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Serial Killer May Have Been Special Branch Agent![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Prime Suspect in disappearances of young women both sides of border scrutinised by Nuala O'Loan
The prime suspect in the disappearance of Castlederg teenager Arlene Arkinson, as well as a number of young women in the Republic, may have been working as a Special Branch agent throughout the time of those disappearances. Robert Howard, the man who gave Arlene Arkinson a lift home from Bundoran on the night she disappeared without trace was recently cleared of her murder at a trial in Belfast. It emerged after he was cleared that he had a previous conviction for the kidnap, rape and murder of another young girl in England during the 1970s. Legal experts have now said that this would have been admissable in the court but still the PSNI never made it part of their case. Nuala O'Loan is now investigating why the PSNI witheld this information. Local MP Pat Doherty , the Arkinson family and many local people in Castlederg are convinced that at the time of the murder Howard was a spy for RUC Special Branch in the Castlederg area. It has also emerged that at the time of Arlene's disappearance Howard was out on bail (despite his long history of sexual assaults, kidnap and murder) for attacking and raping another Castlederg woman. Despite his depraved and murderous history (which was known to police) and the fact that he was the last person Arlene Arkinson was seen in the company of - Howard was only arrested and questioned about her disappearance after the Arkinson family went to the Sunday World. Unbelievably, after the Arkinson family publicised the fact that Howard had left Bundoran heading for Castlederg with the girl, the RUC then descended on the Arkinson family home and dug up their garden in full view of television cameras which accompanied them. This gave the public at large the impression that Arlene's family were somehow implicated in her disappearance, or at least that senior detectives believed so. It has also emerged that the Detective originally responsible for investigating Arlene's disappearance, Special Branch officer Eric Anderson, was the same man tasked with leading the RUC investigation into the Omagh bombing. After an investigation by Nuala O'Loan into his handling of that case it emerged that hundreds of pieces of evidence and eyewitness satements were tampered with or destroyed completely. Evidence that security forces both sides of the border had advance knowledge of the bombing and that Special Branch agents played a central role in it was witheld by detective Anderson, who has since retired. Irish born Howard, who is now a prime suspect in the murder and disappearance of numerous young women in the 26 counties, also regularly crossed the border from the village of Castlederg (were he settled in the late 1980s). Local people in the Tyrone border village claim he appeared from nowhere and had no connections with the village at all. Despite being unemployed he seemed never to be short of money and was never stopped by police despite having no tax or insurance. Following local suspicion over his involvement in Arlene Arkinson's murder Howard left Castlederg and moved south to live in the Republic. It was when he moved to the 26 counties that the disappearances of numerous young women began and carried on for years. These disappearances are widely believed to be the work of a serial killer and as yet no-one has been brought to justice for them. Nuala O'Loan is now investigating the claims that Howard was a Special Branch agent. If he is guilty and if a blind eye was turned to his activities it will be yet another damning indictment of Britain's use of murderous agents in their dirty intelligence war. Whether Howard was an agent, of which many in Castlederg are now convinced, remains to be seen. And if he was it raises the further question as to whether the Gardai in Donegal knew about his role at the time as well. And the question mark that leaves over their investigation into the subsequent disappearances of young women in the 26 counties is a huge one. More on the story">here |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37The bit about Branchman Eric Andersons role being investigated was on BBC teletext 2 nights ago .
Ill do me best for more links as soon as I can
Branchman Eric Anderson has now admitted he witheld police files on the Arkinson murder from investigators . The exact same thing happened during his Omagh investigation too .
Confirmation too the RUC dug up the Arkinson family garden despite it being blatantly obvious who the culprit was . They knew his history and that he was the last person she was ever seen with . Despite this they left him alone and threw public suspicion on the family .
Anderson also asked for money to even talk about the case to the TV . This amn was the Special Branches top investigator .
But the crown decided not to disclose it . The suspected Special Branch agent was then found not guilty .
(I should really have put these links in original piece , wasnt thinking , sorry)
This is due to the RUC seemingly operating a "hands off policy " as regards the Cconvicted sex attacker throughout his time there . This policy is evident in their turning a blind eye even for motoring offences and their initial reluctance to even treat him as a suspect . Why a man with his background for violent sex offences was given bail despite being accused of raping another local woman remains an unanswered question as well .
