Proper Behaviour for Royal Visit
dublin |
animal rights |
Thursday February 21, 2008 21:57
by HRH

Good behaviour will result in more Royal Visits
How not to do it: man in hat pulls
princess to floor in breach of etiquette
An Indymedia contributor has kindly presented a guide for proper behaviour during the visit of a middle aged British woman this weekend. Selection below:
How to address the Royal Person:
The Princess Royal should be addressed simply as "Your Royal Highness" initially, and "Ma'am" as the conversation progresses.
Gentlemen should acknowledge the Royal presence with a bow, ladies with a curtsy.
Men: lower the shoulders and tip the head forward with just a little more than a nod of the head; start with eye contact, then lower the gaze to the floor.
Women: the right foot is placed behind the left heel, and the knees bent. Lower the gaze.
1. There is no requirement for hats to be worn, though it is entirely acceptable to do so. Hats are not normally worn at functions after 6:30 p.m.
Use the comments to add your own tips
The Full Guide:
It is announced that Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, The Princess Anne, Colonel-in-Chief of the The King's Royal Hussars, The Royal Corps of Signals, The Royal Logistic Corps, and The Royal Army Veterinary Corps; Colonel of the The Blues and Royals, Royal Colonel of the Royal Scots Borderers, 1st Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotland and of the The 52nd Lowland Regiment, 6th Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotland, will be visiting the city of Dublin, Ireland, at the weekend.
The Princess Royal will be a guest of the Irish Rugby Football Union, at the match against Scotland being held in Croke Park in Dublin's North Inner City.
Members of the public and readers of may come in contact with the Princess Royal, so there follows a brief guide to protocol and procedures which should be followed:
How to address the Royal Person:
The Princess Royal should be addressed simply as "Your Royal Highness" initially, and "Ma'am" as the conversation progresses.
Gentlemen should acknowledge the Royal presence with a bow, ladies with a curtsy.
Men: lower the shoulders and tip the head forward with just a little more than a nod of the head; start with eye contact, then lower the gaze to the floor.
Women: the right foot is placed behind the left heel, and the knees bent. Lower the gaze.
It is quite in order to shake hands if the opportunity presents itself and a member of the Royal Family offers to do so. It is however advisable to wait for the Princess to offer to shake hands before proffering your own hand. It is preferred otherwise that the Princess should not be touched.
The Princess Royal does not wish anyone to be put to unnecessary expense by buying special clothes, hats or gloves. The following points may, however, be of use in answering queries:
1. There is no requirement for hats to be worn, though it is entirely acceptable to do so. Hats are not normally worn at functions after 6:30 p.m.
2. There is no requirement for gloves to be worn. However, if a woman wishes to wear gloves, they need not be white and should not be taken off before the wearer is presented.
3. Where black tie and long evening dress are called for, cocktail dress, national dress and dark lounge suit are also acceptable.

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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25Thanks for the tips. They should come in very useful. I believe that there will be at least two groups of people only too happy to meet the Great Horsey One. One (éirígí) will be at the Ballybough end of the Clonliffe Road and the other (RSF) will be at the Drumcondra end of Clonliffe.
If the Great Horsey One were to stop by either group at from about 3.30pm onwards I'm sure she's recieve all the etiquette that she could handle.
Flowers may be proferred, but the Princess Royal may be somewhat judgmental of home made displays. Her Royal Highness does not seek to be abrasive, but reserves the right to speak her mind.
On the subject of the two protests mentioned, the betting is that the eiregi one will be slightly bigger than the RSF one, but the RSF will be rowdier, with more drink taken beforehand. Would people agree?
From HRH Royal Protolcologist in residence.
Gentlemen attending events where HRH is also attending are asked to wear stiff under wear , most especially if the gentleman is disporting the kilt , Green is preferred colour for undergarments .
HRH does not wish to be judgmental ; hence the preference for the undergarment,
HRH would be amenable to welcoming customs but we are to advise against asking her to go for a pint or a quick ride ; It is simply a question if time.
