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Comments (35 of 35)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35Nice one! Thanks for putting all this together.
excellent :-)
yiz got me ya basthardhs!
radio america
Just what's needed PC - Well done!
Towards a Critical Analysis of Media EmergenC
Some people felt that not enough people came to the conference part. This issue taps at the fundamental type of media we are making. Are we trying to convert others (media as propaganda) or trying to educate ourselves more (media as self-critical)? When one of the speakers at our conference asked about who owned NBC, almost everyone in the audience replied “GE!” How do we move beyond the choir? Should we? In other words, does the structure of indymedia facilitate the possibility of media that is a) not parasitic on the corporate model, b) not propaganda, c) self-critical, d) educational, e) empowering, and f) challenging.
In her essay The Language of Tactical Media, Joanne Richardson { } discusses the parasitic limitations of indymedia:
"Indymedia critiques the pretensions of mass media to be a true, genuine, democratic form of representation; it opposes the false media shell with counter-statements made from a counter-perspective – a perspective that is not questioned because it is assumed as natural. My Italian friends who work with Indymedia showed me a video they co-produced about the anti-globalization demonstrations in Prague and asked what I thought. I replied that it was a good piece of propaganda, but as propaganda it never examined its own position. In this video you see a lot of activists who came to Prague from America, UK, Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy, etc; occasionally you even get ossified Leninist bullshit from members of communist parties. What you really don’t get is any reflection of the local Czech context – many locals denounced what they saw as an attempt to playact a revolution by foreigners who invoked slogans from an ideology the Czechs themselves considered long obsolete. The confrontation of these different perspectives is absent from the video, since it is meant to promote Indymedia’s own anarcho-communist position, raised to the level of a universal truth. And in this sense it was as strategic and dogmatic as mainstream media; it was only the content of its message that differed."
But is it just propaganda? What does it mean to be tactical? How can we have a self-inflected politics that includes and contests the ideas of Power and Representation? Is the goal to educate others or ourselves? How do you go beyond the parasitic, binary dependance on corporate media (i.e., counterconference, counterinauguration, anti-x, counter-y) How do you become more creative, politically? How can we expand our political imagination?
-- -- --
Media emergenC - San Diego - Oct 6th-9th
IndyConference 2005 - a global media uprising
'IndyConference seeks to bring together Indymedia activists from across the continent to discuss our progress as a media democracy movement, as well as look at ways we can improve our content and effectiveness as a radical media network. As a collaborative and participatory media project, we see the need to come together and form new directions for this movement. '
the site is great, well done and thanks to all those who created it, maintain it, help it grow.
bottom line is: how many people in ireland are aware of it and use it?
can that number be improved upon: yes
by going out to people and talking with them, giving them printflares, showing them films, exciting them, creating a situation whereby they feel that they can get invovled (and not just in editorial cleaning, even though its essential not everyone is up to it)
so 2004, what did imc-ie do?
made a media centre, organised a highly successfull media festival, covered mayday and bush visit.
also made a few films, put on a few screenings, a film festival, put stuff into project art gallery, did some "communication actions".
and had our 3rd birthday
could we/you have done more?
i was part of an imc team in the uk when imc-uk decentralised into 9 smaller nodes, our mission was to spread awareness so that imc became a widely used amenity, which it could and should be, and hopefully will be.
we put on public meetings every 2 weeks, showed short films, gave short skills workshops, had chats, made friends- it was very successfull, maybe because of new enthuastic fire?
we also went to local music and cultural festivals and set up a stall, sometimes with laptop showing films and having an offline example of the site
i came home and hoped to plug into imc-ie and found it hard
should there be more public events, workshops, gatherings?
should new people feel like they can fire ahead with new initiaves?
i feel yes they should
as for the bigger picture where is it going, what is it achieving
id like if there was more enthuasism for trying new things, maybe they wont work, maybe noone will bother to avail of them, but
maybe they would. i feel we must try, at least to find out
on returning i tried to create, what i believed, was a much needed and lacking self critical online open discussion about what imc-ie is and can be
i hope this dialogue does happen, more and more and more and more
and with that, more stuff is done, and from that more people become aware and from that invovled, and yes from that we succeed in changing the things we go on about
micheal ?, creator of z mag made a very good point:
"fighting the good fight"
why have we not succeeded in changing the world to the one we go on about, (he began his activism during vietnam war days)
is it mainly because there is a lack of belief that we can and will?
do we do our "little bit" to feel good, go on the demo because its the right thing to do, or because it is one of the many tools we have to change things.
his main point was most have not convinced themselves that they can change things, if that is the case why waste their time?
