United Community of Erris Remove Shell Nets.
mayo |
environment |
Monday April 27, 2009 09:30
by Niall Harnett - Shell to Sea / Rossport Solidarity Camp
rossportsolidaritycamp at gmail dot com
086 8444966

“There is no land that can rightfully be called ‘Shell’s land’. This land is our land”. – Local Resident
Shell nets collected, shredded and bagged for export
(by a united community)
Following a cowardly and vicious attack in the dead of night by Shell mercenaries on Willie Corduff in the early hours of Thursday 23rd April 2009, members of the Erris community assisted by national supporters opposed to the Shell Corrib Gas Project, united at 3pm on Sunday 26th April to rid the Glengad beach and cliffs of Shell nets.
Nets covering mounds of rubble on the Shell site at Glengad were removed also, as Shell security retreated from their usual positions on top of the cliff and inside the perimeter fence surrounding the site.
The fence was cut open by local residents who proceeded to remove and shred the nets before carrying them to the gates of the Shell site which was being guarded by quite a large force of Gardaí.
Related Links from Indymedia.ie:
Previous Indymedia feature: Shell security attack Willie Corduff after illegal Glengad compound dismantled
Previous Indymedia feature: Scuffles At Mountjoy As Maura Harrington Is Jailed
Indymedia.ie stories about Shell in Mayo from the Indymedia.ie Archives
Other articles by Niall Harnett on Indymedia.ie
Related Links outside of Indymedia.ie
The website of Shell-to-Sea - CorribSOS.com
Feel like doing something? Contact all politicians about this - Contact.ie
What is now crystal clear in the minds of the Erris community following lies copied and pasted from statements issued by Garda Supt. Michael Larkin and Chief Superintendent Tony McNamara into national media in the last few days, is the collusion between the State, An Garda Síochána, and Shell in the escalation of violent force executed and planned indefinitely against a local community engaged in a fight for its life.
Integrated Risk Management Services (IRMS), Shell’s security at Glengad, headed up by ex-Irish Army Ranger, Jim Farrell, in collusion with An Garda Síochána, are to blame for the vicious attack by up to 10 trained thugs, all dressed in black from head to toe, who beat Willie Corduff into submission, for fear of his life, when he refused to come out from under the wheels of a Shell truck this week. "I thought they were trying to kill me," Corduff said. "They beat me until I stopped moving and I heard one of them say, 'Stop now lads, he's nearly finished.' "
A Community Meeting on Friday 24th last, called in response to the attack, galvanised the local community who are resolved that they will not allow their community be taken over by trained thugs and killers who want to control this area for Shell, into the foreseeable future. “These boys are here to stay”, said one local resident, “Eamon Ryan is responsible for the importation of these scum into our community. Someone is going to get killed if this goes on and Ryan will be to blame”.
A joint press statement calling for an independent international investigation of recent events was put out from community activist groups Shell to Sea, Pobal Le Cheile, Pobal Chill Chomain and the Rossport Solidarity Camp, this weekend.
The community came together again today to remove the Shell netting at the cliff and on the Shell site at Glengad to demonstrate to Shell and the Government that this community will not be beaten back by the violent force which the State is willing to use against its citizens, for Shell.
“The State has been subverted by Shell, it’s down to the people to protect themselves,” said another local resident. And all community groups are agreed.
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A Communiy United and Undaunted by Recent Attacks.
Mind how you go there, Mary!
Right click on pics to enlarge in new window.
Delivery for Shell.
Hi !
Well done to all concerned - time well spent !
"No better way is there to learn to love nature than to understand art. It dignifies every flower of the field . And the boy who sees the thing of beauty which is a bird on the wing becomes when transferred to wood or canvas will probably not throw the customary stone . What we want is something spiritual added to life. Nothing is so ignoble that art cannot sancify it."
(Oscar Wilde)
A round of applause for the community of Erris and all National supporters who assisted in this defensive action. Should have sent a few bags of netting down to the Green Party HQ in Dublin.
The photos are great, they capture the unbending spirit and resolve of the local community.
