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Justice For Terence Wheelock Protest at Store Street Garda Station

category dublin | rights, freedoms and repression | feature author Sunday June 04, 2006 19:42author by NMI Report this post to the editors

Large crowds protest in support of a public inquiry into the death in Garda custody of Terence Wheelock.

featured image
Do We Live in a Police State?

One year on from the unexplained death of Terence Wheelock after his detention in Store Street Garda Station, his family, his community and the wider Irish public demand some meaningful answers. In that time, the gardaí have paid their respects by physically attacking the Wheelock family and continuing their harassement of youths from Dublin's east inner city.

Lists of garda violence and other Human Rights abuses have been documented on, but as yet, even those caught red-handed have been exhonerated by the Irish Justice System. However, the deaths of Brian Rossiter, John 'Johnner' Moloney, and Terence Wheelock, and the lack of accountability regarding numerous garda usage of lethal force, point to something very sinister among the ranks of the Guardians of the Peace, and a willingness to cover up, if not sanction it, within the Department of Justice.

Around 350 people marched yesterday from Seán MacDermott St church down to Store Street Garda station, on the first anniversary of Terence Wheelock being arrested and subsequently being found unconscious in a cell. A short ceremony was held inside the church before the march, where the priest expressed his hopes that the family would find truth, justice, freedom, and finally peace with their sons death. Members of the family and close friends were visibly upset during the 20 minute church ceremony, where music was played and a candle was lit in remembrance of Terence.

The march made its way down Gardiner Street and around by the LUAS tracks in front of Store Street Garda station. Laurence Wheelock again made the call for an independent inquiry into his brother's death. Floral tributes were left on the fence of the station. There was no visible Garda presence whatsoever around the station during the protest outside. The crowd was also addressed by Joe Costello of Labour and Mary Lou McDonald of Sinn Fein, who urged the family to continue their campaign, and who both commended the family on the dignified nature of their protests in the face of continuing Garda intimidation.
Complementary photo essay of the demonstration Bright sunshine greeted a large community protest against the State's continuing refusal to arrange a proper, independent public inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of Terence Wheelock. Terence was arrested in early June last year and brought to Store Street Garda Station, from where, a number of hours later he was taken to the Mater Hospital. He died from his injuries in September.

While the Gardaí maintain that he attempted to commit suicide while in custody, his family, members of his local community, elected representatives and many others have demanded a Independent Public Inquiry to find out the truth.

After a brief service at Seán McDermott Street Church, the large crowd walked to Store Street Garda Station.

There they were addressed by Larry Wheelock, Terence's brother, who thanked people for coming and reminded them of the details of the case, and that the Wheelock family were asking for nothing more than justice for Terence.

Then Joe Costello, Labour Party spokesman on Defence, spoke of the issues of the case. He explained that answers were needed for several questions that have arisen; Why was the cell where Terence was held renovated by the Gardaí before his legal team had access to it? Why will the Garda not give his solicitor access to his clothes?Why did Terence have a cut and bruising on his body?
Why will the Garda not give his solicitor access to the internal Garda report?

Sinn Féin MEP for Dublin Mary Lou McDonald then addressed the assembled people. She first thanked the Wheelock family for arranging such a dignified, peaceful protest. She said she was very proud to be there with the family, and wanted to remind them that they are not alone. She recognised that are many families across the state in similiar positions and that they are not alone either. She welcomed members of the family of Johnner Maloney, who also died in similiarly suspicious circumstance after a spell in Garda custody.

Today's protest was for a proper system of oversight of the Gardaí, and the government had a duty to put in place a proper ombudsman.

This system should be properly resourced and funded, and, above all, independent. The people deserve nothing less. The Gardaí are servants of the state whose job is to uphold the law, but they are not above the law.

The Wheelock family, the Maloney family, and all families in the country deserve a proper, and properly accountable police service.

Mary Lou McDonald ended by saying that Sinn Féin backed the Justice For Terence Wheelock Campaign one hundred per cent, and would give any help and assistance possible to the family.

Larry Wheelock then thanked the crowd again for attending the protest and also thanked Mary Lou McDonald, Joe Costello, and all the other elected representatives and political parties who had given help to the campaign.

The campaign is completely independent, and seeks only answers to the many questions that have arisen since Terence was arrested this time last year.

Some of the crowd at the Justice for Terence Wheelock Protest
Some of the crowd at the Justice for Terence Wheelock Protest

Store Street Garda Station
Store Street Garda Station

Joe Costello
Joe Costello

Mary Lou McDonald
Mary Lou McDonald

author by anonpublication date Sat Jun 03, 2006 19:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Good to see this, still a amazing (ok Ill say it, co-ordinated) silence from the corporate media on this and others weeks events, does it really sevre the Wheelocks core aim to allow the attack on their families house to be hid within official complaint bunkers never to be seen for years, it wouldn't effect the inquiry into his death for the pressure to put on the local cops today by release of more info on what happened last fortnight. (There wasn't that much in the village.)

author by Stophpublication date Sun Jun 04, 2006 02:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

For more information on the attack on the Wheelock home last forthnight, plus the continuous Garda pressence outside their hall door following the incident, and footage of an interview with Larry and Esther ( there will be a 50 min documentary on the case screened in the Digital Hub Warehouse, Thomas St from the 10th - 18th June (opening Fri 9th 6pm).
As for the protest, I think it went really well - there was great energy and a real sense of the campaign's righteousness. Flowers and notes posted to the railings of Store St station were attracting quite a bit of attention I noticed, throughout the day.
Did anyone see if TV3 broadcasted any footage?

