The ongoing "war" against Barcelona's okupas and its social movement(s)
What reaction will there be now?
Where the Miles social centre was
This morning at 8.30 the Mossos arrived and carried out the eviction of anohter of Barcelonas most important social centres, Ruina Amalia, one of the last few squatted spaces in the Raval nieghbourhood of the old city. The centre was another of the critical spaces and nodal points of BCN's social movements, about 20 people lived in the squatted space and its social centre hosted a wide range of services and support to the social movement: Okupa office, ASF (architects sans frontiers: arx without borders) support, free internet access, Carcoma the popular carpenter, costume workshop, free shop, kilombo library, theatre and dance space, flamenco patio with cheap bar and cafe.
This is another severe blow to critical nodal points of the cities social movement. It seems blow after blow has been dealt out with no real response from the movements..... Is it time for a change of thinking or acting?
Related Links:Indymedia Barcelona 1,
3,4 Other Indymedias:,
audio clip 1 Ogg
clip 1 mp3,
clip 2 mp3 video bbc video clip
La Makabra article
Seomra Spraoi
article 1
tribune article
It is clear that a determined effort has been made by the city authorities to take out as many occupied spaces as it can in the city, this happens as the brand of "BCN: tourist central" brings more money and demand for space to a city that has seen rapid change. As well as shutting down many living spaces, the authorities are also using measures and mechanisms to destroy the spatial and organisational suppport structure of the cities (and beyond) social movements. Last year we saw the dstruction of la Makabra and this year L'Opera, Miles de Viviendas and now Ruina Amalia, each of these spaces played integral parts to both local struggles and wider points for the movement(s) here. It seems that the use of law for the "deselojo express" was not strictly legal, still many spaces were closed while lawyers and civil society argued about the legality, not sure if they still use this mechanism which basically meant that authorities arrived and handed the space an order saying "get out in 7 days or you will be removed and face legal proceedings...".
Ruinamalia had a court order which stated that an eviction might happen or could only happen within the courts time limit. That day passed 2 or 3 days ago and so the CSO were awaiting a new court procedure to get ready for the next round of trying to avoid eviction. BUT, this morning with, it appears, no court order the Mossos arrived and began evicting at 8.30. By 12.30 everyone was out of the building, some of the buildings inhabitants were on the streets outside, builders or deconstruciton workers were inside smashing stuff up, Mossos vans were on the streets keeping an eye on things.
So, what will be the reaction?
What has been the reaction to this "war against okupas"
Firstly, to point out that not all social centres are occupied spaces, many which play critical roles in the movement are rented spaces like la quimera and infoespai in Gracia.
Secondly, not all okupas are social centres, although many hope to open up at some stage as a local space for organising. Last week in Barceloneta 2 okupas (occupiers) were murdered, these were 2 Moroccons and not clear as to what exactly went on there. In pallars, most of the okupas were not the white political-punky type, although some were, most were sub-Saharan africans without legal work papers who built a shanty town of sorts in the upper shell of that old factory in Poble-Nou.
The reaction.....
With the change of use of laws and the increase in evictions there did'nt seem to be any major reaction. Was this laziness or a feeling that all will be ok, as it always has been before...? Eventually an okupa demo was called to support the okupa spaces and movement, to fight against speculation, and to protest against the seemingly illegal procedures the state was using. That demo resulted in the kubotan (martial arts weapon) being used and much Mossos banging of heads, that demo also saw another new ploy by the state: the encircling of demonstrations by an entire ring of riot cops, cop vans and ambulances in front and behind, no allowing of people in or people out of the demo once it kicked off. This was reacted to by the social movements by the 2 "you cant clip our wings" demos, the first of which was a heated event with a 6 hour stand off forming at the top of the tourist Rambla, where it joins Placa Catalunya. This was followed by a less well turned out demo last month.
But tonight, will it be a repeat of before, or will things be different this season? (summer time is less quite, so its seems as this is a new year, after people return from being away from hot hot summer city.)