Both RUC and Garda Special Branch have a long history of recruiting agents from amongst the criminal fraternity to simply spy on people in republican areas . Such agents have been known for example to hang around republican areas noting whos associating with who , or the comings and goings from different houses . One need not be from a republican background or even associate with republicans to be recruited as a special branch agent .
In the close knit communities of rural Tyrone and other places at the height of the Troubles it was virtually impossible for strangers to pass unnotticed and unremarked . Such agents performed vital tasks in Britains intelligence war , helping them build a more thorough picture of happenings on the ground through constant lowlevel intelligence . For example FRU agent " Sam Rosenfeld" a man with no republican connections at all acted as an Army spy around the very same area of the Tyrone Donegal border during that period . As well as hanging around bars and secretly taking photographs , his home was used as a safe house in hostile territory by British undercover operatives . He also transported British undercover operatives accross the border in his private car . Rosenfeld was slotted into that border area around the exact same time as Howard arrived in Castlederg , both of them having previously spent time in England .
Given the shadowy nature of the activities of these agents , especially their frequent cross border activities , the question of whether or not the authorities in the 26 counties knew of Howards background or perhaps even used him as an intelligence asset as well ( which happens regularly) should be put to the southern authorities .
If Howard was an agent for RUC Special Branch or any other arm of the British intelligence services the man certainly played a role south of the border too . It should be a matter of national importance to find out whether he was killing young girls each side of the border as well , while some of the authorities at least did not appear very concerned with apprehending him .
It is standard RUC special branch policy to employ sex offenders to become informants.
Sex offenders cooperate willingly with Ruc Special branch,and provide peelers with information, in exchange for being allowed to continue sex offending or if you like immunity from prosecution for sexual assault, etc for sex offence charges to be dropped.
Other examples are convicted peadophile Vincent McKenna.
The judicial system in Northern Ireland has a reputation for being particularly lenient towards child molesters and sex offenders, example being the Macedon care home sex abuse scandal and also Kincora.
It has been alleged in a Scottish newspaper that Mr Gallagher who son lost his life in the Omagh tragedy was under investigation at that time as a complaint had been made to the then RUC involving allegation of a sexual nature against his son, Aden
Later the same newspaper carried an article from Mr Gallagher siblings say that Mr Gallagher had sexually abused them as children.
Mr Gallagher defence was that his siblings were being bought by the IRA to 'blacken' his 'good' name
Is this yet another example of suspected sex offenders working for the British security forces?
Olga ,I'm not so convinced that McKenna was guilty. Prisoners usually get a good idea of whether fellow inmates are guilty or not .People who spent time with him in Wheatfield think that he was fitted up. His behaviour inside was consistent with that : he refused to go into a nonce's wing ; he maintained his innocence throughout his term and when he was released he didn't go into hiding .
McKenna was not treated leniently by the state as Howard was . In fact he was brought back to court to get his original sentence increased. I'm not saying he wasn't doing the state's work with his victims' groups - he was - but ,at the same time , he was threading on toes of important people within the republican movement - people that the state needed to get onside for the "peace process" to succeed.He could have been fitted up.
I understand what your saying about McKenna treading on toes Tom , but as you pointed out he was originally given a lenient sentence . It was the very public outcry by ordinary people , not politicians which had him re sentenced . Ireland was reeling from sex abuse scandals at the time and his original sentence was a public disgrace .
And his behaviour in Wheatfield is consistent with the Walter Mitty carry on he got up to on the outside . He claimed he was being persecuted there too when in fact he was sending himself hoax bombs and posting death threats to himself on a regular basis . That such a fantasist is a nonce didnt come as much of a surprise . A very weird individual , not to mention exceedingly nasty and perverted .
Anyway , back to Howard . Perhaps it would be helpful if perhaps a TD was to ask whether the Garda have a file on this individual . And if so can it be examined . If theres bits of it censored , or as in the case of Dubllin Monaghan the Gardai resist attempts to view the files and then claim theyve disappeared , people will get a fuller idea of Howards activities Im sure .
