourse
Bruxelles ( Belgium ) : 14h départ de la Place Flagey
Caen : 11h, Pique-Nique des indignés Place Saint Pierre
Charleville-Mézières : 11h30 place Ducale : pique-nique citoyen
Chartres : 19, place des Epars
Douarnenez : 12h, Pique-nique citoyen aux Plomarchs
Genève (suisse) : 11h00 parc des Bastions
Grenoble : 19h, Place Victor Hugo
Lannion : 10h, Marché Rive Gauche
Lille : 12h, Picnic suivi d’une manifestation Place Richebé
Lyon : voir cette page
Orléans : 16h, Place du Martroi
Marseille : 13h Rond point de David
Metz : 17h place St Louis
Monaco : 14h, place royale de la liberté
Montpellier : 14H place de la Comédie
Nantes : 18:30 Place Royale
Namur ( Belgium ) : 13h00 départ pour Bruxelles Place Flagey
Nimes : à partir de 10h Maison Carrée
Nyons : 18.30 hrs place des arcades
Pau : 18h place Clemenceau
Perpignan : 14h, Place de la Victoire
Poitiers : 19h, Assemblée Générale Place du marché
Puy-en-Velay : 11h, Pique-nique Place du Breuil
Rennes : 16h, Place de la mairie
Saintes Charente-maritime : 17h place Bassompierre
Saint-Etienne : 14h00 place de l’hotel de Ville
Saint Pierre (Réunion) : 14h sur la place devant le Casino, au front de mer.
Toulouse : Place du Capitole à midi !
Valence : 17h, Place de la Liberté

- Berlin.. Bundeskanzleramt. Willy-Brandt-Straße 1. 17:00
- Munich. Karlsplatz Stachus 17:00
- Düsseldorf. Burgplatz 14:00
- Leipzig. 13:00 Augustusplatz,
- Frankfurt, Willy-Brandt platz 19:00. (European Central Bank)
- Stuttgart : Schlossplatz at 18:00pm

- Athens. Syntagma Square

- Reykjavík. Ingólfstorgi 14:00

- Dublin. The Spire, the Monument of Light. O’Connell Street. 16:00.
- Cork. Grand Parade
- Galway. Spanish Arch, Galway 16:00
- Limerick. Ireland O´connell Street (where Pennys is) 16:00

- Roma. Piazza San Giovanni sotto la statua di san francesco. 18:00
- Perugia: Piazza IV Novembre – 18:00
- Cagliari: Piazza Garibaldi – 18:00
- Milan. Piazza Mercanti 18:00
- Firenze. Piazza della signoria (Firenze) 18:30
- Bologna.

- Tokio. Parque de Yoyogi, al lado de la estación de Harajuku, en la zona de los Elvis. 17:00

- Lëtzebuerg. Place d’Armes 18:00

- Mexico DF. Embajada de España. Galileo, 114 (esq. Horacio) Colonia Polanco, a dos cuadras del Metro Polanco 12:00

- Amsterdam. Dam Square 18:00
- Groningen: De Grote Markt – 18:00

- Granada: Parque Central – 12:00

- Oslo. Youngstorget 18:00

- Ciudad de Panamá.. Parque Legislativo. 12:00

- Lima. En el Boulevar Saenz Peña de Barranco, a partir de las 11 a.m. horas

- Kraków. 18:00 Sw. Marii Magdaleny
- Varsovia. Monumento Copernico,

- Lisbon 16:00 from Cinema S. Jorge (Av. Liberdade) to Rossio (the original camp square)
- Coimbra. 16:00 Praça 8 de Maio (idem)
- Oporto. 16:00, Praça da Ribeira (once they camp on Av. dos Aliados)
- Aveiro. Praça Melo Freitas 19:00

- Bucuresti. Piata Universitatii 18:00
- Cluj-Napoca. Cluj-Bulevardul Eroilor(in jurul monumentului) 18:00
- Timisoara. Piata Operei 18:00

- Belgrade. Studenski trg 12:00

- Bratislava. Námestie SNP 18:00
- Kosice. Hlavná ulica, Námestie slobody 18:00
- Martin. Od Slovenského komorného divadla až na Memorandove námestie a naspäť 18:00

Everywhere.... Ya!!!

