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Statement on the Launch of Pairtí Cumannach na Poblachta
national |
anti-capitalism |
press release
Friday November 02, 2012 16:19 by CPIR - Páirtí Cummanach na Poblachta

On Saturday, the 27th of October, 2012, a meeting was held to confirm the founding of Páirtí Cummanach na Poblachta, the Communist Party of the Irish Republic, and to agree on the adoption of the Constitution of the Party. Officers were elected to the various posts that were deemed necessary, for a term of one year – recallable at all times. We invite all Communists and Anti-imperialists to join the CPIR, or support it in it’s great task. We thank all those organizations in Ireland and abroad, who have kept the flame of genuine Revolution burning, and who have defended Ireland's sovereignty all through the years, and look forward to working with them. The opening paragraphs of the Constitution are as follows:
Constitution of Páirtí Cummanach na Poblachta
1. The Party shall be known as Páirtí Cummanach na Poblachta, (Communist Party of the Irish Republic.) The Party declares its allegiance to the All Ireland Workers Republic, Poblacht na gCuspóirí.
2. The Party envisages the evolution of a federated structure of institutions of the Republic, and recognises that such a federation shall arise as an organic development of those institutions, referent to the inalienable Sovereignty of the Workers Republic.
3. The Party shall not seek to have any special or independent position amongst the institutions of the Republic, and shall at all times defer to the sovereign institutions of the Workers Republic.
4. The role of the Party is to assist, promote and facilitate the building of the institutions of the Workers Republic and to promote the downfall of those bodies, which stand in the way of the Workers Republic. The Party recognises that its role is temporary and that if the sovereign civilian institutions of the Workers Republic democratically determine that this work no longer requires the assistance of the Party, that the Party shall consent to dissolve.
The Aims and Principles of the Party are:
5. To end the illegal and imperial occupation of Ireland by the British State, which, by its nature, divides the Irish Working Class and inhibits our class consciousness, and, thus, our historic role in becoming the Universal Revolutionary Class, i.e. that class which will end all classes through the collective ownership of the Means of Production, thus ending the reduction of human beings to the level of means-to-ends, and, thus, liberating our true being as ends-in-ourselves.
6. To restore the Irish Language, our National Language, to its rightful and historic place as the spoken language of the Irish Nation.
7. To effect the transfer of the ownership of the productive land of Ireland, and all other Means of Production, from individual ownership to the collective ownership of the whole People of Ireland, in the form of the Workers Republic, and the control of these Means of Production through the exercise of universal Direct Democracy.
8. To work for the material, intellectual and spiritual development of the Irish People, and all our brothers and sisters, the Children of the Earth.
9. To organise members of the Working Class independently of those structures and institutions that, by their nature, are controlled by classes that believe themselves to have conflicting interests to the interests of Universal Revolutionary Class, and are, thus, in contradiction to the ending of class division, exploitation, imperialist domination and war.
10. To create, sustain, protect and advance structures, which are wholly owned and controlled democratically by the Universal Class ourselves.
11. To promote non-hierarchical relations between such structures and the Working Class, and between the structures themselves.
12. To encourage and develop solidarity between such structures, and between Working Class people as individuals, and in their communal friendship, and thus generate and strengthen the Spirit of the Communion of the Workers of the Earth, i.e. the Universal Class, the Revolutionary Proletariat.
13. To raise the consciousness of the members of the Working Class that only by taking responsibility for their own organisation can they advance their own interests, and to help educate the current exploiters of the Working Class, i.e. the “owners” of the Means of Production and those hired by the exploiters to corral human labour, and reduce it to a commodity, whether by armed \ police force, miseducation, media seduction, or “management,” and hired by the exploiters to expropriate and control, for their hirers, the Surplus Value accumulated from the reduction of human labour to a commodity, that their current actions are contrary to human dignity and freedom, and that the only ethical action to take is to step forward into the becoming of the Universal Revolutionary Class.
Beir Bua,
Ard-Rúnaí, Partí Cumannach na Poblachta
Statement Ends
2nd November 2012
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Do you have anything in your constitution regarding proper stewardship of the environment and sustainability of use of natural resources?
We all need clean water, clean air and a decent place to live in. Work as an aim in itself is not particularly sensible. I am not a "worker", I am a human being, but I would be happy to give some of my time working so we all could have a stable clean water supply and food supply for the community. Finding collective dirty industrial jobs for everyone for the sake of it is a stupid short sighted policy without a balancing principle to protect the environment in the longer term.
