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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18Willie O'Dea - a man who embodies the best of Limerick gangland culture.
I thought it was only SF members who had a fetish for weapons.
Is FF considering resuming an armed campaign?
Has Aiken's "dump arms" order been lifted?
Can we trust this man?
Listen you fuckers, you screwheads. Here's a man who would not take it anymore. Who would not let...Listen you fuckers, you screwheads. Here's a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit, here is someone who stood up. HERE IS
The Irish Defense Minister From Limerick Cracking Down On Reality In Your Favourite Broadsheet This AM
Everybody knows that when you aim a gun you should make sure that the foresight is aligned with the rear sight and both are aligned with the eye. Holding the automatic pistol as he does in the photo he would miss his target by a mile - one leads by example. as Minister For Defence. What sort of message does it send to our troops? What sort of message does it send to our enemies?
Willie must immediately resign!
If you continue to protest at Shannon, this might be the last thing you ever see.
Oh dear, I see that Willie is still somewhat confused, judging by his remarks reported in the media today. He says that any remarks that refer to the possibility of Ireland being an attack for a terror target are "inciting hatred" - yet allowing war planes to refuel on their way to dropping chemical weapons, or giving the CIA torture express a little spot to pause on their way to the illegal prison in Guantanamo is perfectly alright. In fact, its been going on for over 50 years. Its part of who we are. But according to Willie, we arent part of any military alliance. No way.
Anyone else see the contradiction here?
Maybe FF will ask some of the thousands of US troops passing through Shannon to come up and sort out the gang problem in Dublin, seeing as how they cant seem to do anything constructive about it. Looks like Willie's already getting in on the action too.
I first saw this image on indymedia ireland, but becuase I only quickly glanced at it, thought it was a composite image.
Then Later in the evening I saw it on other news sites and the horrible realisation set in.
_Its a grimacing minister of government pointing a hand arm at the press_. & he's not even holding it properly. Look at that weasel eye and the sight of the gun. Where's the bullet going to go? Exactly pretty off the mark. This is the sort of man who would need dum dum bullets and extra ammunition. The most repulsive thing is that Ireland has no shortage of people who can point handguns properly and use them regularly. That we be discussing this latest act of publicity seeking shock from the FF leadership hopeful Willie the same week that they unveil their last "pre-election" welfare sweetie budget genuinely makes me feel sick. This was utterly irresponsible and offensive. SHAME on WILLY!
especially ones talking about him and petrel and shannon and illegal wars and war crimes
FF Watch had already posted this photo and a short accompanying text yesterday but it was removed.
Will the ship sink or is there going to be another vicious and patriotic war to quell the american sheeple?
I reckon that telegraph report ( about phasing out mil use of shannon is the most cynical of each way bets. These people are going to buy and sell the country again with the citizens own money as ipsiphi's namesake ( ) would say.
Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International. Nov. 10-11, 2005. N=1,002 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (for all adults).
"We'd like your opinion of the way George W. Bush is handling certain aspects of his job. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bush is handling the situation in Iraq?"
Approve Disapprove Unsure
% % %
30 65 5
"the dail reshuffled"
willie and his weapon in "the dail reshuffled"
Well, the photo may not portray a good image of him but he is doing the right thing-Cracking down on islamic extremists that incite racism against Ireland. What are you saying so? That Anjem Chorduary (the islamic cleric) is right for inciting hatred against the Irish? Seeing some of the defensive remarks here on behalf Anjem Chorduary really makes me sick that people can't open their eyes and realise that BOTH sides (The U.S military and radical Islamists) are wrong.
Willie O'Dea's toy soldiers
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Minister O'Dea should have known better than to let himself be pictured on the front of two national newspaper fooling around with a pistol. The reaction, though foreseeable, has completely missed the point.
First, in few countries would it be considered noteworthy, let alone grounds for criticism, for the Minister of Defence to be photographed with military personnel or equipment. Much of the condemnation seemed as upset or outraged by the Minister being around guns as by the childishness of his behaviour.
Though there are a few people on Indymedia from time to time who will try to defend US imperialism, it's been a long time since I've seen anyone seriously try to defend extremist islamic views on this website. That said, people here seem to be generally in favour of free speech, and opposed to censorship in the name of "national security".
By any objective reading of the Qu'ran, its plain to see that muslims are entitled to defend themselves against invasion and occupation. That principle of self-defence is so universal that the UN Charter at Article 51 even acknowledges it (we're all allowed to protect ourselves from attack, provided that we stick to the rules in doing so).
The Qu'ran explains what's fair game in armed conflict, so again, any objective reading of that book will give you an idea of what sensible, moderate muslims are entitled/called upon to do. They're not supposed to kill the innocent, poison or destroy food, or do any of the other stuff forbidden by modern laws of war.
It's been a long time since you've seen anyone seriously try to defend extremist islamic views on this website?! Ahhh, what are most of the other comments defending Anjem Chorduary here all about?!! What is your comment about?! Your comment is defending an islamic extremist who has threatened to attack Ireland. I am against the occupation of Iraq like anybody else....ok. But the likes of this Islamo fascist who came over to Dublin to make a remark that incites racism against the Irish is outrageous. There may very well be a struggle going on to free a country from occupation, just like N.Ireland. But there are Islamic extremists out there who are intent on attacking non-muslims (including us). What you forgot to mention about the Koran is that it states there is only one god and that a muslim has a right to hate a non-muslim. That incites hatred, doesn't it? You seem to be dying to see Ireland attacked and then you will try to defend that as well. People like you are giving Anjem Chorduary a platform for his fascist views.
it is reported by rte this afternoon that ["has given the go ahead for Irish troops to serve with EU battle groups. These formations are being set up by the EU as a rapid deployment force to stop potential unrest in many locations around the world from deteriorating into major crises. The groups would involve an estimated 1,500 troops which could be sent within days to a trouble spot for a period of about three months. 22 EU states have already committed to the groups."]
so, there you have it, na lig sinn i gcothu, we're going down the merrion road with 9mm willie to put our sons' and daughters'
lives at risk to thrash the Iranian embassy.
oh and he said this won't effect irish neutrality. of course not.
we eat bacon, sausages, drink beer and whisky, buy porn, and have our own opinions about the girl on girl action, and don't deny the holocaust. : who would have thought eh? Anyway, I don't need to tell ye, that 9mm willie wants to be taoiseach (lehandakari) some day. Part of our task (which is to educate the young and old alike on all aspects of political intercourse) is to ensure that 9mm willie never is taoiseach and that big swining mickey mc dowell is in his last 200 days of ministry.
both "9mm willie" and "big swinging mickey mc dowell" are © iosaf mac diarmada. unlike the cartoons on muhammad of course. I'd be well pissed off if I were that cartoonist with the death threat but no republishing royalties. "the ways of capitalism".
Hes just a civilian who doesnt know much about holding a pistol.
Give the guy a break, im sure any civvie would do the same unless he/she is a hippie.