Anyone know any good TDs ?
UTVs insight are covering the case of Howard tonight . IIpm .
It emerged on last nights programme that months prior to the murder and disappearance of Arlene Arkinson , Howard kidnapped , drugged and raped another young girl in Castlederg . Special Branch detectives deliberately altered witness statements and witheld crucial evidence to ensure Howard wasnt charged with rape .
Howard from Co Laois was first convicted in a British court in the 1960s of indecently assaulting and attempting to rape a 6 year old girl .He had broken into a house and attacked the 6 year old . He was apprehended a week later breaking into same house to do it again . He was later convicted in Dublin in the 1980s of kidnapping and raping an elderly woman , a virgin , whom he tied to a bed and raped over a period of 5 hours after breaking into her house . He also was known to have carried out other indecent acts , all of which were on police files .
In 1993 16 year old Priscilla Gahan was lured by Howard to his flat in Castlederg on the pretext of meeting a local man she was attracted to . Once there she was given a drink which Howard had laced with sedatives and she passed out . She awoke the next morning naked in bed beside Howard . She became highly distressed and attempted to leave . Howard tied a rope around her neck to control her and repeatedly strangled her . She then endured a horrifying ordeal which lasted for hours , during which the 16 yr old was forced to commit indecent acts and was repeatedly raped and buggered . Howard controlled her the entire time with the noose around her neck , even when she went to the toilet . He also threatened her with a syringe . The child was convinced as time went on that Howard would kill her as the noose was tightened more and more frequently . He also told her she would be killed . Eventually she tricked Howard into removing the noose . She then jumped for her life from a second storey flat window onto a set of concrete steps below and fled straight to Castlederg RUC station .
The ordinary police on duty went straight to Howards flat were they recovered the sedatives used to incapacitate the girl , the syringe and most importantly the rope used to restrain and choke her with . Furthermore the girl had clear bruising and ligature marks around her neck and the sedatives were in her bloodstream . They police also had full knowledge of Howards previous rape and sexual assault convictions and previous psychiatric evaluations of him as a dangerous rapist and predator . Medical examination also proved that there had been recent sexual activity of the type she described .
Then Special Branch detective Eric Anderson and his team entered the frame . While questioning the girl they became highly abusive and bullying towards her , banging their fists on the table and repeatedly accusing the 16 year old of lying . They tried repeatedly to get her to change her story and admit sex had been consensual . However she stuck to her story . Inexplicably though the RUC detectives then edited her statements removing all references made to the rope which was used to choke and restrain her . The rope itself also disappeared from evidence . Howard was set free on uncontested bail , despite his known history .
When his case came to trial Priscilla Gahan was simply informed by police that she wouldnt be required to give any evidence . Her tampered witness statements were the only evidence presented against Howard . As well as that the DPP had already dropped the rape charge and instead charged with him unlawful carnal knowledge ( consensual intercourse with a 16 yr old , the age of consent then in the north was 17) . He was merely given a suspended sentence . He never served a day even on remand despite his known history as a dangerous and repeat offender . The judge originally said his suspended sentence would depend on a favourable psychiatric report . The report was far from favourable and identified him as a dangerous man (this was even though all mention of the rope was deliberately witheld from the psychiatrist as well by the detectives) . Yet inexplicably Howard was still let free to go about his business . The judge merely told him to stay away from underage girls in future .
A week before his farcical trial Howard gave a number of young people a lift to and from Bundoran , including Arlene Arkinson . He was the last person ever seen with her . But he wasnt even arrested , despite his previous history all of which was known to Andersons team of detectives . And the fact he was due on trial in a weeks time for another young girls horrific rape . RUC detectives told the Arkinson family that Howard had 2 "highly credible" witnesses to prove he hadnt left his home that night . It later emerged these highly credible witnesses were none other than himself ( a convicted serial rapist , due on trial in a weeks time) and his girlfriend , a pathetic and widely disliked local woman . Furthermore this was quickly proved to be untrue by other witnesses , yet Howard was still not taken into custody . This is despite him being in breach of numerous bail conditions , which included a curfew , his leaving the jurisdiction on the night in question and being in licensed premises . And his car which was regularly parked outside Castlederg RUC station was neither taxed nor insured . But no action was taken against him at all .
