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Dutch Ex-PM and other Shell executives try to exclude locals![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Erris people confront Shell executives at secret meeting
It became known that a further meeting was to take place in the community centre in Greannaí, a short distance from Rossport, to discuss with locals the problems to date. An impromptu group of people, residents directly affected by the proposed refinery and associated pipeline, converged on the venue to take part in the event. On arrival they were informed this was yet another private meeting, and were refused entry. This reflected an earlier statement from Shell that the team were seeking to meet with non-opposing landowners only. Clearly an unacceptable situation, the people asserted their right to be involved in any debate on something which affected their community so seriously, and in what was supposed to be their own community centre! The Gardaí present (as part of the security laid on for Shell) wisely used their discretion and allowed access to the gathering group. Related Links:Shell to Sea Rossport Solidarity Camp Mayo Indymedia Inside, a surprised looking collection huddled together to talk over the new arrangement. The team included Andy Pyle MD Shell Exploration & Production Ireland Ltd (SEPIL); Nina Henderson, Non-executive Director of Shell Transport; and Wim Kok, former Dutch Finance Minister, Prime Minister, and Royal Dutch Supervisory Board member. What followed was an informal, virtually one-sided debate on the conduct of Shell in the area. The people were highly insulted by the further attempt to exclude them from proper discussion, a fact that had continued to contribute to the growing rift between the developers and the community ever since the project was announced. Andy Pyle attempted to justify the admitted mix-up over invitations by blaming the Rossport Five for not wishing to meet the team, and this was taken that everyone in Erris opposed to the current project were not interested. The fact that protests by hundreds of people at the Bellanaboy refinery site had taken place, and that thousands of people nationally and internationally had voiced their displeasure at the actions of the oils giants, seemed to be totally ignored by SEPIL, who had been charged with organising the meetings. Some hard truths were presented to the executives who were informed that, given their past and current actions (here in Ireland and further afield in places such as Nigeria), under no circumstances would an experimental and potentially lethal refinery and pipeline be tolerated in the area. The not-so-polite message was, "wake up and pull out ... the people of Erris are not for sale!" The evening passed off without incident (due in large part to the Gardaí handling things in a sensitive manner; unusual of late but very welcome) and the Shell crew left among cheers, jeers and even a few fireworks. The people on the ground, the people who have been living with this ongoing nightmare and the ones that really count, had finally got a chance to let the hitherto faceless corporations know what they really desired; a peaceful existence in a beautiful and unspoilt part of the world. Surely not too much to ask.
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Wim Kok hears some unwelcome news
Bríd Ní Sheighin confronts Andy Pyle over comments about the Rossport Five
Wim Kok and Maura Harrington exchage views as the team leave
What did the former PM with the cushy directors job say?
The people of Mayo in struggle against Shell have the popular support of the Irish people. It is only through underhandedness and hiring thugs from McDowell that Shell have even a slight chance of getting that pipe laid down.
We have seen what Shell are capable of in Nigeria and cannot let that happen again.
¡No Pasarán!
Would like to hear mroe about the exhcanges.
I'm sure Maura Harrington gave Shell & Co plenty to think about, and Brid looks like she was about to deliver a similar burst of "wake up and smell the roses" to the dodgy diggers.
Fair play to all involved. A good example to others of not lying down to wait to be rolled over!
Ros Dumhach Abu!
Is maith go bhfuil daoine ag labhairt le daoine .i. go bhfuil an pobal a bheas thíos ag ligint a meon leis na daoine a dhéanann na socraithe i leith na mbearta.
Beirigí bua.
Great report and photos- those are the best pictures of Andy Pyle anywhere on the web!
About 30-40 protesters gathered at Kildare Street to meet the arrival of Wim Kok and the boys for their meeting with Mayo TD's. Presumably in the light of last night's exchanges, the delegation from Shell decided to sneak in the back door.
Hopefully there should be a bit on the TV news tonight- Sky and RTÉ were there as well as newspaper photographers.
More Dublin protests to come- if you want to be kept informed, send an email to and ask to be put on the mailing list- include a mobile number if you want to receive texts.
