Trans Doctors Can Use Lavatories of Their Choice, Says Hospital TrustSun Mar 09, 2025 19:32 | Richard Eldred A London hospital trust is letting trans staff pick their own toilets and changing rooms despite Health Secretary Wes Streeting vowing that biological sex would matter under a Labour government.
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How to Earn More in the BBC?s Top Ranks: ?Don?t Be Straight, White or Male?Sun Mar 09, 2025 17:00 | Richard Eldred Despite its commitment to equal pay, the BBC pays senior managers who are LGBT, ethnic minorities, disabled or female more than their straight, white, male counterparts.
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Never Forget That Making Britain Into a Broke, Repressive Dystopia Was a Deliberate ChoiceSun Mar 09, 2025 15:00 | Richard Eldred Britain's self-inflicted decline began in March 2020 when our leaders surrendered to lockdown hysteria instead of standing firm, says Daniel Hannan in the Telegraph.
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Carbon Budget MisinformationSun Mar 09, 2025 13:00 | David Turver The latest Carbon Budget is not just chock full of misinformation ? from lowballing renewable costs to wild predictions on heat pumps and EVs ? it also wants us to eat bugs! says David Turver.
The post Carbon Budget Misinformation appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
Church Issues ?Anti-Racist? Guide With Baffling Prayer SuggestionsSun Mar 09, 2025 11:00 | Richard Eldred The Church of England has issued an "anti-racist toolkit", urging churches to avoid "Eurocentric" prayers and promote diversity ? even in parishes with no diversity.
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OccupyIreland network is giving hope where previously there was none.
6 camps and building
The Occupy movement has grown steadily in the past 4 weeks in Ireland. It is part of the global Occupy movement. As to what it is about is best summed up by the OccupyGalway statement:
Occupy Galway is part of the international movement against austerity measures imposed on ordinary people around the world. We are all part of the 99% who, so far, have been subject to economic inequality and social injustice from the 1% who control the world's resources. We, the 99% demand:
1 - The removal of the IMF and ECB from all Irish financial affairs;
2 - That the national debt imposed on Irish people from the bank bailouts be lifted;
3 - The return of Irish resources (gas, oil, forestry) to the people of Ireland;
4 - Real particpatory democracy.
The OccupyIreland has come about as a result of the OccupyWallStreet movement and this in turn was inspired by the massive Square Occupations that took place in city squares in cities all over Spain this summer and these in turn were inspired by the occupation of Tahir Square in Cario by millions of Egyptians who had lived under a brutal dictatorship for the past 30 years.
While the Egyptians removed the face of the system, Mubarack; they still have to remove the system itself which is the military corporate kleptocracy that still dominates all aspects of Eygptian economic life.
We in the colonial war-mongering West are only waking upto the fact that now the IMF has arrived vulture like to our own shores they are merely doing what they have done for decades in the rest of the world. And that is largely to plunder and destory it and channel all the resources to the 1% at the top.
As the World has now reached the limits to growth in terms of resources, there is less to go around. And for the rich and powerful 1% to maintain their piece of the cake which is no longer growing they have launched a new Class War. This started at least a decade or more ago but now that the global financial crisis has hit with full force, it is becoming more evident to even those who traditionally took no interest in global politics.
The new Class War unlike the old where industrialists fought against their workers, in this new guise, it is the financial parasitic layer who don't even produce anything that are sucking the life out of humanity itself. Indeed a cancer has afflicted the globe and people are waking up to it.
The penny is also beginning to drop that this financial crisis is less a crisis and more a case of just one big giant robbery of the people and everything they have fought for and achieved over the past 150 years. The real crisis is whether the 99% can defeat the 1% or whether the 1% will impose neo-fuedalism on the 99%.
This is not a military fight because the powerful have all the firepower and resources at their disposal. This is the type of fight they want and will try and engineer. The fight is in fact a fight to educate the people everywhere and get them to wake up and realize what is happening and to recognise that only collectively can the power of the 99% be realized so they have to work together otherwise as is the case now, through divide and conquer and distraction, we are ruled and fooled. We have to understand how the system is structured and how it defines the rules of the game and change those rules in our favour. One of these rules relates to money itself and is neatly summed up in this quote from Mike Ruppert:
Until you change the way money works, you change nothing.
In this podcast 'Recovering economist' Richard Douthwaite, author of Growth Illusion, Short Circuit and The Ecology of Money, explains exactly how the private banking, debt-based monetary system -- the basis of all national currency systems -- leads to the destructive and desperate need for economic growth. The money system has demands at suicidal odds with the planet's finite resources. The mechanics of the money system are so simple it's almost infuriating. And yet so underappreciated. Podcast here:
We the 99% are the people who in fact run the entire system every day. We do all the working, building, fixing, teaching, educating, policing, fighting and creating.
And so the OccupyIreland movement is growing. Today (Sun Nov 6th), OccupyDameStreet is going 4 weeks!.
join us on Saturday the 5th of November #occupydamestreet will hold a
Barn Raiser and 'Birthday Party' to celebrate and build on four weeks of
continuous occupation of the Central Bank Plaza. To mark the occasion #occupydamestreet will call together all of those who have participated in the occupation to date.
A 'Barn Raising' will take place from 9am onward where the
infrastructure of the camp will be solidified and developed. The
birthday party involving, a large group of artists exhibiting, music, an
open mic for entertainers, kazoos, reunions and a big cake will take
place between 2.30 and 5.30pm. After the party
#occupydamestreet will hold, as is usual at the site of the occupation, a
general assembly at 6pm. The assembly will focus on reflecting on the
past and future of the occupation.