a few links to back this up
dublin independant media centre
april 23- may 3
mayday demo
may 1-3
art and politics - red archive
month of may (imc-ie stuff in exhibition, imc-ie communication actions)
imc feedback session- nature of relationship between art and politics
communication actions
4th june
imc-ie screenings in european festival and on streets of lille
imc-ox goes to the festivals
development of imc-ie
idea for a new project
so thats my (maybe frustrated ranting) 2 or 3 pence
i thank all of those involved with imc-ie already
i just think we need to dream and play a little more
btw- redjade, ta especially for help on many of those "streets" projects
those upcoming media festivals- is it possible for us to click and listen to live streams, or even better somehow participate via the net? webconferencing or whatever?
maybe it is appropriate here to suggest something:
Dublin Grassroots Network presents
- The death of partnership
- What now for grassroots activism?
Friday 1st of April to Sunday 3rd of April
St Nicholas of Myra community centre, Carmens Hall, off Francis St.,
Dublin 8
perhaps we could organise a public discussion about the future for media activism-
at ISF2 (irish social forum) there was a very good workshop with sally and dave? from near fm and community tv, maybe a wider open chat could happen?
imc-ie making media centres
imc-ie making festivals
imc-ie screenings in european festivals and on streets
imc-ie take to the streets of dublin
Above is best imc irl story ever imho
we need people to do this
buy a cheap dictaphone
ask the questions nobody wants to answer
publish and damn the torpedos
More on Redefining Gonzo (technically enhanced journalism / mind enhancement not strictly necessary but up to yourself)
can things be improved upon?
request abobe sent out on mail list,
no real response
there might be a little communication action this weekend
Ok , so let's say
I get my roll of film developed onto CD.
Then I go into the internet cafe and try and load them onto indymedia.
But I'm told the photos are too 'big'
How do I reduce the pictures filesize?
Do I need photoshop (can't afford it)
or is there any free software?
Use Easy Thumbnails
it's free and easy.
its free and has most of the main functions. Both size and quality can be reduced for the web
maybe its time for a free and open workhhop in a wifi space (pubs, museums etc with free internet access for people with laptops)
IFSO (irish free software org) might come in on it and distribute free copy-left software
if desired, chester beatty library in dublin castle is a good space and it has, i think, dublins only public roof garden
recieved confirmation re 6 unpublicised imc-ie screenings
told to find people who want to do this and do it, so any takers?
imc-ie, where can i find the old logo?
imc-ie ?
with a big "I" on top. (don't ask me why) of course the island doesn't look like that @ all @ all, but heck who are we to argue with satelites...
google for "satelite images ireland" and you'll find it.
there's one left on wikipedia (the encyclopedia for the gullible) under the ireland entry, and you could try using a text box to put your own "i" or even if you get egotistical "d" for dunk.
imc-radio article re basic Indy Media history and purpose on dallas community radion channel
Mayday 2005 marked the 5th anniversary of Indymedia UK. The first IMC to take off outside the US, it launched amidst the media hysteria around the Mayday 2000 protests. Indymedia UK developed into the United Kollectives with the launch of the current mir code based website in 2003, and continues to grow with Birmingham and Nottingham IMCs due to launch soon (see also birthday party in london, 15th May).
You're all invited to the media gathering in Lahndin to prepare for the G8 gig in Scoaturlund.
a potted history from dark ages up to the launch of imc-uk in 2000
and archive audio from imc-uk's first live broadcast during mayday 2002
it will be nice in a few years when imc-ie has a regular live radio broadcast
The Independent Media Center of Urbana Champaign held a press conference in the Historic downtown urbana Post office today May, 9 2005. The press conference was held to announce the UCIMC purchase of the Downtown Urbana Post Office. The Post office is projected to become the center of the global independent media network. The UC-IMC is one of 150 independent media centers in over 50 countries worldwide. This is Sascha Mienwrath the treasurer for the of the Global Indy media Network and the UCIMC.
You can listen to Sascha Meinwrath by clicking below: (MP3 6.4 meg, TRT 7:01)
see + hear more at imc-radio link
something to look forward to for when everyone returns from scotland, and something for whole city to look foreward to eitherway
films, workshops, printflares.....
maybe even a little WIFI cafe space, now wouldent that be lovley
and hopefully, as the IMC-IE machine becomes more real in the physical world it might start to play a bit more, and hook up with other similar machines, spaces and systems
ie- monks garden connection:
1-imc-ie physical space nov 2005
2-imc-ie's first live stream
1- the seomra spraoi collective are busy putting the citys social centre toghether, cleaning, plastering, painting........
part of this centre will house a physical imc-ireland space
seomra spraoi finds a home
the building will see a full party there this saturday to celebrate samhain, hosted by tarawatch group
2- "future of digital media" symposium on this friday, tomorow in dublin, part of darklight festival and some of imc network are trying to make it a live stream so other people around planet can listen live and participate in the discussion.