Finally I would like to express my absolute outrage and disgust at the members of An Garda Síochána who remained outside the Wheelock home yesterday, June 2nd, the very day upon which Terence was arrested one year ago. The insensitivity of these individuals and/or their superiors sanctioning such behaviour is truly beyond belief. In stark contrast, what restores my faith in humanity has been the warmth, dignity, and determination of the Wheelock family.

gstoph 'at' gmail 'dot' com

P.S. 'Justice for Terrence Wheelock' is not a cause to be used for the political gain of whatever groups and parties appears on the day with their branded placards and party banners, and who cannot get their facts right pertaining to the case. It is about truth and justice, fought for peacefully and democratically on the ground from one day to the next. Much credit due to Joe Costello.

author by TLGpublication date Sun Jun 04, 2006 05:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I notice from one of the leaflets that an inquiry was headed by a garda who had served about fifteen years in Store Street. Who is it?

author by kpublication date Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Garda in question is Oliver Hanley.

- The Director of Public Prosecutions has decided that no charges will be brought against any Gardai in relation to Terence's death. The Garda Commissioner had appointed Detective Superintendent Oliver Hanley from Dun Laoghaire Garda Station to examine the circumstances surround Terence's death. "The DPP's decision was solely based on Oliver Hanley's investigation," says Laurence. "We have not seen that report. He investigated Terence's death, John Moloney's death, and every death in Garda custody in Dublin over the last 15 years. There was not one case of negligence brought against the State in his findings. We have had no correspondence with him at all - apart from not wanting to hand the medical records over to him. The reason for that is that this is our only form of defence left. We've been obliterated every other way. They've conned us, they've disorientated us, they took his clothes away. We just felt we had to hang on to the medical records. They never contacted us to let us know how the internal investigation was going. This Garda spent 15 years working in Store Street station, so he may as well be investigating his friends. So of course we were not happy with this type of investigation. The only type of inquiry we would be happy with is one completely independent of the State. Not someone like Judge Kevin Haugh as an Ombudsman, because he is still in some way attached to the State. He's still a member of the judiciary."

Related Link:
author by Backbencherpublication date Sun Jun 04, 2006 13:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Tragically the guards in this country have only ever been accountable
to the guards (other members and their bosses).
Any one who has even been subjected to spending time in a cell
(for whatever reason) in Ireland is only too aware of the power the guards maintain
and the injustice they so diligently preserve, while they claim to serve and uphold the
law their less enthusiastically wayward colluges commit the greatest crime
by omission of the truth, the crime of silence. Those individuals who work within
the force and who know all yet claim to know nothing of these atrocities are the
greatest criminals at large within our society.

Maybe someone can complain to the consumer ombudsperson about the
misrepresentation / misuse of the slogan “ Guardians of the peace”.

author by alanpublication date Sun Jun 04, 2006 22:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

yes tv3 covered the march they have from the start while none of the other media do where was rte.
HAS anyone got any more info on this video being showed in thomas st.

commend the wheelock family in their consistent perserverance for truth and justice. was there
a very worthwhile cause people are very frustrated in the community with garda relations, the local policeing forum set up by bertie ahern during the summerhill riots 96 gardai attacked anti drugs activists and attacked their homes and intimidated women and children. this was also ignored by the media. The local policeing forum is a joke they set meeting up in garda stations, dont want to know about real garda harrasment and singleing out of respected familys in the area.
The policeing forum was set up for relations between local people and the gardai because relations were so poor.
this policing forum gave local people a good well paid job to basically silence and split the anti drugs movement. this objective by the most "cunning of them all" worked and has left a bitter taste among anti drugs activist is has died down the drugs have returned bertie does'nt give a shit most drug dealers are paid informants so there giving a free reign by gardai. there perception of a threat are the likes of the wheelock family and mulhalls decent people.
incidently the policing forum dont give a shit about the wheelock case is all tea and biscuits they have been corrupted by the gardai there to close and are been used by gardai. even though this is supposed to represent people like the wheelocks.

i hope the wheelock family get what there lookiing for they are good people 10children most adults now a very closeknit family as mary lou said"terence mattered" and he certainly matered to them i knew terence. he was a nice lad always up for the craic . he was intelligent good in school, love his family marcus , jackie, michell, sammy,larry, robert, elaine, orla, and cavin.
there is no closure till the wheelock family get answers, they loved there brother he was not some lowlife like the garda press release made out he was not charge with the stolen car and had a solid alibi he was at home. if you read this hollow statement it is you will see more concerned with the damage to the car, ehh"insurance" that with the death of this young lad in garda custody it makes me sick to read it. shows even from the garda piont of veiw, there more concerned about property than the death of a young lad in their care.
support this campaign for TRUTH


author by Supporter - nonepublication date Mon Jun 05, 2006 14:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What relevence is a possible garda record on Terence wheelock.I think that your question is deflecting from yhe real issue here and that is what happened to terence wheelock while he in garda custody. it is quite clear he died in the most unusual circumstances . i'd like you to bare these questions in mind
why was terences mother brought to tha wrong hospital on the wrong side of the city?
Why did it take nine and a half minutes to call an ambulance and when it arrived was terence found in a hall and not this alledged suicide cell?
Why was there extensive bruising verified by doctors and pathologist on terence wheelocks body?
Why can't the family get access to terence's clothes so that they can be independly examined?
Why did the gardai renovate this cell before thier legal team and engineers could examine it? and why was the custody( a legal document) record doctored and the arresting guards name struck out?