Good to see the pressure being kept up.
Even better to see the Gardaí earn some good press. I hope this becomes the norm.
Shell's little march of dictatorship seems to be blowing up in their faces, literally in some quarters.
Solidarity with the victims and protestors, and Shell out.
How ridiculous the anti-shell protestors looked barging into a meeting what sheer nonsense.
How uncooperative and bold the rossport 5 look not even accepting the invitation to join in talks cop on and start talking because the gas is coming in no matter how many meetings ye try to barge.
$Hell Oil will have a major refuelling station at the Galway international Car Rally next weekend.
The $Hell Rigs will be set up @
Portumna Mart on Saturday 4th,
Ballinasloe Mart on Sunday 5th.
Nice work JM.
Be reminded, ye Government readers of Independent Media Ireland, that this project is not gonna happen. Simple as that.
Some more photos from the Shell directors visit to Erris Co. Mayo, (Thursday 25 Jan).
Shell to sea campaigners are denied access to Shell meeting in the Broadhaven Bay hotel
Erris Shell to Sea attempt to gain access to private Shell-PEGG (pro erris gas group) meeting, the door is manned by the cops and a PEGG member
PEGG member attempt to prevent Shell to Sea campaigners and Rossport residents from attending the meeting
worried shell directors huddle inside the meeting hall
Andy Pyle with non-executive directors Vim Kok (third from left) and Nina Henderson (second from right) line up inside the meeting
From wikipedia. Seems like Rossport will be getting raw resource extraction while the richer parts of Europe get a "knowledge economy".
its amazing to look at pictures from last nights meeting and to think that anti-gas protesters could have the audacity to barge into a private meeting.Good God will ye ever cop on and give a chance to the shell group to try and give answers to the other residents who want to listen and talk to shell.any meeting that has gone on so far has been hijacked by shell to sea activists. there are more people in Erris, who want to listen and have their say without others shouting.I myself am not a pro-gas nor an anti-gas individual, however i do think each side should be given fair-play.and don't come back saying that the protesters were harrassed or abused, from what I heard of last nights meeting it was the other side that was !!!
for clarity:
Who re PEGG?
As it says in the photo caption above
Group supposedly made up of local organisations, sporting clubs, business associations, hoteliers etc. in Erris.
Issued press release last autumn claiming that practically every voluntary group in Erris was in favour of the Corrib gas pipe line, only to have most of the organisations mentioned deny all connection with the group.
A fact which wasn't taken up much by the mainstream media (apart from the Western People).
Were responsible for putting the story out that Shell would pay a large contribution to local coffers to avoid having to dismantle the stretch of pipeline they'd illegally constructed.
I wonder who exactly they are and who's funding them?
The truth about this meeting is that the mob would not let those who HAVE consented to let the pipeline through their lands talk to Shell. Their is only 3 Landowners who oppose this pipeline. Of the other 2 of the Rossport 5, one doenst own the land and the other lives over 4 miles away!!
So have the majority of the consenting landowners, 25, being stopped by a minority from speaking with Shell.
You talk about democracy.
Its time you woke up and understand that that the real local people get on with Shell.
What surprised me from the pictures is how little Shell to Sea could muster up to face Andy Pyle.
Fae facts the gas is good for Mayo and the real local are growing very tired of your behaviour.
Predictable but still annoying to read drivel which abuses the word 'truth' - in capitals mo léan!
The TRUTH of the matter is that those who have maintained the courage of their convictions over the years have not been afraid to speak out when it wasn't popular to do so.
Let those who hide behind pseudonyms come out from Shell's monied embrace behind closed doors and say in person what they would have us believe is the truth.
Would be vaguely interesting to see whether 'THE TRUTH', 'stunned' and 'amused' are three seperate bits of corporate fluff or just one dysfunctional piece of corporate s*** (and they or it can't sue me anonomously!!).
See you at the gates sunshine(s)!!
