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The Saker
A bird's eye view of the vineyard

offsite link Alternative Copy of site is available Thu May 25, 2023 14:38 | Ice-Saker-V6bKu3nz
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offsite link The Saker blog is now frozen Tue Feb 28, 2023 23:55 | The Saker
Dear friends As I have previously announced, we are now “freezing” the blog.  We are also making archives of the blog available for free download in various formats (see below). 

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

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offsite link NewsGuard Got in Touch Again to Accuse Us of ?Misinformation?. Here?s How We Replied Tue Sep 03, 2024 09:00 | Will Jones
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offsite link There is Still No Honesty About the Scale of Vaccine Deaths Tue Sep 03, 2024 07:00 | Dr David Livermore
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offsite link News Round-Up Tue Sep 03, 2024 00:48 | Richard Eldred
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Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

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Voltaire Network >>

How the Cardinals voted and "not - voted" today for the Black Pope.

category international | politics / elections | other press author Monday April 18, 2005 22:03author by LOL Report this post to the editors

In case you've missed it, 115 men are voting for the black pope at the moment in rome who will lead 1,200,000,000 catholics, of which over 500,000,000 are eligible to be pope, into what they call the XXI century.

your participation is requested.

please burn your rubbish and ring your neighbours doorbells at the appointed time "habemus papa!" is the appropriate and indeed ritual expression.

according to state of the art communication systems,
the world's media can confirm that there have no decisive results as of 18h05 GMT, that's a bit later local time.

However as soon as the horsetrading can be got through, by tea time tomorrow, it is hoped a last minuted deal will break the impasse, shatter and mould, and creatively bring things forward in a new and refreshing way, that means your, yes *your* particapation.

As soon as the 115 auld fellah's have had enough of being banged up the vatican and looking at pictures by michelangelo of scantily clad women and men trying to touch up the creator and have communed sufficiently with the Holy Spirit and done what Joseph "I swore an oath to the fuhrer to fight commies" Ratzinger told them, the bells will chime and they'll be sending white smoke up into the air.

They're very clear about this. They fucked it up in 1978 when the election of JP1 saw grey smoke emerge, and sure look what happened to him...


please set your alert tones accordingly.
goto the "user settings" of your mobile,
select "chime 1" please note that using the vibrator alert on your mobile could be a bit irreverent.
(especially if you're a woman)

We (the permanent assembly of @rists, intellectuals, activists, and part-time theologians) will send you a message as soon as this stunning example of democratic participation has ended.

author by )-:publication date Mon Apr 18, 2005 22:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors
"We thought it was white, then it went black. I had a feeling of exhilaration followed by disappointment," Harold Reeves, a 35-year-old theology student from the US, who was in St Peter's Square, told Associated Press.
"You can't describe the feeling. When the smoke came out it looked white and I got chills," an Italian student Silvia Mariano, added.

That's the thing with smoke.
- you get a feeling of exhilaration followed by disappointment.

Meanwhile, if you're a male, were carried along to your local church by the ma and da, and the "godparents" you too might be the Black Pope.
here's a sample CV produced by aunty beeb according to her heathen protestant ways.-

Meanwhile, vatican watcher post feminist amateur theologians are noting that tonight the cardinal princes of the church, (where did their bibical basis come from eh?) will be staying in the Vatican hotel, named after saint martha. Martha was the sister to Mary the Magdalene, and spent all her time in the kitchen fussing and making tea, while Mary the magdalene just hung out, and indeed did the foot thing.
Something in that.

last little titbit. in roman slang and indeed most of the mediterranean "papa" means three things depending on the intonation. One- daddy.
Two - roman pontiff, bishop of rome, his holiness the succesor to peter. Three- baby food.

Please remember-
We dont have Papa!

we don't have papa
we don't have papa

author by -publication date Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the smoke was still black -

they still don't have papa.
they still don't have pasta.
they still don't have wawa.

author by - - "in defence of democracy & liberty"publication date Tue Apr 19, 2005 14:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The smoke is still black.

2nd day 3 votes all black.

sure jayzhus If you had your washing on the line it would be all dirty linen by now.
there have been no more qoutes from camping theology students out in the square to have a gawk and be exhilirated.

author by Johnpublication date Tue Apr 19, 2005 17:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You must be gutted because of the millions who turned out to mourn Pope John Paul The Great. Show me the marxist leader whose death did not result in massive jubilation and celebration. The Catholic Church has been around 2,000 years and is still going strong. Marxism lasted a century before imploding. Tens of millions will be visiting Pope John Paul's tomb a hundred years from now. How many turn up annually to visit the graves of Marx and Lenin? I doubt if its in double figures. Cardinal Ratzinger was 6 when the socialists (the version called national socialists) came to power in Germany. Your childish comments show why leftists can make no headway at all in Ireland.

author by annonpublication date Tue Apr 19, 2005 17:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Millions mourn Chilean heroine
Original location:

Thousands of Chileans poured into the streets to pay tribute to Chile’s fiery Communist leader, Gladys Marin, who died March 6 at age 63 after a long battle with brain cancer. Crowds estimated at half a million lined the streets outside La Moneda government palace in Santiago March 8 as her funeral procession passed by.

Marin, chairwoman of the Communist Party of Chile, was revered as a symbol of the resistance to the bloody dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, and as the embodiment of Chile’s left.

The Chilean government decreed a two-day period of national mourning. Marin’s body lay in state in the old National Congress building, where she served as a legislator. Some 500,000 Chileans lined up to pay their last respects.

Marin, the only woman heading a political party in Chile, was respected by friend and foe alike for her courage and firmness in upholding her communist ideals, undaunted by personal and political tragedy.

