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The Daily Sceptic

offsite link The Age of Stupid Strategy: How the West Mastered the Art of Losing Mon Mar 10, 2025 13:07 | Michael Rainsborough
Why is the West's strategy so stupid? Why do we always lose? Ukraine is just the latest ill-fated military intervention driven by simplistic liberal idealism, says Prof Michael Rainsborough. We need to kick the habit.
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offsite link Woke RAF Running Out of Gun Pilots After Anti-White Discrimination Backfires Mon Mar 10, 2025 11:29 | Will Jones
The RAF has launched a desperate search for pilots after a secret unlawful bid to discriminate against white men backfired and left the air force with an acute shortage of combat-ready flyers.
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offsite link The Descent of South Africa ? With Rob Hersov Mon Mar 10, 2025 09:00 | Richard Eldred
Special Episode of the Sceptic: South African businessman Rob Hersov on his country?s terrifying descent into socialism, kleptocracy and anti-white racism.
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offsite link Come, Ethical Bombs? Mon Mar 10, 2025 07:00 | Ben Pile
When bombing civilians becomes 'ethical' but heating your home doesn't, it's clear that ESG was never about ethics at all, says Ben Pile. Just power and control.
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offsite link News Round-Up Mon Mar 10, 2025 00:57 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?123 Fri Mar 07, 2025 14:41 | en

offsite link Arab League summit for Gaza Fri Mar 07, 2025 11:53 | en

offsite link The agony of the ?political West?, by Thierry Meyssan Thu Mar 06, 2025 04:20 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?122 Fri Feb 28, 2025 12:53 | en

offsite link Everything is falling apart between the United States and the EU Fri Feb 28, 2025 11:50 | en

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Mick Murphy with the leaflet given to the GAMA workers
national / arts and media / feature Friday July 28, 2006 19:06 by cling film buff   text 16 comments (last - sunday august 13, 2006 19:05)   image 5 images
Review of a documentary on the struggle of the Turkish GAMA workers in 2005 which premiered to a packed house in Wynn's Hotel on Middle Abbey Street on Thursday 27th July. read full story / add a comment
Photo: Paula Geraghty
national / anti-war / imperialism / feature Friday July 28, 2006 11:54 by Hugh Harkin   text 51 comments (last - monday august 14, 2006 14:43)   image 5 images
Coverage of protest at the Israel embassy on Tuesday by Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / feature Tuesday July 25, 2006 14:20 by redjade   text 185 comments (last - wednesday august 02, 2006 09:54)   image 32 images   audio 1 audio file
The verdict was given at aproximately 11.50 a.m. this morning at this significant trial in The Four Courts. read full story / add a comment
international / gender and sexuality / feature Friday July 21, 2006 08:28 by Aileen O'Carroll   text 25 comments (last - monday july 31, 2006 13:52)   image 3 images
How different are men and women? Very, according to some. John Gray’s book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” is based on the idea that there are fundamental differences between the genders. It may be just another self-help book on relationships, but it has also sold over 30 million copies and been translated into 40 languages. read full story / add a comment
Charming a lift off the festival stewards
national / arts and media / feature Wednesday July 19, 2006 01:02 by Pinhead   text 28 comments (last - monday march 21, 2011 12:14)   image 28 images
There’s a long standing tradition of music festivals in Ireland, from the Fleadh’s of yore with their bizarre intersection of trad and hippy folk revivalists, to the self organised beauty of the anti-nuclear festivals at Carnsore or the hilarity of a Dylan gig at Slane that broke out in a riot. The most romanticised of recent Irish festivals is the Semple Stadium Feiles, when sprawling night time chaos descended across a quite Irish town leading to jammed Liveline phonelines for about a week after and infuriated auld ones tearing the nation’s youth a new arsehole with verbal condemnation.

The tightening of planning legislation around festivals as a result of the chaotic nature of the Feiles led to a tragic respite from the multi-day festival from 1997 onwards. With a generation lacking any similar major rites of passage, the massive Slane one day events reigned supreme and there was always some fucker of a mate’s older brother to regale you with boastful tales of pissing, shitting and shaggin all over Thurles in contrast to the placid state of Slane. But lets see these thirty something suckers dance now cos we've been pissing on ourselves and getting our stomachs pumped at our own Feile - OXEGEN! Or so Denis Desmond's main man Brian ‘Biggie' Spollen would have us believe. But I'll see ye at the next boutique festival, yeah?
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Former US Marine, Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / feature Saturday July 15, 2006 12:32 by Dave Donnellan/IMC Editorial Enlistees   text 35 comments (last - monday july 24, 2006 22:16)   image 16 images
"Those words ring in my ears and haunt my dreams every night. Those words came from an Iraqi man after we shot into his car at a checkpoint near the Baghdad station. We had given a hand and arm signal to stop but they did not. There were four Iraqis in the car three of them were fatally wounded."