Vids of Occupy Dame Street - Birthday Celebration
Occupy Dame Street is now 4 weeks old! To celebrate ODS held a birthday
party at which a stream of musicians and passers by joined in over the
course of the day and evening. The video also contains an interview with
Kevin, who spoke rousingly on day one, about his hopes for the future
of Occupy Dame Street.
There has bee loads of positive reviews of whats been going on, Unkie Dave was doing really great nearly nightly reporting after many hours doing stuff to help keep all the things going in the camp, flick through his blog to get a feeling for the pure magic thats happening down there. Heres 1 article:
#OccupyDameStreet - Jazz Hands
The General Assemblies are an open and collaborative affair, a way for
everyone to have their voices heard, news and announcements to be shared
and for the #OccupyDameStreet movement to take its collective
decisions. Anyone can participate in these meetings, even if they have
just arrived at the site, and a system of hand gestures is used to show
agreement, disagreement or to raise points of order and information, the
idea being that if you just agree with something, you can show your
agreement by waving your hands in the air, there's no need for everyone
to speak just to say, 'I agree with her". If this idea had been
introduced to the last office I worked in, our department meetings would
have been over in five minutes and we'd all have had more time for the
important things like coffee and sleeping. As agreement is reached
through consensus, an awful lot of hand-waving takes place and the
effect has come to be lovingly referred to as "Jazz Hands".
by music @ Occupy Dame StreetMon Nov 07, 2011 20:24
"So let the music keep your spirits high" is a line from a great song by Jackson Browne, that was made famous for many Irish by Christy Moore; "Before The Deluge".
Anyway down in Dame Street, down by the banks of the Lee, out on windswept Eyre Square, up by writers square, out with the blahs down in the Deise or up and making trouble up in Tír Conall... Aswell as plotting and scheming, building tent cities, making, sharing out and eating food, doing the wash up, managing live streams, giving the odd interview to RTE or TV3, agreeing with those shaking jazz hands, chatting passionately with a stranger over a cup of tea, sitting in wonder, drying off wet socks, composing a poem... (the list goes on, all part of making Revolution) There has been a whole host of cracking music, from both people down living in the camps and also people who have come down to visit... So heres a bit of a list, granted it wont be a full one, of whats be going on...
(12oct - day 5)
Occupy dame street crew:
We dont want to fight no more...
More to come, I'll leave ye with the wise words from that song by Jackson Browne, who knows, seeing as how this thing is really taking off around Ireland, soon we might even see Christy coming down for a tune, now that would be something:
Jackson Browne : Before The Deluge
Some of them were dreamers
And some of them were fools
Who were making plans and thinking of the future
With the energy of the innocent
They were gathering the tools
They would need to make their journey back to nature
While the sand slipped through the opening
And their hands reached for the golden ring
With their hearts they turned to each other's heart for refuge
In the troubled years that came before the deluge
Some of them knew pleasure
And some of them knew pain
And for some of them it was only the moment that mattered
And on the brave and crazy wings of youth
They went flying around in the rain
And their feathers, once so fine, grew torn and tattered
And in the end they traded their tired wings
For the resignation that living brings
And exchanged love's bright and fragile glow
For the glitter and the rouge
And in the moment they were swept before the deluge
Now let the music keep our spirits high
And let the buildings keep our children dry
Let creation reveal it's secrets by and by
By and by--
When the light that's lost within us reaches the sky
Some of them were angry
At the way the earth was abused
By the men who learned how to forge her beauty into power
And they struggled to protect her from them
Only to be confused
By the magnitude of her fury in the final hour
And when the sand was gone and the time arrived
In the naked dawn only a few survived
And in attempts to understand a thing so simple and so huge
Believed that they were meant to live after the deluge
Now let the music keep our spirits high
And let the buildings keep our children dry
Let creation reveal it's secrets by and by
By and by--
When the light that's lost within us reaches the sky
by music @ Occupy Dame StreetMon Nov 07, 2011 21:22
Billy Bragg free secret solidarity gig at Occupy Dame Street, Saturday 22nd October 2011 (Day 15)
Billy read out the following message to the assembled crowd from #OccupyLondon:
occupy Dublin, you are beautiful. Never doubt that what you are doing
is important and relevant and makes a great difference. You give us a
chance to see how the world can be if we only want it enough. We are the
future and we refuse to pay for theirs any longer...
dlúthpháirtíochta (solidarity as gaeilge)
*** He sang the following tunes:
1 -Which side are you on 2 - There is power in a union 3 - The Internationale Occupy Dame Street ft BillyBragg : Intro + Which side are you on (with a little early tek sound problem) Occupy Dame Street: Billy Bragg singing 'There is power in a union' 22nd October 2011
The Barley Mob performing "You'll Never Be Lost When You've Got Music"
for Occupy Dame Street Protest Camp at the Central Bank in Dublin city
centre. October 15th, 2011
Deux Jeune Filles Chanteuese a Chanson prochaine du Encampment au le
Banc Central du L'Irlande a Rue Dame en Dublin contre le gross Bankers
elite et IMF/Two Young Girls Sing at the Central Bank of Ireland
Encampment in Dame Street Dublin against the Big Banking Elite and
IMF.27eme octobre 2011.
Un L'homme ivresse pres et aural per meme secondes/A Drunken man was nearby and can be heard for a few seconds.
