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Lockdowns: The Damage Thus Far

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Saturday November 27, 2021 18:50author by Gary Jordanauthor email thecovid19illusion at protonmail dot comauthor address NA Report this post to the editors

Why We Should Not Allow Them To Happen Again

They have damaged the lives of far too many!

In March 2020, on the admittedly erroneous, evidence-devoid impulse of one Professor Neil Ferguson of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded Imperial College London, bought-and-paid-for, Davos-controlled governments all around the world took the unprecedented action of shutting down their economies and placing the world’s population under house arrest in a move that would officially kick start a New World Order. The concepts of international medical tyranny, mandatory vaccination programs, police state totalitarianism and centralised Globalist Fascism, once considered mere fantasies of raving mad conspiracy theorists, became all too real for billions of citizens across the globe ever since and, to date, show no sign of disappearing.

Following months of the Ferguson-inspired technocratic enslavement of an all-too-compliant citizenry, the vast majority of the public soon longed to have their regular lives back. Many were willing to do anything for at least some semblance of normality - up to and including accepting injections of experimental, toxic, synthetic mRNA-loaded dreck into their bodies. Having done this, though, they soon discovered that there was still no end to the dystopian nightmare. Vaccines would have to be followed up with more vaccines. Social distancing would have to remain in place. Masks would have to be worn at all times. And, yes, lockdowns would have to be reimposed.

20 months on from the initiation of the masses into the COVID cult, many nations across Europe and in other parts of the world - despite the roll-out of a vaccine we were once told was hugely effective - are been plunged again into lockdown. Yet again, people are been prohibited from making a living and forced onto meagre government socialist programs. Yet again, businesses are being ordered to shut their doors and, yet again, people are being pushed into isolation and loneliness. Some nations, such as the Netherlands, Slovakia and Austria, have opted to lock down their people completely, regardless of vaccination status. In other nations, such as the United Kingdom, so-called experts are suggesting that a lockdown be enforced only on those who are unvaccinated. Regardless, of whether entire populations are imprisoned or if it is only the unvaccinated who are forced into solitary confinement, one thing we can be sure of is that lockdowns have nothing to do with public health. It has been irrefutably demonstrated, over an almost two year period that, even if we were experiencing an actual pandemic as opposed to the fake outbreak that many are deceived with today, lockdowns do not work.

For proof of this, we only need to look at Sweden - a nation that never once locked down its population during the supposed pandemic. Last week, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the UK released a report which shows age-adjusted excess mortality figures for European countries, covering the period between January 2020 to June 2021. What it established was that the level of mortality in the Scandinavian country during this time was lower than the five-year average, meaning that, despite refusing to implement Fascist lockdowns, the nation experienced no excess deaths at all. In fact, the complete opposite happened, with fewer people dying in the midst of a so-called pandemic than in the 5 years prior.

A viral pandemic in which fewer people die than during, say, a regular flu season is better known to some people, such as myself, as an ‘illusory pandemic’ or a ‘global hoax’. But I digress.

It is worth bearing in mind that, in April 2020, researchers in Sweden created a simulated forecast of COVID-19 deaths in their country based on the exact same models used by Neil Ferguson and Imperial College. They, like Professor Doomsday, predicted that a catastrophe would occur should the Swedish government fail to lock down their people and projected that there would be over 100,000 deaths before June of that year if they didn’t follow the same protocols as the rest of the world. Mercifully, Swedish politicians ignored these warnings. Restaurants, bars, theatres and shopping malls stayed open, as did schools and universities. To date, even if you trust the unreliable PCR test which - as its inventor declared - is not an effective way of diagnosing COVID-19 or any other disease, official statistics indicate that there has been a grand total of 15,000 deaths from the never-isolated, never-purified, never-identified SARS-COV-2 virus since April 2020. That is 85,000 deaths less than what the Imperial College model predicted would occur in only three months.