This shortsightedness was evident in soviet era environmental disregard.
Let's not make all the same mistakes again.
Would the Party be in the Stalinist or Trotzkyite tradition ?
Fred, a chara, as a member of the CPIR, I can tell you that we are very concerned with the land of Ireland, and it's health. When we talk about labour, we are not talking about "jobs." We are talking about all human activity, including thinking. Following Kant, we talk about human beings treating ourselves as ends in ourselves, and not as means to an end. The same goes for the land, sea and air that give us life. As a group, we celebrate the festivals of Imbolg, Bealtaine, St. John's Eve, Lughnasadh and Samhain. We celebrate these sacred festivals in the open air. For example, we celebrated Lughnasadh by picking bilberries in the Dublin Mountains, and we celebrated Samhain at Teamhair. We are also involved in community gardening in Dublin city center. To destroy our earth with unnecessary industrial production or "development" would be the last thing we would want to do. Needless to say, our concern is not only for the land of Ireland, but for the whole of the earth. But, we can only do so much, and, naturally, our attention is more directed towards our own native land.
Brian, a chara, the CPIR does not wish to put ourselves in any particular boxes. Of course, we are Marxists and Irish Republicans. But, we wouldn't wish to get involved in arguments that really have very little meaning today. Trotsky was a great man and a great thinker. Stalin achieved amazing things in the USSR - the nationalization of the land was one of the greatest and most progressive achievements of all time. Without the nationalization of the land, all talk of Socialism is just that - talk. We also take great inspiration from Mao Zedong. Some people may think it is impossible to reconcile the philosophies of these three men. But, in reality, they all considered themselves to be Marxists and Leninists. What separates them is really just the particular circumstances each one faced. Marx gave us a system of analysis, not a rule book, or religious text. Two people may apply the Marxian system of analysis correctly, but arrive at different conclusions, due to different circumstances.
Today, we face a system of repression that hardly existed in Marx's time. Particularly in relation to the use of the commodity as a weapon of social control in the West, and the change in the West from a general culture of production to a culture of consumption. But, the underlying system of property relations has not changed, therefore the Marxian system is perfectly suitable to the analysis of our current crisis.
A chara,
Sounds great ! I'm overseas at the moment but I definitely will look you up when I get home, buiochas le Dia or Buddha or whatever ! may be you might consider a Gaelic graphic of Che as an emblem. I hope you keep posting about the project, so that i can stay in touch. I like your use of Gaelic and the personal touch which has been too long absent on the Left.
Yes its important that we Irish learn from the mistakes of the left in Britain and not allow MI to divide and conquers as they are with Irish Republicanism. Stalinism has been used to block the march of the left as has many trotskyite groups, so I am a bit paranoid. Anyway, thanks for your reply.
Go n-eirigh an bothair libh agus beir bua !
Che, a Chara !
Go raibh míle maith agat as do chuid fhocal séimh, a Bhriain. Your idea for an Irish graphic of Che is a good one, and very appropriate. We will certainly keep posting here, le caoinchead Indymedia, and do our best to answer any questions you or other may have. Beir bua agus beannacht, D.
"Stalin achieved amazing things in the USSR"
So are we to have our own versions of the KGB and GRU and even the gulags - Mayo might be a good area to set up this.
Will we replace the "Troika" with NKVD Troikas that the cuddly Mr Stalin so loved?
The great purges look like they could happen (is that Ming Flanagan in the centre picture?)
Pograms could be a problem with so few Jewish people here so might I suggest we use the travellers instead? Again we could send them all to Mayo and fence it off.
As a starter for your election programme (before you ban opposition) you might well look to the little village of Kilmeena, who sadly, lost their Village Idiot recently and will hold a by-election shortly.
Stalins legacy
It looks like a Mayo man has already helped transform this country into a Troika driven economic gulag with mass emigration of our best and brightest. ( And at least stalin managed to keep those in the country doing useful work to help build the infrastructure of the nation!! )
And alas, no thanks for this are due to the powerless Ming flanagan who regularly speaks out against this process of economic destruction at the hands of Gruppenfuhrer Kenny and ze chief party vip, serving ze interests of frau Merkel und ze banks in ze motherland ya?