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Iraq : For Those Who Have Perished

category clare | anti-war / imperialism | feature author Tuesday March 20, 2007 16:29author by Conor Cregan - Cosantoiri Siochana Report this post to the editors

Wreath Laying Ceremony at Shannon Airport to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the Iraq war

featured image

On the afternoon of 19th March Cosantori Siochana held a wreath laying ceremony, to mark the fourth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, at Shannon Airport. Deirdre Clancy of the Pit-Stop Ploughshares laid the wreath at the site of the old Customs Post at the Airport. The group also laid flowers with the names of several of those who lost their lives in the ill-fated war in Iraq

Deirdre spoke of the importance of keeping the focus at Shannon Airport, “We owe it to ourselves to stand up against the militarisation of Shannon Airport and future generations and to the past who stood up against imperialism in an Irish context. We owe it our fellow human being to stand up stand up for their right not to be a slaughtered.” Later she praised local activists for organising the event

Related Links: Cosantori Siochana | Anti-War Ireland | IAWM | Indymedia Anti-War Stories | Black Shamrock | Irish Peace Activist speaks at Hungarian Peace Rally | AirportWatch Wiki

Many of those attending the vigil spoke of their feelings surrounding the issue. Over a hundred daffodils were laid on the roundabout. These were dedicated to the many thousands of Iraqis who have suffered greatly and died because of the cancer causing depleted uranium.

There were about twenty five people present including well known anti-war campaigner Ed Horgan. Also attending the ceremony was local Sinn Fein election candidate Anna Prior who called for ethical investment at Shannon Airport.

Since the Irish government voted to join the “Collation of the Willing” over a million US troops have passed through Shannon Airport. During the ceremony a member of Cosantori Siochana highlighted the fact that the US military were shipping missile and other major armaments of war through the Airport. Conor Cregan criticised the Irish government for accepting dubious assurances from the George W. Bush.

During the event An Gardai Siochanna, under the command of the Ennis Districts newly appointed Supt. John Scanlon, kept a low-key presence. Several members surrounded the roundabout ensuring the safety of the peace activists.

“While it is true that it can disrupt our lives to do anti war work, this is nothing in comparison to the suffering visited upon Iraqi people. Let’s not succumb to passion fatigue or let Iraq and Afghanistan be put on the back burner. We owe it our fellow human being to stand up stand up for their right not to be a slaughtered. We owe it to ourselves to stand up against the militarisation of Shannon Airport and future generations and to the past who stood up against imperialism in an Irish context” (Deirdre Clancy, Shannon Airport 19th March 2007)





author by TD - Cosantoiri Siochanapublication date Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

more !






author by TD - Cosantoiri Siochanapublication date Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors







author by TD - Cosantoiri Siochanapublication date Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors




author by Duinepublication date Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors


author by Edward Horgan - Peace and Neutrality Alliance publication date Tue Mar 20, 2007 21:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Wreath and broken daffodils laid at Shannon
Broken Daffodils - Broken Iraqi lives

One minute’s silence and 655 broken daffodils, and 655,000 Iraqi dead.

Today is the fourth anniversary of the war against the Iraqi people. Large peace and anti war demonstrations were held in many other countries, with the largest in Spain, and sizeable ones also in Washington and Australia. In Ireland most people are simply prepared to stay quiet, don’t rock the Celtic Tiger boat, since is appears to be floundering, and a little bit leaky. A small but meaningful demonstration was held a Shannon at about 4pm this evening. It was intended a token of atonement for the atrocities that the government of Ireland helped to inflict on the people of Iraq, in our name.

Deirdre Clancy, one of the five Catholic Workers acquitted of causing criminal damage to a US warplane at Shannon in February 2003, laid a wreath at the entrance to Shannon airport at 4 pm on the 4th anniversary of the start of the war against the Iraqi people. About 30 peace activists attend this memorial of atonement.
Due to the storm overnight most of the daffodils in my garden were broken, so they made a very appropriate symbol for the broken lives of so many Iraqi people. We laid the daffodils horizontal on the roundabout at the entrance to the airport - just like so many Iraqi people have been laid low by gunfire, bombs, depleted uranium, and the mayhem that was predictably unleashed by the this unlawful and unjustified war. The wind at Shannon will blow them away overnight like so many lives have been blown away in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, up at the airport, an American Transair Airlines ATA chartered warplane was being refuelled, on its way to or from Iraq transporting more US troops through our once neutral airport.