So let the music... #OccupyDameStreet Part 6 - A bit of trad
Trad session at #occupydamestreet goes out to world via LIVESTREAM
So let the music... #OccupyDameStreet Part 6 - a little french ditty
Caption: Video Id: ohs2mWECK6M Type: Youtube Video Flutes n fiddles everywhere, if tis music you want, you should come to #OccupyDameStreet
Caption: Video Id: wKC48J95iLs Type: Youtube Video Deux Jeune Filles a #OccupyDameStreet
And of course, its not only in the BIG SHMOKE that all the music is going on, oh no no... some great stuff from the other corners of the island, heres a little bit from the Peoples Repulic, the Rebels of Cork
Paddy is, as far as I know, from Derry and was touring with Billy Bragg... This is a great great song with one of the best lines Ive heard "I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you.... and your little dog"
by wageslave - (personal capacity)Tue Nov 08, 2011 07:37
Just visited the folks at occupy Galway camp tonight for a chat. Spent a few hours helping out a bit with late night security and chatting to the public and some of the occupiers. Getting quite cold here in Galway now. But the late night drinkers are more of an issue than the cold. Some isolated drunken abuse but mainly a very positive response from the public.
A very friendly welcoming (and hardy!) bunch of people at the camp. Holding up well under trying conditions. Their resolve seems strong.
Solidarity folks and thanks for your kind hospitality. Hope to be back again soon for another visit.
The occupy dame street protest is already hijacked by the
swp who send at least 5 members to every general assembly meeting every evening.
ODS are naïve as they do not even get speakers to declare which party they
represent before taking the mic and the
swp always speak. At Mondays meeting UK main swp head John Molyyneux
took the mic ¾ times. Some of the ODS seem flattered to be asked to meetings
with the unions. They seem to be backtracking on what they decided last week
which was to not work inside the system and went to a meeting with the swp TD,
the trade unions and the Leader of the swp, Kieran Allen. They will be played
like puppets by savvier political players in my opinion. The swp are currently
dong their best to wreck the ULA by insisting on sharing a platform with the labour
Party. So if you share a platform with the Swp and they share a platform Labour
how is that staying outside the system.
At least the socialist party have the respect stay away.
It’s actually a bit off-putting to unaligned political activists to go to
meetings there and see it monopolised by swp. They seem to have ignored the
position of ODS which was to not work with political parties. ODS should make
thier position clear and show strength or else they will lose support. Everyone
knows the swp will use them to try to recruit more followers for their own
party as that’s always their main objective. Any sharing a platform with
political parties would serve only the high profile people like RBB and Dr. Allen
who want to boost there own profile by claiming ownership of ODS and claim ODS
supporters as their own. We’ve seen it all before.
What ye are doing is brilliant, keep up the good work and don't loose hope. There will be light at the end of the tunnel, but we all may have to do some more and get them going in every town in the country/world. Can anyone please help me organise one to begin in Limerick
by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partyFri Nov 11, 2011 15:29
You are not the only one with gripes about the SWP..but I do find all this generic swiping puzzling...was it Behan said the first item on every Irish political agenda is the split? I've encountered them over the years, had disagreements as well as common ground, and retained my independence without getting into destructive argumentation while the usual suspects laugh at the disarray from the sidelines.
Kieran Allen has written a couple of useful books...I've also argued with him..but found he is capable of listening...maybe I just expect less perfection in my potential allies...and just as I dont go along with robotic ideological dogmatists..neither do i expect any movement to be an agreeable hive of clones of my outlook. I've aslo had disagreements with Eamonn McCann, but respect a lot of what he has done..have you given Raytheon any headaches? And where I do disagree with people in organisations I am reluctant to join, i dont generally attack the organisation...I attack the ideas I disagree with. It minimises the sectarianism. The more you personalise it, the less rational the debate. Rationality is already not our strong point, lets not reduce it further.
As for 'staying outside the system'...that smacks of sloganeering and empty rhetoric...we're all locked in the system in my understanding of the term.. so I suggest you elaborate and clarify your terms, unless you have some economic universe of your own that facilitates such pristine detachment.
I think the fear of the swp causing a split at ODS is a rational fear. How can they really think they have the right to come in and try and change the consensus system. They really should have a bit more respect. It is really obnoxiuos that thier members don't bother to do the hand signs, Keiran Allen should have instructed them to do the jazz hands. The whole movement is supposed to be about direct democracy not swp domination.
by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partyMon Nov 14, 2011 13:16
will happen..and there wil always be intervention by provocateurs...get used to it...the trick is to follow the positive energy and ideas...and challenge individuals, whatever their alignments, who shift into negativity and sectarian bickering...meantime here are a few ideas for consideration that might be more fruitful for debate and discussion.
by Ciaron - Giuseepe Conlon House, London Catholic WorkerSat Nov 19, 2011 09:20
Many thanx Dave for the vid updates from Dame St.
London Catholic Worker has spent the past month supporting Occupy at St. Paul's Cathedral We do this because a lot of the themes down there resonate with what we are trying to do at Giseppe Conlon House in Harringay/ democracy, nonviolence, hospitality to the homeless, anti-capitalism, moving on from marching form A to B as the state sanctioned form of "legitiamate protest"
Here's a speech I gave at the "Sermon on the Steps" before the Cathedral dropped its eviction plans (just scroll down to the vid clip marked Occupy)
There's quite a few Irish and Australian activists at Occupy it's been great catching up on the news from home.
The scene is healthy here....lot of tolerance for the variety of politics and world views in the mix, lots of interaction with workers and tourists and now a huge building has been occupied nearby (empty USB Bank Dylan would say "if ya not busy being born, ya busy dying!"