author by Liam Donohoepublication date Mon Jun 05, 2006 17:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi supporter,

My original comment seems to have disappeared now, oh well so much for a free press.
Or perhaps Mary Lou's feeling a bit silly with her perma-tan now that the sun has come out.
What's wrong with a good old fashioned Irish red face sun burn, I don't know.

Nah, don't think it's irrelevant -my question.
I'm not disputing the other facts or questions you raised either, by the way.

If the cops have some previous beef with Terence that was unresolved, then it's possible that a case can be made that they were out to get the lad no matter what way. In their simple-minded way of thinking then they were within their rights to maybe slap the lad around a little - they do this with those they perceive to be trouble-makers as a matter of course - and a good lawyer would have no difficulty proving this. Lots of guards have told me this off the record - this practise continues to the present day.

You'd never get them to testify but bringing all this sort of stuff out into the open is the only way to effect some change in policies.

E.g. with McBrearty, what's little known is that Frank Snr was either a murder or manslaughter suspect in a case in UK in the 70's (according to Village magazine). For the Closeaus of North Donegal then obviously this man was automatically Potential Public Enemy Number One.

I think we need to get Chris Patten down here to sort out not only the Guards but also the judiciary.
I wonder would Mary Lou agree with me there?

author by friend of NFE - nonepublication date Mon Jun 05, 2006 18:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

a message of support from Na Fianna Eireann seems to have been removed as well. these young people had a good number of members and friends with them at the protest, they carried no banner and didn't "use" the event (unlike others) as a recruitment tool. They know all to well about gardai abuse. Perhaps, if they were provo ogra they would've been allowed to pollute this board with numerous press releases about it, yet NFE dare to post one comment of support....and its removed.

author by supporterpublication date Mon Jun 05, 2006 19:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

yes if patten came down here i think he would be shocked with the scale of garda courruption seeping through the many cracks of the gardai's iron curtain.

AND terence wheelock did have an altercation with this gaurd steve mulqueen of fitzgibbon st a week befor were he went to hospital with an injury to his arm, and reported this to the matear hospital, 1 week later an other altercation with this gaurd {a judo expert} back in the matear but this time he did not leave and tragically died. terence was no criminal he was a 20 years starting his life he was a working class lad from a working class area .where as the gardai put it . a few slaps here and there is common practice.

But i would not call broken limbs, cracked heads, baton marks, as a few slaps. no these are very real physical attacks on isolated youths and young men in custody of the state. this institunalised violence must be stamped out and exposed for what it is a culture of violence with in the gardai were gardai who take short cuts as they see it aviod red tape are promoted other gardai see this way of promotion as acceptable and so courruption takes hold. As the eminent justice fred morris put is insuborbination and discipline has broken down with in the gardai not just donegal but across the state.

Gardai do there job but there is no excuse for violence when someone is detained against there will or for what ever reason. there is NO acceptable level of violence this is against the law illegal and sets a bad precedent.

fair play to everyone who turned out as larry wheelock put it its an independent campaign not affilated to any party.

so theres my pionts laim , all the best supporter

larry and sis orla outside there home summerhill
larry and sis orla outside there home summerhill

author by supporterpublication date Mon Jun 05, 2006 19:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

a couple of pictures of the family out side store st garda station on terence's anniversary

garda informing family take them down next day
garda informing family take them down next day

The Wheelock family
The Wheelock family

author by Damienpublication date Mon Jun 05, 2006 22:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Just wondering if the photo which is attached to this article is all that it seems.....It looks like it has been digitally enhanced - i.e. people added into it judging by some of the shadows....

Or is the author using it as merely an illustration....

author by Stophpublication date Tue Jun 06, 2006 13:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

For more info on the documentary being screened on Thomas St. please see

or e-mail me at gstoph 'at' gmail 'dot' com

author by supporterpublication date Tue Jun 06, 2006 15:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

no they are just shadows it was a bright sunny day. and i didn't know the camera was out of focus digital one

author by alanpublication date Tue Jun 06, 2006 16:12author email freedomjig at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi stoph

fairplay for making this video need ths story to get out the public.
if only to support the wheelocks quest for a public inquiry and if anything cease garda assaults and intimidation on the wheelock family.

