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offsite link What do you make of the Russia and China Partnership? Tue Feb 28, 2023 16:26 | The Saker
by Mr. Allen for the Saker blog Over the last few years, we hear leaders from both Russia and China pronouncing that they have formed a relationship where there are

offsite link Moveable Feast Cafe 2023/02/27 ? Open Thread Mon Feb 27, 2023 19:00 | cafe-uploader
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offsite link The stage is set for Hybrid World War III Mon Feb 27, 2023 15:50 | The Saker
Pepe Escobar for the Saker blog A powerful feeling rhythms your skin and drums up your soul as you?re immersed in a long walk under persistent snow flurries, pinpointed by

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Public Inquiry
Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Free Speech Union and Fair Cop Threaten Yvette Cooper With Court Action Over Her Calls to Ramp Up Re... Sun Sep 01, 2024 11:00 | Richard Eldred
The Free Speech Union and Fair Cop have threatened the Home Secretary with legal action over her calls to ramp up the recording of 'non-crime hate incidents'.
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offsite link Bank of England Staff Told to Share Pronouns and Use ?Gender Neutral? Language Sun Sep 01, 2024 09:00 | Will Jones
Bank of England staff have been told to share their pronouns at the start of meetings and use "gender neutral" language when speaking to customers.
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offsite link Government?s Private Schools VAT Raid ?Risks Costing Taxpayer £1.8bn? Sun Sep 01, 2024 07:00 | Will Jones
The Government?s VAT raid on private schools risks costing the taxpayer up to £1.8 billion as parents cut their work hours once their children move into the state sector, a report has found.
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offsite link News Round-Up Sun Sep 01, 2024 01:04 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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offsite link Domestic Abuse Charity Allows ?Men Who Identify as Women? to Apply for £47,000-a-Year ?Women-Only? R... Sat Aug 31, 2024 15:00 | Will Jones
A domestic abuse charity has been criticised for encouraging "men who identify as women" to apply for a senior £47,000-a-year "women-only" post.
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RUC-PSNI nail their colours to the mast

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | news report author Saturday May 03, 2008 11:12author by éirígí flag Report this post to the editors

RUC-PSNI nail their colours to the mast


An éirígí initiative to mark the 92nd anniversary of the Easter Rising has come under both verbal and physical attack in an area of the Six Counties notorious for sectarian discrimination against the nationalist community.

While the distribution of thousands of copies of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic and other éirígí commemorative events were well received in Belfast, Dublin, the Donegal Gaeltacht and north Munster, the response from some in the south Derry area has been nothing short of vitriolic.

For more see:

author by URLpublication date Sat May 03, 2008 11:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Here's the url:

author by King Billy Foreverpublication date Sat May 03, 2008 14:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Republic of Ireland would not let the Union Jack be flown on their territory.

Imagine if you were French a bunch of people started flying German flags and claiming that Strasbourg and Alsace were German?

I don't agree with sectarianism but neither do I agree with trouble making separatists who ignore the democratic will of the majority of the people of Northern Ireland who are British and wish to remain British.

You want a united Ireland. Fair enough. You will only get it when Unionists decide they want to live in a united Ireland.

If you want to live in an Irish Republic in the meantime you can if you want - go and live there!

The conflict is over and Protestants and Catholics want to live in peace.

People like you are determined to cause trouble and start the violence all over again.

I'm sure the majority of people in the south don't want a united ireland if it means people like you become citizens.

Asking us to join a united ireland is like asking a Corkman to become British.

author by Tricolourpublication date Sat May 03, 2008 17:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's strange to think that distributing Republican propaganda is actually likely to set back hopes of a United Ireland.

Odd too to think that a Royal Visit to Dublin would actually reassure people who consider themselves British that they would be safe and secure in a United Ireland. Consequently a Royal Visit woould bring a united Ireland closer.

This sort of forward thinking is sadly of no interest to the dissident micro republican groups, who have no interest in the well-being of those who regard themselves as British in Ireland, and primarily want to scoop up members, SWP-like, from the fringes of other groups.

author by Séamuspublication date Sat May 03, 2008 17:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

All of the people concerned with how unionists might feel, and yet no-one could care less about the feelings of the nationalist community of the six counties.

Fair play to éirígí, keep up the good work.

author by paul o toolepublication date Tue May 06, 2008 11:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The people living in Northern Ireland calling themselves British are not there by 'consent' . They arrived under a British flag of war in one of an endless steram of British misadventures right up to modern times including Iraq and Afghanistan in a continnuing Imperialist misadventure.
There was never 'consent' asked of or wilfully given for the British invading anywhere as far as I am aware (perhaps you could enlighten) by what you now disgustingly describe as the 'Host Country' in which you invade. The Irish never gave consent and besides you never deemed it necessary because of my first point which you failed to address which is your belief in 'The Divine Right To Rule' . Superiority in military terms only - No consent needed. Which fills the gap you cannot fill with proper dialogue.
Im sure the Scottish planters would have been more likley to have wanted to stay in their own country than invade the 'host country.which never gave 'consent' given the last century of bloodletting and warfare, unless you think that war is actually a good thing-Ive a sneaking suspicion you do...