May God and Allah forgive the Irish Government for what they have done to so many innocent people, and forgive us for not preventing them from doing so.

Edward Horgan

author by Damopublication date Tue Mar 20, 2007 22:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

On Sunday last, March 19th, about 40 people gathered outside the U.S. Embassy to remember the 4th anniversary of the official outbreak of hostilities against Iraq. Organised by the Anarchist Federation, Praga section, speakers highlighted the ongoing human, financial and moral cost of this ongoing military misadventure. Furthermore, they made their opposition to the potential anti-ballistic missile system the U.S. are pushing Poland to host alongside their neighbours in the Czech Republic. Recent polls in Poland, conducted by right-wing and pro-militaristic newspapers admit the majority of Poles oppose the anti-missile installation. According to the authors a mere 8% of people questioned strongly support the installation while only 22% tend to support it. The terrible twin (who is more terrible is any one's guess)Mr. Lech Kaczyinski's deference to U.S. imperial militarism was criticised loud and clear by those who marched from the U.S. embassy to the presidential palace adjacent to places that symbolise Warsaw's resistance to their former Communist overlords

Damien Moran from Ireland pointed out the hypocrisy of christian Polish police officers protecting the headquarters of a State engaged in an immoral and illegal war. He also reminded embassy staff of a viable alternative path to take - a road thread upon by former U.S. soldiers like Kelly Dougherty, Jimmy Massey, Joshua Casteel and other friends from the Iraq Veterans Against the War whose dissenting voices continue to reverberate and expand across the U.S. The path to becoming a whistleblower in the U.S., one has the honour to not only uphold a clear conscience but also follow in the footsteps of significant advocates of peace like Daniel Ellsberg of the 'Pentagon Papers' notoriety.
Moran also announced that a rich ploughshares tradition has existed since 1980 and that in the event that the conservative PiS (Law and Justice) gvt. give the green light for U.S. military expansion in the Tatra mountains, then all peacemakers would have a serious obligation to reflect on how best to disrupt operations and if necessary dismantle the system itself.

20 roses were planted in permanent flower pots, which are situated directly outside the embassy, by Moran and a Danish friend, both men symbolising two nationalities who have ongoing complicity in the occupation of Iraq. The roses will hopefully serve as a reminder to those who defend the embassy and drive it's politico-corporate military internal mechanics that the victims of their employer's war continue to cry out for respite, justice and peace. The thorns on the roses stems should remain a symbol for those of us who may succumb and fall into inter-anniversary date passivity, that responsible citizens have a responsiblity to prick the conscience of the war-designers and sustainers by our ongoing committment to pro-active non-violent resistance.

From U.S. Embassy to President's Palace
From U.S. Embassy to President's Palace

Remembering the victims of the Iraq War
Remembering the victims of the Iraq War

Related Link: http://www.cia.bzzz.net
author by Damopublication date Tue Mar 20, 2007 23:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Warsaw's U.S. embassy, not the U.S. embassy

Solidarity to all the folks at Shannon, in Budapest, who will gather at FF Ard Fheis on Saturday, and who have been gathering worldwide this past week to remember the anniversary and protest against the ongoing occuaption and war in Iraq.

author by Shannonwatchpublication date Wed Mar 21, 2007 19:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Cynical reassurances from Dermot Ahern today in the Dail: "On no occasion has the Garda received any evidence to warrant any investigation but they investigated one particular one where somebody alleged that an unmarked Boeing aircraft was observed at Shannon airport in November.

"The complaint was investigated and it was established that the aircraft in question was owned by a non-commercial Dubai state organisation and was being used on the occasion to transport racehorses from Shannon to Dubai."