HRH is anxious to have a memento of the visit , The suggestion of presenting her with a portrait the late mounted squireen of KInseally we believe will be embraced with warm enthusiasm.
Time permitting HRH has expressed a wish to visit the 40 foot.-men only .
This would be in her private capacity.
We hope that many upstanding representatives of Irish manhood would grace the bathing area giving the traditional salute , with eyes front ; the undergarment protocol would be waived at the 40 foot.
Moss Keane will attend to host the event , Also the Claw , Paddy the Plasterer .
Sile Ni Seoige will remain on after the event to warm the cock (les ) of the brave lusty loins who grace the occasion .
Katryn Thomas will also be there to introduce the many Sean Thomas's expected
When facing Royalty turn 180 degrees bend slightly forward look to the floor and in one action drop pants ...keep bending forward until head touchs knees...hurling abuse through legs while looking back up at Royalty is totally up to yourself.......
When greeting HRH:
1) Lift the bolt handle and pull it back opening the breech
2) Load a five-round clip downward into the magazine.
3) Push bolt handle foward closing breech and tunr handle downward.
4) Cycle bolt as described in 1) & 3) drawing fresh bead into breech.
5) Place stock in right shoulder and place right cheek on stock.
6) Grip stock in right hand with index finger through trigger guard poised on trigger.
7) Simultaneous grip forestock under barrel with left hand.
8) Close left eye and look through scope with right eye.
9) Metal foresight should appear at bottom of circular target recticle as if in six o'clock position on imaginary clock face.
10) When HRH's head is visible in scope, place centre of crosshairs over the image of her head.
11) Squeeze trigger.
12) Cycle bolt, eject spent round, draw fresh bead, take aim and repeat.
13) Run away and discard weapon
1. Arraign before peoples tribunal
2. Insert into small cart
3. Place on gullotine
4. Release blade
5. Hold head
6. Discard
It's not so far back that rugby was classed as a "garrison game", along with soccer, cricket, tennis and tiddlywinks.
We'll be watching it on the telly with nary a care about who is in the crowd, so long as there is a crowd to provide the right atmospheric background noise. The aesthetic thing.
you may not care who is in the crowd, but someone does.
It's obviously a big deal to somebody that they have a Royal in the crowd, and they are happy to go to the trouble and expense of flying in this one, who is about as close to the Queen of England as you can get.
Only British subjects have to bow/ curtsy
Ethier way I don't care, if a foriegn royal wants to come here for a visit thats thier business, once it doesn't cause any disruption to my life the inbred German can do what she likes
They are testing the mood of the people before they send over the oul'one.
Its a dry run, or a dummy run. Dipping the toe into the water so to speak. I hope Saturdays protest is not to scary for them. they should keep it small, wait till the head honcho herself comes over, then give it socks.
1. this must be a slow week for the editors if this non-story gets featured.
The story doesn't delve into what it means for this woman to be a guest of the IRFU. Does that mean a free ticket in a fancy box, or are they paying for her flight too? What's it costing the Irish taxpayer?
I find it hard to get worked up about it, as it probably doesn't cost me much money directly.
A state visit by her mother would be a different story. But this one is coming for a rugby match. Worth a protest, sure... but a feature?
I think it was Keith Richards who said "I wouldn't let that family near me with a sharp stick, let alone a sword."
2. Why is a story about Lizzie Windsor's daughter, categorised under "animal rights"?
2. Why is a story about Lizzie Windsor's daughter, categorised under "animal rights"?
Spot on, it's not cricket to compare animals to the royals. Indymedia better watch out for protests from animal rights activists.
actually, she's always making horses jump over things and run around, and i'd say she's shot a few innocent feathered creatures in your time, so what about an ARAN demonstration?
There are still areas of Ballybough/Drumcondra not covered- what about a few naked protesters outside Gills on the Jones Road?