incidently i recorded on camcorder last year some footage of the wheelocks on there march to store st after terence died and some footage at oconnel st gathering petitions for an inquiry the managed a couple of thousand in a day.
i was doing some ameatuer recording put some of it is quite good. if any use to you, you can have it. email""

all the best alan

author by Michael Gallagherpublication date Tue Jun 06, 2006 17:46author email libertypics at yahoo dot co dot ukauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Just a point about the 'findings' made by Peter Morris that the gardai have 'become' undisciplined etc. I have been living in the North Inner City for most of my almost fifty years. The first time I ever heard of any garda beating up someone was overy forty years ago. My eldest brother received a beating after been dragged into a garda van while waiting for his wife outside a shop with his youngest child. What a sight to see for a young infant.
My brother worked in ESB for over 40 years and was never in trouble with any police. This arrest and assault happened in Talbot Street in front of witness's and he was also assaulted in the garda van and Store Street Station. The subsequent court case got the unusual result of the garda being found guilty but, he got the usual punishment, a small fine and a slap on the back transfer to another station. Most likely outside of Dublin near his home.

I conclude just from talking to people over the years that the amount of beatings given out by the gardai to individuals, even up to this very bank holiday weeknd gone, in or out of custody, is a huge number. I also know for a fact of one death as a result of the injuries recieved at the hands of the gardai in the north inner city. This family did not take the gardai on, simply out of fear of intimidation etc. I think is the main reason why they have being getting away with all this is....FEAR!

The gardai are one of the few state institutions that havn't been comprehensively investigated for their past crimes. The reforms made by Micheal McDowell don't go far enough.

It's time for a country wide campaign to open the biggest can of worms in this state and expose the gardai for what they are...a criminal law unto themselves. I am convinced we live in a police state, even if only by stealth.
Can any of the contributers here go back further than forty three years? Do you know of or have you heard of any deaths, beatings, bullying, harrassment etc at the hands of any member of the force in your area?

Related Link:
author by johnpublication date Tue Jun 06, 2006 20:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi micheal

i would say there are a hell of alot of victims out there who by sheer frustration of an gardai shiochana investigating themselve have put a negative spin on bothering to make a complaint when they come across people who have been assaulted. resulting in people falling to make a complaint. which suits the the rogue gardai, plus other "decent" gardai have conspired for years to keep a lid on this.

i feel the New ombudsman should take in special consideration of circumstances of past fouls and assaults were people were severly effected by rogue gardai's actions.

rather i beleave a cosy deal has been done here, because i understand when the new ombudsman comes in to existance in jan07.

past crimes and atrocious acts of barbarity by some gardai. will be beyond the remit of its extensive powers.
This is not fair to the irish people and lets them down badly and in effect when jan07 comes the rogue elements deeply rooted in an garda shiochana
Will be given a clean slate. and in effect an amnesty for past crimes commited against citzens, youths, alleged subversives, and alleged criminals. This was the only way mcdowell could push this through.


author by Paul - nonepublication date Wed Jun 07, 2006 21:34author address author phone noneReport this post to the editors

I thought that the wheelock protest on saturday the 3rd June went down very well. The family should be commended on thier dignity with all that they have had to deal with lately.They apper to be very well organised and have ample support from the local and wider communities. people should take a lesson from this family's book. the gardai have been geeting away with murder for a very long time now. We only have to look at cases like Abby Laragh the may-day riots and the 20 deaths in garda custody that has been published in the Ireland on sunday and the daily star news papers to know that there is an urgent need for the establishment of an ombudsman like they have in the north of this country.For too long the local guard the local priest and doctor had been revered in this country but look how the latter two have falling (ie) the Clergy & the hospitals especiall Our Lady of Lourdes Drogheda . The gardai have a long way to fall. all thats left to say is support this family's campaing for justice and stop this corruption!

author by Geoffpublication date Thu Jun 08, 2006 14:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In the long term, Gardai behaving like idiot school yard bullies are not only disrespecting the community at large, they are losing the general trust of the community in the Gardai as an institution, and, thus, the State itself.

As society progresses it is imperative that the institute of law has the trust of the people, otherwise society in the long run will collapse. A building whose foundations are rotten eventually collapses.

It is brutalistic, bully boy behaviour on part of a given authority that eventually leads to terrorism, carnage and decay. The Gardai and the State not only have a duty to the people, but also to themselves to behave in the correct manner, otherwise individual Gardai who are otherwise decent might find themselves in a more tense situation , not unlike that of the average RUC constable in 1970s Northern Ireland.

Think about it.


author by alanpublication date Thu Jun 08, 2006 17:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This has been going on for a long long time, in fact since the foundation of the state, when free state polce summarily executed republicans, as low level warfare continued in to the 1930's if you look at statued books through the 30' and 40's there are instance's of table case's of gardai attempted murder and murder are there. these can be veiw as remnants, of old grudges from the civil war.

through the 60's and 70's with the phenomena of urban crime a outdated police force played catch up.
This is where the shortcuts began and miscarraiges of justice and patterns begin to appear, 1972 the sallins trainrobbery, seven political activists, stitched up nicky kelly and oscar breathnach sentenced to years imprisonment, kidnapped brutally tortured, the were forced to make false confessions in the Bridewell garda station dublin. through the 70's and 80's deaths in garda custody are a new phenomena, scandals start appearing the kerrie babies scandal, the heavy mob appeared sanctioned by garda commisioner british spie.
Garda exteme behaviour begins to appear in the 90s escalation of violent confrantation athy bank robbery 4 people shot one robber dead, another parylised for life, a bank porter crippled and an innocent bystander shot.
While no robbers discharge a shot. only gardai fire.
late 9os eru shoot dead a robber in ballyfermot his gun not loaded eru man john eiffe fires the fatal shot several years later he is shot dead by another eru man in an own goal still no raiders had fired a shot, abbeylara watershed eru shoot depressed man dead, lust post office 05 eric hopkins unarmed shot dead, collomgriffin armed shot dead. deaths in garda custody escalate 20 deaths since 1997 most recent suspicious deaths, brian rossiter 14, john maloney 18, terence wheelock 20.