The Arkinson family continued to highlight him being the last person seen with Arlene and publicisng the fact the RUC were doing nothing about him . Branchman Anderson who was in charge of Arlenes case too then arrived at the Arkinson family home with a massive search team and forensic squad . In tow were UTV cameras and reporters . UTV confirmed the RUC had tipped them off to witness their raid . They sledgehammered their way into the Arkinson family home , dug up the front and rear gardens and garage and arrested Arlenes sisters partner in full view of the tv cameras . In the public mind it was now her family who were guilty suspects .
Even prior to Arlenes disappearance many residents of Castlederg believed Howard was a spy for the crown forces . The fact that Special Branch doctored witness statements , concealed vital evidence , attemted to get a young rape victim to change her story ( while accepting his word as gospel) , made sure he was charged with consensual sex with a 16 year old and then tried to throw public blame onto the Arkinson family themselves have only reinforced this view .
Even at his recent trial in Belfast for her murder 11 years later vital evidence was again deliberately witheld and he was found not guilty . Its clear the crown didnt just bungle his case , they actively protected this man for years . The question is why ?
"Even at his recent trial in Belfast for her murder 11 years later vital evidence was again deliberately witheld and he was found not guilty . Its clear the crown didnt just bungle his case , they actively protected this man for years . The question is why ?"
A defendants previous criminal convictions are not revealed to a jury so as not to prejudice their decision, this is not as you are trying to convince people some kind of special branch plot or MI5 plan to undermine democracy it is simply the law of the land. Have you heard of the Rehabilitation of offenders act?
By the way, have a happy Trafalgar day on behalf of the RN.
Last year the law was changed to allow a defendants bad character to be introduced to a trial if it had a direct bearing on the pattern of crime theyre accused of .
Arlene Arkinsons family and Priscilla Gahan were flown over to a court in London where Howard was being tried for the rape and murder of a 15 year old girl . Their testimony was a major part of the prosecution case . Amazingly the rope used to choke Priscilla Gahan reappeared into evidence in this case 11 years later . It had disappeared when Howard was tried for attacking her , as had all mention of it in her statements that were presented in her rape case .
The English police said that this rope was crucial to their case as the young English child was killed in exactly the same way . It established a definite pattern in Howards attacks . English police said without the Arkinsons and Ms Gahans testimony , as well as the rope ( which special Branch had witheld along with crucial statements by Ms Gahan at Howards 1993 trial) its doubtful they would have secured a conviction .
Following his conviction for murder in England Howard was flown to Belfast and put on trial for Arlene Arkinsons murder . However at his trial in the North the PSNI and prosecution service did not introduce the fact Howard had just been convicted for murdering another young girl , although they most definitely could have . Nor did they refer to Priscilla Gahans trial although they definitely could have . Their original claim that they couldnt has even been admitted by them now as false . And although closely questioned on why they didnt all the PSNI could say was " complicated legal issues" without giving any explanation . No explanation was forthcoming despite repeated requests for one at the interview .
Howard was found not guilty of Arlene Arkinsons murder simply due to the fact the PSNI and DPP chose not to introduce damning evidence into a case that they certainly could have done . They yet again deliberately witheld crucial evidence that could have convicted Howard . Thats exactly what happened when Priscilla Gahan was attacked as well .
And rooster if your going to start your usual sickening defence of all things British and establishment Id suggest you find another thread to do it in than this which has very serious and disturbing subject matter .
And I couldnt give 2 f###s what you and your sailor mates are getting up to today .
The files concerning sex offenders is not and will not be for public viewing. That includes TD's. These files are held very tightly to such an extent that rank and file Gardai like myself cannot access them without a damn good reason and prior permission.
This also includes PULSE as it records the details of any person accessing a persons file. Again, if you access a file concerning a sex offender then you better have a good reason when asked why.
Unfortunately your owm personal bias, twisting and unwillingness to be upfront with your facts and sources sours the whole thread.
The evidence of this can be seen from your (possible intentional) twisting of the law. Any law brought in can only take effect for offences commited AFTER the act was brought in.