It cannot be disputed then, considering the death rate in Sweden - without any restrictions on movement being applied - is lower than in regular years, that lockdowns are needless and serve no purpose. Likewise, it can be agreed that, instead of being of benefit to the health and well being of the public, lockdowns are extremely harmful and an erosion of basic human rights, at the very least. Their implementation is an attack on humanity and an act of criminality worthy of the severest of punishments. For the past 20 months, their repercussions on society as a whole have been hugely negative and they have created nothing but disaster and despair for billions.

Today, with deeply sinister, banker-bought organized criminal syndicates posing as governments, once again, demanding that these destructive measures are placed on the people, it is worth remembering the detrimental effects that they have had on our nations. It is imperative that, for reasons such as those listed below, we do not allow ourselves to succumb to these tyrannical policies again - regardless of the narrative. We should reflect on how lockdowns have laid waste to our towns and cities and how they have psychologically paralysed multitudes of people. We must ensure that we do not sleepwalk further into the hellish landscapes created for us by the anti-human despots who gnaw and nibble away at our liberties like the Masonic vermin that they are.

Below is a mere sampling of the damage thus far caused by lockdowns:


For many women and children across the world, what should be a safe haven and a place to sleep comfortably at night is, instead, a war zone. The only refuge for them is to be found when they leave their living quarters to go to work or school. With lockdowns preventing vast numbers of them from doing so, there is an increase in the violence and abuse they are subjected to. The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in the United Kingdom recently reported that the number of calls they received concerning child sexual abuse and exploitation reached record levels. They explain that children are far more vulnerable during lockdown when they are out of sight of responsible adults who can help them, such as teachers. In July 2020, a paper released by the National Bureau of Economic Research showed that there was a 131% increase in complaints of domestic violence in districts in India that had the strictest lockdown measures in comparison to districts that had less rigid rules in place. The majority of these complaints involved violence against women. A similar study was carried out in Mexico City and it found that lockdowns led to a 100% increase in domestic violence linked with alcohol consumption at home. In the United States, Domestic Family Violence (DFV) agencies across the country reported a surge in demand for their services and described what they called a ‘shadow pandemic’ of assaults and abuse. For many women and children, locking down the nation equals more suffering.


A recent article on the Mail Online described how a 31-year-old woman in the United Kingdom, Joanna Georgiou, was abandoned by a health care system that is now devoted exclusively to the COVID-19 scam and consistently turns a blind eye to all other illnesses. Joanna is suffering from eight tumours after NHS doctors failed to properly diagnose her with cancer due to the failures of online GP appointments. This is, unfortunately, not an isolated case. When medical professionals across the world decided to substitute the practice of medicine with choreographed Tik Tok dance performances, and empty hospitals shut their doors to patients in genuine need of help, they created an enormous backlog of appointments which they are still struggling to get through today. For example, the British Lung Foundation claims that there are over 46,000 people in England with undiagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) due to the suspension of breathing tests during COVID-19 lockdowns. On top of this, research conducted by Macmillan Cancer Support has shown that there is presently a shocking backlog of patients waiting on appointments and approximately 50,000 missed cancer diagnoses in the UK that will result in huge numbers of deaths. Here in Ireland, there is a gigantic increase in GP referrals to cancer clinics due to the government’s instructions to pause cancer screening and close down much of the health service in 2020. Hospital consultants have stated that it will take up to 14 years, without urgent action, to get waiting lists under control. Expect this to get even worse worldwide as hospitals are overwhelmed with the vaccine injured and are further handicapped by the loss of a substantial portion of their workforce due to the dismissal of nurses and doctors who have rejected vaccine mandates.