- Stockholm. Sergels Torg 13:00

- Bern.stairs behind the Landesmuseum at 13.00
- Geneve.Parc des Bastions 11:00

- Istanbul. Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey 19:00

United Kingdom:
- London. Trafalgar Square 18:00
- Manchester. Piccadilly Garden 12:00

- Boston. In front of the stairs of the Public Library of Boston (Copley Sq)
- New York. City hall (in front of Brookling Bridge) 11h-13h

Time for #globalrevolution is here :-) ... today #19jun is our first movilization day, but it will not be the only one
Time for #globalrevolution is here :-) ... today #19jun is our first movilization day, but it will not be the only one

Take the square - J19: Where and when! (many many of the worlds countries)
Take the square - J19: Where and when! (many many of the worlds countries)

Caption: Video Id: x2xuSHdjZ00 Type: Youtube Video
Join the #SpanishRevolution

Caption: Video Id: bRBbI257cOQ Type: Youtube Video
Spanish Revolution

author by iosafpublication date Mon Jun 20, 2011 13:57author address barcelona cataloniaauthor phone Report this post to the editors

I've never been into the attendance estimate quibling thing that goes one, with states and plod underestimating events they intend on ignoring and organisers overestimating their turnout and commercial media choosing an nice round number somewhere between low or high average.
But I am good at soft maths & I know exactly how long it takes to walk at quick trot or lazy amble between Plaza Catalunya and the Park where our parliament is because it's my neighbourhood. It took 3hrs and 45 minutes for the final group of happy J19 marchers to reach the destination. At 7pm, 2 hours in, I took the photo above and by then had no problem estimating 125,000. The organisers claim 275,000 total. I have not much issue with 200,000approx. The sympathetic commercial press say 100,000 the Catalan statelet 50,000.

The atmosphere was one of carnival and good natured cross-age, multi-cultural, diverse working people and those on the margins of our society whose continued healthcare depends on our ruling class cutting something else instead of the progress we have made globally in the last century.

I think it was a great success. An awful lot of people looked around themselves and knew - we're walking up that hill .

Yet again we encourage ye to watch this video which is in English & is meant to inspire & explain & encourage. & you know you can turn down the music and just read the subtitles if the song doesn't grab you. Just coz we are now singing from the same hymnsheet doesn't mean we're into the same anthems.

This system is unsustainable = We are going to win : what we win depends on how we meet now & walk together up that hill

old king ramon at Barcelona's roman walls calls on Europe's serfs to rise up.
old king ramon at Barcelona's roman walls calls on Europe's serfs to rise up.

Caption: Video Id: bRBbI257cOQ Type: Youtube Video
even if Ireland is at her first steps - unarguably now #spanishrevolution is a mass movement & going global

author by Vpublication date Tue Jun 21, 2011 07:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Si luchas puedes perder, si no luchas estás perdido

If you struggle you might loose, but if you dont struggle you are lost.

vid: 19J: El día en el que el 15M abrió los ojos del Mundo
19J the day that 15M opened the eyes of the world

Caption: Video Id: 25363599 Type: Vimeo
19J the day that 15M opened the eyes of the world

author by #acampadaBCNpublication date Tue Jun 21, 2011 07:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A word of Thanks from acampadaBCN: Gràcies a totes i tots! El carrer és nostre! (Thanks to all women and men! The street is ours! )

Thanks to everyone that came yesterday to the protest from the neighborhoods, towns and cities of all Catalonia, and to those that where supporting us from their home and through social media. The estimated participations is above 200.000 pax :)

vid from day: 19J - No pagarem la seva crisi (19J - We will not pay for their crisis)

Why do we need a #EuropeanRevolution
(Article by Jérôme E. Roos, first published at http://roarmag.org/2011/06/spanish-greek-european-revol...tion/ )

Blaming bankers and politicians is not enough. To solve the crisis, radical change will be needed at the European level.

The mass protests currently sweeping through Europe are truly unprecedented and historical both in their creative and non-violent character and in their immense geographical spread. The oncoming exacerbation of the eurozone debt crisis — Paul Krugman yesterday warned that meltdown is imminent and that it’s “time to panic” — will only serve as fuel on the fire of this budding European protest movement.

Yet however inspiring this continental quest for real democracy is, it’s also worrisome to consider its possible fate. Yes, we have plenty of revolutionaries now, and yes, for the first time in decades we have a genuinely revolutionary movement here in Europe. Yet we have no revolution, and at this pace, we won’t have one anytime soon.