Darklight Symposium 2005
18.5 min imc-ie radio interview
part of the ongoing imc-ie radio project
building up the RADICAL radio network
there has been very little positive response from the rest of the imc-ie network about this endevaour:
1 private mail saying :busy that day, goodluck:
and the other
Is this an Indymedia Ireland project? Was there some
meeting that decided the content etc?
which throws up a few imc-ie issues that need resolving, thankfully there are now realworld meetings
so email response:
the meeting before last i was outlining what i was attempting in regard to live streams and imc-ie's relation to further expansion of the radio network, at that time we were attempting to do as we are doing on fri in moore st
in regards of content the forum is about the "future of digital media" so im sure you can see how imc input would be good in this discussion/ debate/ exploration
as regards an "Indymedia Ireland project", im still unclear as to what or how one of these happens, thankfully realworld imc-ie meetings are starting to happen and with that face to face discussion happening further, but how the line is drawn as to who is part of "Indymedia Ireland" im still unsure about this, this needs to be clarified as it is hoped that within a matter of weeks imc-ie will have its own permanent physical space as part of the seomra spraoi, but discussions first have to happen to sort a few things, so see you next week, perhaps.
back to the project, "Indymedia Ireland project" or not?
im trying to make it happen, i feel part of the imc network, but not so of the irish crew, i hope this changes, it would be good to have support for a positive act which i feel this is, 1 of imc has actually responded to me privately- which im sure you can see supports my attitude of lack of support from the network, which i may or may not be part of (in their eyes anyway)
indymedia radio network
Good man Dunk
Love these snide self serving mails that you churn out regularly.
"back to the project, "Indymedia Ireland project" or not?
im trying to make it happen, i feel part of the imc network, but not so of the irish crew,"
You don't feel part of according to yourself and yet you set this thing up - which I am far from convinced will actually work/happen - and announce it without so much as a whisper to any of the collective involved as an 'indymedia ireland project'.
Do you see the contradiction?
As for this crap about indymedia just 'finally' having begun to have real world meetings - I'd take this opportunity to remind you that there have been public indymedia meetings taking place in Ireland since approximately september of 2001.
"i hope this changes, it would be good to have support for a positive act which i feel this is, 1 of imc has actually responded to me privately- which im sure you can see supports my attitude of lack of support from the network, which i may or may not be part of (in their eyes anyway)"
Do you know how insulting this type of crap is? You didn't ask for support until you published this "imc irl project' on the website - how can you be surprised not to have got same? I have no interest in being morally blackmailed by thoughts and images of poor unsupported Dunk into 'supporting' something presented as a project that I by your self-serving definiton of it (as an imc irl project) support despite no consensual approval of such a project being sought or given from/by me or anyone else involved in imc irl.
Let's be honest here - this is a project that is a project of 'Dunk - 1 of IMC Ireland'.
Stick with that appelation in future if you haven't got explicit permission through the standard decisionmaking processes to refer to any particular activity as 'an indymedia ireland project' is my suggestion.
I appreciate a lot of the audio/other stuff you are doing but your way of (not) dealing with the collective and then blaming same for the difficulties you get yourself into by attempting in a generally unprepared way what are ambitious projects under the 'IMC Ireland' name totally pisses me off.
I really am beginning to think you do it so that if stuff goes wrong with underprepared dunk stuff - dunkl can blame the 'collective' (for not supporting ) rather than himself for fuck-ups.
eeekkkkk (1 of imc ireland)
ps. Don't take this mail as a 'lack of support' from the indymedia ireland collective'. It is a refusal of support from me personally. I'll be at the event too btw so if I see you portraying your project as something it is not I'll be very vocal and public in pointing out that it is not a project initiated by the indymedia ireland collective.
Keep up the good work Dunk. It's a pity about the reply above, perhaps they made some valid points but in some ways they were put in such a personally attacking way that is slightly back fired on them I think. Maybe both of you need some work on communication and putting your points forward in a clear manner.
Fuck "explicit permission" !!
Will be tuning in whenever it is put up on line, as always have to say that the radio/audio stuff on indymedia is the best and most accessible for me, stuff on indymedia.