As lockdowns rattled economies, derailed supply chains and forced people out of jobs, we witnessed widespread poverty across the world. In July 2021, the United Nations released its annual State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report which showed that an extra 118 million people were undernourished, after been plunged into poverty the year before. The International Labor Organization has shown that over 225 million full-time jobs were lost due to COVID-19. It is believed that, in Sub-Saharan Africa, alone 30 million people have fallen into extreme poverty. The impact that lockdowns have had on the poor is far greater than that of the 2008 financial crisis. But it is not just the developing world that is suffering the economic consequences of the fake pandemic. The populations of Western nations are feeling the effects too. Catholic charity organisation, The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Ireland, for example, has reported that requests for help from the public are more numerous than they have ever been before. Almost 200,000 calls have been made to them from people on low incomes this year. They say that 1 in 4 people they speak to report having had to cut back on food and utilities due to COVID-19.


It is a testament to the influence of the lying mainstream media and the power behind authoritarian governments that so many people, most of whom have put blood, sweat and tears into the dream of owning their own successful business, would close their doors and shut up shop at the demands of an international white-collar mafia. As hard as it is to believe, that is exactly what happened. As a result, we have seen the slow, deliberate destruction of the middle class in Western nations and watched stable companies that have been established for years struggle to pay their bills and drift closer to bankruptcy. One example from my own country is the well known Irish restaurant chain, Eddie Rockets. Its directors recently warned their shareholders of a decline in revenues at all of its restaurant locations and advised them of a 54% decrease in turnover. They very clearly lay blame at the feet of the government leaders that demanded the shuttering of restaurants during lockdown. These same demands have resulted in huge damage all across the nation. In an article in the Irish Independent in October 2021, we learned that 350 pubs had closed down completely since March 2020. By August of this year, 80% of Irish retailers were in rent arrears. In Britain, more than 8700 chain stores closed in the High Streets, shopping centres and retail parks in the first six months of 2021 alone. A recent report commissioned by former Iceland supermarket chain CEO, Bill Grimsey, showed that 68,000 small independent retailers have seen their collective debt rise from £250 million to £1.23 billion since the imposition of lockdown in April 2020. No part of the world is free from the devastation caused by these unconstitutional decrees. In Thailand, the Sriracha Tiger Zoo announced that it would have to sell some of its animals in order to raise money to remain in business in a time of zero tourism. In Indonesia, Garuda Airlines - the nation’s flag carrier - inch closer and closer towards bankruptcy after the once-lucrative vacation trade to destinations like Bali and Lombok ceased for close to two years due to lockdowns and the closing of borders. In the Caribbean in May 2020, it was reported that 95% of all hotel rooms were vacant and in Australia, hundreds of travel agents were out of business by Christmas.


Condemning future generations to a mountain of debt that will never be repaid, governments across the world unleashed helicopter money to the masses amid lockdowns. With so many forced onto welfare programs, taxpayers were fleeced and paper money was put into circulation, devaluing its worth. As a result, the cost of living for the average family increased exponentially as wealth was transferred en masse from the people to the one per cent. Over the course of a year, the Federal Reserve in the United States pumped over US$4 trillion into banks and big corporations. Billionaires became even richer, increasing their wealth massively, as the rest of the world struggled to make ends meet. The lasting effects of economic policies in 2020, introduced because of lockdowns, have yet to be fully realised. The impact is only just now starting to show. In August, for example, the Central Statistics Office (CSO) data in Ireland showed that consumer prices had risen by 2.8% in 12 months - a ten year high in inflation. It’s worse in Trudeau’s Liberal Canada where inflation is now the highest it has been for 20 years. In India, the cost of everything from tomatoes and milk to fish and meat are soaring as the middle class feels the sting of a weakened economy. The head of Russia’s Central Bank has called for immediate action as food prices there are rising, with inflation hitting 8%. Global trends have seen wheat prices hit a nine-year high with a loaf of bread expected to cost 20% more in the very near future. The cost of lockdowns on the financial health of families all over the world continues to be crippling.


