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State-Hired Goons and The Grumpy, Authoritarian Ego-Trippers![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The reactionaries are in possession of force, in not only the army and police, but in the press and the schools" -John Dewy
No-one should be surprised by the actions of our Guardians Of Privilege in Baldonnel last weekend. The grumpy authoritarian ego-trippers had to do something to justify their bank holiday overtime pay and the use of the copper-copter. Cuffing a young lad, forcing him to the ground and kneeling on him because he didn’t want to piss himself – that’s really guarding the peace. It seems as though the boys in blue haven’t quite moved on from the days of former blueshirt Garda Commissioner Eoin O’ Duffy. The "few rotten apples" thesis spouted by the Garda Representatives Association (ironically acronymed GRA) isn't credible. One only has to look at the cases of the Wheelock, Mulhall, Abbeylara, McBrearty families, RTS 2002 along with the Sallins train robbery, the 'Kerry Babies' case and Shercock cases in the past as evidence of a wider, institutional and generational malaise with the Gardai. Even, Henry Grattan called the police service" an abominable institution".
A long history of brutality In what became know as “The Sallins Train Robbery” 200,00 punt was stolen from the Cork to Dublin mail train, near Sallins in Kildare on 31 March 1976. Four members of the IRSP: Osgur Breatnach; Nicky Kelly; Brian McNally; and John Fitzpatrick were arrested, but after the complete failure of the authorities to produce a "book of evidence" (or any evidence at all) against them, they were released. However, Breatnach, Kelly and McNally were immediately rearrested. During “interrogation” (they were systematically beaten) in custody, they all signed confessions. Osgur Breatnach, stated: "I bear witness to torture... conspiracy to kidnap" ... that was conducted in this State. While in the Bridewell (the station round the back of the Four Courts) he contemplated hanging himself before he was driven to sign a false statement. While awaiting trial Kelly left the country. He was tried in his absence along with Breatnach and McNally before the Special Criminal Court (no jury). Medical evidence of beatings was presented to the court but was rejected, with the court judging that the beatings had been “self-inflicted”. The three were found guilty on the basis of their confessions (no other evidence at all), and sentenced to between nine and 12 years prison. In 1980 Breatnach and McNally were acquitted on appeal on the grounds that their statements had been taken “under duress”. Kelly returned to Ireland shortly afterwards expecting to be acquitted but was chucked back into Portlaoise prison where he spent the next four years proclaiming his innocence, including a period on hunger strike. Kelly was eventually released on "humanitarian grounds" in 1984 and was given a presidential pardon in 1992 with 750,000 for his troubles after campaigns by Amnesty and the ICCL. The state never officially admitted any wrongdoing. Accused garda promoted to investigate accused gardai Injustice for all The 'Kerry Babies' case and the circumstances surrounding Shercock case (where a prisoner died in custody in highly suspicious circumstances) are well-documented cases of authoritarian behaviour by the Gardai. Joanne Hayes, a perceived “despicable”, young, single mother from Kerry became pregnant. Unfortunately her baby died shortly after she gave birth in secret on the family farm. She was then charged with the murder of another baby, found stabbed to death on the strand at Cahirciveen, after confessions were “extracted” from her and other members of her family. The confessions were “extracted” even though blood samples proved that the baby, which was stabbed to death, could not have been Joanne Hayes’. The Gardai claimed she must have had twins. Although the charges were dropped, a tribunal held the following year cleared the Gardai of obtaining confessions by intimidation and branded Joanne Hayes and her family as liars. It was an attempt by the state to reaffirm its moral and ethical attitudes on Irish society. Recent manifestations of a culture of violence Similarly, teenager John Maloney Junior, from Crumlin in Dublin, was arrested in May 2003 and detained at Rathfarnham Garda Station. Less than an hour after his release, he was found lying unconscious and died days later in hospital. An open verdict was returned at an inquest into the 18-year-old's death. John's mother Sandra Maloney said: "They denied they ever had my son. I heard it on the radio that there was a lad found unconscious and I recognised that it was my son. My husband went to the Garda station and they said he was in Tallaght Hospital with a bump on his head." Mrs Maloney said her son did not sign release forms before leaving Rathfarnham Garda Station and did not collect his belongings. Sandra Maloney also claimed Johnny's body was covered in bruises on his chest, hips, back and neck and that he had marks on his kneecaps. The family feel that the statements