The streets are ours - We will not pay for their crisis : 1/4 million INDIGNADOS take the streets of Barcelona
The streets are ours - We will not pay for their crisis : 1/4 million INDIGNADOS take the streets of Barcelona

Caption: Video Id: 25341964 Type: Vimeo
19J - We will not pay for their crisis (streets of Barcelona)

author by Guardian viewerpublication date Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Spain gets angry: 'The people united will never be defeated' - (video 7 min 26 secs)

Thousands of people united by the M15 movement – which came together using social media – took to the streets of Madrid on Sunday to voice their disgust at Spain's economic crisis. Cristina López, who took her daughter Naima, fireman Jorge Couceiro and journalist Sofia de Roa explain why they participated


GUARDIAN VID: Spain gets angry: 'The people united will never be defeated'
GUARDIAN VID: Spain gets angry: 'The people united will never be defeated'

Cristina López: I want a REAL democracy, in which we could participate.
Cristina López: I want a REAL democracy, in which we could participate.

author by We are all Greecepublication date Sun Jul 03, 2011 14:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Protesters in Greece after the government voted through further austerity cuts: THIS IS WAR

Excellent article published in the guardian:

The Greek authorities try to terrorise, but they are terrified

Greek people are currently in an open and real war with a monster that in ancient mythology was known as the Lernaean Hydra. Today, the monster is called neoliberalism. Unfortunately, for us, not only has it many heads, but many long hands as well ... and unfortunately for us is not a myth but a reality.

My personal experience of this week's riots in the streets of Athens was this: after we were sprayed with hundreds of chemicals in Syntagma Square, we were pushed away towards the surrounding streets. Everywhere we went, we immediately found ourselves surrounded by heavily armoured members of the police's Delta force, who tried to scare us by pointing fingers, throwing stones and shouting abuse. A friend got injured by a stone thrown at his head. Just a few more millimetres, and the stone might well have killed him.


Greek journalist: police in Syntagma “flirted with death”

A famous Greek documentary-maker, Yorgos Avgeropoulos, describes the savage onslaught against peaceful protesters by Greek police during this week’s 48-hour strike.

I have covered conflicts of protesters and police in various places around the world outside Greece, such as in Argentina, Italy, Bolivia, and Mexico. Especially in Mexico, the police, as many know, are considered savage, untrained and corrupt. However, what I lived through and recorded along with my co-workers yesterday (Wednesday 29/6) at Syntagma, surpasses all limits in savagery. The Greek police rightly, and by a wide margin, gets the prize for barbarity. A barbarity which has no relation to repression but which was a constant flirt with death.

related article as to what is going on in Europe in these days:

Real Democracy - The Art of Seeing | Workers Solidarity Movement

Real Democracy is an idea that will have to be fought for. Real democracy will have to be built again. It certainly is not what we have at the moment, and it does not come from the stroke of a pencil every 5 years. All you get from that is a new stooge for the bankers.

Essentially the idea remains the same. The idea of democracy is a simple one, but it has been co-opted and corrupted for years. Some would argue that it has only bloomed for short moments of time. It is only by working together, all of us that we can get back to that idea of real democracy. Saramago in all his wit and wisdom knew that. His books might just show us how to get there.


Day 2 of 48 hour strike - live blog

Updates from the second day of the General Strike in Athens

Day 1 of 48 hour strike - live blog

occupied london coverage of the 48 hour General Strike of June 28-29

amazing photos from Greece

and one cant forget Loukanikos: the rioting dog of Athens that inspired so many to come out and riot. You could say he's a symbol of the Greek left.


Today we are all calling ourselves Greeks


June 28th and 29th (English version)

Also, remember just 2 years ago when riots spread all over Greece, that time it was provoked by police injustice and a murder of a young 15 year old, now with all this daylight robbery going on, huge indignation and anger rising, what might it lead to...

Athens, Greece: Cops murder 16 year old boy

Greek Uprising disappearing from International news

The Greek authorities try to terrorise, but they are terrified
The Greek authorities try to terrorise, but they are terrified

Greek journalist: police in Syntagma “flirted with death”
Greek journalist: police in Syntagma “flirted with death”

War in Greece: 48 hour strike is met with huge police repression
War in Greece: 48 hour strike is met with huge police repression

War in Greece
War in Greece

Greece in flames, AGAIN!
Greece in flames, AGAIN!