"Again, one of the famous jets that was allegedly involved in extraordinary rendition around the world, it in fact was on a golfing trip to Derry airport and Sligo airport and a number of other airports.

"The fact of the matter is that extraordinary rendition is banned here in any airport in the Republic — either private or public. We do not allow it."

author by Anarchy Rulespublication date Wed Mar 21, 2007 22:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Detective Sergeant Michael Houlihan, when giving evidence at the third Ploughshares trial, explained what is involved in an investigation into a suspicious aircraft.

When asked had he access to flights he replied no, and that he’d not attempted to board any flights. He said his investigations had been confined to the airport. When asked if there was any way to confirm these investigations he replied that files had been forwarded to the DPP.

Basically speaking, any suspected crime against humanity, carried out in Shannon Airport, is 'investigated' by accepting, whatever assurances the Gardaí are told to accept by CIA/US personell, without ever employing either a 'hands on approach,' or an investigative one.

These so-called 'investigations' are tokenistic at best even when considered that they are nothing more than an attempt at propoganda. In truth they are an effective methodology used when the gardaí wish to avoid having to honour their duty.

As for Bertie and the shite he's sprouting: Files sent to the DPP won't remain classified forever - so at the very least - Bertie's lies and complicity are guaranteed to come out in the long term. In the short term, Bertie's shite cannot be said to be odourless.

author by Anarchy Rulespublication date Wed Mar 21, 2007 23:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The above comment should have referred to Dermot Ahern specifically rather than Bertie. Nonetheless, Bertie has earned his mention in the above anyway.

author by DCpublication date Wed Mar 21, 2007 23:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

'Mr. President, I'm glad to be able to say on this St. Patrick's Day, 2007, that peace in Ireland is a reality and that our people enjoy success unimaginable to earlier generations.'


Shamrock Sychophant
Shamrock Sychophant

author by anonpublication date Thu Mar 22, 2007 18:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Mr. D. Ahern: Information Zoom Stephen Grey, a New York Times correspondent who gave evidence to the committee, stated that it was highly unlikely that Shannon would be used in any way, shape of form.

Dermot Ahern agin misquotes people to pretend that they support his view Stephen Grey is only said doesn't think is no evidence that prisoners were brought through Ireland.

and Im quite unsure this was said by MM aswell
as Dr. Maurice Manning, President of the Irish Human Rights Commission, has been reported as saying, “a lot of political point-scoring”.

author by Deirdre Clancy - anti-warpublication date Thu Mar 22, 2007 20:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I just wanted to say thanks to Conor Cregan for organising the gathering at Shannon. It's really heartening to see people still active down there. We all look rather cold and terribly pained in the photos, particularly me (sorry, couldn't help noticing ), but it was actually a really great vigil with a great spirit of solidarity.

author by Edward Horgan - PANA Peace and Neutrality Alliancepublication date Fri Mar 23, 2007 15:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In case some people though that the issue of the other "Shanon Stopover" was no longer taking place, this ATA troop carrier was photographed at Shannon as the peaceful ceremony of attonment was taking place to mark the fourth aniversary of the Iraq war.

ATA Troop Carrying war plane at Shannon 19 Mar 07
ATA Troop Carrying war plane at Shannon 19 Mar 07

author by Conerned Local - Nonepublication date Fri Mar 23, 2007 22:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Just wondering when the next protest is planned at Shannon?

author by Mark Cpublication date Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Great to see the 30 or some protesters present. It's such a shame that there were not some more (I count myself among the shamed)


