Bob Doyle: 12th February 1916 - 22nd January 2009: 'An Unusual Communist'
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Friday January 23, 2009 23:37
by anarchaeologist

Bob Doyle
The death has occurred in London of Bob Doyle, the last surviving Irish soldier of the XV International Brigade of the Spanish Republican Army. Bob, whose health had been failing for some time had survived a recent double heart attack, before passing peacefully last night surrounded by his family. He was a few weeks short of his 93rd birthday.
Bob's career as an political activist has been recorded in his book Brigadista, which recounted his early life in Dublin as a Republican volunteer and later as a member of the Republican Congress, prior to his abortive first attempt to fight against Franco in July 1937, which saw him stow away on a ship to Valencia.
On his return to London (which he was to make his home for the remainder of his life) Bob contacted the CP and arrived in Spain by the more usual route, walking over the Pyrenees in a group of 15 volunteers, including the writer Laurie Lee. Bob was given basic military training and promoted quickly due to his aptitude and experience. Assigned to a training base behind the lines, Bob disobeyed orders and left with a detachment of British volunteers to take part in the second battle of Belchite in February 1938. He was captured at Calaciete with Frank Ryan and survived the concentration camp of San Pedro, before being released in a prisoner exchange in February 1939.
Bob joined the merchant navy on the outbreak of the second world war, where he received a medical discharge for an ulcer. He spent the remainder of the war as a firewatcher on the roof of the CP offices in central London.
He threw himself into political activity after the war and was one of the Communist leaders of a major printworkers' strike in 1959 and the fight for a 40 hour week. Bob was also undertaking more dangerous work, frequently travelling to Franco's Spain helping to organise the underground unions there.
Bob was an unusual Communist. This writer first encountered him in London during a Poll Tax demonstration, dressed in a top hat and tails. Bob was to be seen on many demonstrations in London throughout this period for a variety of causes and was not shy of confrontation with the bosses or the police. Bob was also a firm advocate of the legalisation of cannabis and was an enthusiastic grower of the herb in his north London greenhouse.
More recently, Bob has been in involved with Spanish Civil War commemorations both
here in Ireland and
in Spain and he was due to accept honorary Spanish citizenship in the coming months. He hadn't taken up an offer extended several years ago from the Zapatero government as it would have required giving up his Irish citizenship in exchange. Under a new law, however, non-Spaniards are entitled to retain their original citizenship.
Bob attended his
last commemoration at Jarama last February where he delivered a a speech fired with passion and anger attacking global capital and the hold it still has on the world.
Bob's funeral arrangements are to be announced next week.
No Pasarán
'I am here to make you boil with anger; the powers that supported Franco in Spain are still active, and today their reach is global':
Report on Speech by Bob Doyle - September 2006
Some History of Irish Involvement in the International Brigades is Here.
Previous Indymedia Obituary of International Brigades Veteran James Maley.
Homage to an Anti-Fascist: Michael O'Riordan RIP.
Indymedia Article Marking 70th Anniversary of the Connolly Column
NOTE: Indymedia Ireland invite those with memories of, or reminiscences about, Bob Doyle to use this page as a virtual tribute. We will endeavour to, after a period, print the page out and present it to his family.

Bob Doyle in Madrid last year
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12th February 1916 - 22nd January 2009
It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death in London of Bob Doyle, who was an active participant in the Anti-fascist war in Spain 1936- 39. He was the last surviving member of the Connolly Column of the International Brigade.
James Connolly House, 43 East Essex St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
23rd January 09
Bob Doyle
12th February 1916 - 22nd January 2009
It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death in London of Bob Doyle, who was an active participant in the Anti-fascist war in Spain 1936- 39. He was the last surviving member of the Connolly Column of the International Brigade.
Bob was born in North King Street,in Dublin city, where he grew up in a family of five children. In his adult life, his commitment to world peace and social justice was an example to all. Right up until his death Bob traveled across Ireland and to Europe speaking at many meetings, so as to inform and inspire the younger generation to honour the International Brigadiers and, to stand up for social justice and world peace.
He remained a committed anti-fascist, peace activist and a communist to the end. Bob remained active in politics up to a very short time before his death.He recorded his life's work in a wonderful biography "Brigadista- an Irishman's fight against fascism.” We express our sympathy to his family. He lived his long life without regrets.