Caption: Video Id: qbjLPMtWsdI Type: Youtube Video
Today we are all calling ourselves Greeks

Caption: Video Id: 2YMnAeuGOqA Type: Youtube Video
DRY TODOS SOMOS GRECIA - (Democracia real ya - we are all greece)

author by We are all Greecepublication date Sun Jul 03, 2011 14:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Meanwhile, among the Greek anarchists

Syntagma, Athens, June 15th 2011. How to put to words what we lived in this square, over the course of a single day?

A society in some spectacular turmoil; the most unusual of suspects have now taken to the streets. Syntagma was meant to be the epicentre of today’s attempt to block off Parliament as called by the square’s popular assembly. It was also the main focus point of the General Strike. At times, it felt like worlds in collusion: the naivety of pacificism, the fetischisation of anti-police violence. And around this collusion, a myriad others.

In Syntagma today we fought off the Neo-nazis of the Golden Dawn, who had the nerve to show up at a General Strike. We saw the demonstrators’ clashing with police in the square’s South-eastern corner (for an unjustifiably long time) being followed by an astonishing, but only momentary, sweeping clean of the thousands on its square. People were trampled over tents, gassed like ants, fainting all over. By the time that the Delta motorcycle police tried to come into play, people had learnt the rules of the game - and they pushed them off. Twelve! hours of nearly uninterrupted beating, tear-gassing, running, fighting. For these twelve hours, Syntagma compressed and showed naked the haphazard patterns into which people’s actions are cornered by this social order. A social order that is crumbling, an authority at loss, unable to manage its populace any longer. A regime that has fallen a while ago, only resting on the fallacy of some imagined national unity to try engineer change, to lengthen its days.

Athens reduced to smoldering battlefield — in pictures

Inglourious Basterds: Greek Neo-Nazis and our police force in the times of #Syntagma

The one thing one can deduct from listening to hours of live streams from the protests, violence and police brutality that Syntagma (Constitution) Square has witnessed over the past few weeks is that there are dozens of citizens that go on air to allege that the people that stir up the violence are provocateurs, anywhere between friends of the police forces to actual undercover policemen.

This public disbelief in the Police forces has been cemented by years of actual police brutality that led to the assassination of leftist icons over the years and culminated in the December 2008 murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos that sparked the worst riots that Athens has ever seen

watch vid at 4:43


Το τέλος του φόβου... The end of fear...

via web - http://www.real-democracy.gr/en/announcement/end-fear from TWEET http://twitter.com/#!/revolution_info/status/87067475891601408

Greek police Hand in hand with masked neo-nazis!
via http://glykosymoritis.blogspot.com/2011/07/greek-police...ef=fb

riot police talk with "agent provoceteurs" who later retreat behind police lines
riot police talk with "agent provoceteurs" who later retreat behind police lines

author by Greeks resistpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2011 14:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Anti-austerity strike paralyses Greece
Civil servants and private-sector workers walk out in protest against government measures to cut costs.

TWITTER: Hash tags for today's events in Athens are #syntagma #5ogr

vid: NewsIt.gr: Τα ΜΑΤ χτυπούν πεσμένο διαδηλωτή

Live streams at http://tinyurl.com/3tebe5a

(Irish Times) Greece hit by public sector strike today

State workers, students and pensioners are gathering in central Athens. A few hours later they will march on the capital's central Syntagma Square and protest outside parliament.

"If we don't take our lives back into our own hands and go on strike, how will we survive?," said Athens resident Maria Bargiadaki, a public sector worker.

Communist union group PAME is expected to stage a separate rally. Police, fire brigade and coastguard unions said they would join the central Athens demonstrations.

The country's main labour unions, representing about half Greece's 5 million-strong workforce, have staged repeated strikes since Athens asked the European Union and the International Monetary Fund for a €110 billion bailout last year.

Police fired tear gas at stone-throwing youths in central Athens today, where thousands of striking state sector workers marched against cuts the government says are needed to save the nation from bankruptcy.

A small number of youths broke up marble paving slabs and hurled the chunks of rock at police in full riot gear, who responded by firing tear gas grenades.

Hundreds of thousands of Greek state workers are staging a 24-hour general strike in protest at their government's €6.6bn austerity plan.

