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Shell to Sea Call For A Halt To Shell Operations

category mayo | environment | feature author Friday January 23, 2009 18:55author by S2S - Shell to Sea Report this post to the editors

featured image
'We Will Fight Them On The Beaches'

Yesterday (January 22nd), Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin stated that it is "extraordinary" that gas from the Corrib field has not yet been brought onshore. Shell to Sea feels that what is really "extraordinary" is that the Government is still trying to force this experimental project through given the local community concerns regarding their health, safety and local environment.

Shell to Sea feel that the only way that this situation can be moved forward positively, is for Shell to halt their current operations in the area so that the Corrib debacle can be settled for once and for all. It is high time that the Government started taking the concerns of communities seriously and stops acting just in the interest of big business and banks.

In referring to the recent gas dispute between Russia and the Ukraine, Minister Martin failed to raise the most crucial point that this episode highlighted, which is that Russia has control of its gas supply, Ireland on the other hand doesn't and won't under the current terms.

Responding to Minister Martin's comments, Shell to Sea spokesperson Maura Harrington stated "Micheál Martin spoke of our need for energy security, but seeing as we will have to buy our own gas back from Shell, the real question is, in these dark economic times where is the 'security of finance' going to come from so that we can get 'security of supply'?".

Recent Garda expenses figures show that for the month of October 08 alone, Gardaí claimed over €1 million for policing the protests against the proposed Corrib project. While a spokesperson for the Dept. of Justice stated that the Garda operation was needed as the protests weren't peaceful, given that no charges have been pressed against any of the protestors, this is totally disingenuous.

Local fisherman Pat O'Donnell stated, "Last Autumn in a two month period, during Shell's failed attempt to lay the offshore pipeline over 40 arrests were made, however, no charges have resulted from any of these arrests. I, along with other fishermen, was arrested on the water while we were trying to protect our property and livelihoods. The Government has always gone on about Shell's right to go to work yet I was wrongfully arrested at my place of work."

Mr. O'Donnell continued, "How can the fact that no protestors have been charged be tallied with the Department of Justice's statement that the protests aren't peaceful. The local community will continue to protest while their safety and local environment is put at risk by Shell and their friends in Government".

Article On Corrib Policing Costs

Related Link: http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2009/0121/1232474671170.html
author by Eamonn O'Coilea'in - Republic of Irelandpublication date Fri Jan 23, 2009 08:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Every time I see this photo, it reminds me of the many years that the people of Erris have had to put up with, It's out of control when 4 large garda tackel a college student and mash his face into the tidal mud with brutal force, so that shell can make more Billions in profit
while the local commuinty suffers with each new year that shell has control over the countries garda,and the countries resouces, why won't the Irish Government face the facts, that this project was done all wrong, with all the planning permision done one at a time and the finnal planning for the pipeline left to the Green Party, who once stood by our side. Would they like it if it was their son mashed and brutaly assaulted on a public beach????? WAKE UP. Spring is around the cornner and the pipes are calling for even a bigger peaceful protest, until the Irish garda acting for shell, come and brutalize the people once again for protecting their rights as EU citizens.
This is all wrong and no forum will help until this madness is stopped and the Irish Government take a serious look at what is being done and the consequences at what will be done if shell get their wishes to pollute the Erris Region. I'll say it once again ::::::::
STOP THIS MADNESS BEFORE IT'S TO LATE and someone gets KILLED,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..

author by Chrissiepublication date Fri Jan 23, 2009 13:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is not just some small, localised issue: it's about the environmental & human rights situation in all of Ireland, Europe, & the world. Our lands & liberties are being eaten up by big businesses & their perennial pals, the corrupt politicians. The people of Ireland don't have control of their own resources, & don't stand to profit anything from Corrib Gas as the deal stands, as it will have to be bought at market price.
Little by little they try to take away our little bit of democracy with propaganda implying that those who are non-violently resisting Shell are 'eco-warriors' (have you ever seen one of those cartoon characters?), or other dismissive phrases, in an attempt to persuade us that it's not for us to have an opinion: leave that to our wise leaders who've led us into this economic mess. Those who own the papers & media also own the land, & tend to have their own interests at heart.

author by LPpublication date Fri Jan 23, 2009 14:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Four pieces of scum, batter first, ask questions later.

author by Nostradamuspublication date Fri Jan 23, 2009 21:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It seems that finally the penny has dropped with most of the opponents of this project!
The "dogs on the street" in belmullet now knows what transpired at the meeting between Mr. Brosnan,and the ministers with Pobal Chill Chomáin and Pobal le Chéile, and it seems that both those groups are now minded to concede the refinery is staying in Bellanaboy and it is time for the local community to benefit directly from the project.
The altercation between JM and Harrington on the day only confirmed the fact that S2S are now viewed as a fringe element even among the opponents of the project.
As for Pat O'Donnell, he is in for one hell of a surprise in the coming weeks, and I'm not referring to his court appearance!
This is the end game, and the finale will be impressive to say the least, history will ponder how a once vibrant campaign of opposition to a project fell asunder in such a dramatic fashion at the eleventh hour, and how trust appeared to have materalised between once sworn enemies.