Furthermore, please explain the difference between the DPP and the police. You seem unable to do so, its not the police that introduce evidence, its the prosecuting solicitor which is the DPP.
And finally, how often is it the police that decide a sentence? Lenient sentences are not the work of the police so again your bias shows out.
If you have genuine proof of such things then please produce it however by blaming the police for actions that are not theirs you simple show yourself to be either ignorant of the law or deliberately biased, which of course you are.
"" Barry,
The files concerning sex offenders is not and will not be for public viewing. That includes TD's. These files are held very tightly to such an extent that rank and file Gardai like myself cannot access them without a damn good reason and prior permission.
This also includes PULSE as it records the details of any person accessing a persons file. Again, if you access a file concerning a sex offender then you better have a good reason when asked why.
Unfortunately your owm personal bias, twisting and unwillingness to be upfront with your facts and sources sours the whole thread . ""
If those files are so tightly held maybe you could explain what happened in the court in Dublin today . An accused rapist walked free after all the files pertaining to the case somehow disappeared from Kilmainham Garda station . The victim ran screaming from the court . How could that happen when the files are so zealously guarded ? Eh ?
(Ill not even get into how the Dublin Monagahan files just walked as well . Any thoughts ?)
Ive think Ive thoroughly linked all my sources and publicised the fact of when the documentary was on air so people could watch it and make up their own minds . But Ill post a few more up to keep you happy . Anything in particular you think Im telling lies about ?
And your personal bias and twisting may sour the thread if your not careful .
"The evidence of this can be seen from your (possible intentional) twisting of the law. Any law brought in can only take effect for offences commited AFTER the act was brought in."
This law was used in the trial in England BEFORE the Arkinson case . It could definitely have been used . They even admit that now after they were challenged . They were telling lies the first time and were caught out .
Don't think it is possible that McKenna was fitted up as his daughter waived her anonymity to go public and tell what he had done to her....the Branch may be good at fitting people up, but in this case, it seems he was "bang to right".
I have never been convinced that mckenna was working for the brits or the branch. He was eccentric alright and whether he was a sex offender or not he had a long history of involvent with republicanism.What puzzles me about him is his change of heart to go from being a flat out republican to the whole victim buzz.
I always knew there were double-standards when it came to the definition of sinister acts by Unionists and police throughout the island, but I was shocked when i read this 24 hours ago.
More sickening than stunning is the predictability of some who jump to defend their colleagues or authorities despite knowing the horrific nature of the acts that have been perpetrated by same.
Al's conduct on this thread shouldn't inspire any confidence in the openness of our own 'police' - that impenetrable blue wall...and Al speaks of bias, twisting and lies.
The dividing line between DPP, gardaí, Government and judge may be great in theory, but the lack of prosecutions against garda offences makes that claim difficult to stand up. Obviously, the blue wall itself comes up with the suspect; frames the evidence, so to speak. The police decide who gives a statement and who doesn't, or what is relevant to a case. Without the police, the DPP is nowhere, and he know it.
When political appointments to senior positions come into play, the system looks very murcy indeed.
To me, it seemed trite somehow, when politicians lined up to condemn the latest attrocity and offer condolances to a victim's family; trite because I was never sure how genuine they were - given the selective regularity of such laments, and the one-sided nature of their invective. On this occasion, the silence from the establishment is inexcusable, especially given their penchent for leaks and accusing many through the media with no subsequent indictments.
Who could not feel outraged at the digging up of a garden to slur the name of the bereaved and to deflect attention from the SB and the truth? I've seen Al's insensitivity at work before, but his/her attempt to twist the story around to Barry's subjectivity is duplicitous and very telling.
The rank hypocrisy and dishonesty of the self-righteous and powerful in Ireland, is coming ever larger into focus for most. Doubtless, this won't be of much consolation to the families of this man's victims, but we owe it to them at least, to help put an end to this mockery called justice.
Rooster and Al - your contributions here are downright disgusting. You come onto these threads with nothing in mind other than to distort every discussion. You've been a menace on this news site and these contributions make it more transparent than ever. Everytime you pop up we should in future make a point of cross linking to this thread so that everybody can see what you are really up to.