The Truth should examine the facts. Since the crux of the issue that people have with the proposed pipeline development is the safety issue, then who owns the land is an irrelevance. Many consenting landowners own the land through which the pipeline is proposed to go, but their houses are not near the pipeline!! Therefore, no safety risks to themselves. Furthermore, people were told that if they did not consent, that the land would be taken off them anyway! Free will and consent my foot. Also, there are people whose houses are within the safety distance from the pipeline who do not own the land and were therefore not considered or consulted when plans were being made - obviously, the aim of the game was to get hold of the land as quickly as possible, and to totally disregard concerns people might have, particularly those who would have to take the risk! Truth indeed.
"Stunned" refers to anti-gas protestors. I don't know of any anti-gas protestors. I only know of anti-pipeline protestors. This is constantly being fudged by the pro-pipeline (or call yourselves pro-gas if you wish) people and by the politicians and media. No-one objects to gas being brought ashore as long at is done in a safe way, and in a way that respects the local environment.
Gas would be good for Mayo. Gas being provided to Mayo towns in another issue altogether. If the Government isn't allowed to subsidise Aer Lingus it will hardly be allowed to subsidise Bord Gáis in order to furnish gas to Ballina or Castlebar or other towns in Mayo. This has nothing to do with the technical matter of how gas is actually to be brought ashore.
"Stunned" talks about "pro-gas" and "anti-gas" people. Just to clarify: NONE of the gas that will/would come ashore through Rossport will be piped to any town in Mayo. That has been confirmed by Shell E&P Ireland. Apart from short-term jobs involved in laying the pipe and building the refinery, there is virtually no benefit to Erris or Mayo from the project.
Former Dutch prime minister Wim Kok has said his Royal Dutch Shell delegation "understands the hurt" caused last year in north Mayo over the Corrib gas project, and a "partnership with the local community is the only way forward".
The delegation from Royal Dutch Shell's social responsibility committee has gained a "deep understanding" of the "challenges and issues" which surround the Corrib gas project, Mr Kok said before the three non-executive directors met Mayo TDs in Dublin yesterday.
"It is our intention to bring the clear messages we've heard over the past two days to the highest levels of management in Shell," Mr Kok said, referring to a series of private meetings which the committee delegation held in Mayo and Dublin.
However, Mayo TD Dr Jerry Cowley (Ind) says that unless the company seeks a safer option for its gas terminal, such sentiments were "poppycock". The visit was a "purely orchestrated cosmetic exercise" designed to put further pressure on the Government before construction resumed, he said. He had conveyed his views to the delegation in Dublin yesterday, he said.
Dr Cowley's constituency colleagues Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny and Independent TD Beverley Flynn described the private meetings as "useful", and said the delegation seemed to be willing to listen. Mr Kenny said he had highlighted safety issues and "serious mistakes" made in the past by the company, the Government and Mayo County Council, while also discussing energy issues in the broader European context.
Ms Flynn said she also referred to safety issues and "the fact that people in Mayo need to know what is in this project for them", including a gas supply. "This whole issue will only be resolved in the context of benefits to the county," she said.
Fine Gael TD Michael Ring said he told the delegation that "the proposal as it is now" to bring gas ashore "would have to be changed and Shell would have to look at other options.
"This gas won't be coming through Rossport, and the sooner the company realises that the better," Mr Ring told The Irish Times after his meeting. During the consecutive discussions, a protest was held outside the Dáil by members of the Shell to Sea campaign.
Shell E&P Ireland has rejected claims that the committee's visit was a public relations exercise, and says the various discussions were held in private for several reasons relating to stock exchange rules and the company's concern not to prejudice the Government's safety review of the onshore pipeline. A final version of the safety review by Advantica consultants has been given to Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural resources Noel Dempsey.
The company has confirmed that it issued written invitations to "consenting landowners", and verbal invitations to "non-consenting landowners" and the Rossport five via an "independent third party".
The five men held their first formal mediation with former Ictu secretary-general Peter Cassells this week and declined to meet the Royal Dutch Shell delegation for that reason. However, Mr Cassells did meet the visiting delegation.