What is most striking in all of these scandals the Gardai involved where not reprimanded but rather promoted
to this day very very senior possesion, despite severe criticism by judge throughout recent times, these fell on deaf ears. indeed these courrupt gardai investigate courruption in recent times. the morris tribunal is set to lift the lid on this in its next to modules.
Thus this why we have a police force where taking short cuts and courruption is seen as fair game if you want to advance in the gardai.

This precedent must be eradicated if thing are to change . but to be honest, it will be very hard to change . and i dont think senior management have the moral courage.


author by refugeefromtheseventiespublication date Thu Jun 08, 2006 18:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Sallins train robbery case was just the tip of the iceberg. The Garda "Heavy Gang" scandal was much bigger and seems to have begun after a republican in Cork shot a local criminal who was throwing his weight around (ach shin sceal eile). The "Heavy Gang" scandal has never been properly addressed and deserves a proper impartial inquiry.

author by alanpublication date Thu Jun 08, 2006 20:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

How do you get an impartial inquiry in to these gardai passed activities.

when they are now the hirearchy of the gardai, many were involved with the carthy investigation in to garda corruption in donegal were riduculed by judtice fred morris. some are commanders of certain divisions in the gardai as a whole others are superintendents, inspecters, and senior detectives.

It is truly shocking, and beggers belief , the past criminal activites of these gardai has been rewarded with promotion time and again.

a glimpse in to this corruption and example is seen through the criminal activites of sup kevin lennon in donegal. who was ochestrating like a mafia don, criminal acts to enhance is credibilty and carear as a garda. His mistake, he underestimated the mcbrearty family
Just how many like him, these senior gardai are still active in the force. And are clever and shrewd,

but there past deserves to be scrutinised espeacially those involved in high profile contraversal case's
There needs to be a radical overhaul of the gardai and these senior criminal gardai out and prosecuted for past crime's.
and then maybe working class people like the wheelock's will not have to bury their sons so young after being in the custody and care of the gardai


author by Michael Gallagherpublication date Sat Jun 10, 2006 00:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Does anyone know what happened to the story concerning Laurence Wheelock's arrest? I also put up a picture essay of the demo to store street last week. They story and photos seem to be taken off?


author by maurapublication date Tue Jun 13, 2006 17:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The inquest in to the death of terence wheelock was adjourned today till 26/7/06 This follows a written request from the justice minister micheal mcdowell to coroner brian farrell on the coroners court remit, into permitting evidence from an independent forensic experts into the coroners findings.
If The coroner has no problem with this he will inform the justice minister .
and independent forensic examination should commence. it remains to be seen


author by anonpublication date Tue Jun 20, 2006 19:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Village Gavin Wheelock, a brother of Terence Wheelock who died after being found unconscious in a cell in Store St Garda station in May last year, was arrested on his way to a protest to commemorate his brother's death. Gavin Wheelock (17) was arrested for having a half-finished placard which the Garda claimed could have been used as a weapon. He was held for the duration of the protest but was not charged.

"Gavin was in his friend's garden with the cardboard in one had and the stick in the other," said Gavin Wheelock's brother, Laurence. "The guards stopped outside in a car and took the placard off him. They drove off, but then came back and asked Gavin his name. Then they arrested him and took him down to the station, and didn't let him out until the protest was over.

author by donaldpublication date Wed Jun 21, 2006 20:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Heard recently that larry wheelock terence brother is to run in the up coming general election in 10 months time.

As far as i know this is part of the wheelock campaign strategy.
To force bertie ahern who is TD for dublin nth central to take notice. He hopes to take several hundred votes and campaign for second and third preference's to independents and labour joe costelloe.

The family are still suffering garda intimidation with the arresting officer of terence who also led the baton charge on the wheelock home injuring women and a child, posted outside the home on a regular basis, laughing and jeering the family. there is considerable tension in the area.

and relations between the local community and local gardai is very poor. This has been fueled by the treatment of the wheelock family by local gardai as it is plain to see openly intimidating the family.

there is considerable sympathy with the wheelock family.
and larry hope s that peole will come out and vote for him as a form of protest, i sayhe will be a popular candidate and might actually get a lot of novelty votes.
As there is not much alternatives.

author by Alpublication date Thu Jun 22, 2006 15:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"why was terences mother brought to tha wrong hospital on the wrong side of the city?"

Thats a new one, just thought of that? For starters, she wasnt but anyway, Gardai dont decide what hospital.

"Why did it take nine and a half minutes to call an ambulance and when it arrived was terence found in a hall and not this alledged suicide cell?"