"Fuck "explicit permission" !!" Dunk Does not need anyone's explicit permission to speak act do whatever as '1 of' He does if he is purporting to be acting on behalf of the collective. He needs to get this into his head. I don't apologize for the above or it's tone. I wrote it originally on internal lists as a reply to dunk and only published it here when I saw dunk copying his contribution here from same internal lists.. I call that being a drama queen. What i tried to demonstrate is that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Dunk wants to be the good guy hero fighting the 'unsupportive' collective. Well I did enjoy pissing on them there chips.
Just that last line about pissing on chips. I've never heard that expression before what does it mean?
sorry for being awkward
the collective and the network are great, im trying to find feet and offer my help in the things i feel strongly about, how i go about that could be improved
my basic frustration with imc-ie is that i feel that
it has to open up a bit, make people feel like they
can get invovled, have a more real world presence,
explore and push the boundaries a bit further
im trying to work with the collective, im sorry for
being awkward, im doing stuff in real world, giving
workshops, putting on films, taking people through the
radio set up, helping get a physical space for imc.
this is to back up the above argument
anyway, called the tek head from darklight, they are
streaming and recieving transmission there, they are
still doing tests to confirm its picked up outside the
local digital hub network, ill hear from them later.
ive a friends speaker and leads here, seomra spraoi
meeting starts in 6 minutes, maybe some of you will
be there???,
they have set up a darklight channel on
the network
still trying to get list of other global channels that
might broadcast or open their net channel to the
symposium, your knowledge could help here, please post
on thread if you know some, or know where to find a
list of them. still havent def a laptop for seomra
spraoi for tomorow, great if ye could help there,
still dont know if the wifi is strong enough for us
to do it, if not maybe theres ways of strengthening
whats there, i dont know how to do this, appreciate
your advice,
things are all over the place, trying to pull a
million different things together, im not the most
together of people, im doing this for lots of reasons,
one being i believe in the imc project, esp the radio
end, i feel it can have profound effects on society if
we push it further
you the reader, me the writer, him the editor, herself the really quite inordinately hard to find litigant, and dunk with the wireless.
but none of that is writ in stone or even neccesarily true, this is the internet. Real time doesn't exist here.
Now from far afar, here in the fishless barcelona, I can see that Dunk is about to make a bit of shared personal history, and he's doing that within the "brand". But it doesn't appear that concensual decision even by the dublin based "imc bunch" standards, has been made either in "real-world" or "cyber" to describe or support this "project" as an one in the way he has perhaps done. Dunk feels, that indymedia ireland has not got enough "real world" presence. I'm not sure about that. & its utterly irrelevant whether or not (for example) I live in Bcn. Indymedia doesn't exist in the real world. I've been @ enough trans-national imc impromptu centres, summits and meetings to know that. Indymedia offers real world people an opportunity to make media. The inspiration for that media, or the effects of that media are felt in the real world. Its a subtle distinction.
I love streams and the potential streaming technology offers us, but am also aware of the dangers it poses to non-heirarchial grass root groups in their social interaction and perception by apolitical or hostile commercial interests. If I've somthing to say on stream, I use a commercial radio station and politicise a commercial program rather than use an established pirate analogue station. & to this day, i do not believe that any broadcast on stream I've made merits more attention than those on analogue. We have to learn how to use "live streaming" to a counter culture and true "imc" effect. I think at the moment a lot of examples are still "stuck" in a high-tech mimicry of early "live coverage" in established pre-internet radio or television. Meaning :- I have yet to hear a "live stream" which is liking looking at a "libe web-cam", almost 80% inaction unless its the big brother house.
I always wanted to post an illustration which depicted a map of Europe but from an odd angle, the great wall of china and as slogan "reclaim the streams!". But and ponder this, "all ye of imc" there was not enough memory to upload it. A lot of people I know wanted to do a stream with as well for euromayday 2005, didn't happen in the end, the efforts hadn't been made yet to make it possible "real world end". Thats an example of subject matter, or program content which might get approved concensually in imc terms. There are many instances of where streaming might prove something we all want to put on our permenant records, I suggest next euromayday, perhaps RT1916! or G8 Russia 2006.
in my wisdom i think Dunk is panicky coz its the big day tomorrow, and he's going a bit emotional dippy. We must all "tune in" and send him good vibes / legal letters after its been canned. Thereafter we ought discuss as "all the imc ireland" on the lists, where we want to go with our new radio potential. Because we appear to have one now.
I will now step down from the allusion of rhodes and shall not suffer any fellow contributor to the "project" to be pishthszed on. I'll go back to spider searching a "possible KGB agent" who's interesting.
Tell ye all about it someday.