The delegation did hear the views of some 60 opponents of the project on Wednesday night, when a group arrived into a scheduled meeting with some 15 "consenting landowners" in Cornboy. Ms Maura Harrington of the Shell to Sea campaign said the Shell non-executive directors were "left in no doubt" about the level of anxiety and anger over the project. The company declined to comment but it is understood the delegation was quite shaken by the charged atmosphere.
Lorna Siggins
© The Irish Times
Another very successful protest at short notice outside the Dail today. It appears to me that "the protest" has becoming more unified,better organised, more effective and more national during the "ceasefire" following the release of the five. Our arguments are geeting through. The PR professionals from Shell seem to have launched themselves into yet another PR night mare.
The bigger their "gun" the more they seem to point it at their own feet and pull...
The look on their faces!
Even their, no doubt, well paid "trolls" on this particular thread seem kinda half hearted and confused on the issues
bear bua!
Anyone hear of 'Petroceltic'?
good? evil? indifferent? just curious.
archived here:
Shell is expected to downgrade the estimated size of the Corrib gasfield by about $2bn worth of gas to take account of conservative new accounting policies and problems with the gas reservoir.
Oil industry sources said that a quarter of the Corrib reservoir is extremely problematic, and that there is no guarantee the gas contained in this section can be recovered, forcing Shell into a downgrade of recoverable reserves in order to stay in line with conservative new accounting practices.
One of its partners in the Corrib field, the US firm Marathon, has already reduced the share of Corrib it regards as proven by 145m barrels of oil equivalent (MBOE) or 84bn cubic feet of gas.
Irish Independent
Archived in full, here...
Apart from not wanting to see a pipeline the next time I come home I hate to hear people being divided over something that has originated from a desire to exploit natural resources.
I have a question: Are we opposed to the mining of mother earth (save the bogs, thank you...) and if the crux is the passing of gas (they have pills for that too...) from a gas-field through a pipeline, what if any, are the alternatives for transport of this natural resource?
And - what could Shell be doing to offset the harvesting of that resource eg windfarms/tree planting/solar development etc
I wonder if the natural gas couldn't truly be turned into a windfall for Erris?
The objections are simply to the construction of an unusual, unprecedentedly dangerous high-pressure pipeline next to residents. The alternative is simple: process the gas offshore and pipe the processed gas at a safer low pressure as is standard in the industry. If you take the time to read the article and the links in it then you'll find that your question is answered in detail and very clearly by the people involved and your miscomprehension will clear.
No one has anything to say besides risible? I am trying to learn and understand here, only a couple of thousand miles away. I understand the objections to a refinery in Ballinaboy and agree not to want a dangerous and unsightly pipeline in the bay. What is being done to convince the Shellers that an alternative is more lucrative since that is what they are after!? When is the last time you caught a fly with vinegar? And, yes, it's easy for me to sit here far away and muse. Well at least I am musing. Some don't even know or care.
Mise le meas - Alex
QUOTE: "What is being done to convince the Shellers that an alternative is more lucrative since that is what they are after!?"
You've got hold of the wrong end of the stick in more ways than one:
First, you're just asking questions, not providing news or info. This is a news site. Read the editorial guidelines (see link in left column). This is not a site for debate. The comments section exists solely for the purpose of adding or correcting information in the stories posted in the newswire.
Second, the residents of Rossport don't need to "provide a more lucrative alternative". Shell has already been handed a vast amount of petroleum at a ludicrously low price. The modest demands of the Rossport people for their own safety cut marginally into the massive profits Shell stands to make.
Third, it's entirely possible that the heavy-handed approach of Shell has drawn attention to the unfair and questionable allocation of Irish national resources by an earlier corrupt government. It is my hope that this possibly unenforceable contract will be rescinded. All thanks to Shell being greedy buggers.
News is meant to be helpful. Check other contributions for content, direction/abuse. I am not the enemy. I tell people here to boycott Shell for what is happening in Rossport. Support this ite for what it's worth and that's my piece of news -
Wrong end of the stick?
Over and out.