given by Gardai to the inquest are "choreographed", but they have run out of options because they don't have enough money to take any legal action. They now face "cruel, vicious and organised harassment" from the gardaí. Between 1975 and 1979 no less than twenty people died in police stations and prisons. An anti-drugs campaigner from the same community as Terrence Wheelock, Jimmy Mulhall, says he and his five sons have been the victims of an ongoing campaign of Garda brutality and harassment stretching back to the 1990s. Mulhall and his 16 year old son, Wayne, have both sought hospital treatment following periods in Garda custody. Another son, also called Jimmy, committed suicide in 2002, a tragedy the family blames on Garda harassment. The Mulhalls claim the current series of incidents followed the arrest of Wayne Mulhall, then 14, in April 2003 for stealing a car. During the arrest, Wayne alleges, a Garda repeatedly closed a car door on his legs. Jimmy Mulhall and his wife collected Wayne from Garda custody in Mountjoy station and from there they brought him to the Mater Hospital where his facial and leg injuries were recorded. When it became known that the Mulhalls were making a formal complaint, the family alleges, they were subject to a number of visits to the house by gardaí, including those implicated in the complaint. These culminated in a morning raid by 17 gardaí five months later, in which Wayne was rearrested. When Wayne appeared in court on the car robbing charges the case was dismissed. However, gardaí continued to call to the family home, the Mulhalls say. Jimmy Mulhall claims to have been told that if the complaints didn't stop, the harassment would get worse. "The strongest bulwark of authority is uniformity." - Emma Goldman The institutional cultures of denial and authoritarianism have been created over time, nutured by leadership both within the Gardai and the political establishment. The Gardai (and state) have a clear and structured way of dealing with these issues when they arise: Shrinking from the light People are afraid ... of the Gardaí "People are afraid. If you have a son and you live down our way and that child gets a hiding off the police you would want to be very brave or have plenty of back up if you make a complaint. Because the minute you do they come down on you big time. You know the heavy gang would have nothing on them down there now, they are doing it in the open and don't care" – Jimmy MulhallSome of the historical info and quotes have been lifted from various inymedia posts, newspaper reports and the village magazine. There are may other cases like whats happening in Donegal and what happened at Abbeylara, RTS 2002 etc |
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I can't believe you are linking what didn't happen at baldonnel to - "Between 1975 and 1979 no less than twenty people died in police stations and prisons."
But you would abolish all laws and let everyone kill everyone else.
Yes of course - Gaz B. has written several articles on Indymedia advocating the legalisation of murder. He even has a website: www.peopleshouldbefreetohacktheirneighbourstodeathwithaxesandmachetesiftheylookatthemthewrongway.ie
"What didn't happen at Baldonnel"? Perhaps you mean "what I wish hadn't been documented on video at Baldonnel". Much easier when the Guards can batter some poor sod to a pulp in the station when there's no witnesses, isn't it?
The GRA provided legal support to the gardai who were involved in what I would interpret as a mob scene. The body lobbied for the right of the gardai, incl robocop to be represented as individuals and tried as individuals. thus the idea of a mob reaction was not discussed in court. The photos and witness reports I heard pointed to an atmosphere of hatred and mob-rule. The first mistake in taking part in cases against the perps was not fighting the issue of how the case was constructed. The GRA
allowed for prosecutions only after this issue was resolved to their satisfaction. The question of mob-mentality in the public services was left lie.
Speaking of which the laide case: who was the incumbent minister for justice in a supposed
tiger economy who did not provide adequate post-mortem investigation to the body of Brian Murphy
and why is no-one chasing that up? two state pathologists give widely differing evidence and a case falls through the middle of it. has anyone looked at the provisions for post-mortem evidence. In my recall Harbison worked largely alone until recently and retired through illness. His memory problems do not allow him to take the stand, which is fair enough, but a famiy has been given widely differing accounts of the death of their child. should not their always be an assistant pathologist backing up the chief-state, why are these issues left fall into vacuums?
Legislation seems to favour those with the funding to twist the law into whatever shape suits. I feel that the minister for justice should not 'look at' the ramifications of these cases but a civil rights organisation .There has been an absence of excellence in terms of law from that department that galls.