In summary.

In 2009 Shell will lay their offshore pipeline, (and possibly the onshore one also), Ms Harrington will most likely restart her futile hunger strike with zero effect as she failed to adhere to her stated conditions last year so most wont take her seriously this time around.
Pat O'Donnell will find that his M.O is counter productive, and his ill conceived plans will once again be scuppered by more intelligent individuals who will walk him into a untenable position.
Pobal Chill Chomáin and Pobal le Chéile will concede the refinery will not be relocated and agree to a "compromise" where the state takes responsibility for the safety of the project and guarantees local people that state bodies will diligently oversee the running of the refinery and keep a watchful eye on Shells activities!

author by taggerpublication date Fri Jan 23, 2009 21:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have read the above feature and the comments, the Shell to Sea campaign which I fully support and is one that I'am very familiar with, however our spineless politicians that who, all have the back bone of a rattle snake and who are so consumed in their own self delusionary cocoon they feel that they are the rulers and we are the ruled.
What has taken place in this so called Demoracy in the last number of years has been to say the least criminal. we have had the celtic tiger era led by wee Bertie who mislead a nation into believing that this money making machine would last forever and ever, pulled off the greatest con job in the history of this state, took great care of his cronies who practically bankrupted the country, brought the good name of the country in disrepute around the Globe, not to be trusted that ireland is now the catch phrase.
Borrow or steal was the order of the day the latter of course was well dont get caught, otherwise its OK.
The Mullah interefered in the rules and regulations, changed them, altered them, got rid of them if they did not suit the rulers The ruled well they will obey, or else we will make it a police state mind you on that it hasen't too far to go, sounds rather like the regime in Washington now thankfully departed.
The State turned its back on many issues and many of its people and that of the people of Rossport who are campaigaining for their community, their enviorement,their country,their pride of place and for the common good of all this states citizens, unfortunately many citizens have not awoken to this very important fact yet, they probably will wake up some day when its to late to turn back the clock, and then they will realise that once more they have been ripped off by the state.
Unfortunately the Irish citizens took their eye off the ball, they were so consumed in their own little corner they felt as long as it dosent affect me well its alright I wonder how they feel today about that, when now they realise that they were sold an illusion, and the stark realities of recession are now knocking on their doors.
Who is to blame we all are, we did nothing about it we let them get away with it, now is the time to put the record straight, words are just words and have to be backed up by actions, peaceful protest, the pensioners let them know, so what is wrong with the rest of us are we incapable? have we been cowed by the apparatus of the State,or maybe its a case of no belly fora fight, it is time to return this country to its citizens and we want it back, enough of the old rethoric we have heard, and have had enough of it.

Will we ever trust them again.

author by Arm-a-geddonpublication date Fri Jan 23, 2009 22:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nostradamus what did he ever prove, nothing, absoutely nothing except for those
misled persons who believe that crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for Mrs. Harrington she did indeed adhere to her stated conditions last year check it out.

Do you work for Dublin Castle, or the IDF, or maybe both?

author by Michelpublication date Sat Jan 24, 2009 00:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nostradamus, you were telling us last year about some prominent opponent of the project who was shortly going to announce their support for Shell and embarrass us all. Who was that do you remember?

Oh yeah, it was nobody, because you made the whole thing up. You disappeared when you were challenged on that one, but now you are back with more predictions.

Tell us, why should anyone listen to you since you were shown to be such a liar before?

author by M&Mpublication date Mon Jan 26, 2009 14:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors



author by Fearbolg - S2Spublication date Tue Jan 27, 2009 00:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nosty is the last, and worst, of a spent force of Shell headwreckers who used to come on here regularly, but have lost the will to live.

Just like his namesake, he'll continue to make nebulous statements which are open to any kind of interpretation. That's the nature of the

prediction game.

I hope he keeps coming on here, 'cos we haven't had a proper laugh since Joe Gannon left.

author by Watboypublication date Tue Feb 03, 2009 16:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I can't believe the infighting here. What do you hope to achieve with all this bickering. It's simple, and clear what's needed. Money, plans, action. Only with action with notice be gained, and change achieved. Do I have to join the repetitive diatribe? Will that mean I'll be remembered like Che? Or Bobby? Well, I'm not going to. It's too boring and repetitive to read. Peaceful protest can take many forms and there are many forms of protest, but unless changes are made, Nostradamus will be right. They'll have worn you down because they have loads of time, money, people and government backing. So, first. Where's the money? With it, we can make plans and take real action. If there isn't any, better go and get some, because a group of farmers standing in the road is going to have no effect here, regardless of the cost to the Garda, or Shell. It's a drop in an ocean to them. An irritant, like a rash. Action needs to be bigger, better and with co-operation, or you might as well all go home.

author by Mark Cpublication date Wed Feb 04, 2009 14:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

George Monbiot challenges Jeroen van de Veer, chief executive of oil and gas giant Shell, on ethics, greenwash advertising, renewable energy investments and gas-flaring in Nigeria.

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