In Athens' airport, more than 400 domestic and international flights have been cancelled, an airport spokeswoman said.

Pictures show trouble already: A man covered in his own blood tries to escape from a group of protesters who attacked him during a protest in Syntagma Square in Athens after accusing him of being a fascist.

fascist, perhaps cop, attacked by leftists in Athens
fascist, perhaps cop, attacked by leftists in Athens

Caption: Video Id: nmDnT5dRzCc Type: Youtube Video
We are not the Irish, we will resist

author by greek streampublication date Wed Oct 05, 2011 14:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

CALLS of barbaric attacks by police again against peaceful protesters. OBVIOUSLY dont want Syntagma square occupied and camped in again... like #OCCUPYWALLSTREET... that might prove too much for Greece

LIVE STREAM click here - http://tinyurl.com/6gf98vc

Reporter is now shouting "They beat up our colleagues. They are trying to arrest colleagues"

Greek Riot Police attacked with sticks and teargasses INSIDE #syntagma metro station

Young man wounded by riot cop when invaded metro from nat garden. 2nd invasion during 1st aid.

(BBC) In pictures: Greek general strike

Syntagma square emptied by police brutality, even reporters beaten
Syntagma square emptied by police brutality, even reporters beaten

Greeks got angry, petrol bombs thrown
Greeks got angry, petrol bombs thrown

The greek riot dog is still up at the front lines
The greek riot dog is still up at the front lines

author by Greeks resistpublication date Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Athens braced for 'mother of all strikes'

Thousands of riot police are being rushed to Athens ahead of what one Greek daily has dubbed 'the mother of all strikes' – a 48-hour stoppage with a pledge by unions to flood the capital with protesters

LIVE STREAM AT http://www.livestream.com/stopcarteltvgr

TWITTER: #Greece http://tinyurl.com/3con4uf ;

#19ogr http://tinyurl.com/3atu4v4

English updates via OCCUPIED LONDON

Live updates from the General Strike, day one – October 19


14.09 PM At least 10,000 protesters in Heraklion on Crete Island; attacks on banks and a police car were reported. In Agrinio nearly 3,000 people attended the gathering in Irinis Square. Also, in Trikala about 30 anarchists took to the streets, other cities had marches.

1.51 PM (GREEK TIME) A few minutes ago, police used extensively tear gas and shock grenades in front of the plexiglass/metal wall that blockades Vas Sofias Av. the avenue next to th parliament, people were pushed away due to the chemical gas.

Greek 48 HOUR strike: Rubbish collection in Athens has been stopped for a second week and ministers have been locked out of their own offices by civil servants
Greek 48 HOUR strike: Rubbish collection in Athens has been stopped for a second week and ministers have been locked out of their own offices by civil servants

author by Greeks resistpublication date Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Local shopkeepers have also shut down today in Greece saying "closed for 1 day so as not closed down forever"LATEST:14.34 PM The first burning barricades are up high on Akadimias. Riot police are blocking entrance to Syntagma from there.14.31 PM Clashes in Akadimias st. and clashes in front of banks next the university Refectory in Panepistimiou st. People in Syntagma are moving, flooding the Unkown Soldier Monument, shock grenades sound all around Syntagma but people are not sure where exactly they come from.BBC report at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15362678 (gggrrrr, this new imc-ie text type)

Angry greeks at steps of parliament, which is filled with riot squad
Angry greeks at steps of parliament, which is filled with riot squad

Syntagma square is absolutely filled, gas and shock bombs have been released by cops
Syntagma square is absolutely filled, gas and shock bombs have been released by cops

Streets of Greece; thats a lot of angry people
Streets of Greece; thats a lot of angry people

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Wed Oct 19, 2011 13:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It asks at the top of the thread.

Right now the empire has landed home to Dale Farm. can someone more techno-capable open a thread with links?

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Wed Oct 19, 2011 15:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

seems relevant, even if its trans-ponding a bit..


author by Greeks resistpublication date Wed Oct 19, 2011 20:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Strike brings Greece to standstillhttp://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaking/2011/1019/....html

For the first time since the outbreak of the crisis two years ago, protesters pushed up to the steps of the parliament building itself, setting fire to a sentry box occupied by the ceremonial guards who stand watch over the main symbols of the Greek state.Black-clad demonstrators hurled stones and fire bombs at police in front of the Greek parliament today as tens of thousands rallied for a nationwide general strike to coincide with a vote on painful new austerity measures.

