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Goldman Sachs Tyranny and Ireland![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Listen folks, do your homework. Goldman Sachs has taken over Ireland and the Irish Government. Research the people they have put in place around the EU to manage the takeover of other countries. Peter Sutherland ........... Listen folks, do your homework. Goldman Sachs has taken over Ireland and the Irish Government. Research the people they have put in place around the EU to manage the takeover of other countries. Peter Sutherland is their man on the ground in Ireland. People must now wake up to the fact that this banking dictatorship has plundered the middle classes and caused increased levels of poverty in this country and others. If the people of Ireland in particular do not start fighting back through a policy of non - compliance we are all finished. We need our government to get the message that we know who pulls their strings. The only way we will ever break free of the Goldman Sachs parasitic financial tyranny that has enslaved Ireland is to refuse to pay back any money owed to a financial arm associated with Goldman Sachs, and force the government not to comply with them, or their demands. It will be hard at first, granted, but the long term result will be freedom from the tyranny we now live under. One of the main reasons why this Government (and the last one) refused to take back the Oil and Gas the resides of the west coast of Mayo is that the Goldman Sachs financial policemen, the IMF and ECB, threatened to cut off the bailout funds if Ireland reversed the contracts granted to Shell and the other Oil companies who are stealing our resources at present. Please!, for the sake of children make some change that will mark the end of this nightmare, because if you don't you will have to defend your cowardice to them when they start asking hard questions. |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Interesting piece, Declan. I wondered why Goldman Sachs, in particular, caught your ire. I mean there's lots of banks and hedge funds and so on out there. The Seanie's, Quinn and Fitzpatrick and lads like them. But no, it's Goldman Sachs wot done it. Hmmmm?
And then I remembered the piece you posted over the weekend:
"The world has woken up to the fact that Zionism is a global cancer. It has destroyed Ireland through its banking structure and the rest of the 1st worlds state economies around the world. And now through their control of the US Government they want to walk the world into war with Iran."
So, lets see if I've got it straight? There's a global Zionist conspiracy which controls the US Government, controls the world banking system and is conspiring to take over most European countries as well. And destroy the rest of the first world's economies while they're at it? And Goldman Sachs fits in because they've "destroyed Ireland." I see. Your theory seems vaguely familiar all right. Goebbels circa 1933 I'd have said.
Seriously, can we not get over the whole Zionist Global conspiracy lark? And control of the media and the banking system, yawn, heard it all before.
Or is it that Goldman Sachs sounds like a Jewish outfit so they must be guilty of something?
"How the 'Masonic' Goldman Sachs Bankers are strengthening their control over Europe"
The full text of the e-mail used, which was copied to several senior politicians and lawyers, can be viewed at:
To Good Point and Contrarian. Sometimes the most obvious answer is the correct one. People all around the world have woken up to who really rules the world, and stating that it is in fact banks like Goldman Sachs that rule it is not a great stretch of the imagination seeing the globe is one big market, and markets need money, and banks control the supply of that money. It's a simple matter of A + B = C.
Yes, of course, Declan, banks wield huge amounts of power. But I wasn't challenging the accuracy of that proposition. You said it was Zionism that was a worldwide cancer. Which was conspiring through the banking system to destroy Ireland's (and other) economies. Just wondering where the whole Zionist worldwide banking conspiracy thing came in. As I said, its been around a while.
Just you think bankers dont conspire?
Do you recognise the Rotschild input into the Zionist colonial project from early on?Do you accept the global reach of their centuries-long power-profiteering?
Do you recognise the influence of AIPAC on both American tweedledumdeedum parties, and American military plans through NATO and its WASP networks to embed its proclaimed neo-conservative Project for a New American Century of global wealth-elites?
Do you recognise the Chicago Boys economic predations installing IMF/WB structural adjustment programs across the globe since the post-war rollback of anti-speculator legislation after the 1929 havoc that led to thje war?
Or do you think our political rulers are altruistic and benign humanitarians out to spread democracy and economic justice across the planet?
Are you aware of the collusion of the royal houses of Europe after every attempt to unseat their royal highnesses, from Paris in 1789 to havana in 1959?
Just wondering.
I never mentioned Jews in the story, or Aliens, Elvis, Bigfoot or the Easter bunny for that matter. I quoted a hard provable fact about Goldman Sachs.
I must be striking exposed nerves, because the Trolls and Shills keep a close eye on my opinions. Ridicule does not have any effect on me, never did.
I never mentioned Jews in the story, or Aliens, Elvis, Bigfoot or the Easter bunny for that matter.
True. But you did mention Zionism in another post back then and called it a global cancer. I just joined the dots.
The 'Jew' argument is nothing more that a distraction from the story, this is your usual tactic when facts are being discussed. Do you must think Goldman Sachs are a charitable organisation? Do you think all the harm they have done in the past is a fairy tale? If the answer is yes, then your level of ignorance is astounding.