And after tonight, perhaps there will be new spaces opening. As with all these spaces there was a whole community to support, build, maintain, expand those wild ideas that led to the spaces existence. So far, as i know anyway, Makabra, Miles, L'opera have not grown and opened up a new chapter in their stories.... NOT YET, anyway...
Meanwhile in Dublin It seems that things are definately going very well for the cities social centre, Seomra Spraoi. Perhaps there can be an increase in communication, solidarity... between these two cities and their movements, who are all only little drops in the global movement(s) to bring about a change to this world. Be nice for people here to hear a word or 2 of support from you there in Dublin and beyond
I'll leave you with the poem which is still visible from the last remaining internal wall of what was the Miles okupa in Barceloneta (little Barcelona)...
ya que tenemos que morir
que sea pues depués de haber vivido
no solos y desesperados como viejos románticos
sino como hombres, mujeres, híbridos
de ser mortal [e inmortal] que somos
(roughly translating as....)
Well we know that we will die
but that we will do so having lived
not alone and desperate like those old romanitcs
but as men, women and hybrids
knowing that we are mortal
we are thousands
La luche sigue!
The occupied social centre Ruinamalia does not surrender.
Starting from the 1st of October, the occupied and self governing social centre Ruinamalia and the occupants of 11 and 11b in street Reina Amalia are in danger of eviction.
After a juidicial farse, justice decided to give the rights of power to make in this site of living, a new empty building site in the Raval. The espuculators will destroy completely the diversity of the neighbourhood and its spaces of autonomouse socio-cultural meetings like what has happened this year with teh occupied feminist house Mambo or the libertarian workshop/space of the "china neighbourhood".
With this eviction, many people and activities will be thrown out to onto the street: the okupa (squat occupation) office (legal support for those looking for a house), free internet access with free software, Carcoma the popular carpenter, costume workshop and its free shop of clothes and other marvels, the kilombo library, the room for teaching theatre and dance, the flamenco patio and its friday evening kafetas (cheap food and/ or drink gatherings...little feasts with a show sometimes..).... And all our dreams of constructing worlds beyond the laws of the market and competition. We will continue to imagine resistance against the control of speculation logic and its accomplices.
espai d'accés a internet gratuït amb software lliure : free internet access space with free software:
la biblioteca (library) Kilombo
IMC features and links:
No a la destrucció dels barris, recuperem-los! (imc-bcn feature, in catalan : No to the destruction of neighbourhoods, reclaim them!
[Ruinamalia] Cercavila avui a les 8 al Gat : call for a city wander support demo against the eviction, to meet at Rambla Raval's sculpture of a big fat cat...
Desallotjament Ruïna Amàlia : eviction photos
Desallotjament Ruïna Amàlia 2: eviction photos 2
Miles De Viviendas (and its pirate university / free school)
stories and features:
We are thousands: Barcelona and the ongoing attack
against its squatted social centres (indymedia)
We are thousands : Somos 1000´s (indymedia ireland)
1- miles de v, what it is, past, present, future...
a 24 minute interview with one of the squatter pirates
about all things great, positive and creative about
their space and actions.
2- re-occupation of miles
audi 2 (20 mins, MP3 format)
video :
eviction and interviews
La Makabra
Makabra eviction: Barcelona: 3 early morning raids
on 3 squats, including MAKABRA, ¿what reaction will
A little piece of magic; toward a truly participative
architecture (the art of occupation)
Seomra Spraoi, Dublin's social centre
Seomra Spraoi: We got us some space! (imc-ie feature)
Today's Seomra Spraoi RTE Radio One Interview ( July
26, 2007 )
Do Make Say Think: Totally Dublin Article On Seomra
Sunday Tribune Article About Seomra Sproai

Ruinaamelia; "We will continue to imagine resistance against the control of speculation logic and its accomplices."

