Dark Seedy Corners with Slimy Politicians - Read all about it
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Wednesday February 22, 2006 18:23
by barry

indymedia correspondent harrassed at ogra fianna fail convention
From the video:I've made, made my comments about that during the, the Dail during the week and I said eh that Tanema Bay ... full humanitarian em rights have have to be given to all of the people in it. That's been the Irish position from the start about Gontanema the gay eh people should be eh go through the, the normal system of eh being eh ... they're entitled to the humanitarian protection and rights and the full international standards of ah Kofi Annan has announced that we all stand up to should be given to the people in Guantanemo Bay.
From the Newswire - 18/02/06:
At an ogra fianna fail convention this afternoon at the West County hotel in Ennis, Co. Clare an Indymedia video activist was harrassed by Fianna Fail handlers and locked into the press room by plain clothes gardai before being prevented from further filming by a uniformed garda seargent. But he still shed some light on what our politicians are saying about Shannon, Guantamo, Renditions and all that anti-war stuff. Nothing that makes much sense.
Related Stories:While the slimy politicians hide in the dark corners of their incoherence, the newswire has had details of a candle-lit procession next Thurs, 23 February at 5.30pm and and of peace flags flying on Grafton street. The Indymedia calendar has details of an upcoming Anti War Red 'n Black Bloc but it's only by reading an analysis that we learn the red'n'black bloc won't be alone marching.
Meanwhile, the controversy about those images continues, there are Reflections on Irish Neutrality and indymedia brings you media of Tariq Ali speaking in Dublin. Because on Indymedia you can read what the politicians in their dark and seedy corners fear the most - What we won't read this week in our papers
Original Report:
Conor Cregan, video activist and peace campaigner arrived early at the West County hotel in Ennis today in anticipation of Bertie Ahern's arrival to address the conference.
With security/paranoia light, Conor was issued with an observers pass and directed to the press center...
A few hours later, with perhaps 50 people outside representing issues ranging from the need for sewage treatment in West Clare and an extension of Ennis Hospital to the Rossport/Shell to Sea campaign and opposition to US use of Shannon Airport.
As Bertie arrived, Conor was in position with his camera and some interesting questions...
(see indymedia.org link, apologies in advance for the .wmv format, a better format will be uploaded asap)
Then the Harrassment began...
Having secured the tape containing his footage he headed for the press center and when he got there found his path intersecting with Bertie's once more. This time however the security reacted more quickly, the door of the press center was shut from the outside and kept closed until Bertie was safely past. Once it was declared safe to release Conor from his pen, he was approached by a Fianna Fail handler who accused him of stealing the pass he was wearing (which had been earlier freely given). This person refused to identify himself or provide any identification. When Conor appealed to a nearby Garda seargent to identify the person harrassing him, the seargent stated that the unidentified handler was speaking on his behalf and ordered Conor to stop filming. Witnesses were called for, activists and Gardai crowded in as individual and press freedoms were debated until it was accepted that there was no grounds for anyone stopping or harassing conor and that he was there legitimately. Conor retired victorious for a nice, relaxing cup of tea to await Bertie's departure...
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18great to see Bertie squirm. Also fun to note that when you got onto the WMD / U.S. Assurances question and wouldn't leave it go with Bertie's half assed answer, the other reporters started to point their microphones in your direction.
Yer a dangerous man Cregan - keep it up.
Wouldn't it be great if Bertie were greeted by somebody like yourself, every time he stuck his head out in public. And how could it be arranged?
I'd sign up for a while of that.
Excellent work Conor you got Bertie to admit that he's not responsible for what happens or for knowing what happens in this country, even though that disagrees with his job description. Condi Rice and her bosses are responsible for what happens over here and far be it from her 'shoe shine' boy to question her motives. That's the thing about assurances isn't it? Bootlickers can't expect any more.
Even Condi reported failure back home, with relation to her mission to tell Europe to shut up about rendition and stuff. Course nobody seems to have informed pool ole Bertie about this, he's still waving an American flag. In a sense, it can be readily seen that Bertie isn't a traitor at all.
Wanna watch yerself though, they might do ya for loitering with intent to make a difference. Or maybe they'll do you for impersonating those who impersonate a press that is the voice of the people. I reckon you'll get off with it if they try for the second one. I think you asked Bertie some questions many people wanted to ask him. And you actually got a response, you got Bertie's long reasoned response to your questions, it's not like he hasn't had time to think about all this. This is what our magnificent leader actually thinks. Jesus help us.
Tisn't often somebody gives Bertie a very public kick in the arse. You did it in style and didn't even get shit on your shoe. I think a hole may have become visible in the teflon.
Be good,
great job conor, sounds like you almost got renditioned yourself!
Whats amazing is how unique your questions were and how unprepared Bertie was. He's used to a Stenographer media.
download the video
But remember I was, infacta, talking about 'Panama Bay' and 'Gontanama the Gay', not infacta, that ... eh ... other place you mentioned.
I tried downloading the video, I would be interested to see it but it only plays for a quarter of a second or so. Any pointers???