Did you see this Retired Phily police captain arrested at NCY Occupy Wall Street
There are only two types of people in this world. The predators and grazers. And the predators always get to the top because they are prepared to fight to get there and to consume people and things that get in their way. The others haven't the nerve or the courage or the ruthlessness or the hunger. So the world is governed by the predators who become the potentates. And the potentates are never satisfied. They must go on and on seeking more the currency they worship. Power, power and more power. If you think that there is enough of it to be taken and it needs a war to grab, you get a war. The rest the so-called idealism is a load of cock. The big battalions always wins, the press always approves and the grazers get conned into believing it.
by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partySun Nov 20, 2011 13:08
..a recount.
I'm sure there are at least 5 types. Funny how a false premise can lead you up a cul de sac of cynical apathy. I'm not into rose-tinted optimism. shit no, but we do outnumber the idiots. Dont join them, dont feed them. Let them eat their gold. We feed them, our mistake.
Remarkable scenes of nonviolent resistance to in the face pepper spraying at Occupy U.C. Davis, California
recall receiving hospitality, shelter and food from students of U.C.
Davis as a hundred of us walked against the death penalty from
Sacremento to San Quentin in 1989. These recent scenes of courage,
dignity and nonviolent resistance from U.C. Davis students in the face
of growing fascism in the U.S. is deeply inspiring.
How the "Masonic" Goldman Sachs Bankers are strengthening their control over
Europe in really major ways, and featuring our very own home grown Irish
Globalist Mr Peter Sutherland (former Attorney General of the Republic of
Just returned home for a whole afternoon in the city centre, observing, chatting with people and taking part in Pre-Budeget protest march, hosted by the alliance against cuts and Dublin Council of Trade Unions. Media is reporting "..less than 2,000" people turning out (RTE News webpage). We need more people on the streets in the next 2 weeks; many, many more: for non-violent, direction action tactics also.
A number of issues arise if the language used during protests speeches at GPO is to reverberate around the nation:
1. Collaborative actions between CCUPY camps in Ireland experienced, politically aligned and non-aligned activist and middle-ranking trade union leaders (not top leaders contaminated by discredited Partnership model) with O is VITAL and must be based on mutual respect and trust, so that an agreed platform. That way you build credibility with wider range of key players and sustain credibility with the public.
2. As one who's been around the margins of the Green Party and Labour Party for over 12 years, I'm keenly aware of the danger of self-delusion and arrogant, ego-centrism (Gilmore is full of these days!). Servant Leadership - humility, charismatic and visionary, is urgently need; not reactionary self-serving egoits. The people are crying out for from their apathy and cynicism.
3. Having visited (at least 3 times since October) OCCUPY DAME ST (and subscribed), I sense a degree of naeivety and apolitical self-delusion. OCCUPY is in danger of infantile notions. Politics and polity are not dirty words; they are essential to civilisation and civil society. If OCCUPY wishes to be more than a passing fad, it must engage in real world politics, not vague, wishful thinking. Working people, the old, poor, marginalised, disabled all have a just claim to political solutions. If OCCUPY cannot articulate and express solutions, succinctly and shrewdly, it will be regarded as circus.
I sincerely hope and pray that OCCUPY has the capacity to built strategic alliances with a view to raising the appalling poor, quality of social and political consciousness amongst vast swathes of the Irish electorate.
"If OCCUPY wishes to be more than a passing fad, it must engage in real
world politics, not vague, wishful thinking. Working people, the old,
poor, marginalised, disabled all have a just claim to political
solutions. If OCCUPY cannot articulate and express solutions, succinctly
and shrewdly, it will be regarded as circus."
Must it? Thats exactly what politicians do. They express solutions succintly and shrewdly. Trouble is they are mostly electioneering lies. Words are cheap. OCCUPY is about more than a few cheap words. Its about taking back the space to discuss ideas other than those that are spoonfed to us. Its about having discussions other than only the ones we are supposed to have, framed in different ways to the ways we are supposed to have them framed for us. And Having them in an ongoing constant and slowly building manner rather than as a once off quickly forgotten ephemeral "two minute hate" release of steam government approved event like a march.
Why do you say "OCCUPY will be regarded as a circus" if they don't do what the politicians do. Its clear that what the politicians do is the real circus here. And we are the clowns for falling for their cheap lying words.
Irish people don't believe cheap words anymore. They will believe OCCUPY when they see that they are still here creating a vital ongoing growing public space to discuss and make connections in a few months time instead of conducting ephemeral well behaved marches that are ignored or twisted by media, or making clever electioneering speeches.
Its more important to take back the space to have discussion than to produce a few slogans
The "Occupy Dame Street" protest camp site outside the Central Bank in Dublin has been dismantled by gardaí.
The encampment was established last October as part of the global anti-capitalist "Occupy" movement.
Gardaí moved in on the camp at 3.30am and dismantled and removed a number of structures and tents on the site as protesters were held back.
As many as 100 gardaí were involved in the operation, and Dame Street was cordoned off from Trinity College to George's Street. The area was cleared and then cleaned by council workers.
The move comes following recent calls on the protesters to leave the Central Bank plaza ahead of the St Patrick's Day parade.
Wednesday May 16, 2012 21:55 : At 4.30am this morning the Occupy Galway camp was forcibly removed by Gardai and Council workers. At 1pm we held a public assembly with around 100 people in attendance. The mood at the assembly was one of determination and optimism and it was agreed by all that the fight is only just getting started!
