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National Demonstration Against Shell in Bellinaboy

category mayo | environment | feature author Thursday February 15, 2007 01:08author by Eve - S2S/ RSC Report this post to the editors

Call for show of support and solidarity for a community under siege.

featured image
Will The State Turn to Thuggery Again?

Amid Widespread Fears of State Violence and Thuggery, Shell To Sea Call Another Day of Support

Since October 3rd 2006, residents living near Shell's proposed refinery site have peacefully protested each morning despite increasing levels of state violence. Erris Shell to Sea campaigners have demonstrated their protest in a number of ways slow car drives, sit downs and protest walks. On Friday, November 10th, a national day of action was called in Bellinaboy, which saw a huge show of violence and intimidation from the police.

Now, another national day of support is being held on Friday 16th February at Bellanaboy. The aim of the day is for people from around the country to show their support and solidarity with the community of Erris in their struggle against Shell. Buses have been organised for supporters from Dublin, Galway and Belfast. Shell To Sea has once again called for a peaceful protest and their supporters have urged the state not to repeat the violence, thuggery and intimidation displayed on previous protests.

More: Indymedia Mayo News Archive | Shell To Sea Website | Rossport Solidarity Camp

author by Big Johnpublication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 08:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is against the LAW to block cars/jeeps/trucks from going about their daily business. If anyone attempts to block the cars/jeeps/trucks the Gardai, I'm sure, will not allow this to happen and, as was demonstrated before, will use force to uphold the LAW.

Unfair as this may seem, this is the situation on the ground.

I am amazed that S2S have not taken there protest to the politicians. Why is there not a daily vigil outside the Dail, this is where the decisions are made.

S2S should seek to get the government to reclaim the country’s rights to it's own Gas/Oil.
S2S should seek that projects, of the nature of the Corrib project, should be assessed as a whole (not in a piece meal basis)
S2S should seek a change in the law to make the BLOCKING of workers going about their days work LEGAL, so the Gardai in Mayo can't use there batons on protesters.

author by Taxi Driverpublication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If what the protesters do is against the law then they should be arrested, charged, brought to court, and if judged guilty, then sentenced.

There is no law in this country which says that someone blocking a road, say, should be punished by a policeman punching them in the face.

There is no law whch says that someone standing at a barrier should be grabbed and thrown into a ditch.

There is no law which says that a peaceful protester can be subject to verbal abuse and threats by a member of the police force.

This country, along with many other developed nations, has a long history of protest, which we should be proud of. Many of the rights and freedoms we take for granted were won by people demanding them from a reluctant state and big business.

The idea that thuggish Gardai should injure peaceful protesters to clear the road for Shell is something that we, as a nation, should be ashamed of.

author by BIG EDpublication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:42author address -=-author phone ==Report this post to the editors

We all hope that Friday the 16th will show the present Gov. that there are more than a few silly protesters that feel strongly about the future of their resourses given away for a bribe to Ray Burke and co. So many garda when they were told in writing that Fridays march was going from the other end of the s/hell highway,to stop at the trailer.? cause they want to think that theyr'e right in what our present gov is telling them, not that they work for a gov that bows down for a foriegn multi national
co, that exploits in any means posible to line their own share holders,destroying the enviorment in the process who's in charge ? Who's also going to profit, not the people of Erris or Ireland, greedy money grabbing people thats who. It's time the Garda and people who thought their gov. was in the right to know the truth. There is so much money involed it's unreal. People have to suffer and be assaulted for a co. that made 20 Billion erous. Where's the justices not in Erris , Where's the health and well being come before money. You can't eat money when your posioned with gas, so get up an smell the bacon before it's to late, see you all there at 730 at the Glenamoy Bridge>>

author by s2spublication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 14:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You can use our buses to drive us to the police station.

author by Dafpublication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 15:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You should feel free to take whatever protest you have to the politicians. Those of us who want to succeed will try more practical alternatives.

author by Dwarfpublication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 17:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is a big difference between the law and justice big john. Until Ireland is a free and open society
with freedom, justice and equality as it's foundation I will not obey their laws .

author by Peter - ;-)publication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 17:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Is it any wonder why shell to sea have lost middle ground support , you just have to look at some of the postings from some of the rabble.
Fridays protest the final kick from a dead end protest.

author by Squirrelpublication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 18:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have to agree with Taxi driver. In order to uphold the law a Garda must arrest you and charge you. It is up to a jury to say if you are guilty or not. A garda has no right to beat you.

Many laws are unjust and have been broken in the past for the good of the people. I actively encourage all at tomorrows protestors to sit on the road and block the shell traffic.

You face a violent response but your courage is what will win out in the end.

"Laws were made for the people and the law can never scorn the rights of a man."

author by mayoboundpublication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 18:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Throughout history people fighting injustice have had to go outside and beyond the laws of their rulers. Mayo can't vote it's way out of this situation, shell will be beaten in the streets.

author by Etain - Shell To Seapublication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 19:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Regarding tommorows demo. it seems crazy that the minister for justice can provide 300 guards at such a short notice, LACK OF RESOURCES? remarkable given fact that you can never get a guard, when you need one.

I wonder how many houses will be burgled, OAP's bashed up tommorow etc etc

We truly are scary people.

Tax payers of Ireland, is this where you want to see your money being spent?

Related Link: http://www.indymedia.ie
author by Matt Larkinpublication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 20:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The following "ATTESTATION OATH" is sworn by all members of the Garda and we are informed by the Garda Press Office, the Garda Reserve.


author by Chekovpublication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 20:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The two buses organised by Dublin Shell To Sea, departed for Mayo this evening at 6pm and 7pm. Both buses were full to capacity and lifts had to be organised for late-comers. In addition to the buses, there are a large number of cars travelling from Dublin. Ciaran, a member of Dublin Shell To Sea, commented that this was the largest national Shell To Sea mobilisation yet.