RT vids:

Greek anger over new austerity measures and layoffs erupted into violence outside parliament on Wednesday, as demonstrators hurled chunks of marble and gasoline bombs and riot police responded with tear gas and stun grenades that echoed across Athens' main square. Police said at least 14 officers were hospitalised with injuries, and at least three journalists covering the demonstrations sustained minor injuries.

Greek Battlefield: Video of Athens clashes with police
More video of fierce battles in Athens

Germans pay us your WW2 debts
Germans pay us your WW2 debts

Greetk protesters reach parliament steps and set fire to a sentry box
Greetk protesters reach parliament steps and set fire to a sentry box

Greek strike, as usual, clowds of tear gas
Greek strike, as usual, clowds of tear gas

Caption: Video Id: LSi0iNIaRLU Type: Youtube Video
Greek Battlefield: Video of Athens clashes with police

Caption: Video Id: yI5CbJdQvCQ Type: Youtube Video
fierce battles in Athens

author by Angry GREEKSpublication date Thu Oct 20, 2011 09:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Greek protester talking about yesterday, day 1 of the 48 hour strike:  "Today is the practice run. The day of the vote will be the day we resist."

"Those who are really responsible for this crisis, the rich, the tax evaders, the 300 people who sit in that parliament, have never been made to pay," said a contract worker in the public sector who gave his name only as Giorgos. "Sadly I think the time has come for blood to be shed. Every time we protest peacefully more cuts are made and they are always at the expense of workers. As one of our great singers said, it's only with fire and knives that men progress. People will have to die if we are going to stop these dreadful policies."

Report from the Guardian about yesterday:
Greece erupts as police clash with thousands marching on parliament

Todays article:
Greek parliament prepares for austerity vote as protests rock Athens

Greece's lawmakers are to vote on intensely unpopular new measures needed to secure continued payment from an international bailout fund as the country remains paralysed by a two-day general strike.

Protesters headed to Syntagma Square outside the Greek parliament in Athens, while one Communist-party-backed union vowed to encircle parliament in an attempt to prevent lawmakers from accessing the building for the vote on the spending cuts and tax hikes required by Greece's international creditors.

The bill won initial approval in a vote Wednesday night, and deputies are now to vote on the details, which include the suspension on reduced pay of 30,000 public servants and the suspension of collective labour contracts.

How the day unfolded:
Clashes in Greece as strikes begin - Wednesday 19 October 2011

Athens Protest & Tear Gas - Live Blogging


Long list from indymedia athens: http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_...43505

Euronews: Parliament debates as Athens burns

Protesters on Fire: More video of fierce battles in Athens

First video of Athens night clashes as Greece fights austerity



48 HOUR STRIKE in Greece against austerity measures
48 HOUR STRIKE in Greece against austerity measures

New greek police outfit???
New greek police outfit???

night 1 of the 48 hour strike; ongoing battles in the burning streets of athens
night 1 of the 48 hour strike; ongoing battles in the burning streets of athens

Guard box on fire as mass crowds get closest to parliament steps in 2 years
Guard box on fire as mass crowds get closest to parliament steps in 2 years

The battle lines of Athens; focusing on the parliament where protesters try to hold up the austerity vote
The battle lines of Athens; focusing on the parliament where protesters try to hold up the austerity vote

Caption: Video Id: deQuk_yKi78 Type: Youtube Video
First video of Athens night clashes as Greece fights austerity

Caption: Video Id: SSiVl1eScM4 Type: Youtube Video
Euronews: Parliament debates as Athens burns

author by Greeks resistpublication date Thu Oct 20, 2011 09:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Follow todays events as they unfold on TWITTER: #20ogr

Greece braces for second day of unrest
(Al Jazeera)

inlcuding vid: First day of Greek strikes ends violently (Al Jazeera)

Greek 48 HOUR strike: Day 1 was a warm up, what can we expect today?
Greek 48 HOUR strike: Day 1 was a warm up, what can we expect today?

Greek 48 HOUR strike: Day 1 was a warm up, what can we expect today?
Greek 48 HOUR strike: Day 1 was a warm up, what can we expect today?

Greek 48 HOUR strike: Day 1 was a warm up, what can we expect today?
Greek 48 HOUR strike: Day 1 was a warm up, what can we expect today?

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