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Public Inquiry >> Fetch failure for http://humanrights.ie/feed/. Last Retry Saturday September 25, 2021 02:37 How Can a Book About Science Denialism Ignore the Most Pervasive Forms of Science Denialism? Sun Sep 26, 2021 14:58 | Toby Young We're introducing a new section to the Daily Sceptic today: Reviews. We're also publishing our first ever book review in which Dr. Bo Winegard writes about How to Talk to a Science Denier by Lee McIntyre. It's a stinker! The post How Can a Book About Science Denialism Ignore the Most Pervasive Forms of Science Denialism? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
Lancet?s Panel Investigating Covid Origins Disbanded Because of Ties to Peter Daszak Sun Sep 26, 2021 11:45 | Michael Curzon A panel of scientists affiliated to the Lancet which has been investigating the origins of Covid has been disbanded because of its ties to Peter Daszak, the President of EcoHealth Alliance. The post Lancet?s Panel Investigating Covid Origins Disbanded Because of Ties to Peter Daszak appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
Does COVID-19 Have a Hidden Helper That Sometimes Makes it Deadly? Sun Sep 26, 2021 07:00 | Will Jones The Spanish flu and Swine flu are both made much worse when a particular bacterium is present at the same time. Could Covid behave similarly? The post Does COVID-19 Have a Hidden Helper That Sometimes Makes it Deadly? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
News Round-Up Sun Sep 26, 2021 00:01 | Michael Curzon A summary of all the most interesting stories that have appeared about politicians? efforts to control the virus ? and other acts of hubris and folly ? not just in Britain, but around the world. The post News Round-Up appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
Dutch Protest Against Vaccine Passports Sat Sep 25, 2021 22:12 | Michael Curzon People have gathered in The Hague, Netherlands, to protest against the "medical apartheid" barring those who haven't been vaccinated or tested for Covid from bars, restaurants and theatres. The post Dutch Protest Against Vaccine Passports appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
Lockdown Skeptics >> | Of the 3 Jabs From the West the Only One That Is Not mRNA Gene Therapy Is Getting All the Grief international | health / disability issues | news report Wednesday March 17, 2021 11:48 by 1 of indy As usual the least insane one gets all the hate 21 governments have suspended AstraZeneca:and yet it is the most conventional vaccine whilst the others use the untried and untested dangerous method of inserting mRNA. A cynic might say this is a ploy to get people to take the mRNA vaccine.
21 governments have suspended AstraZeneca: Germany, France and Italy temporarily suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine on Monday, joining a growing list of nations that paused use of the vaccine in recent days over concerns that it might be tied to blood clots. In addition, a further 18 countries have also suspended the experimental vaccine from being foisted on the public. They include: Spain, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Iceland, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Estonia, Lithuania, Thailand, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Romania, South Africa, Luxembourg, and Latvia.
The root of the raising of suspicion has to do with the EU covering for its incompetent, entitled, and arrogant handling of vaccine procurement: Last summer, several EU member states decided to start negotiations on securing supplies of the AZ and Pfizer vaccines. However, this can-do approach was quickly snuffed out in favour of an EU-led approach. After months of wrangling, deals with AZ and Pfizer were put in place far too late. In addition, EU medicines regulators took far longer to approve the vaccines than elsewhere, only giving the green light to Pfizer in late December and AZ at the end of January. Then there was an almighty spat between the EU and AZ over supplies. While the UK was ramping up its vaccine programme, the EU was fuming at AZ’s warning that there were production problems, leading to a temporary shortfall. Things got so bad that the Commission unilaterally decided that it would effectively tear up the Northern Ireland Protocol on the off chance that some vaccine doses might get to the UK via Ireland – a decision that was swiftly reversed.
After it failed to secure the coveted AZ jab in time the EU then started acting like a shunned and hurt suitor going the “I never liked you anyway” route and casting doubt on the quality of the vaccine. But here is the thing. Of the trio of the Western-made vaccines, there is no reason to single out AZ as the most unsafe, and at least one reason not to. Unlike the other two, at least AZ is a classical vaccine. It’s a devil we (partly) know. Pfizer’s and Moderna’s concoctions however are mRNA gene therapies that have never before been used on humans. Perhaps mRNA turns out to be super safe and the best thing after sliced bread, but there is no way in hell that you conduct your very first human gene therapy on the entire humanity at once, including the majority which is not at risk, and after such brief trials (phase three won’t be completed until 2023) that can’t possibly test for long-term effects. That just doesn’t make any mathematical sense whatsoever. https://anti-empire.com/will-an-rna-vaccine-permanently-alter-my-dna/ All three concoctions are A) of dubious anti-COVID value, B) completely unnecessary for 80% of the population anyway, and C) carry unknowable long-term risk. (As well as known short-term risk.) But with Pfizer and Moderna there is an extra dimension to the unknowable because even the technology the rushed injections are based on is experimental. Gun to the head, if you needed to inject yourself with one of the three, the AZ has the smallest risk component that is unknowable. Yet as coincidence would have it, that is precisely the one of the three that is getting suspended and which meets with mainstream doubt. From an MD: https://anti-empire.com/will-an-rna-vaccine-permanently-alter-my-dna/ My professional opinion is that since RNA vaccines are a new mode of delivering vaccines, they should be tested for 5-10 years to demonstrate that genetic modification is not a major concern. In addition, all coronavirus vaccines, regardless of type, should be tested for an equal duration to show that ADE is not a concern. It is absolutely impossible to rule out these safety concerns in less than a year. TAGS: Vaccine |