A new one again, fair play, really getting the ball rolling. Where did you get 9 1/2 minutes from? It was in fact 10 minutes until the ambulance ARRIVED at the station. He was found in the hall because the Gardai on duty performed CPR you dunce, thats been stated a million times. You would complain had he been left in the cell.

"Why was there extensive bruising verified by doctors and pathologist on terence wheelocks body?

Name these doctors can you? He hung himself, people normally bruise when they do that. CPR would also bruise your ribs. Maybe he was in a fight????

"Why can't the family get access to terence's clothes so that they can be independly examined?"

They were offered the clothes on condition that they were not removed from Ireland but they were given permission to have an independent test carried out within Ireland by whatever means they desired. They then demanded the state pay for this, when the state refused they denied being granted permission. The permission still exists to this day.

"Why did the gardai renovate this cell before thier legal team and engineers could examine it?"

They didnt, Bambery and the Wheelocks arrived to Store Street the following day and were offered not asked, to see the cell however they refused as they had no camera with them. It was over a week later when they finally arrived despite the offer clearly standing. Its a busy station, the cell was examined by the Garda forensic team and an enginerr then repaired so it could be used again.

"and why was the custody( a legal document) record doctored and the arresting guards name struck out?"

Again fiction, 2 female Gardai are clearly noted in the custody record as the arresting Gardai. The only male officer to be involved was the searching Garda who was not even at the Wheelocks home.

Why do you point to Village and other magazines but yet ignore the simple facts that even they produce? look in Village and you will see that even they accept much of what I have just said.

As for Gardai at the door step, Sean O'Casey is a trouble spot with frequent fighting, theres always been Gardai in the location, funnily enough the biggest trouble usually starts about 10 minutes after a certain long haired chap arrives to the Wheelocks front door. Strange that, anyone could think its staged for the camera this chap carries.

author by maurapublication date Thu Jun 22, 2006 18:52author address rutland cottages nth innercityauthor phone Report this post to the editors

HI al
you again.
It is well known in the nth innercity who arrested terence wheelock,
a Garda mulqueen and garda oleary, (wont mention first names) presumtion of innocence.
These are notorious characters.
the custody record you refer to has these names on it,
they are scribbled out and two ban garda are inserted. who were not at the scene.
And who knocked to the wheelock door in tears saying they had nothing to do with terence arrest.
complained to the police forum that it was not there arrest.
Tell me this al how come mulqueen and o'leary there names are on the custody record for the other three charged?
Why are there names in their books of evidence?
why did they admit to arresting the three others but not terence?
custody record states from time terence was found it took 10 mins to ring an ambulance.
but suspicions say longer, as hospital say terence was with out oxygen for over 40mins. This 10 mins thing is the gardais own admission.
"bruises result of cpr" Is blunt trauma to the brain, cuts and bruise on the victims back, legs and arms, consistent with CPR?
And do you really expect people to believe that a respected solicitor would refuse to see the cell were terence sustained these injuries? because she had no camera. Her word in the court of law as a witness would be enough for any judge. these are lies.

and if summerhill is a black spot as you say,( its berties spot.)
garda mulqueen posted outside the wheelock home hardly does anything for public relations in the area.
does it now?
And maybe this long haired guy your talking about with the camera is a jounalist investigating these allegations.
Al the truth is the truth and you cant get away from the facts no matter how much misinformation and lies comes from self appionted pr garda men.

This will come out in a very high profile case in the high court. these facts will all be argued out.
remember a liar needs a good memory.
the truth is not on the local garda yobs from fitzgibbon st side.
They'll have to lie true there teeth, and not being the sharpest tools in the kit,
a good barrister will take there lies apart one by one.

So lets leave it to the courts. and al stop telling your lies from a garda computer. its sad.

author by wisepublication date Fri Jun 23, 2006 19:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you have been there to notice the 'certain long haired man with a camera', then lets hope he has you 'on camera'.

Are the Wheelocks not entitled to have people call to their home? Why does it bother you who calls to their front door and why have you even taken notice of it? Is the house under survalience, and if so, for what,- having visitors!

Have you got this 'long haired man' under surveillance ,Al. After all he is carrying a very dangerous weapon, a camera. You never know what it might see (or has seen!) and we all know that the camera never lies, unlike the Gardai

author by Steve Bikopublication date Fri Jun 23, 2006 20:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

How worse off is society since the death of Mr. Wheelock can anyone tell me.

People have made up their mind right or wrong and no independent enquiry will change that.

author by biko civil rights activist - against aparthaidpublication date Fri Jun 23, 2006 22:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"people have made up their minds, what does an independent inquiry make" doooooahhh......
exactly an independent inquiry will establish the facts a independent judge without prejudice to gardai or the wheelock family will draw conclusions from the facts at hand.
He has no self interest but to establish his own conclusions from the facts.
if the gardai which they do fail to answer in questions. well then all the judge can do , is draw inference from the questions they have fail to answer, if he has asked.

But if they do answer these questions, then a judge can weigh up the pros and cons and independently draw his own conclusions, regardless of any propaganda.

This is what everyone wants. Espeacially the wheelock family. But the gardai seem to be afraid of anyone who questions their version of events. WHY?

if someone dies in their custody. then those people have that paramount right to question, those version of events put forward by the gardai.