riot cops in cherry picker pluck defender of space from Miles roof
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Comments (7 of 7)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Barris en lluite (neighbourhoods in struggle)
"Las BARRIcudas (Sphyraena spp.) are a species of fish from the family of esfiraenidos?, who attack their victim with great speed. Each group forms small bands. Abundant in all the areas affected by urbanistic projects, about all the prefifirary barrios. They are known also as the "tigers of the metropolis", much for their formidable size accredited with their hostility to the speculators."
11- exhibition and presentations
2pm- paella, food for all
4pm - debate about strategies and alliances of collective resistance
Next Saturday sees a gathering to discuss whats going on presently and what can be done to halt speculation here in Barcelona. The upcoming gathering is happening in Forat de la Vorgonya, which was a reclaimed space that was turned by the community into a park, by them, for them. After a long battle to keep control, it was taken and the squats nearby evicted. Many years resident of BCN, Iosaf, reported about that this time last year including the cities papers commemtary about a riot there "Today's edition of "La Vanguardia" the commercial newspaper read by most Barcelonans led with the headline "Urban war!" (The half a rood of rock" - how we value public space. - ) The Forat is now a building site so we will wait and see how things go on Saturday.
Last December UN commisioner for housing, Miloon Kothari, came to Spain to criticise the Spanish state about its handling of its housing situation and how it is allowing for open speculation to up prices of living which in turn is making it harder and harder for the citizens of Barcelona to keep on living in their own neighbourhoods. The Spanish constitution has a clause in it to ensure this does not happen, but they choose to not pay heed to that, which led to the UN visit. At the time of the UN visit La Makabra were occupying the old factory in the industrial barrio of Barcelona, Poble Nou, called Can Ricart (House of Ricart). The occupation there lasted a week untill express early morning eviction drove them out. That, more or less, was the end of La Makabra apart from a few little circus shows in one of the other CSO's (centro social okupa) mentioned which has also been since evicted, L'Opera.
When the Euro arrived in Spain it seemed everything apart from working wage jumped up about 20%. Even before then youngsters had a very slim chance of not living with their folls untill a late age, this is part of the reason so many were willing to occupy derelict spaces and turn them into free collective living spaces as well as making the CSO's as learning, organising, community resourse spaces. As things are becoming increasingly difficult day by day, more and more "normal" people (ie, who never before took to the streets to protest are who considered themselves having very strong political opinions) are standing up and saying they have to do something about this housing crisis. V de Viviendas (the V is pronounced uuh-veeey ) is a housing movement which has grown from the squats and CSO's and various bits of movements that have for a long time focused on housing, the movement grew in BCN, they meet in the Magdelenes squat CSO, (friends of the miles de viviendas, or part of their network...) They have grown and the movement is now national, apart from being a really serious issue, what is also great about them is there use of smartness to make the movement grow. No doubt amongst them there are a few graphic designers or things along those lines as they use the yellow with black writing signs with catchy phrases "Well, I dont think so", "You'll never have a house in your fucking life". Their last demo was a world record attempt to shout out this last phrase in Sant Jaume, the square outside the government buildings...This event was complete with Samba bands, lots of yellow, a party pack with yellow balloons to blow up, a super hero theatre bit, more yellow and samba....... Makes a huge change from demos at home in Ireland.. its the sort of thing passers by stop and join in on, thinking its another of the cities festival parties.
Last February we did a radio show here in Barcelona, it was an attempt at a 3-way radio show between Barcelona, Dublin and Naoirobi, Kenya as part of the world social forum. It focused on the 1 issue topic of "housing", some of the V DE Viv crew spoke live from our mock studio, the non-squatted centro social space of La Quimera. They also listened to Mary Cummings from North Wall Womens Center, speaking about the housing situation in Sheriff Street and long esablished inner city communities where speculation is changing the situation drastically. When they heard Mary speak about her experience they went "that is exactly what is going on in Barcelona"... So what we are trying to do is to point out that it is not only Dublin, not only Barcelona, not only ................. We are all facing same situations which are direct result of markets, capitalism and speculation. But that we can step up how we communicate with each other, listen to each other, learn from each other, what strategies worked and why, what new ones are being tried... That was our idea for the WSF indymedia radio programme: to horizontalise the process, to make it an open system to allow for more connections to be made, we still feel there is a huge area here to be explored, tested and played with. We believe the consequences to the social movements will be well worth it.... we hope these experimentations and connections start to happen more.