I'm sick of this self-elected privilleged barbarians! In Malaysia, we have 9 Kings(imagine that!), all are millionaires. Mostly from selling off the public natural resources including our rainforest to the highest corporate bidders. And if you dare to challenge such injustice and power of this monarchy barbarians, you might end up under the Internal Security Act (ISA), detention without trial, a 1948 UK capitalist imperialism historical legacy, continued on conveniently until today by the local ruling elite-capitalist class.. Another monarchy barbarian is the Sultan of Brunei who treats Brunei's natural resources especially the oil like their own private property! And unknown to many, they also have that ISA, which secretly have imprisoned many monarchy-critical ordinary Bruneians! Time to save the world from all these relic barbarians! No place in very modern century of democracy and universal human rights that includes treating everyone equal!
and a bit O' bagpipe, or does HMG only support the Scottish evangelical nationalist?
eirigi have organised a protest against the visit to Ireland of this member of the British royal family.
Assemble at Luke Kelly Bridge, Ballybough, Dublin 1 @3.30pm. All welcome. For more information
Eirigi want people to join their event, but they won't join the previously organised RSF demonstration. ?Why not?
Is it the task of Eirigi to split the demonstrators?
I do not see how splitting the protestors can be accomplished with two such vastly differing groups
unless there is a republican patent on royal protest?
is there a republican patent on protest and should we all adhere to it?
what if other's ideas are not exactly commensurate with rsf?
what if they don't want to sit in a pub and go out with banners- its all to the same purpose
no-one leads in street actions, its called fluidity.
Maybe it should be tried by those willing to evolve..
? a chara,
Presumably you want to see the maximum numbers of people protesting against Her Royal Horseness and all that she represents?
While RSF and éirígí are both 'republican', they are worlds apart on the Left / Right scale. There are those who support RSF who wouldn't be got dead at an éirígí protest and likewise there are those who support éirígí who would be equally reluctant to be seen at an RSF event.
By having seperate protests each group of supporters can show their opposition to the Brit occupation without feeling that they are compromising any of their other beliefs. This approach will lead to far greater total numbers on the day.
Also by having two seperate protests a far larger amount of people - both attending the match and passers-by will witness the fact that not everyone is happy with the status quo.
Take her up to Monto
The proper way to conduct yourself with regard to the representative of the state that gave generations of Irish people jobs and opportunities, and extended to our people the benefits of a free travel zone, is obvious:
If you are still twisted up with hatred born of an inferiority complex, you should stay at home or peacefully protest.
If you are a normal person, you might just stay at home in consideration of the fact that this visitor is an anachronism from the past. Just like the rag-bag of protestors (did I hear the word "Lu-las"?) from the extreme left.
What do you mean 'worlds apart on the right left scale?'
Name one reactionary or right wing campaign that we are involved in.
Thats right, there are none.
RSF is a socialist party. Simple as that. Read our party documents. I think that we are every bit as left wing as éirigí.
We support international socialism and are strong supporters of Cuba, where a number of our members visited last year.
Our members go to éirigí events, for instance the picket on Bertie Ahern's office and I know for a fact that some éirigí members have gone to our commemorations.
It's surprising how often the most passionate & sometimes ethically or politically justified are so jaded & predictable in their protest tactics or visual devices. I promise ye, if you bother doing a photocopy drop of Muhamad Fayed or Diana (without comment) in Dublin during this visit..........
your point will make itself.
you have the most powerful psychological republican weaponry : use it.
When opposing those with a DNA based sense of importance, you must make sure that you don't fall in with the wrong type of republican.
Are RSF young and hip enough?
Are Eirigi obsequious and traditional enough?
Are 32 csm street enough?
When little sister visits, where will you be?
Make sure that your disgust for the presence of royalty on the streets of our city and in the seats of our stadium is not misdirected or wasted. Apply for your "Appropriate Protest" card from the revolutionary commissars. No initiative needed please, just listen to your betters telling you how to be a good regicide.
Or just stumble out and shout!!
Off with their heads!!!!!
That last one was just silly.