I was talking about the/his 'chips' - 'freedon fries', 'french fries', 'pommes frites' whatever
my personal favourite imc radio stream ever was the one done in the us where imc invited people to turn the sound on their tv down during live coverage of bush inauguration and provided an alternative commentary to tune in to
parasitism at it's finest
Was that adonine or anodyne ye were meaning te say???
Taking a righ turn of f the recent disucssion is there anyone from Cork (West Cork even better) whod like to meet about setting an Indymedia group up in the extreme South? If so email the editorial list.
The IMC will open its community space in the downtown Urbana Post Office building!
"This weekend - Friday November 11 to Sunday November 13th - will be an historic moment for our community. We want you to be part of it.
--> The IMC will open its community space in the downtown Urbana Post Office building!
--> The IMC will co-host a Radio and Wireless Barnraising with the Prometheus Radio Project!
--> Radio Free Urbana (WRFU 104.5 FM) will broadcast its first show!
--> The Urbana Free Library will be installed with wireless internet access - both indoor and out! "
UC-IMC opens its community space in the downtown Urbana Post Office building!
or didn't know how terribly controversial that "social centre" was. It all started when "some of uc imc" acted in the name of (((i))) indymedia global and made quite ridiculous statements about their global reach, worth, and so on so forth. They enjoyed travelling as well to tell other impressionable people about their great "indymedia" work. & found fans obviously throughout it all as well as opponents.
the link to their apology which was issued in june Of course that wasn't the first or the last time, that one individual or a few individuals mixed up their particular activity or "time online" with what it is that indymedia actually is. Nor will it be the last.
thanks for that update historian, good to be reminded how the network works, self criticises, resolves conflict, evolves in the open inclussive method.
would you know off hand, or have links to, the history of how many physical imc spaces there have been, which were temporary, which are still in existence etc. and also which ones have done radio as imc-placename projects.
i know the printed projects can be found here
much obliged if you or anyone else has the links
indymedias excluding USA and Canada if you want Dunk. Interesting the story of Urbana Champaign, how their ironically twinned cities of less than 140,000 people came to mean urban champagne head, when in the last year, they claimed to have provided the global indymedia network with its "best run collective". They chose to celebrate that by telling us they had negotiated the purchase of an ex illinois post office. It was all so men in black. One of the questions obviously which came from many of the indymedia collectives who are closely associated with the traditions of squatting (a primarily European activity and latterly south american) and homes and thereafter social centres or taz like spaces to that great assertion was "¿¨´º?" and then we read more of the project & how it was going to help us : "we will give you the radio news!"
Urbana in 2000 had only 67,518 people in 27,071 households. As big as the capital towns of Ireland's 6 most marginalised counties. but most who live there consider themselves to be part of a trio of cities, Urbana, Champaign and Savoy. (just like the hotel). The official census for that area fluctuates as it is a "university town". So the ethnic mix of 73.16% White, 15.62% African American, 1.94% from other races exluding Asia and Native American, and 4.03% of the population are Hispanic or Latino is not completely fixed. You'd want the 4.03% if you wanted to set up an interview Dunk on "hispanic" or south or central American affairs, like the streets of argentina, or how to say zapatista for example. And you could talk to the other 15% about what its like to be black. UCIMC we remember though helped me filter a message to american imc during the Katrina hurricane. "coz they had said absolutely nothing - in print or through their local radio".
But all that aside, I admire your encouragement of such a backwater of contemporary culture and the political concerns of many others. If you want that list of "european or south/central american indymedia associated physical spaces" call me when your phone is sorted out. :-) It begins with Aardvark goes through many "a-" and then gets really interesting at brukman. {{{we all like you}}}
found an interesting zoom map with links to imc nodes around planet
found that from WIKIPEDIA's indymedia page
i wonder will imc-ie sometime have as wide an archive with such top stuff and diverse to include this interview and songs from the legend liam clancy, who talks about love and war, and sings "and the band played waltzing matilda" and "the dutchman"
indymedia global nodes, click and gawk
looks like limerick is the heart of the irish network according to this image. also the UK, united kollektives, have more than the 3 shown, as you can see on any of their 14 sites
and the rest
euro imc network
Indymedia ireland is not centred at shannon is it?
Italy has huge amount of imc groups yet only the Rome site is highlighted odd, becuase it wasn't the first. Birmingham gets a dot, its the newest UK site which couldn't even comment when prodded on its riots. And London doesn't get a dot but was the first english language imc just shortly followed by Bristol which does get a dot. And just to underscore the meaningless of this "obsession" with physical location, "madiaq imc" gets it dot in the sea between Morocco and Spain. I suppose people go to meetings in rafts. Hope they get a fisherman's friend at least-for the effort.