Keep the information coming Barry - as Robbie S says this is a stunning and truly shocking story.
yes barry ,keep it coming
I allways think its interesting that people often relish the oppertuinity to recount stories of sexual humiliation with relish especialy when it places the recounter firmly on the moral high ground. Barry seems to be the indy media sexual misconduct correspondant but especialy when it places the brits or anti republicans in a bad light does anybody remember his Michael Gallagher story?
dont get me wrong Ibelieve that howard is sub-human but its good to establish motive for a post
V Mc Kenna's daughter gave extensive interviews explaining the catalougue of abuse that was inflicted upon her by her father. she took that decision so that everyone understood what an evil person he is. she said it would make her sick to listen to him lecturing about victims rights while he was sexually abusing her and threatening her with more violence if she spoke out. she had a mountain to climb to get people to believe her and it is very depressing that people would believe that little weasle over his daughter.
What does the anonymous poster have a problem with exactly ?
It was the widespread revulsion the documentary evoked which prompted me to write it . I can honestly say that its the first time Ive ever actually been surprised and truly disgusted at a member of RUC Special Branch . I always knew they were filth but that programme made me view them in a new light . Nothing , no matter how repugnant is below their capabilities .
Chief Superintendant Andersons attempt to sell details of the case to UTV after Howard was protected for years is testament to that . As was his statement that the Arkinson family should be over the moon their front and back gardens were dug up by the Branch because it meant they got a free landscape garden worth £15,000 .
But what UTV werent carrying was the widespread local belief that Howard was working for the Branch . This view is shared and has been expressed by Arlene Arkinsons family as well as the local political representative . It was widely believed locally even before Arlene Arkinson was murdered . And that should be highlighted . And given the fact that after Howard left Castlederg a number of other young women disappeared in the 26 counties it is highly relevant . Were the Gardai aware of Howards existence and if he worked for Special Branch in the north ? Was he even a suspect in these disappearances ? And if he wasnt a suspect when they were happening why not ? He was clearly a very dangerous man and the murder of Arlene Arkinson most likely took place in the 26 counties . Of course we all know now about how corrupt the Gardai in Donegal were in the mid 90s too .These are major questions that need asked in the 26 counties as well .
Unfortunately the Gardai have established a disgraceful track record in turning a blind eye to and even covering up murders carried out by people with links to the British crown forces . They are still covering up for the serial killers who slaughtered Irish citizens in Dublin Monaghan Dundalk and Kildare . How else could all the files suddenly disappear in their entirety from Garda custody ? So Howards case should be a cause for major concern . Questions definitely need to be asked of the guards as to whether Howard figured in any of their investigations .
And whoever this anonymous poster is attacking myself for highlighting this case I would ask why ? The case of Howard isnt about sexual misconduct , its about brutal murders and rapes you fucking slimeball . Sexual misconduct is about diddling your secretary or a gay affair . Im not reporting this with relish as its one of the few news subjects which has made me truly personally angry and disgusted .
Child sexual abuse isnt sexual misconduct either . The story about Michel Gallagher isnt my story , its the story of his brothers and sisters who suffered abuse at his hands for years . They went public with their story but the media and the police ignored them . And Gallagher was questioned about molesting his son too . Highlighting this given his self appointed political role as a crusader for justice is totally relevant . The top branchman in that area was Chief Superintendant Anderson after all . Are you saying he wouldnt protect a child molester if he was useful to the state ?
This story is absolutely shocking . Its sickening to think about it . Why are people attacking Barry for telling it ? Cant understand this for the life of me :(
did this guy have friends or protectors among Garda detectives ? Files from our Garda stations have quite a habit of going missing it appears.
This story has ramifications for a lot of organisations on all sorts of levels. This needs to be discussed and brought to the public attention. I doubt that this will go away - or we should not let it. Well done Barry.
hope the link works
I have today stumbled across your web site and read with interest comments relating to my person. Someone suggessted that I was allegedly abusing my daughter when at the same time I was a Human Rights activist, wrong the allegations pre-date my Human Rights activities in Belfast and actually relate to my time as amember of Sinn Fein/IRA, I do not use this term as a denounciation of Sinn Fein but the facts speak for themselves I was a members of both Sinn Fein and the IRA.