Is that not what a civilised democracy is all about?

i find these sceptics stange.!

Everyone knows a judge gives the benifit of the doutb.

With regards to the local gardai in the nth innercity, well we'll leave it to a judge to decide?

author by jimpublication date Sat Jun 24, 2006 01:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

hello frank,

Read your post, I think you have to keep in mind.
That regards to the dead shoul be kept in order.

Tit for tat smears should be kept for the igmorant,
respect for the dead is paramont.
As is the death of the late Terence Wheelock R.I.P 2/6/05.

understand that people should never drop one's dignity in the face of an ignorant society.

Fustration breeds ignorance.

The wheelock family have displayed tolerence and acceptence in the face of a brutal and insincere political machine. they know what there up against and are resolved to shaming the people who ignore their questions and greivence with the way they are been treated and abused by the same gardai who arrested thei son last year 2.6.05 sean o'casey ave.

Support this dignified family.
There campaign has never involved hatred but advocates of the truth,
and their constitutional right to seek answers in to a Son and Brothers Death.

All they want is an Independent Equiry to establish what the circumstances in to their relatives death.

What is there to hide?
They dont trust gardais explanation
whats the alternative?

author by long haired chappublication date Sat Jun 24, 2006 18:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So it was you who was taking notes on who was visiting the wheelock house? Nice to have a face behind this self appointed garda propagandist (a face on video at that).
Now as to your lies; you've really put your foot in it this time. The custody record clearly shows the names and numbers of Mulqueen and O'Leary and the bizarre line that has been scratched across their names, presumably an attempt to relieve of them of any responsibility for Terence while he was in custody. A court of law will prove this - stop posting lies. I won't even bother going into the rest of your heresay and spin, Maura has already made some good points on this.
As for the gardaí posted outside the door, any family in Summerhill will testify that it was near impossible to get a guard to patrol the area. But now as one family challenges a state sponsered version of events (through purely peaceful and democratic means) there are up to six garda right outside their house, often remaining throughout the night. This is quite a coincidence Al. And why have they got a habit of disappearing when a known journalist or politician such as Joe Costello calls to the house? Surely in this 'black spot' you should be even more concerned as to the safety of such people?
Now Al, the biggest trouble I've seen on Sean O'Casey Ave is a family who have been near destroyed by the state - a mother who's afraid to go outside her door because of the police who are posted there round the clock.
'anyone could think its staged for the camera this chap carries.'...would you ever get real; that sounds like chronic paranoia.
Finally Al, watch your language; anyone could think you've got a vendetta against anybody showing support to the wheelocks.

author by alipublication date Mon Jun 26, 2006 17:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

didn't relise that these local gardai watch the wheelock home, note who comes and goes, but yet there line is that they are policing the area. sounds overt surveilence and intimidation judging by al comments.
And then post garda propaganda on terence's webpage. It is quite funny that it bothers gardai like al, they are openly intimidating the wheelock home and then posting lies on the web, but caught himself out now we know that al stands outside the wheelock home and what he possibly looks like. as the wheelock family are being forced to film this intimidation to protect themselves

. So al anymore storys from sean o'casey ave, heard theres a lot of tension up there i also heard there on horse's now, outside the wheelock home{is this to look in the wheelock windows} also they have dogs s, stepping up a gear al, so whats the read at fitzgibon st, cant wait to see these cops in the dock, must be considerable tension in fitzgibon st too.

author by first aidpublication date Mon Jun 26, 2006 19:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So Terence had CPR peformed on him in the hall of Store Street? Why would you move him from a cell where there is space to perform CPR, where he was supposedly found hanging (this in a relatively new Garda station where all the cells would be suicide proof anyway), to a narrow crowded hall where people would be passing by and there is less room to perform emergency medical procedures? Doesnt make much sense to me at all, picture the supposed scenario which you say happened Al:

GARDA ONE: Oh look, someone has tried to hang themself
GARDA TWO: Quick, lets remove the cord around his neck and try to resuscitate him.
GARDA ONE: No, hang on, lets move him into the hall first and try it there.
GARDA TWO: OK, you grab his feet, I'll take his arms.
GARDA ONE: Yes. This will help save his life. Moving him outside first will definitely help.
GARDA TWO: Yes, of course.

Hmm. Doesnt seem too right to me.

Hopefully an independent inquiry will be launched, but even if this does happen its hard to hold out much hope for the truth to be uncovered. Look at the inquiry that took place after Reclaim The Streets in 2002. All the Garda closed ranks and couldnt identify the people they worked with every day. This was with video footage and hundreds of witnesses, and eventually only one of them was convicted. This is just one person, there's no video evidence, and it happened well out of the public view.

The Garda are going to push Summerhill to boiling point again just like around the time of COCAD if they continue with their heavy tactics. Does Bertie the local rep for the area have anything to say about this I wonder?

author by Peter - Nonepublication date Mon Jun 26, 2006 22:19author address author phone NONEReport this post to the editors

Al appears to be well informed on this terrible tragedy, were you by any means involved in it? i have sourced the e-mail address and it eminates from store street garda. this was not very hard for me to do. Al is this a slurrish campaign on behalf of the gardai press office to distort the facts that pertain to the terrible tragedy and to try and discredit this honorable and dignified family. Fact are facts that only a independent inquiry can answer satisfactorily. I haer that larry wheelock is been nominated for a candititure in the forth coming general election. He is very well supported in this constituency as we see from his well organised peaceful protests. vote Larry wheelock number 1! Dublin 1 supports you.