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get latest #occupyireland news from the TWEET machine
Occupy Dame Street - Birthday Celebration - 4 Weeks
(FB invite: )Come join us on Saturday the 5th of November #occupydamestreet will hold a Barn Raiser and 'Birthday Party' to celebrate and build on four weeks of continuous occupation of the Central Bank Plaza.
To mark the occasion #occupydamestreet will call together all of those who have participated in the occupation to date.
A 'Barn Raising' will take place from 9am onward where the infrastructure of the camp will be solidified and developed. The birthday party involving, a large group of artists exhibiting, music, an open mic for entertainers, kazoos, reunions and a big cake will take place between 2.30 and 5.30pm.
After the party #occupydamestreet will hold, as is usual at the site of the occupation, a general assembly at 6pm. The assembly will focus on reflecting on the past and future of the occupation.
Vids of Occupy Dame Street - Birthday Celebration
Occupy Dame Street is now 4 weeks old! To celebrate ODS held a birthday party at which a stream of musicians and passers by joined in over the course of the day and evening. The video also contains an interview with Kevin, who spoke rousingly on day one, about his hopes for the future of Occupy Dame Street.Vid : Occupy Dame Street: 4 weeks - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
view more of the great vids put together covering #occupydamestreet by Dave Donnellan at
The earlier vid with Kevin is found at : Occupy Dame Street: Day One
Full vid of the b-day party can be viewed of the archive of the LIVESTREAM that went out:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Whats the buzz down in Dame St?
There has bee loads of positive reviews of whats been going on, Unkie Dave was doing really great nearly nightly reporting after many hours doing stuff to help keep all the things going in the camp, flick through his blog to get a feeling for the pure magic thats happening down there. Heres 1 article: - Jazz Hands
The General Assemblies are an open and collaborative affair, a way for everyone to have their voices heard, news and announcements to be shared and for the #OccupyDameStreet movement to take its collective decisions. Anyone can participate in these meetings, even if they have just arrived at the site, and a system of hand gestures is used to show agreement, disagreement or to raise points of order and information, the idea being that if you just agree with something, you can show your agreement by waving your hands in the air, there's no need for everyone to speak just to say, 'I agree with her". If this idea had been introduced to the last office I worked in, our department meetings would have been over in five minutes and we'd all have had more time for the important things like coffee and sleeping. As agreement is reached through consensus, an awful lot of hand-waving takes place and the effect has come to be lovingly referred to as "Jazz Hands".Smooth.
Summaries of his articles appear also at
Happy Birthday Occupy Dame Street - ye are all fuc*ing legends, thanks and respect. ROCK ON!!!
#OccupyDameStreet GA (general assembly, complete with JAZZ HANDS)
The revolution is being LIVESTREAMED
Tent Town @ Dame street + Irish debt figures projected onto Central Bank
Another day andother general assembly in Dame Street, 4 weeks on and its gone from 1 to 6 #OCCUPY spots on the island
Caption: Video Id: 31684450 Type: Vimeo
Occupy Dame Street: 4 weeks - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Caption: Video Id: 30239170 Type: Vimeo
Occupy Dame Street: Day One
#OccupyDameStreet Wishlist
"So let the music keep your spirits high" is a line from a great song by Jackson Browne, that was made famous for many Irish by Christy Moore; "Before The Deluge".
Anyway down in Dame Street, down by the banks of the Lee, out on windswept Eyre Square, up by writers square, out with the blahs down in the Deise or up and making trouble up in Tír Conall...
Aswell as plotting and scheming, building tent cities, making, sharing out and eating food, doing the wash up, managing live streams, giving the odd interview to RTE or TV3, agreeing with those shaking jazz hands, chatting passionately with a stranger over a cup of tea, sitting in wonder, drying off wet socks, composing a poem... (the list goes on, all part of making Revolution) There has been a whole host of cracking music, from both people down living in the camps and also people who have come down to visit... So heres a bit of a list, granted it wont be a full one, of whats be going on...
(12oct - day 5)
Occupy dame street crew: We dont want to fight no more...
The Mighty Stef: "Milk" + "Born to Run" to come, I'll leave ye with the wise words from that song by Jackson Browne, who knows, seeing as how this thing is really taking off around Ireland, soon we might even see Christy coming down for a tune, now that would be something:
Jackson Browne : Before The Deluge
Some of them were dreamers
And some of them were fools
Who were making plans and thinking of the future
With the energy of the innocent
They were gathering the tools
They would need to make their journey back to nature
While the sand slipped through the opening
And their hands reached for the golden ring
With their hearts they turned to each other's heart for refuge
In the troubled years that came before the deluge
Some of them knew pleasure
And some of them knew pain
And for some of them it was only the moment that mattered
And on the brave and crazy wings of youth
They went flying around in the rain
And their feathers, once so fine, grew torn and tattered
And in the end they traded their tired wings
For the resignation that living brings
And exchanged love's bright and fragile glow
For the glitter and the rouge
And in the moment they were swept before the deluge
Now let the music keep our spirits high
And let the buildings keep our children dry
Let creation reveal it's secrets by and by
By and by--
When the light that's lost within us reaches the sky
Some of them were angry
At the way the earth was abused
By the men who learned how to forge her beauty into power
And they struggled to protect her from them
Only to be confused
By the magnitude of her fury in the final hour
And when the sand was gone and the time arrived
In the naked dawn only a few survived
And in attempts to understand a thing so simple and so huge
Believed that they were meant to live after the deluge
Now let the music keep our spirits high
And let the buildings keep our children dry
Let creation reveal it's secrets by and by
By and by--
When the light that's lost within us reaches the sky
Christy Moore : before the deluge Video Id: RzgSJxgvJdo Type: Youtube Video
Occupy dame street crew: We dont want to fight no more...