PS, Would it be possible to nominate Erris for this years Tidy Towns after this clean-up, Slan.
LEGEND, if that's not inspirational, what is?
Well done to all involved,great to see that the spirit of the Erris people will not be broken under any circumstances.
Regards to all, and to Willie and Family
Wonderful spirit.
You have my admiration.
(Where can I get those pink wellies?)
Great action, great pics, thanks Niall...
Will be interesting to see the differences between the way the "authorities" treat the alleged assualt by Maura and the beating Willy took .. although I suspect I already know the answer to that...
See yee in Erris very soon,
shell to sea abú
Brilliant action and great pics N
Truly isnpiing stuff as always from the Western warriors and comrades
See you all down there very soon
They shall not pass!
Inspirational is the right word.
Does my heart good just to read it and see the pictures of people who won't lie down for lies or roll over for thugs.
I'll try make it up that way soon. Beir bua.
great answer to the thuggery!
let this spirit prevail.
all the best to willie and everyone in erris.
What is stunningly obvious from these pictures is that the local community is united in its opposition to this refinery.
We see a large group ordinary, moderate, everyday people acting as one to send a clear message to their oppressors.
No state or corporation can face down such unity and conviction.
Shame on those who have tried to make criminals of decent people.
I had to laugh looking at these pictures. What a terrifying group of thugs! It's easy to see what the Gardai and the security people are so frightened of...and what a bunch of fools the media have been buying into that crass depiction of this ordinary, beleaguered community. Shame on them for their laziness and wilful ignorance.
Great work - well done! All the best to Willie & family, & all these courageous folk. Off to work now - we'll be with you soon.....
While it's disgusting that Willie Corduff had to be assaulted in this fashion , it does mean that the clandestine tactics of the Shell security have been exposed in a very loud way. Some of the men that these companies seem to attract are violent fantasists , pumped up on anabolic steroids and the urge to control. They're on the doors of pubs and nightclubs the length and breadth of this country and they're intention is to intimidate. Seeing those photographs of the local people marching together was inspiring , I come from a rural background myself and seeing the community spirit and strength on those peoples faces was powerful . Struggles such as those of the community under siege in Mayo are revealing the ugly , malignant , quasi facist element in our society. So more power to the decent people who only seek to assert their right to their own health , safety and prosperity and let those who seek to take what is not theirs to take be sent marching home with their tails between their legs.
I am delighted to see the protestors taking positive action against the traitors that are abusing their civil rights. ABSOLUTELY WELL DONE FOLKS.
Darragh Calleary should be hounded constantly now that he is promoted to j'r minister also the Greens and opposition parties should recieve the wrath of a community fighting for justice withe little hope of getting it from these con men.
Positive action is the only way to oppose treason.
The silent citizens of this country should hang their heads in shame. By their silence they are Condoning Garda corruption and lies and giving permission to Gards and private mercenaries to commit murder.
The media likewise are on a campaign to spread lies and deciet and are putting brave peoples lives at risk.
Tell all of the political scum to go to hell in the upcoming election, only support the honest ones IF YOU CAN FIND ANY.
well done everybody in Erris , lets hope more people seehrough the lies that our Government now feeds us on a daily bases .
Well said ,"old codger".
State tyranny,Judical tyranny and the use of Shell,s Mercenaries against your own people,There is,nt much lower they can go. Well done To all concerned ,YOU truly are an example to all.YOU are the true Guardians of our COUNTRY.
It seems to me the protestors in these photographs represent many other people apart from themselves.
It's as though they are saying:
"We, the People of the Republic of Ireland, say no to Shell's thuggery, and to our own Government's corruption: and we mean NO."
Mighty work lads, as always, an inspiration, to those in Ireland and beyond. So hearthening to see the community stand up against the very sinister beating of Willie Corduff, by the way, has the Western People covered this story accurately? has anyone covered it accurately? If so please include links or scanned copies. Keep strong, keep inspiring, and we will continue to do our best beyond the shores to assist the struggle. As the man from Bolivia said in the solidarity camp a few years back "Your struggle is our struggle", how long will it take untill the people of Ireland rise with you to demand back the resources given away by thieves to thieves? I, for one, am hopefull that Ireland is slowly awakening again:
What’s happening in Bolivia?