Another mechanism which is growing here (again, oddly enough, with strong black and yellow graphics) is the Soles No Podem (we cant do it ourselves) movement, which grew from the Zapatistas in Oaxaca and Chiapas and whose objective is to "take politics back to the streets"... a date is picked, community is informed what space a gathering is on, day happens, people sit around and chat, things grow from there. Will be back with more about that soon.
Have to run, BCN'eta calls...
Audio to listen to:
2 hour GLN radio show (global listening nodes): HOUSING
V de Vivienda
Mary Cummings from North Wall Womens Center, Sheriff STreet
Related links:
the radio show:
Indymedia radio support for WSF 2007 from Kenya (IMC-ORG feature)
IMC-Barcelonas section on speculation - V de Vivienda - V de Vivienda Barcelona
recent soles no podem meeting in Gracia, Barcelona
Barrris en lliute: neighbourhoods in struggle (barcelona)
NO TINDRAS UNA CASA EN LA PUTA VIDA: youll never have a gaf in your fucking life (black and yellow...)
V de Viviendas: world record attempt....demos with a difference in BCN
SOLES NO PODEM, we cant do it ourselves... Oaxaca > BCN > Dublin ?
Translation of report from IMC-bcn...
Desallotjament i càrrega policial al Bon Pastor
On 17 October at 8h15, mossos beginning to evict ruinamalia. At no time was taught the warrant and acted outside within 15 days of the sentence ( "first fortnight of October").
While the baricadas were burst from the street (see here, a climbing like crag was formed at the side of the patio yard. Two hung themselves and a few swings were installed at the balcony on the third floor. Two more chained themselves to some drums on the second floor balcony, others tryied to explain the security measures to the mossos as they arrived.
After three hours they obtained and removed the people hanging and it took another hour or more to get the ones with the rock chained.
At this time, the mossos loaded the support group and put them outside. Saw two people, identified them and released them at once, there was vari @ s @ s rubber by porasos.
At this time, mossos loaded the support group outside. They saw two people, identified them and released them at once,several people were injured by porasos. (possibly slang term about cops)
At night, two hundred people gathered for the cercavila (a city wander type protest). Many grafitis were painted on walls, posters were wall pasted explaining the facts and flyers handed out with the below text. (text seen in first post : The occupied social centre Ruinamalia does not surrender, translated from pink poster)
In front of Ruinamalia, the collective anger opened the doors. But it was seen that the building had been destroyed from within. Segurity was giving us a good scare but the cercavila continued through the raval until MACBA (Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona)
ruinamalia (at)
Ruinamalia does not surrender, photos and commentry of this weeks illegal eviction
Joder tio,
After a long wait, doing all the little things that needed to be done, finally the spark we have been waiting for happened. This weekend was the informal opening of the new CSOA in the old fishermans area that is Barceloneta (little Barcelona). An old building that saw a fire happen near a year ago, (not sure what happened but in BCN you need to be a bit suspicious about the legality of proccess's used in shaping space). So some months back this building was occupied and on saturday many people from Barcelona and beyond, even a few wandering Paddys, came together to breathe new life into the ground floor and basement of this fine space. It really was something precious, everyone who was there was really really blown away by how amazing the space is, how much potential there is.... the new spark, like a phoenix awakining from the ashes...We will see what happens.
Some of the old Miles de Viviendas live in another space further down the street and theres rumours of another space full with a load of South Americans nearby too... so it seems that what was there previous as a space for local organisation and action has been shattered into many smaller, more diverse, more decentralised spaces to use in the next chapter of Barcelonetas struggle for survival. The miles neighbours saw their own illegal activity there last week, with their building being attacked, their front door being pulled of the hinges and mobbers sent in to their house to physically confront or attack those living in their new space, it appears that they were blocked at the stairs untill support came and so too did the mossos, thats now in legal land with denunciations from one side against the other...remember CSOA pallars llacuna..."some" mobbers dont think twice about clocking a girl or 2 across the head with iron it gets nasty at times....