Two uniformed guards were detailed to watch the boarding of the bus. It is unkown what criminal activity the suspected.

Loading Luggage onto The Coach
Loading Luggage onto The Coach

Bus Prepares to Leave
Bus Prepares to Leave

Two Uniformed Police Watched On
Two Uniformed Police Watched On

author by Matt Larkinpublication date Thu Feb 15, 2007 20:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I can't make it to Mayo but I hope people will use this oath as a mirror to remind our publicly funded Garda of what they swore a solemn oath to.

Heartfelt Solidarity from Dublin.


author by Errispublication date Fri Feb 16, 2007 14:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Your right, the politicians have gotten off too lightly. But just to point out that as regards getting the government to reclaim the countrys rights to its own gas and oil, Noel Dempsey was requested to come to belmullet to discuss this project, however he has declined. I believe Mark Garvan has asked Noel Dempsey to a public debate on this issue, however he has again declined. Mark Garvan has often said on the radio that all work should be stopped and the entire project looked at in its entirity, rather than in a piece meal fashion.

While you might think that no work has been done by S2S on these issues you've just stated, the truth is that they have, but unfortunately its not widely known. However, a lot more needs to be done.

author by Sean from Kerrypublication date Fri Feb 16, 2007 14:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Good luck to all going, hope protest goes well. I'm not going to be there as I have a family to support and I'm scared that the state might notice my appearance. In 1916 we fought to reclaim the state from those who would abuse us - we are now being abused again! What chance, short of revolution, do we in Ireland have of freedom in our lifetimes? I love this country and (most of) its people with a vengeance but think frequently of leaving due to things like this $hell fiasco.

May Good help you and hold you in the palm of Her hand.

author by R. Isiblepublication date Fri Feb 16, 2007 15:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The main argument against siting the refinery at Bellanaboy is the danger it poses to the people that live there, but there's also a strong economic argument against it. Extraction of this valuable raw resource now at the current market prices would be foolish (for Ireland, but very worthwhile for Shell) as the downward trend in gas prices continues (a 12% drop in our neighbour's prices is announced in the article at the link below).

Thanks to all the protestors for exposing the further danger of the heavily eroded pipe that was surreptitiously concealed behind Shell's sinister fence.

Related Link: http://money.guardian.co.uk/news_/story/0,,2014930,00.html
author by Barry - 32 csmpublication date Sat Feb 17, 2007 09:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Whats happening in Rossport is nothing less than the theft of our national resources by a powerful neighbour with a great deal of influence over our entire country as a result of its colonial dominance . In the south British Lords Oxburgh and OReilly have secured Irish gas and oil resources for British industry while in the North Britain is poised to privatise and sell off our water resources , including the biggest freshwater lake in Western Europe . The Irish people get absolutely nothing in the way of taxes or royalties and will have to pay these British companies through the nose for their own resources . We have become a major casualty in the first round of the "resource wars of the 21st century" . The Gardaí are nothing more than the hired militia of these British companies . They are simply protecting the theft of our countries national resources every bit as much as the wat the PSNI will protect the theft of our water resources by Britain in the north.
Control of ones national resources is an essential element of ones national sovereignty , every bit as much as control of ones national territory is . The Irish nation has control of neither . But then the Irish people allowed this to happen while all the mainstream parties consist of clones who will continue to permit this landlordism to rape our nation . Sinn Fein are just as bad and its members are among those participating in the crime of Rossport while they oppose the anti water privatisation campaign in the North too , recently condemning the "wont pay" campaign . They also now urge their supporters and members to join the armed forces which will protect the theft of Irish resources and territory .
This is neo colonialism in action . The only way to stop it is to assert and defend Irish national sovereignty over our national resources as ultimately its the only right Irish people have to ownership of their own resources . Theres no other basis for opposing the theft .
All those standing in Rossport against this despicable crime deserve our wholehearted and active support . This theft is a criminal act , not merely due to the criminal nature of Ray Burke and his pivotal role in the multi billion Euro heist of Irish resources by Britain , but as a result of its violation of our national sovereignty by foreign multinationals out to pillage our resources. Its a crime against our entire nation , its dignity , its independence and its future .
Ultimately though I fear these protest actions cannot succeed due to the nature of the forces ranged against those taking a stand and their inherently corrupt and vile nature . The gardaí have assisted in multiple crimes against the Irish people including mass murder by British intelligence gangs on the streets of Dublin . A police and political class that assist in such crimes against their own people and a puppet media who looked the other way to facilitate it will all come down heavily on the side of those multinationals committing this crime against our nation and its people .
In the final analysis unless this anger can be converted into a political momentum towards Irish sovereignty and national defence of our resources then old fashioned Landlordism will have to be stopped by old fashioned Fenianism . Either way this theft simply cannot be allowed to happen . These criminals cannot be allowed profit from the theft of our resources and the violation of our sovereignty .

author by supppublication date Tue Feb 20, 2007 18:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In 1996, what we know today as the Corrib Natural Gas Field was discovered by Enterprise Oil, which was subsequently acquired by Shell in 2002.

The Shell oil company has entered into talks with An Bord Pleanála about securing planning permission for a gas pipeline through north Mayo.

The discussions are reported to be taking place taking place under the new Strategic Infrastructure Act, which aims to speed up the delivery of such major projects.

The talks are what are termed 'pre-application discussions' under the new Strategic Infrastructure Act.

“There was an incident after the walk that did not reflect the wishes of the meeting or the mood or intention of the rally. The purpose of the rally was to highlight our health and safety concerns and the imposition of projects on a small community. Because of the incidents afterwards the focus has been taken from that,” said Vincent McGrath.

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