Related Link: http://markconroy.blogspot.com/2007/03/modest-proposal-something-to-chew-on.html
author by Edward Horgan - PANA Peace and Neutrality Alliancepublication date Mon Mar 26, 2007 09:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dear concerned Local.
It is not clear whether you are concerned that there are too many protests at Shannon or too few. In my view there are far too few protests and protesters at Shannon. There should be a permanent peace camp at Shannon, as long as US troops are abusing Shannon airport and Irish neutrality in breach of the international laws on neutrality. Far more serious are the abuses of human rights being committed by these same troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Killing is the most serious breach of human rights and over half a million deaths have already been caused.
All it takes to have a protest at Shannon is one person, that is you.
Go to Shannon and make your own protest in whatever way you find most appropriate. Better still, being some friends, two is company, three is a crowd.
With the election comming up in late May I am now proposing that immediatly after Easter, that is from Saturday 14 April, there should be a weekly protest at Shannon at 2pm each Saturday.
Just for the record the dates are as follows:
***Shannon airport peaceful protest Sat 14 April 2007, time 2pm, or whenever, meeting at the terminal building or wherever.
***Shannon airport peaceful protest Sat 21 April 2007, time 2pm, or whenever, meeting at the terminal building or wherever.
***Shannon airport peaceful protest Sat 28 April 2007, time 2pm, or whenever, meeting at the terminal building or wherever.
***Shannon airport peaceful protest Sat 5 May 2007, time 2pm, or whenever, meeting at the terminal building or wherever.
***Shannon airport peaceful protest Sat 12 May 2007, time 2pm, or whenever, meeting at the terminal building or wherever.
***Shannon airport peaceful protest Sat 19 May 2007, time 2pm, or whenever, meeting at the terminal building or wherever.
***Shannon airport peaceful protest Sat 26 May 2007, time 2pm, or whenever, meeting at the terminal building or wherever.
***Shannon airport peaceful protest Sat 2 June 2007, time 2pm, or whenever, meeting at the terminal building or wherever.

Please remember that the estimates of Iraqi dead also estimate that about 40% of those dead are, or were, children. that is about 262,000 children have died in Iraq as a result of this unlawful war that has been ignominously assisted and facilitated at Shannon airport.

Your in attonment

author by Green whippublication date Wed Mar 28, 2007 00:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well what do you know the prodigal son has returned to the fold. Anti anti-war protester and Shell 2 Sea Campaigner objector Cllr Brian Meany has put out a statement that the use of Shannon by any foreign soldiers is contrary to party policy.

Meany goes on to tell that he has supported the US Military's use of Shannon Airport but its ok cause his heart is in the right place.

So we should all just take young Brian back into our hearts and kill the fatted lentil burger. We can cook it in vegetable oil and Brian can use it to drive his car.

Thats great Brian you have a great chance in the election because you are everything to everybody.

Personally I think your in the wrong party. Fianna Fail would suit you better. How about an apology for insulting the activists in Shannon and Mayo who are working hard to expose what’s going on so you can serve up your platitudes

Subject: Use of Shannon by foreign Soldiers Wrong say Clare Greens

Use of Shannon by foreign Soldiers Wrong say Clare Greens

Clare Green Party public representatives Cllrs. Brian Meaney, General
Election candidate and Cllr Donal O Bearra have acted swiftly to reassure
their supporters and membership that the use of Shannon by any foreign
soldiers is contrary to party policy.

That "the need for World peace overrides national and commercial interests"
is a founding principle of the Green Party / Comhaontas Glas and as such is
also a guiding principle for all green public representatives said
Councillor Meaney. "While I have said previously that I personally believe
that allowing the use of Shannon would be in the best interests of getting
the Americans out of the mess they have created in Iraq, this should not be
confused with any support for the War there, rendition flights or George
Bush's foreign policy. I am in favour of a new Shannon airport, linked by a
rail line and a Shannon Airport Authority independent of Dublin's influence
allowing it to compete vigorously in the new reality of open skies.

As for Bush, he should forget his so-called war on terrorism and get serious
about climate change, the real war on weather. At least Tony Blair appears
to be starting to take this clear and certain danger seriously."

Editors Note

Brian Meaney 087 2152215

Donal O Bearra 086 8312173

author by Mark - Gluaiseachtpublication date Thu Mar 29, 2007 03:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ed, Conor et al,

sorry I couldn't make it.
Is April 14 on? I'll be there.

Black shamrock on


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