Thirty-two years ago, La Moneda was the scene of the U.S.-backed coup that overthrew the elected Popular Unity government of Salvador Allende and installed Pinochet. Pinochet unleashed a reign of terror, with mass arrests, kidnappings, torture and executions. Thousands simply “disappeared.” Among the disappeared was Marin’s husband, Jorge Muñoz, a member of the Communist Party’s political commission. He was arrested in 1976 and never seen again.

Marin worked against the Pinochet regime from the moment it came to power. As the coup was under way, she rushed to a radio station and called on the Chilean people to resist.

After the 17-year dictatorship ended in 1990, she was a leader of the struggle to bring Pinochet to justice. In 1998, she was the first person to file suit against Pinochet for his crimes. When Marin demanded that Pinochet be tried, calling him a “psychopath who gained power using intrigue, treason and crime,” Pinochet filed suit and she was arrested and jailed. After mass protests she was released two days later. The Chilean Supreme Court eventually revoked Pinochet’s immunity from prosecution and he is now finally facing criminal charges.

Marin was actively involved in the continuing fight to change the Pinochet constitution and laws imposed by the dictatorship — including a two-party electoral system that makes it impossible for all political viewpoints to be represented.

She became the first woman to run for the presidency, as the candidate of the left in 1998. The previous year she ran for the Senate.

At the time of the 1973 coup, Marin was the leader of the Communist Youth of Chile, and a member of the country’s Parliament. After the coup, following a decision of the Chilean Communist Party, she went underground for several months and then sought asylum at the Dutch Embassy. After eight months of worldwide protests, Pinochet was forced to allow her safe conduct out of the country. She left Chile to build international solidarity with the Chilean democratic movement.

Marin returned to Chile in 1978 to lead the underground movement and build the Communist Party. She was one of the leaders of the first large protests against Pinochet in the 1980s, often facing police tear gas and water cannons.

Marin joined the Communist Party at age 16. She was born in the city of Curepto and lived there until her mother, a schoolteacher, moved the family to Talagante, a town just southwest of Santiago, after her father, a farmer, left. In Talagante, she became a leader in the Catholic youth organization.

As a youth and student activist, she met members of the Communist Youth of Chile, and became a member herself in 1958 after she went to Santiago to go to school. Continuing her student activism, she was elected president of the Federation of Teachers College Student Unions.

In 1963 Marin was elected general secretary of the Communist Youth. Two years later Marin was elected to the nation’s Parliament. She was re-elected twice.

After the 1970 victory of the Popular Unity slate, headed by Allende, Marin worked in Parliament to raise wages, freeze prices, halve the unemployment rate, create public works jobs and nationalize the copper industry as a resource for the Chilean people. Her legislative term was ended by the 1973 fascist coup.

For a period of at least 13 years, while she was living in exile and engaged in underground work, Marin was separated from her sons, Alvaro and Rodrigo. Extraordinary precautions had to be taken for her to be able to see them, crossing secretly into neighboring Argentina.

After Marin’s cancer was discovered in 2003, she went to Stockholm for surgery. She spent months in Cuba receiving therapy, then returned to Chile, but was forced to go back to Cuba for another operation. She returned to Chile for the last time in December 2004.

Even while undergoing treatment, Marin played an active part in Chilean politics, writing articles and letters, holding press conferences, and meeting with her Party leadership.

While in Cuba for treatment, she wrote a second volume of her autobiography. In addition to her mother and assassinated husband, she dedicated the book to those who through “dignity, optimism and struggle will make sure that another world is possible.”

author by Dopepublication date Tue Apr 19, 2005 18:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Pass the doochie

author by ZXBpublication date Tue Apr 19, 2005 22:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Cardinal Ratzinger was 6 when the socialists (the version called national socialists) came to power in Germany"

The idea that the Nazis were socialists is utterly laughable. Just calling yourself "socialist" does not make it so.

Example: The Soviet satelite states called themselves democracies -by your logic this must be true.

Another example: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea -more popularly known as North Korea. Is it really a democracy? Eh, I'll leave you to answer that.

Calling the Nazis "socialists" is just a cheap way for right-wingers to get a dig at socialism. It has no basis in fact whatsoever.

author by Noelpublication date Wed Apr 20, 2005 12:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hitler and the Nazis considered themselves socialists.
In Mein Kampf Hitler accepted that "National Socialism was a derivitive of Marxism".
By invading the Soviet Union, Goebbels believed they would replace Bolshevism with Socialism.

Similarities with Hitler's National Socialism and Socialism are striking; state control of policy, state control of culture. Not to mention the left's penchant for genocide.

A conservative (that's right-winger round here) believes in small government with little or no interference to the individual.

The Nazis were Socialists alright.
Their core issue was race, whereas the Bolsheviks' core issue was class.

author by Sparkypublication date Wed Apr 20, 2005 12:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

.... neither you or Hitler must have read much Marx.

"In Mein Kampf Hitler accepted that "National Socialism was a derivitive of Marxism"."

author by Con Carrollpublication date Wed Apr 20, 2005 17:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

this is a sample of a email which i sent to the vatican and opus dei
the election of the fascist ratzinger was no shock to me
he is a ss murdering bastard.
he is apologist for peadophilia giving scantuary to cardinal bernard law of boston
denial of justice to thousands of survivors of child sex abuse
disgusting disgraceful behaviour of cardinal desmond o connell in denial of child sex abuse
bishop brendan comiskey in his role into the complaints of child abuse in wexford
bishop seamus hegerty in donegal and his actions
victory to gay and lesbian rights
the rights of women to termination of their pregenancies
the rights of people to euthansia
the virgin mary opened her legs and pissed on me behold i am the virgin mary
take your rosaries and bibles of our bodies
signed fr. commandant who loves sucking male cock.
join the church of satan

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