Anyway, Saturday night and people started arriving in dribs and drabs, some of the graffiti artists responsible for the fine artwork on the walls of the old CSOA L'Opera came and started some fine work on the walls, candles led people down to the Bodegita (the little cellar) where 2 amazing spaces greeted people... hours later, thumping tunes were going on, as later were softer fiddle, guitar, singing, drums....along with the few nukes from the local bodega (@€1 a litre of wine....10 pints of fine wine cheaper than a pint of stout at home...sort of puts things in one sort of perspective).
Coincidentally on the same night as the official opening, the neighbours had planned their own action...Moving the goalposts. About a year ago the BCN zapatistas group organised a football tournament as an action against the urban plan. There used be an old square with football posts beside the old market, the heart of the neighbourhood, in the new plan the market got a modern face lift and the gritty football space was taken away, no alternative was given, kids are now expected to pay to play ball. Most of the community were against this move, as we all know when you take kids football space away.... Anyway last july, just before the construction was about to begin, the local community and the BCN zapatista commmunity moved into the square with football posts of their own and played ball, as well as trying to fight the urban plan, as well as pushing the plan from the community. (many similarities with Dublins docking boat working communities, now that the city values spaces that for a long time they let go..... whats the land @ Sheriff Street worth now, @ 15 million €€ an acre.?...what about all the "community spaces", they were promised by DDDA....hhhhhmmmm, architects and planners and city councils and token listening to the communities they are supposed to serve....Rene Sherer has some strong views on what this leads to...)
Anyway the other night, Saturday at 11pm we were asked to give the neighbours a hand, we had to move the goalposts again. They had been stored in an abandoned church up the way. Brazilians, Peruvians, Galicians, Irish, Israeli, Spanish, Catalan all pitched in, the construction sites fence was pulled open and in went the goalposts, there was talk of a quick game, Brazil vs' the rest of the world, but we only managed a quick messy game with a plastic cup. in the end it was GGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL for Galicia. The funny thing for us Irish lads, is the use of the phrase "moving the goalposts", in reference to completely changing the way the game is played, as previous this is exactly the discussion we were having in the new CSO earlier: in terms of political action and "changing the world", anyway more on that later. There is no similar phrase in Spain and most fluent english speakers were not familiar with it, not sure whats its origins are, irish, english... no doubt its comes from somewhere were it was usual for "jumpers as goalposts"
The party went on till the wee hours, many ideas sparked, many plans hatched and are growing....yesterday evening many revolt vids were screened, as well as old imc-ie stuff and other goodies. Along with 2 episodes of father ted, song for europe (shave a bullock) and speed 3, absolute classics, Baraka was also screened and documentaries about bcneta. the grafiti dudes did a super job and the gaf got a name... Can Ardiu (burned gaf, or burning gaf....or something along those lines). So we will see how things progress, hope to have a few pix later.
We are still interested in hearing further how things are going in Dublin with the new social centre and the wider community(s) of Dublin, as much change is happening there, as here, some good, some bad, who is being listened to, what use to community struggles have of radical spaces and those that use them, how effective can social centres be their community, is there things to be critical of of social centres (punks hanging out and never leaving their bubble or ghetto....) can process's be improved, is there really good examples to learn from, is there means to improve our collective struggle by communicating more with each other, can we improve our use of tek tools to enable this dialogue (streaming, radio, tv, documentary swapping....) Could go on, but prefer to just throw out these ideas in the hope that they prompt this dialogue....