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dublin / anti-war / imperialism / feature Sunday July 09, 2006 02:14 by Paul MacGiolla Bán   text 23 comments (last - tuesday july 25, 2006 13:52)   image 8 images
This week, the five Pit Stop Ploughshares are on trial in the Four Courts, charged with criminal damage of US$2.5 million to a US Navy war plane at Shannon airport three and a half years ago. At the outset of their trial, this article contains some thoughts on some of the other activities of the group, to put the action at Shannon in context. read full story / add a comment
Gardai at the door of the Wheelock home, as usual.
dublin / crime and justice / feature Tuesday July 04, 2006 14:13 by tom foley   text 48 comments (last - sunday august 24, 2008 00:35)   image 7 images
The wheelock family move house due to Garda intimidation and alleged assaults. They have moved to an undisclosed location.There was emotional scenes as neighbours bid farewell. read full story / add a comment
“Determined to meet and surpass the expectations of our stakeholders - to whom we are accountable” - ESB Corporate Social Responsibility Report.
cork / rights, freedoms and repression / feature Monday July 03, 2006 16:41 by Niall Harnett   text 33 comments (last - wednesday june 28, 2017 19:01)   image 40 images
After 3 years fighting the ESB down the usual dead end routes of the courts, the planners, the politicians, the County Councils etc, things finally came to a head for the Bantry Concerned Action Group (BCAG) over the last few days when an assault by the ESB Networks Crew and Officials on a number of local farmers resulted in an ESB blockade of farm entrances in attempting to access their lands for the purposes of erecting pylons, poles and an overhead 38kv power line, to connect the as yet unlicensed and unbuilt 'Murnane & O'Shea' development 'Ballybane Glanta Windfarm' in Dromourneen to the substation at Ballylickey 14km away.

ESB Networks have been granted high court injunctions / restraining orders against a number of the BCAG and are seeking more injunctions against more local residents at the high court in Dublin tomorrow Monday 3rd July (to be adjourned). The ESB are seeking to enter their lands on the back of these injunctions and their associated threats of jail, costs and/or fines. But the BCAG are not lying down and are committed to blocking all attempts to start work on their lands, until the ESB reverse their plans and agree to PUT THIS POWERLINE UNDERGROUND.

In a disgraceful display of true form, ignoring all ‘commitments’ to ‘social responsibility’, ‘codes of practice’ and ‘open communication in relation to the concerns of local communities’, ESB Networks Manager, Liam O’Sullivan (and his foot) accompanied by sidekick David Killian, blockaded their own contactors from pulling out of Joe Burke’s and other farms, after the contractors agreed to leave having been stopped in their tracks by the group. read full story / add a comment
Working on the  Martyrs Road
international / anti-capitalism / feature Friday June 30, 2006 16:46 by pat c   text 173 comments (last - wednesday august 06, 2008 17:40)   image 15 images
An Irish based Maoist and member of World Peoples Resistance Movement recently visited Nepal as part of an International Brigade to construct roads in the Rebel Maoist held areas of Nepal. As well as observing the protests in the cities and villages as he made his way to the Red areas he also worked alongside rebel soldiers, farmers and workers on the Martyrs Road.