The file is in windows media format, an unfortunate side effect of the program used to capture the video. If, instead of clicking on the 'watch video' link on indymedia.org article, you right click and select 'save link to' or similar then the file will be downloaded to your computer for later viewing.
For some reason internet explorer wont let you watch streamed windows media files, probably something to do with so many microsoft standards in the one process...
i'm going to try rendering it again in slightly better quality and some other format, will advise...
For anyone having difficulties watching the vid, enjoy the transcript below. Typed out word for stumbled over word, humming and hawing included for your viewing pleasure, at no extra cost.
Conor Cregan: Taoiseach, will you join Kofi Annan in calling for the US Government to close down Guantanemo Bay Prison camp?
Bertie Ahern: I've made, made my comments about that during the, the Dail during the week and I said eh that Tanema Bay ... full humanitarian em rights have have to be given to all of the people in it. That's been the Irish position from the start about Gontanema the gay eh people should be eh go through the, the normal system of eh being eh ... they're entitled to the humanitarian protection and rights and the full international standards of ah Kofi Annan has announced that we all stand up to should be given to the people in Guantanemo Bay.
Conor Cregan: But Taoiseach, how many people in Guantanemo Bay have come through Shannon Airport on Special Rendition?
Bertie Ahern: There's nobody ehh come through eh em Shannon Airport on, on Special Rendition.
Conor Cregan: Are you stating that categorically?
Bertie Ahern: As, as, as per what we were told by em Condoleeza Rice, who we accepted her word. There's been ... Shannon Airport
Conor Cregan: Taoiseach, this is the Government...
Bertie Ahern: ... Shan, Shan, Shan Shannon, Shannon Airport...
Conor Cregan: This is the Government that went to war ...
Bertie Ahern: Shan Shan Sh...
Conor Cregan: ... on premises of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Now they've all come out saying that there is no Weapons of Mass Destruction. Taoiseach, can you seriously take a promise from them?
Bertie Ahern: Yes, I would believe Condoleeza Rice.
"A UNITED NATIONS investigation has declared that the US committed acts amounting to torture at Guantanamo Bay and has called for it to close its holding pen for suspected terrorists."
"The Commission’s experts conclude that:
# Detainees have been treated poorly, subjected to prolonged solitary confinement and sensory deprivation.
# Doctors have force-fed hunger-strikers in violation of UN Principles of Medical Ethics and World Medical Association standards.
# The system of justice is unfair, both in the tribunals used to try the minority of detainees who have been charged and in the access to lawyers.
“The legal regime applied to these detainees seriously undermines the rule of law and a number of fundamental universally recognised human rights, which are the essence of democratic societies,” the report said."
2002 starts holding detainees
760 detainees since 2002
500 there at present
180 released
76 sent to custody in countries other than US
10 charged
35 nationalities
4 hunger strikes, US says
Elaine, I gotta admit that I didn't think Bertie's rap would transcribe well.
Now I see who supplied the talent gene in the Ahern family. Rhythmically stunning, with Conor supplying a strong and regular counterpoint.
Methinks Conor and MC Bertie may have the 'x' factor.
Anyone mind if I put it to music?
I need Conor's permission, but I'm not so sure Bertie's contribution can be considered intellectual property. So I'm prepared to work without Bertie's ok. :o)
If Conor had gone around the country for months, asking people at random these questions - well it wouldn't result in the special way it clicked with Bertie, would it. Bertie's a very special find. Very non-representative of the norm.
Is 'sub-representative' too kind?
Okay let's not get all PC and stuff. 'Sub-normal' is the description I seek. Let's get help for Bertie and not make a big deal out of it, tis nothing to be ashamed of, we voted the muppet in afterall. And let's get a real government. And do let's stop being war criminals, and exploiting those who suffer enslavement at US hands. Whilst we behave as we do, Bertie assumes, presumes and acts upon my supposed agreement to be an American's slave.
Very stupid.
On a more sombre note, there are still around 14,000 illegally held prisoners of the US in Iraq, most who've never had a charge levelled at them. God only knows how many are secreted or buried elsewhere.
God help them.
God help us for not helping them.
Who argues God is not dead?
Nice one Conor. Very well done.
I stopped off briefly to meet Conor on Sunday when I cycled out to the airport from Limerick. Watched the tape right off the camera, and enjoyed it immensely. I also recognised some of the usual faces from the Garda Siochana - a force which seems all to willing to act as thought police when it comes to political activity.
When we got to the airport we saw two World Airways aircraft, (charter flights for the Pentagon) one was a Cargo aircraft and was parked at the US military gate at Gate 42 (they might as well have a sign saying "RESERVED FOR US MILITARY" as none of the other gates have hi=tech fences, motion detectors and constant Garda presence.
The other World aircraft was parked on a stand in the centre of the airfield, and was under guard.
As we were cycling home, the World Cargo plane took off and headed east on a fairly shallow climb, seemingly too heavy for a faster ascent.
D Ahern He gives and then he takes away..