.....'The people of the North do not wish to exile, kill or enslave the people of the South so leave us alone too thank you very much.'....
...Ahhh how times have changed...

author by Bemusedpublication date Wed May 07, 2008 13:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

'It's strange to think that distributing Republican propaganda is actually likely to set back hopes of a United Ireland.'

Are you suggesting that all groups should in the future refrain from distributing republican propagnada on the basis that it might offend unionism? Are we now at the fantastical position whereby Sinn Féin members will try and credibly argue that republicans should actually desist from being republicans. Is that not the position Home Rulers adopted in the early part of the last century.

'Odd too to think that a Royal Visit to Dublin would actually reassure people who consider themselves British that they would be safe and secure in a United Ireland. Consequently a Royal Visit woould bring a united Ireland closer. '

So do you reject the call from your North Kerry TD Martin Ferris opposing the visit of the British monarch to Ireland. Could you explain how a visit of the British monarch could bring a united Ireland closer?

'This sort of forward thinking is sadly of no interest to the dissident micro republican groups, who have no interest in the well-being of those who regard themselves as British in Ireland, and primarily want to scoop up members, SWP-like, from the fringes of other groups.'

Republicans of all hues have the interests of all those who live on the island. They just don't believe a minority should hold a veto. Your desire to deride others as dissident and micro and your party as mature and enlightened is becoming a little tiresome. Your party was well experienced in dimissing those who opposed it on the basis of its lack of an 'electoral mandate' over the years. Indeed Mr. Adams is very fond of describing how a small band of republicans kept the flame alive in the 1940s and 50s. On your logic people like Charlie Kerins, Sean McCaughey and Margaret Buckley were micro dissidents who should have thrown their lot in with Fianna Fail and would have saved us all from this messy business of challenging British rule in Ireland. Judging by Martin McGuinness' statement yesterday, the poacher has truly become game-keeper

author by P C. Plodpublication date Thu May 08, 2008 12:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

All this talk of a United Ireland just shows that people know nothing of the 1916 Rising. The Rising/ Rebellion was nothing to do with a free Ireland but a people's democracy - A Socialist Republic. The fight for an Ireland free from British Occupation is what has given us with what we have today - a corrupt, brown envelope, political administration who care only about allowing the EU to now occupy us and make our decisions, taking part in the US Government's illegal wars, murdering millions of innocent Iraqis and closing public hospitals so private business can profit from our health while we still have to pay a health tax contribution! They care nothing about true freedom and democracy. Voting on whether we should hand over control to the EU whilst being bombarded by Government propaganda is no democracy - it is controlled voting. Just like the first Nice treaty. We got it wrong so we had to vote again - a controlled vote - you can vote how you like as long as it’s a 'yes' vote - democracy my foot!

A socialist republic means that working people run the country themselves, administered by Democracy - by using their democratic vote. There are no Govenments. Governments are the root of all evil. All those who live in Ireland (North and South, Northern Ireland and the 'Republic') should be free to express themselves (as long as they're not hurting others) however they choose. That is a Socialist Republic. No private companies pushing up the price of housing, pushing up our stealth taxes, pushing up grocery prices, just good clean workers' control. We should control how our communities are run, how much money needs to be put into the community and community projects - not some wealthy wannabe who is more interested in how much cash he can cram into his bank account. Stop supporting the Government, start supporting democracy and freedom because no Government can give you true financial and economic freedom.

author by Bemusedpublication date Thu May 08, 2008 20:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Indeed the shape of the 'new' Ireland being constructed by Paisley and McGuinness was apparent today as they gave a platform to Tony O'Reilly to whinge about the fact companies planning on investing in the north might have to pay a little more tax than they would if investing in the south. Given Sinn Féin's oft repeated concerns about workers rights has Deputy McGuinness used his supposed tenacious negotiating skills to ensure union recognition and decent pay and conditions for workers in any new investments? I won't hold my breath.

author by Mike - Judean Popular Peoples Frontpublication date Thu May 08, 2008 21:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"The people living in Northern Ireland calling themselves British are not there by 'consent' . They arrived under a British flag of war in one of an endless steram of British misadventures "

And here was me thinking they were born there ?

author by Mickpublication date Fri May 09, 2008 20:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

And here was i thinking that 'unionist consent' was the in fact the 'unionist veto'. Or so Sinn Féin used to think.

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