My interview with him is below, here are some excerpts. Photos to follow

pat c

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happy days
dublin / gender and sexuality / feature Tuesday June 27, 2006 22:55 by r whelan/paula g/madame k/wag   text 3 comments (last - wednesday june 28, 2006 02:26)   image 15 images
Madame K on Pride'06: "Despite the rain nothing could dampen the spirits of the 2,000 or so who took part. The diverse group was well catered for, with the event concluding in a free party held on public space. Wheelchair access, kids area and signed language to facilitate a true sense of inclusiveness for all that gathered for the after party. A much smaller event than many counterparts held over seas Dublin Pride has not yet become the commercial entity that has caused untold problems abroad, let`s hope it stays that way". read full story / add a comment
Protest for Traveller rights
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / feature Saturday June 24, 2006 19:36 by Caitriona   text 21 comments (last - thursday june 29, 2006 13:02)   image 2 images
( 24th June 2006) Traveller organisations and community groups protested today outside Dail Eireann at the forced eviction of a lone parent family in North Cork. read full story / add a comment
clare / anti-war / imperialism / feature Friday June 23, 2006 17:14 by Conor Cregan   text 232 comments (last - saturday july 08, 2006 03:51)   image 18 images
While Driving through Ennis town yesterday afternoon a local anti-war activist put six young US service men under (citizens) arrest. On Thursday morning an US troop carrier landed at Shannon with technical problems. This is a common occurrence with the chartered troop carriers that come through Shannon Airport. With an average of 1100 hundred troops going through Irelands second international airport on a nightly basis these aircraft are flat out ferrying young men and women to Iraq. Many of these stranded soldiers were billeted at the West County Hotel in Ennis near where peace activist Conor Cregan encountered six young US servicemen on the main Ennis to Limerick road. read full story / add a comment
There's gas under the sea, gold in dem der hills, you'd get a few apartments on that cliff (nice view too). Just hope there's no archaeology there though...
national / rights, freedoms and repression / feature Wednesday June 21, 2006 19:21 by anarchaeologist - GrassrootsDissent / IMC Editors   text 6 comments (last - saturday june 24, 2006 23:31)   image 3 images
Planning law in this country is a joke. For years the odds have been stacked in favour of unsustainable development and now the FF/PD coalition is making it harder for communities to legally challenge those who are making fortunes out of wrecking the place, be they speculators, developers, multi-nationals, politicans, contractors, quarrymen or even archaeologists (but not this one). read full story / add a comment
“under sustained attack in recent times”
national / environment / feature Friday June 16, 2006 10:49 by Noise Hacker   text 88 comments (last - wednesday march 13, 2013 00:27)   image 73 images
Green Party T.D. John Gormley has called for sweeping measures to stop the “serious problem” of graffiti. Namely: The introduction of specific legislation to deal with the offence of graffiti/street art The establishment of a Special Garda Graffiti Unit to target artists Rewards to be offered for tip-offs on Taggers Community service orders A Graffiti Hotline Revoking the driving licences of graffiti artists Banning the sale of spray paint to minors as well as banning the possession of spray paint in public place. read full story / add a comment
Better photo
national / crime and justice / feature Tuesday June 13, 2006 18:59 by Elaine and Seán Ryan   text 42 comments (last - saturday june 24, 2006 02:13)   image 20 images
( High drama in the High Court today as protesters involved in the Bleach Lough Spring Water dispute with Limerick County Council were accused of disobeying a court order. read full story / add a comment
we're not size queens really ;)
cork / rights, freedoms and repression / feature Thursday June 08, 2006 13:57 by Anarkitty   text 38 comments (last - tuesday april 10, 2007 19:57)   image 8 images
The weather was gorgeous, the floats were fabulous, the tunes were pumpin, and the people came out in their hundreds :) read full story / add a comment
Joe Higgins TD on the White Line, Sunday 4th June 2006
limerick / environment / feature Wednesday June 07, 2006 00:03 by christina   text 18 comments (last - monday july 03, 2006 23:52)   image 14 images
Parishioners ask for intervention of Minister of Enviroment Dick Roche TD in an open letter presented to Joe Higgins late Sunday afternoon. read full story / add a comment
Some of the crowd at the Justice for Terence Wheelock Protest
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / feature Sunday June 04, 2006 19:42 by NMI   text 43 comments (last - tuesday june 05, 2007 22:10)   image 9 images
One year on from the unexplained death of Terence Wheelock after his detention in Store Street Garda Station, his family, his community and the wider Irish public demand some meaningful answers. In that time, the gardaí have paid their respects by physically attacking the Wheelock family and continuing their harassement of youths from Dublin's east inner city.

Indymedia has videod and otherwise documented garda brutality in the past, only to see those caught red-handed, be exhonerated by the irish Justice System. However, the deaths of Brian Rossiter, 'Johnner' Moloney, and Terence Wheelock, and the lack of accountability regarding numerous garda usage of lethal force, point to something very sinister among the ranks of the Guardians of the Peace, and a willingness to cover up, if not sanction it, within the Department of Justice. read full story / add a comment
dublin / environment / feature Friday June 02, 2006 20:22 by Paul Baynes   text 4 comments (last - wednesday june 07, 2006 14:21)   image 9 images
This article gives details of a new community garden that has been established in Finglas, in the north of Dublin city. A teacher in a primary school offered some land on the school grounds to activists from the Dolphin’s Barn Community Garden, so that they could set up a new community garden for the city. read full story / add a comment
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