Caption: Video Id: 9iBjL-JLCkY Type: Youtube Video
The Mighty Stef: "Milk" + "Born to Run"
Dundalk folk-punk-poet Jinx Lennon performed at the Occupy Dame Street demonstration outside the Central Bank, Dublin, on 20th October 2011 (Day 13)
2 faced pricks CAN'T KEEP EVERY1 HAPPY PROTEST DAY! must forgive the cunts Lennon : Unknown title
Caption: Video Id: o4Yq2yPrqc8 Type: Youtube Video
Jinx Lennon : BIG PROTEST DAY!
Caption: Video Id: QVgPkHzkHao Type: Youtube Video
#OccupyDameStreet - Jinx Lennon
Billy read out the following message to the assembled crowd from #OccupyLondon:
Dear occupy Dublin, you are beautiful. Never doubt that what you are doing is important and relevant and makes a great difference. You give us a chance to see how the world can be if we only want it enough. We are the future and we refuse to pay for theirs any longer...
dlúthpháirtíochta (solidarity as gaeilge)
*** He sang the following tunes:
1 - Which side are you on
2 - There is power in a union
3 - The Internationale
Occupy Dame Street ft BillyBragg : Intro + Which side are you on (with a little early tek sound problem)
Occupy Dame Street: Billy Bragg singing 'There is power in a union' 22nd October 2011
Related articles:
#OccupyDameStreet March + Billy Bragg secret solidarity gig:
Occupy Dame Street article:
#OccupyDameStreet - The Internationale Unites the Human Race
So let the music... Billy Bragg belts out the tunes at #OccupyDameStreet
A great crowd at #OccupyDameStreet for Billy Bragg's free solidarity gig, off the back of a truck
#OccupyDameStreet - The Internationale Unites the Human Race
Caption: Video Id: XQzfmwJw-fQ Type: Youtube Video
Billy Bragg singing
Caption: Video Id: 9AL8_ElpStg Type: Youtube Video
Billy Bragg- The Internationale
Occupy Dame Street: Michael Franti (Oct 25th - Day 18)
Franti brought 15 minutes of pure sunshine to Dame Street after the wettest day on camp so far.article/100801
vid at
Michael Franti : 15 minutes of pure sunshine to Dame Street after the wettest day
Caption: Video Id: 31126499 Type: Vimeo
Michael Franti : 15 minutes of pure sunshine to Dame Street after the wettest day
Barley Mob: You'll Never Be Lost When You've Got Music Barley Mob performing "You'll Never Be Lost When You've Got Music" for Occupy Dame Street Protest Camp at the Central Bank in Dublin city centre. October 15th, 2011
Folsom Prison Blues & Stand Up, Rise Up to Eamon De Staic, for recording and uploading these, great energy in the street...
Barley Mob: Stand Up, Rise Up, Big Up WWWWOOOO HHOOOOOO
Caption: Video Id: 4ok8k0wJzng Type: Youtube Video
Barley Mob: You
Caption: Video Id: qz2JQwwFoYE Type: Youtube Video
Barley Mob: Folsom Prison Blues & Stand Up, Rise Up
Occupy Dame Street - Trad session - Early Day Five (guitar and mandolin) Dame Street, Dublin, Ireland - 12-10-11 - Irish music session at the camp
(flutes n fiddles everywhere, if tis music you want, you should come to #OccupyDameStreet... This one went out on the LIVESTREAM)
Deux Jeune Filles a #OccupyDameStreet
Deux Jeune Filles Chanteuese a Chanson prochaine du Encampment au le Banc Central du L'Irlande a Rue Dame en Dublin contre le gross Bankers elite et IMF/Two Young Girls Sing at the Central Bank of Ireland Encampment in Dame Street Dublin against the Big Banking Elite and IMF.27eme octobre 2011.
Un L'homme ivresse pres et aural per meme secondes/A Drunken man was nearby and can be heard for a few seconds.
So let the music... #OccupyDameStreet Part 6 - A bit of trad
Trad session at #occupydamestreet goes out to world via LIVESTREAM
So let the music... #OccupyDameStreet Part 6 - a little french ditty
Caption: Video Id: ohs2mWECK6M Type: Youtube Video
Flutes n fiddles everywhere, if tis music you want, you should come to #OccupyDameStreet
Caption: Video Id: wKC48J95iLs Type: Youtube Video
Deux Jeune Filles a #OccupyDameStreet
And of course, its not only in the BIG SHMOKE that all the music is going on, oh no no... some great stuff from the other corners of the island, heres a little bit from the Peoples Repulic, the Rebels of Cork
Paddy Nash - Greedy Little Man- Occupy Cork is, as far as I know, from Derry and was touring with Billy Bragg... This is a great great song with one of the best lines Ive heard "I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you.... and your little dog"
Occupy Cork, friday 21st Oct, trad session bragg at occupy cork: There is power in the union**** Keep updated on stuff at CORK's Youtbube channel : Music at OC
Paddy Nash - Greedy Little Man- Occupy Cork : "I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you, I'll shit on you.... and your little dog"
Caption: Video Id: qqU3ZRVFI_0 Type: Youtube Video
Paddy Nash - Greedy Little Man- Occupy Cork
Caption: Video Id: B_t9Tu2XA1E Type: Youtube Video
Occupy Cork, friday 21st Oct, trad session
Just visited the folks at occupy Galway camp tonight for a chat. Spent a few hours helping out a bit with late night security and chatting to the public and some of the occupiers. Getting quite cold here in Galway now. But the late night drinkers are more of an issue than the cold. Some isolated drunken abuse but mainly a very positive response from the public.