I suppose these posts of whats going on in Barcelona are part response to still unanswered questions to seomra spraoi collective and wider users and supporters of social centres that were posed on the previous imc-ie feature on the opening of the new centre
dublin social centre and connecting with the wider community in the markets area
and regarding some views of what happens when communities are not listened to:
"Last year, in the French Clichy-sous-Bois, we saw riots triggered by a criminal modern architecture." was the part of the passage from the "Zeus of hositaltity" by René Schérer, which Belgian architect Lucien Kroll choose to use for the poster for the Moments D'architecture workshop he was invited to give at last years architecture bienale by Patrick Bouchain in the french pavillion, METAVILLA
this comes from a wider discussion which we are trying to get going with some of architectural community of europe: architecture and dissent
new social centre up and running, will keep ye posted. Full building was occupied untill eviction 2 weeks ago of first floor apartment. people from following countries/ places been there helping build things: catalan, galicia, spanish, portugese, french, angola, brazil, chile, peru, venezuala, italy, irish, US, british, israel, german,
french classes + karate classes up and running now.
tomorow: kafeta y fiesta afrobeat / dubstep (food and party)
kan ardia,
45 St Miquel (@ pl. BCNeta)
imc-bcn links:
Kan Ardia, nuevo CSOA en BCNeta + kafeta/ fiesta mañana
CSOA Kan Ardia : kafeta y fiesta afrobeat / dubstep : Viernes 14 / deciembre 2007
Kan Ardia (the burning gaf) new CSOA in BCNeta
Below is a 15 minute interview with one of the members of the CSOA Kan Ardia collective who also lives upstairs in the squatted living space.
file type : WAV
OGG and MP3 versions soon available
more interviews in spanish soon available
Last saturday night CSOA Kan Ardia was celebrating 6 months of occupation of number 45 carrer sant miguel, in the heart of the barcelonetta neighbourhood of barcelona. the party was also a birthday party for one of the collectives members. For over a month the space has been active as a CSO and it has been growing from strength to strength with workshops of language exchange, martial arts training, and space for parties. at about 1am a neighbour complained of noise and later 2 undercover police came with about 6 guardia urbana. Without showing any papers that allowed them entry to the building the forced their way in and proceeded to go up the stairs, they were confronted by one of the CSO collective and prevented from going further up the stairs, this person asked for papers, was shown none and then struck by the plainclothes police officer, the collective member remained calm, did not use violence and repeated that the police had no right to be entering, the cop asked his mate for his heavy torch and with this he struck the collective member a few times about the head, more people came to this situation and soon the police were outside the building..........
they said there had been a complaint from the neighbours and demanded the party finish and empty, people left.....
Later, about 7am there were still people in the building, sitting around. a couple went to the door to leave and on exiting and without any warning or words being spoken were attacked directly in the face by pepper spray or mace, shouts went out and a commotion ensued at the door. the cops tried to enter the building, again without showing papers, and managed to get their hands in the door which was being pushed closed from the inside, these hands sprayed repeatedly into the faces and bodies of those on the other side, all people still within tried to get to the roof for air, many were in hysterics, crying, vomiting and in a state of panic and shock. the door was eventually shut by those inside and all went to the roof. from the roof terrace people said that there a van or 2 of riot police ready to enter the building with batons and more vans on a further street. the police taunted and laughed at those suffering on the terrace.
all solidarity with those standing up to this illegal police action are welcome
help spread word about whats going on in barcelona
support, solidarity and thanks
CSOA Kan Ardia
45 C/St Miquel
Catalunya (Spain)
this audio can be directly found on IMC-indybay
Kan Ardia : communication flyer to the barri
Kan Ardia trad session
moving the goalposts, Kan Ardia and her neighbours and friends
above audio in
MP3 (13.6 MB)
OGG ( 2.8 MB)
ataque ilegal por la polícia
sabado 29, diciembre 2007
En la noche del sabado nos encontrabamos celebrando un mes de apertura de un nuevo centro social en el corazón de la Barceloneta, Kan Ardía. Al final de la fiesta, cuando la gente estaba saliendo de la casa, fuimos atacados con gas lacrimógeno por sorpresa por la policia urbana!
read more at link
CSOA Kan Ardia
Ataque ilegal por la polìcia en BCNeta, @ CSOA Kan Ardia