"I have carefully noted the initial response of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Annan, to the joint report. I endorse the Secretary General’s view that those held in Guantanamo Bay should either be charged or released, and that the United States should close the facility. This would be highly desirable on human rights grounds. Closure of Guantanamo Bay would, in addition, serve to reassure all of America’s friends, including Ireland, who recognise the importance of the role of the United States as a global leader in combating terrorism and promoting democracy."
D Ahern protects the civil liberites of CIA agents
Mr. D. Ahern: The issue of these so-called extraordinary renditions on chartered civilian flights is exactly the same as members of the Garda Síochána going into the Deputy’s house. They can only do so on foot of a search warrant or on suspicion of a crime being committed. It is exactly the same at Shannon or anywhere else in Ireland for a civilian plane on which extraordinary rendition is supposedly taking place. It is a matter for members of the Garda Síochána to intervene if they have a suspicion that there is a substantial risk of a breach of rights taking place. To date, members of the Garda Síochána have not done so.
As regards the two cases that were referred to the DPP, it is quite clear that he said there was insufficient evidence. The complaints related to a regurgitation of media reports of allegations that Shannon was being used.
While some or most of the complaints would have included copies of media reports how can the reports of the people who initially made the complaints be regurgitation of media reports of those complaints?
He says assuraces were verified?
Diplomatic assurances do not meet legal requirements.
Superb piece of work Conor and thanks Elaine for the transcript. That brief interview shows how the Government knows the whole thing is a farce but dare not stand up to the U.S. for economic reasons. Disgraceful by the government.
It must be got home to the Irish people that a vote for this government is a vote for the horrific torture of human beings many of whom are totally innocent. And a vote in favour of the death and suffering of all those in Iraq and elsewhere. What price do we put on human life and suffering?
Dermot Ahern knows DAMN WELL that the Gardai DO NOT need a search warrant to enter an aircraft. It's not a house, it's a vehicle, and can be searched under the Air Transport Navigation Act without a warrant, and with less restriction than searching a car. The only difference would be diplomatic aircraft, which these clearly are not. They don't declare themselves as such, and the government and the airport calls them normal civilian flights (i.e. they don't need prior landing permission) but when asked about inspecting them, they take a different view, as if they'd been asked to personally do a body cavity search on George Bush.
It is a lie to say that they need a search warrant, and this has been pointed out plenty of times before, so Dermot Ahern is deliberately lying to cover up his complete inaction at the use of Shannon by torturers. How much does a minister get paid for this type of 'democracy' these days?
Of course, if it were true, then they would simply wait until 5 minutes before the plane took off to go ask a judge to sign a warrant, and then "oh, shucks, we were too late".
needless to say, good stuff, keep it up
Went to the Strategic infrastructure launch last thursday and asked Mr Roche a question,
which he didn't like. At the end of the conference he asked me for my phone number and
e-mail details. Then after I had left the room, a woman followed me and asked for them again.
Now I am not sure if it was for a date or a hit, but he hasn't contacted me yet.
>"Bertie Ahern: There's nobody ehh come through eh em Shannon Airport on, on Special Rendition.
Conor Cregan: Are you stating that categorically?
Bertie Ahern: As, as, as per what we were told by em Condoleeza Rice, who we accepted her word."
“Amnesty would be disappointed that Ireland has responded to this formal questionnaire to the Council of Europe stating that it has fully met its obligations simply by relying on the assurances from the US government."
“We’re also concerned at the lack of detail in the Government’s response and we don’t believe that the information supplied in its response is sufficient to allow the Secretary General of the Council of Europe to make a full and thorough assessment of whether Ireland is in fact meeting its obligations,” she said."
O.K. so let's see what we've got...
"THE gardaí investigated three allegations relating to CIA flights transporting kidnapped terror suspects through Shannon Airport, the Government confirmed yesterday. "
Bertie Sez... "There's nobody ehh come through eh em Shannon Airport on, on Special Rendition. "
"Files on two of the complaints were considered serious enough to be sent to the DPP but no action was taken because of a lack of evidence."
Why was there no 'evidence'?
"(... A 24-page report sent by the Department of Foreign Affairs to the Council of Europe committee investigating allegations of secret prisons and covert CIA flights in Europe stresses that the gardaí
have powers to search any civilian aircraft. However, ...)
so far they have not exercised this power. "
Perhaps Dermot Ahern can clear this up?
"A spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister Dermot Ahern said the department did not see any reason why the gardaí should search aircraft. “We would not see any reason to because we have received categorical assurances from the US that they are not using Shannon in this way,” he said."
So that's all right then?
"The report categorically denies that any official of the State has been involved in any way with “unacknowledged deprivation of liberty”, with transporting any one detained in this way."
These 'Categorical Denials' we hear so much of these days are quite the fad in Leinster House. And 'Categorical Assurances' are proving very popular too, but are they enough to cover a politicians Ass or should Bertie, like Caesar before him, beware the ides of March? Only time will tell...
"The Swiss lawyer heading up the investigation, Dick Marty, has already said he believes governments could not have been unaware of CIA rendition flights on their territory.
He is due to produce a report in March."
I cant download it no matter what I do. is it on U tube?
heres another link to "Monica Lewinsky2 (Martin Cullens PR lady) enjoy.