You manage to cram more logical fallacies into a short piece than I thought possible. I did not say GS are a charitable organisation and clearly they are not. They are obviously and, on the public record, guilty of "past misdeeds" and I never said otherwise. Why do you insist on attributing ridiculous views to me which I never advanced and then triumphantly purport to demolish these views? Ever heard of the "straw man" concept?
The 'Jew' argument is nothing more that a distraction from the story, this is your usual tactic when facts are being discussed.
Ahem, Declan, remind me again, who was it who introduced the so-called "Jew" argument? Who posted in the following terms: "The world has woken up to the fact that Zionism is a global cancer. It has destroyed Ireland through its banking structure and the rest of the 1st worlds state economies around the world." Oh, yes that was you wasn't it? Look Declan, I have no love for Goldman Sachs and would regard them as parasites at best and fraudsters at worst. But I fail to see how their actions are part of a global Zionist conspiracy and I await a reasonable explanation of this.
As for my "usual tactic" and "facts" I challenge you to find one single post I have made on this site that is factually incorrect in any significant respect. That's factually incorrect as in "proven to be false" rather than "an opinion I happen to disagree with."
Finally, Declan, you speculate as to my level of ignorance. I shall be charitable and refrain from returning the complement.
Well now , c, if you equate Jew with Zion, thats more than a nuance.
And precisely the methodology of zionist propagandists in smearing all critics as antisemitic.
Mission creep linguistic slippery-slopism?
linguistic slippery-slopism?Ahem, From you, opus, I should probably take it as a compliment!
And, no. I don't equate Jew with Zion. But some critics of Zionism ARE antisemitic. And you, yourself, IIRC, claimed that Zionism itself was actually antisemitic based on the dubious proposition that antisemitism includes discrimination against Palestinians. While Palestinians are of course a semitic people, your formulation conveniently ignores all the history of the phrase "anti-semitism" which originated in 19th century Germany as an alternative to the more stark "Jew-hatred." Linguistic slippery-slopism, indeed!
This attempt to imply that there is no financial take-over and smear it with the word conspiracy is just a typical tactic that the mainstream capitalist media use all the time.
If you read any of the talks or listen to any of the podcasts by Michael Hudson, the name Goldman Sachs and the names of the other biggest banks in the world keep coming up.
A good start might be this podcast below whilst the text of that talk can be found at this link:
Here is just one quote from it:
Treasury Secretary Geithner is reported to be pressuring the Europeans to bail out the banks because Goldman Sachs and others American banks have gambled that Greece and other countries can pay, and written default insurance. It seems that if these U.S. banks lose the bets that they’ve made, they’ll go under and Washington will have to bail them out. So Mr. Geithner is telling Europeans to sacrifice their economies so that U.S. financial casino gamblers won’t take a loss. This did not go over very well in Europe....
Michael Hudson on Bonnie Faulkner’s Guns & Butter.
This attempt to imply that there is no financial take-over and smear it with the word conspiracy is just a typical tactic that the mainstream capitalist media use all the time.
Again, I'm not saying banks ain't conspiring. I'm just querying the use of the label "Zionist" to describe it.
you were the one that brought zionism into this first contrarian. You are just trying to derail a discussion about goldman sachs by squealing "anti semitism". Please stoppit. Some of us are interested in having discussions on this site that don't involve people like you bringing up the topic of zionism then trying to make everything about that instead of letting us talk about other stuff. Get lost you are just a useless troll. Now back to discussing the links goldman sachs have in Irelands financial crisis.
I would like to point out that a subsidiary of goldman sachs were bondholders in anglo.
Also that timothy geithner (ex GS) blocked a far more reasonable proposal by the IMF to give ireland loan money at far better rates than europe.
goldman sachs are up to their neck in the whole thing. jewish name and owners or not. evil morally "bankrupt" (sic)people are evil morally bankrupt people regardless of name and religion. lets not get caught up in their religious denomination or their jewish sounding label. Thats really not the point here. Its the institution itself and it's actions and motives and their ramifications for Ireland that we are trying to discuss.
and more hair-splitting for distractive ends.
Nothing dubious, the Palestinians ARE a semitic people, and Zionism buys into precisely that Eurocentric WASP antisemitism, diverting the 'Jew-hate' onto the rightful owners of the Palestine being stolen from under them. And semitic is a linguistic classification, not a racial one. Racism, other than human racism, is pseudo-science. Catch up.
Like many a bullied kid, joining the bully's gang to divert the victimisation is not the cure for thuggery.
Dont take it as either compliment or insult, its an attempt to show you what you are doing. I do not play word games with serious issues.
Goldman Sachs are shaking down the world; it is that kind of banking corporation. The fact it had some Jewish element is now irrelevant. Gentiles and non-believers are running the show. Don't rise to the bait of Zionism by the idiotic poster, Goldman Sachs is an evil exploitative organization, with its tentacles everywhere, even now in China.