My campaign in Belfast against both republican and loyalist groupings has been fully vindicated by the fact that the IRA Army Council abandoned it's military arsenal, thats all I wanted as the good name of Irish Republicanism was being sectarianised and criminalised all over the world by a handful of thugs based in places such as the Shortstrand and south Armagh.
What some of your contributors did not mention was the fact that my case was reopened by the Court of Criminal Appeal in Dublin 22 November 2004, why do you think the national press or the lurid Brit tabloids have not carried that story. My conviction will be overturned, it will take time but I am not the first Irishman to be the victim of a miscarrage of Justice and have to wait many years for justice to be done.
For those contributors who know so little about the allegation of sexual criminality, In 1999 Sr Nora Wall and Pablo Mc Cabe were sentneced to live in prison in the Cebtral Criminal Court in Dublin by the most senior Irish judge hearing such cases of alleged sexual crime, Judge Paul Carney, two weeks after being sentenced to life in prison Sr Nora Wall and Pablo Mc Cabe were released as the alleged victim admitted that she had in fact made up her story of rape and sexual assault, the jury were convinced as was judge Carney, I know so many people wish I were guilty but sorry to disapoint those people but I will have my name cleared.
As for working for the Brits, I am not the one sitting in a British Partitionist Stormont, I am not the one being paid salary and expences by British paymasters, I am not the one on my knees to British or Freestate Ministers. Time ofr the black propaganda to stop and reality to begin.
Is Mise
Vincent Mc Kenna
If this comment is indeed from the sex offender McKenna. it reminds of other fabrications and bullshit he has come out with in the past.
Such As:
It is a foul lie and slander that I have been interviewed by the Garda regarding sexual abuse allegations. It is Provo propaganda."
"I will not be charged with anything by the Monaghan Garda."
"I can pick up the phone and talk directly to David Trimble, Ronnie Flanagan and leading British politicians."
more info:
People around the six counties and beyond won't forget what this twisted man did to his daughter Sorcha and the fact he made her endure the ordeal over and over again in the courtroom.
with no wespect
"People around the six counties and beyond won't forget what this twisted man did to his daughter Sorcha and the fact he made her endure the ordeal over and over again in the courtroom"
Just to remind the shinner above, what McKenna says is accurate, he was a member of S.F(same cumann as Caoimhin O'Caolain T.D)at the time the offences took place, resident in a predominently Republican housing estate.
Strange that the Republicans on here lambast one serial killer yet would exalt others like Jim Lynagh, Sean Hughes and Mad Dog McGlinchey.
As for abusing children, I'm sure what happened to Jonathan Ball and Tim Parry could fairly be described as "abuse".
Then again, consistent thinking isn't something we should expect of IRA/SF.
Kincora House ring any bells?
is a term for the us marine corps. This dd is proud to be associated with the genocide inflicted on the peopleof iraq by the scum he serves.
And then he complains about jim lynagh and others. Devil Dog, while you soujourned in the latest imperial possession of the us govt Jim Lynagh was risking his life in pursuit of an ideal. Still you would be prefer be a us mercenary.
Oh, look! The Devil Dog store is closing down due to a lack of custom!
Some might find it strange that Devil Dog would chose to highlight the work of only some of those who he sees as serial killers and child abusers from the recent conflict, when so many others could neatly fit the bill. But a visit to the archives would educate them about the somewhat partisan views of this long time supporter of US and British state murder gangs.
I was just reading that the GP at the centre of the Vincent Mc Kenna case has admitted that she gave unlicenced mind altering drugs to the victim in that case - this case is not over yet I think - strange things starting to unfold.
If this doctor is giving illeagal drugs to a child surely the authorities should be asking her some serious questions. Has she been questioned about this yet?
The drugging of children is nothing new> last year Elan were fined $203 million for bribing Drs to prescribe children dangerous medication. A slightly bigger fine than Novartis who were fined $152 for the same sordid carry-on. However, nowhere near the darlings of Ireland, Pfizer who amassed criminal fines of nearly $3BILLION for the same craic. Don't think it doesn't happen here and that it doesn't play havoc with kids' minds...