Mc Dowell is an avowed expert and ex-attorney general, yet issues of equality of access to legal process shows a severe defecit in terms of the ordinary citizen.
There was definitely a mob that was out of control, rioting and beating defenceless people. As a result people feared for their lives as they were battered on the ground by that mob. Members of the mob hit, kicked, punched and beat them with sticks: it was a mob of gardai.
A case for study ,any takers?
The issue should be studied from the top down: Dept of Justice ,Gra , inspectorate
and the body of the gardai. taking as a case in point both Abbeylara and Reclaim the streets.
A case for an indepent ombudsman to investigate cases such as these : to take witness statements from all concerned individuals.
The issue of the representative body's approach to wrongdoing within the force.
How the defence case for perpetrators of violence was handled, from criminal charges to construction of defence in the case.
The issue of the point blank killing of two post-office raiders by members of the garda emergency response unit has not been fully explored.(to date).
The refusal of the Dept of justice to create an independent ombudsman's office should be investigated.
The creation of an oppostion lobby to fund and enquire into the democratic defecit in the dept of justice.
Good article man.
The things any police force can get away with in defiance of the law they
are supposedly upholding are ridiculous and the problem is only exacerbated when there is no independent regulating body.
The higher ranks in the Gardai seem content in merely educating their rank and file in the Public Order Act alone and leaving the rest of the law to their discretion.
Section 6 ye little bollox!
we know that the FF/PD nexus has the overall majority.
We know that the bills are gulllotined in batches at the end of each dail session.
what I do not understand is why when they have such big salaries, not one opposition party is putting money into countering these laws.
providing information on how they effect you as a citizen.
joining the dots on corruption.
A simple easy web-based service outlining without propaganda how an asbo will affect your child
A simple easy web-based service on how planning legislation effects your home and community.
A simple easy web-based service on how health legislation is not care-based.
this is what is happening, here is what you can do.
The democratic defecit is as much a problem for a disorganised opposition as it
is for the public in general.
Stock routines and pre-prepared speeches in the Dail make a mockery of democracy.
Thank you joe Higgins for using your commitment to issues and your salary in a responsible manner.
and I am not a socialist.
I think its about time the people at this site woke up. Aw, the poor kid got his leg slammed in a door when the Garda caught him in a stolen car. Good, maybe he won't do it again. Although from the little bit about the family in the article they sound like a bunch of criminals. As for the poor travellers. You try and bring some law to a halting site and see how long it is before the violence starts. you may think the world is all roses at heart but here's a news flash. There are some violent and habitual criminals out there and sometimes they need a good beating.
Personally I suspect you could do with a good beating from time to time to erase your smugness and snobbery, but I'd still defend you if you were beaten up by the Guards. That's something called "democracy", which you obviously know nothing about
Fortunately i won't get beaten up by the Gardaí because i dont intend to steal cars or rob houses or try to break into a military base. But thanks for your offer. Maybe next time your car is robbed for a joyride you might think a little differently.
"There are some violent and habitual criminals out there and sometimes they need a good beating."
Does this include the gardai and big business?
Keith, you won't get beaten up by the gardai because you're not poor or a traveller or homeless. It's as simple as that. If you're ever unlucky enough to find yourself on the streets, you'll get a hiding off the guards on a regular basis, for no reason other than providing them with some amusement.
I agree...the politicians...the bankers...gardai like yourself.
Take a look around mount joy and you won't find many people from dalkey. It's people from council housing and working class areas with poor literary skills and drug problems that get locked up. it's all right if you're a banker snorting coke - you won't go to jail.
anyway on a side note type "failure" into google, then hit "i'm feeling lucky" instead of search and see what you find.
keith . "the mullhall family sound like a bunch of criminals" dont think so pal.
they are an anti drugs family who have campaigned for years against local drug dealers in the summerhill area. where heroin has ravaged the area for years the local heroin dealers where harrased out of there open drugdealing in the area much to the annoyance of gardai as these dealers, most of who were informants setting each other up , and making local gardai look good with there minute seizures.
there is abook about the family and there harrassment because of their community work which made the local gardai look inadequate. they are a well respected and modest family.
And far far away from criminalty. just to put you right my friend.