A very friendly welcoming (and hardy!) bunch of people at the camp. Holding up well under trying conditions. Their resolve seems strong.
Solidarity folks and thanks for your kind hospitality. Hope to be back again soon for another visit.
Best wishes to all
wageslave (personal capacity)
The occupy dame street protest is already hijacked by the swp who send at least 5 members to every general assembly meeting every evening. ODS are naïve as they do not even get speakers to declare which party they represent before taking the mic and the swp always speak. At Mondays meeting UK main swp head John Molyyneux took the mic ¾ times. Some of the ODS seem flattered to be asked to meetings with the unions. They seem to be backtracking on what they decided last week which was to not work inside the system and went to a meeting with the swp TD, the trade unions and the Leader of the swp, Kieran Allen. They will be played like puppets by savvier political players in my opinion. The swp are currently dong their best to wreck the ULA by insisting on sharing a platform with the labour Party. So if you share a platform with the Swp and they share a platform Labour how is that staying outside the system.
At least the socialist party have the respect stay away. It’s actually a bit off-putting to unaligned political activists to go to meetings there and see it monopolised by swp. They seem to have ignored the position of ODS which was to not work with political parties. ODS should make thier position clear and show strength or else they will lose support. Everyone knows the swp will use them to try to recruit more followers for their own party as that’s always their main objective. Any sharing a platform with political parties would serve only the high profile people like RBB and Dr. Allen who want to boost there own profile by claiming ownership of ODS and claim ODS supporters as their own. We’ve seen it all before.
What ye are doing is brilliant, keep up the good work and don't loose hope. There will be light at the end of the tunnel, but we all may have to do some more and get them going in every town in the country/world. Can anyone please help me organise one to begin in Limerick
You are not the only one with gripes about the SWP..but I do find all this generic swiping puzzling...was it Behan said the first item on every Irish political agenda is the split?
I've encountered them over the years, had disagreements as well as common ground, and retained my independence without getting into destructive argumentation while the usual suspects laugh at the disarray from the sidelines.
Kieran Allen has written a couple of useful books...I've also argued with him..but found he is capable of listening...maybe I just expect less perfection in my potential allies...and just as I dont go along with robotic ideological dogmatists..neither do i expect any movement to be an agreeable hive of clones of my outlook.
I've aslo had disagreements with Eamonn McCann, but respect a lot of what he has done..have you given Raytheon any headaches?
And where I do disagree with people in organisations I am reluctant to join, i dont generally attack the organisation...I attack the ideas I disagree with. It minimises the sectarianism. The more you personalise it, the less rational the debate. Rationality is already not our strong point, lets not reduce it further.
As for 'staying outside the system'...that smacks of sloganeering and empty rhetoric...we're all locked in the system in my understanding of the term.. so I suggest you elaborate and clarify your terms, unless you have some economic universe of your own that facilitates such pristine detachment.
I think the fear of the swp causing a split at ODS is a rational fear. How can they really think they have the right to come in and try and change the consensus system. They really should have a bit more respect. It is really obnoxiuos that thier members don't bother to do the hand signs, Keiran Allen should have instructed them to do the jazz hands. The whole movement is supposed to be about direct democracy not swp domination.
will happen..and there wil always be intervention by provocateurs...get used to it...the trick is to follow the positive energy and ideas...and challenge individuals, whatever their alignments, who shift into negativity and sectarian bickering...meantime here are a few ideas for consideration that might be more fruitful for debate and discussion.
Caption: Video Id: 32346707 Type: Vimeo
Day 41
Many thanx Dave for the vid updates from Dame St.
London Catholic Worker has spent the past month supporting Occupy at St. Paul's Cathedral
We do this because a lot of the themes down there resonate with what we are trying to do at Giseppe Conlon House in Harringay/ democracy, nonviolence, hospitality to the homeless, anti-capitalism, moving on from marching form A to B as the state sanctioned form of "legitiamate protest"
Here's a speech I gave at the "Sermon on the Steps" before the Cathedral dropped its eviction plans
(just scroll down to the vid clip marked Occupy)
There's quite a few Irish and Australian activists at Occupy it's been great catching up on the news from home.
The scene is healthy here....lot of tolerance for the variety of politics and world views in the mix, lots of interaction with workers and tourists and now a huge building has been occupied nearby (empty USB Bank Dylan would say "if ya not busy being born, ya busy dying!"
Did you see this
Retired Phily police captain arrested at NCY Occupy Wall Street
As DanBerrigan would say "Just don't do something, stand there!"
Stay staunch
There are only two types of people in this world. The predators and grazers. And the predators always get to the top because they are prepared to fight to get there and to consume people and things that get in their way. The others haven't the nerve or the courage or the ruthlessness or the hunger. So the world is governed by the predators who become the potentates. And the potentates are never satisfied. They must go on and on seeking more the currency they worship. Power, power and more power. If you think that there is enough of it to be taken and it needs a war to grab, you get a war. The rest the so-called idealism is a load of cock. The big battalions always wins, the press always approves and the grazers get conned into believing it.
..a recount.
I'm sure there are at least 5 types. Funny how a false premise can lead you up a cul de sac of cynical apathy. I'm not into rose-tinted optimism. shit no, but we do outnumber the idiots. Dont join them, dont feed them. Let them eat their gold. We feed them, our mistake.