Perhaps the most egregious assault on the people as a result of lockdowns was the assault on psychological health. This has been particularly noticeable in children - who have been subjected to the most heinous of multi-faceted attacks. With the ensuing poverty linked to the fake pandemic, many children all over the world were unable to access nourishing, healthy food and weren’t exercising like they use to. This would result in documented cases of negative brain development. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) published an article in August 2021 which concluded that children born during the pandemic hoax scored lower than expected on cognitive tests which examined, among other things, verbal and motor ability. A study conducted by investigators at Cardiff University in Wales highlighted elevated emotional difficulties and behavioural problems among children in the 10 to 11 age bracket - particularly in those who came from poorer socio-economic backgrounds. It was claimed they would suffer a ‘lifelong footprint’ of mental adverse effects. Record numbers of children and teenagers required NHS mental health services, with nearly 200,000 being referred for appointments in just a 3 month period alone - double the standard number. For youngsters in America, it was no different. Staff at the East Carolina University in Greenville, for example, reported admissions to their medical school teaching hospital of five children per week from June 2020 onwards after they had overdosed on drugs such as acetaminophen, opiates, anti-depressants and Ritalin. This is in comparison to five per month in pre-COVID times. Throughout the UK as a whole, there was a 29% rise in referrals for suspected cases of psychosis, as multitudes suffered the stress of isolation under lockdowns. Huge numbers of people turned to alcohol and drugs. In Scotland, for example, there were 1190 alcohol-specific deaths in 2020 - the highest level since 2008. In the United States, from March 2020 to March 2021 there was a 30% increase in drug overdose fatalities. Increased abuse of drugs due to stress and depression was present in Indonesia in 2020, as reported by the National Narcotics Agency. In South Africa, there was an increase in the number of people turning to booze and over-the-counter medication during lockdowns. In Brazil, a decrease in income and constant exposure to media reports about death and illness during lockdowns were factors involved in the significant psychological harm done to those who were already vulnerable to mental illness. In Malaysia, lockdowns were the cause of increased mental anguish among those who have suffered from long term psychological problems and contributed to new cases in people who were never before prone to such issues. In Japan, a harrowing study showed that there were an estimated 2,600 excess suicides traced to lockdown in 2020. In a study for the Lancet, a team of international researchers reported an extra 76 million cases of anxiety and an extra 53 million cases of depression worldwide due to COVID-19. A recent report in Nature also indicates the severity of lockdown-related mental health illness. It found that as countries imposed restrictions on movement, calls to global helplines from people experiencing loneliness and suicidal thoughts increased by at least 35%. An example of the pain and suffering caused by lockdowns is found in the case of 19-year-old Australian university student, Daisy Long, who committed suicide 6 weeks into an authoritarian shutdown in Sydney. Another is the suicide of independent Thai musician, Prakaifa Pooldoung, who - like so many in the live music and entertainment industry - fell into financial strife when bars and clubs shut their doors leaving her without an income. This led to a decline in her mental health and subsequent suicide. Sadly, there have been far too many tragedies like this - all of them brought on by lockdowns, with many losing hope and choosing to put an end to their life.

Of course, as anyone who has been paying attention will be aware, the main reason for the imposition of lockdowns was to create a false choice between accepting the administration of a dangerous vaccine, that would under normal circumstances be rejected, versus the continued worldwide quarantine of healthy people. Billions have fallen for this and, as a result, huge numbers of people have become seriously ill or died as a result of the jab. When you combine this crime with the suicides, starvation, mental health emergencies, economic plunder and the tsunami of deaths caused due to the disruption of healthcare services, you have to conclude that lockdowns have killed untold numbers of people worldwide and caused incredible harm to a vast amount of others. It is very clear that not only is Professor Neil Ferguson’s brainchild ineffective when it comes to preventing the spread of disease, it, instead, constitutes a severe crime against all of humanity.

As the primary architect of such lethal measures, Professor Doomsday will no doubt be aware - people have been hanged for much, much less.

Gary Jordan
The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies

Contributor to The Irish Sentinel

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