Editors note: please can contributers desist from using all capitals when commenting on the site.

author by Garda annonymous - an garda shiochanapublication date Mon Jun 26, 2006 23:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Here's the scene young wheelock arrested beside his home after midday.

Taken to store st garda station processed and thoroughly searched, somehow manages to smuggle in a tool .hmm.......

Gardai state in custody records that he was checked on" a number of occasions" and all was well he was also stated as been a sleep when checked. but young wheelock was crafty he had other ideas with his hidden tool he started to bore through solid steel plate "call button" .
now this solid steel plate is incased in solid concrete. but this is not a deterent..
manages this Mcgiver like feat with out being noticed. use's a lace from his trackie bottoms and does the deed without triggering despite intervering with call button.
Gardai then move him from the cell to a corrider no one knows why,
emergency personel arrive, but do not see the cell.. no one knows why.
we dont lie!
Fankly i find this amazing, the tool was never found , and we cant expect people to believe he tore through solid concrete wtih his fingers. or maybe the local gaurds do.
Store st when unveiled a number of years ago was boasted as one of the most sophisticated and modern stations in the EU.
boasted as being suicide proof and vandal proof we were all proud.

now i know that there has bee deaths in the new modern station most relate to alcohol or drugs overdose, but this is the first time ive heard of someone succesfully hanging them selfs never mind even attempting such an amazing feat.

I say amazing because i'm amazed as a garda for eight years now
and i have been stationed in dublin with all its problems. but ive never come across a case like this ive seen the cells were prisoners are and i ve put some of them there.
It is impossible to do this without some sort of tool and a hell of a lot of effort.
We stick together we have to against the scum were up against, but are silence must have a limit,
we must speak out against crime in the ranks of the gardai, these rogue elements are giving us a bad name, and are going to far. they bully the public
and their own colleagues if we dont see it there way.
They are little cliches and are in every station, and i think bullying in the force is getting out of hand,
we know that somtimes an odd cheeky gobshite gets a smack here and there and happens in most stations, i know. i saw. it shuts there vulgar mouths up. the night sifts are the worse.
things must change wheelocks deserve answers i certainly want assist criminals dragging the force down. i've heard wispers in the force of what happened my advice
to the wheelocks. be patient the wall is falling

author by maurapublication date Fri Jun 30, 2006 23:17author address nth innercityauthor phone Report this post to the editors

yes garda. well if you have heard wispers i suggest you take a moral standpiont, and back your words up and tell a superior or solicitor or even better record these so called wispers, it's no good to the family. even though i agree with some of what you say.
Gardia hiding behind computers only confirms that there is no moral courage with in the gardia.

author by Seán Ryanpublication date Sat Jul 01, 2006 00:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Make a note of every Garda's number, that appears outside the Wheelock home, note the time and the date with it, make a note of when the Garda leaves the vicinity also.

When this eventually gets into a courtroom, you will be entitled, to call each and every Garda you've noted. And you'll be able to ask them their reasons for being there. You'll also be entitled to compare your notes with the notes the Garda dispatcher made. To see if the Garda in question was supposed to be in the vicinity.

They'll have to tell you why they were there, if the dispatch record differs with their version, and who it was that gave them their orders. You'll be able to call anyone that any Garda is forced to name, to testify also. You'll be able to confirm the truth of the dispatch record by calling anyone named on it as having called the Gardaí.

Every time you write a letter to someone, be it Garda, minister, solicitor, justice department, or whoever, make a copy of the letter, get someone to witness and sign their name on both the copy and the letter. Then register and post the letter.

Make records. Gardaí who choose to lie will have gaps in their records. You'll be able to pinpoint these gaps if you've kept accurate records.

Find just one lie and use it to pry the gates open.


author by johnpublication date Mon Jul 03, 2006 17:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

write up in ireland on sunday, yesterday the wheelock family have actually moved home to an unknown address due to garda intimidation using horse's and dogs outside there hall door.
laughing and joking all hours of the night and generally intimidating family members going about there daily buisness.

author by Dublin lad - neicpublication date Tue Jun 05, 2007 18:38author email dub.lad at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nobody know what happen to this young man? there are some bad and some good police officers like in any job i hope the truth come out in the end but the police had more scence they would have not hung him they might have hit him whioce occure the injureys but let hope we find the truth

All emial wecome at

author by mikepublication date Tue Jun 05, 2007 22:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is a protest this saturday at sean mcdermot st church its at 1pm.
seen some posters around the nth innercity.
This lad deserve an independent inquiry in to his death.
forgods sake he died.
in a garda station, suppose to be safe. yeah right.
if the was a D4 lad we would not even be talking about it...
the issue here is the injustice in this country one law for the .... and one for the,,,,,,
everybody knows this espeacialy the gardai that is why they do what they want.

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