May be "99%" true
Those within the press who disagree get sucked dry, chewed, digested, swallowed up, or vomited out.
Is it time then to start a new press for Occupy Dame Street? Just an idea.
I thought this was part of that op.
From Tahrir to Oakland and all stations NSEW..remains to be seen how long the windows stay open...
Remarkable scenes of nonviolent resistance to in the face pepper spraying at Occupy U.C. Davis, California
I recall receiving hospitality, shelter and food from students of U.C. Davis as a hundred of us walked against the death penalty from Sacremento to San Quentin in 1989. These recent scenes of courage, dignity and nonviolent resistance from U.C. Davis students in the face of growing fascism in the U.S. is deeply inspiring.
Stills, Vid & Interview following in the face pepper spray of students at Occupy U.C. Davis, California
U.C. Davis Vice Chancellor gets the silent treatment during her walk of shame. Students are calling for her to resign
How the "Masonic" Goldman Sachs Bankers are strengthening their control over Europe in really major ways, and featuring our very own home grown Irish Globalist Mr Peter Sutherland (former Attorney General of the Republic of Ireland):
Just returned home for a whole afternoon in the city centre, observing, chatting with people and taking part in Pre-Budeget protest march, hosted by the alliance against cuts and Dublin Council of Trade Unions. Media is reporting "..less than 2,000" people turning out (RTE News webpage). We need more people on the streets in the next 2 weeks; many, many more: for non-violent, direction action tactics also. A number of issues arise if the language used during protests speeches at GPO is to reverberate around the nation: 1. Collaborative actions between CCUPY camps in Ireland experienced, politically aligned and non-aligned activist and middle-ranking trade union leaders (not top leaders contaminated by discredited Partnership model) with O is VITAL and must be based on mutual respect and trust, so that an agreed platform. That way you build credibility with wider range of key players and sustain credibility with the public. 2. As one who's been around the margins of the Green Party and Labour Party for over 12 years, I'm keenly aware of the danger of self-delusion and arrogant, ego-centrism (Gilmore is full of these days!). Servant Leadership - humility, charismatic and visionary, is urgently need; not reactionary self-serving egoits. The people are crying out for from their apathy and cynicism. 3. Having visited (at least 3 times since October) OCCUPY DAME ST (and subscribed), I sense a degree of naeivety and apolitical self-delusion. OCCUPY is in danger of infantile notions. Politics and polity are not dirty words; they are essential to civilisation and civil society. If OCCUPY wishes to be more than a passing fad, it must engage in real world politics, not vague, wishful thinking. Working people, the old, poor, marginalised, disabled all have a just claim to political solutions. If OCCUPY cannot articulate and express solutions, succinctly and shrewdly, it will be regarded as circus. I sincerely hope and pray that OCCUPY has the capacity to built strategic alliances with a view to raising the appalling poor, quality of social and political consciousness amongst vast swathes of the Irish electorate. Tea, soup, welcomes, drums, marching, chats, discussions, and hip hop freestylin'. Check it out y'all!
Caption: Video Id: 33322018 Type: Vimeo
Christy in Dame Street
"If OCCUPY wishes to be more than a passing fad, it must engage in real world politics, not vague, wishful thinking. Working people, the old, poor, marginalised, disabled all have a just claim to political solutions. If OCCUPY cannot articulate and express solutions, succinctly and shrewdly, it will be regarded as circus."
Must it? Thats exactly what politicians do. They express solutions succintly and shrewdly. Trouble is they are mostly electioneering lies. Words are cheap. OCCUPY is about more than a few cheap words. Its about taking back the space to discuss ideas other than those that are spoonfed to us. Its about having discussions other than only the ones we are supposed to have, framed in different ways to the ways we are supposed to have them framed for us. And Having them in an ongoing constant and slowly building manner rather than as a once off quickly forgotten ephemeral "two minute hate" release of steam government approved event like a march.
Why do you say "OCCUPY will be regarded as a circus" if they don't do what the politicians do. Its clear that what the politicians do is the real circus here. And we are the clowns for falling for their cheap lying words.
Irish people don't believe cheap words anymore. They will believe OCCUPY when they see that they are still here creating a vital ongoing growing public space to discuss and make connections in a few months time instead of conducting ephemeral well behaved marches that are ignored or twisted by media, or making clever electioneering speeches.
Its more important to take back the space to have discussion than to produce a few slogans
*** #occupydamestreet has been evicted, protest today in the city
*** OCCUPY PADDY'S DAY - genius :-)
'Occupy Dame St' protest camp dismantled by gardaí
The "Occupy Dame Street" protest camp site outside the Central Bank in Dublin has been dismantled by gardaí.
The encampment was established last October as part of the global anti-capitalist "Occupy" movement.
Gardaí moved in on the camp at 3.30am and dismantled and removed a number of structures and tents on the site as protesters were held back.
As many as 100 gardaí were involved in the operation, and Dame Street was cordoned off from Trinity College to George's Street. The area was cleared and then cleaned by council workers.
The move comes following recent calls on the protesters to leave the Central Bank plaza ahead of the St Patrick's Day parade.
A protest is planned at the site for later today.
Occupy Galway Forcibly Evicted In The Dead of Night by Gardai.
Wednesday May 16, 2012 21:55 : At 4.30am this morning the Occupy Galway camp was forcibly removed by Gardai and Council workers. At 1pm we held a public assembly with around 100 people in attendance. The mood at the assembly was one of determination and optimism and it was agreed by all that the fight is only just getting started!