It seems that the state has failed the people, and has allowed for an even new low, the nod for the "security" groups to violently beat lawful peaceful protestors. If this is the case, and if there is sufficient energy and desire, might the people who have battled so hard (the pipeline, emigration, land rights, famine..) take necessary steps and proclaim themselves:
The independant peoples republic of Rossport
Limerick Soviet 90 years on - Guided Walking Tour
Derry 1968
Caption: Video Id: 957 Type: Politube
The Plunder - Shell and the Irish Governments robbery of the Irish people
As if the issue of the high pressure untreated gas pipeline, and the gas giveaway wasn't bad enough in itself, there are other issues out there that the public should bear in mind, and we should bring to their attention, either through rallies in towns and cities, leaflets, posters, banner drops, graffitti or subvertising.
This government will ignore the law when it suits, oppressing people and directly leading to further corruption of the Garda Siochana.
This government will ignore the wishes of the public (just like they did with Nice 1 and Lisbon 1 votes)
This government thinks only of short term gains, and while they wish to drag us into closer alliance with NATO through their PfP swindle and the EDA proposed under the Lisbon treaty, they will actually make us MORE vunerable to the whims of the Kremlin, by giving away the Corrib field, which can be exported, while Gazprom (the Russian State Gas Company, formerly controlled by the current Russian President) has entered the Irish gas market.
So, lots done... yup. Corrupting the cops, and taking them away from fighting criminal gangs, oppressing peaceful people who want to prevent a gas giveaway and dangerous project, insulting the nation, and removing a bg chunk of our energy security and opening us up to the Kremlin's tactic of creating gas shortages in the EU whenever it wants to flex its muscle.
What a bunch of craven morons we have running this country... into the ground.
Face of private security in Ireland .
free hand to act as they wish while Garda stand by.
private security on a summers day
Garda bystanders allow beatings and intimidation
a wonderful action
inspiring to us all
we on the South Coast understand that the struggle befalling you in Mayo, could just as easily befall us.
our neighbours at Ringaskiddy have their own current battle with the State and with the corporates, still at the polite info war phase of an oral hearing.
the hauling of the nets
the right response
to the happenings of that grave dark night
when the known unknowns in uniforms
attributed to guards and ghouls alike
dispensed the most primitive injustice
on the wrong exposed head.
cast your nets and haul in
the endangered Atlantic catch;
that contaminated shell,
pocked and sullied with weakening royal lines,
unencumbered by conscience,
all adrift on westward ocean.
ye who walk from beach to compound
carrying the burden of corporate dross
each step of yours
a thousand steps
for those who would be with you
identifying with your struggle
empathising with the resistance of your community
pledged to resist the dark forces facing you
inspired by your simple, inevitable, community action
we walk each step you walk.
May Willie Corduff make a complete recovery.
May the perpetrators of the assault be brought to justice
May the compound be disbanded
May the State revoke the security contract
May the Guards be reassigned
May a dialogue commence
until the will of the community
is finally,
and fully,
The Mayo News,
for the truth and expert journalism, Cox of the Sindo and Murtagh of the IT take note if that is possible.
Dear Minister Ryan,
YOU met Willie Corduff before. You did not see him last week when he was treated at the Mayo General Hospital after he was attacked by men in balaclavas inside Shell’s compound in Glengad. The same night another balaclava-clad group broke in from the outside, causing considerable damage and injuring a security guard
The indomitible spirit of the Erris community is inspirational. Thank you for continuing to provide a beacon of inspiration to the mass of Irish people. Taking on the corporate elite and their state protectors and media mouthpieces is a tiring but rewarding task. Go néirí libh. Best wishes to Willy and family.
"The great only appear great when we are on our knees". JC
just wanted to add this video , please try and spreed it , maybe if people see it they might just think