We salute his memory.
Eugene Mc Cartan
General Secretary
087 9733414
Sad news indeed. Here are some pics of Bob at age 97 being received by the Mayor of Cork. The Mayor is holding a copy of Bobs book, Brigadista.
Bob was also in some of the Monty Python films. Bob featured as an extra in the Holy Grail. His "starring role", he says, was as a human doorbell in Jabberwocky.
Interview was recorded on 6th November 2008
Upload tomorrow - currently in production
Soldier, rest! thy warfare o'er,
Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking;
Dream of battled fields no more,
Days of danger, nights of waking.
In our isle's enchanted hall,
Hands unseen thy couch are strewing,
Fairy strains of music fall,
Every sense in slumber dewing.
Soldier, rest! thy warfare o'er,
Dream of fighting fields no more:
Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking,
Morn of toil, nor night of waking.
Rest In Peace, he was a true inspiration,
Does anyone now the arrangements for his funeral, when? where? will it be public or private?
A legend, sympathies to those close to him
Solidarity from Barcelona
Viva la Quinta Brigada
Christy Moore
Ten years before I saw the light of morning
A comradeship of heroes was laid
From every corner of the world came sailing
The Fifth International Brigade
They came to stand beside the Spanish people
To try and stem the rising fascist tide
Franco's allies were the powerful and wealthy
Frank Ryan's men came from the other side
Viva la Quinta Brigada
"No Pasaran", the pledge that made them fight
"Adelante" is the cry around the hillside
Let us all remember them tonight...
Christy Moore - Viva La Quinte Brigada
Brigadista: An Irishman's Fight Against Fascim : Bob Doyle
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I had the pleasure of meeting Bob about two years ago when he gave a short talk at Sinn Fein's book shop on Parnell Square. A legend and an inspiration no matter what shade of red or green you happen to adhere to.
Rest in Peace Bob
Here's another press release on Bob-
Bob Doyle passed away in London on Thursday, aged 92, after a short illness.
Doyle was born in Dublin on February 12, 1916, shortly before the Easter Rising, and became politically active himself in the 1930s, joining the IRA after being beaten up in street fights with the Blueshirts which left him with permanent damage in one eye.
But he quickly became more interested in social issues and, in 1937, decided to volunteer for the International Brigade, motivated in part by the fact that his former flat-mate Kit Conway had been killed in action at the Battle of Jarama on Doyle's 21st birthday.
He was foiled in his initial attempts, arrested and expelled from Valencia after he had stowed away on a boat. Undeterred, he eventually made it back to Spain later that year by crossing the Pyrenees.
Initially deployed to train new volunteers, as a result of his IRA experience, he disobeyed orders in order to join a group heading for the front line. After engaging in battle at Belchite, he was taken prisoner by Italian fascist troops on the Aragon front in March 1938, along with Irish International Brigade leader Frank Ryan.
He was imprisoned for 11 months in a concentration camp established in the disused monastery of San Pedro, near Burgos, where he was regularly tortured by Spanish fascist guards and interrogated the German Gestapo and, once, taken out to be shot.
Released as part of a prisoner exchange deal, Doyle enlisted in the British Merchant Navy for the duration of the Second World War before settling in London with his Spanish wife Lola.
Active until the very end, Doyle was a regular visitor to both his native Ireland and to Spain for International Brigade commemorations and, in 1996, along with all other survivors of the Brigades, was offered Spanish citizenship. He delivered his last speech at the rededication of Belfast’s International Brigade memorial on November 8.
He published an account of his experiences in Brigadista – An Irishman's Fight Against Fascism in June 2006, launched by Michael D Higgins and Ronnie Drew.
Since Michael O'Riordan's passing in May of that year, Doyle had been the last surviving Irish combatant in the International Brigade
Doyle is survived by his sons Bob and Julian, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
Deepest sympathy to the family, friends and comrades everywhere of Brigader Bob Doyle whose life was devoted to the progress and betterment of the international working class.
It was a great honour to share time with Bob on one of his last visits to the battlefields of Jarama in 2008. His life-long and infectious enthusiasm for the twin causes of socialism and anti-imperialism were much in evidence on that poignant trip which has now been weighted with even deeper personal relevance.
At a late night banquet following a marathon journey from Madrid to the heart of the Basque country on that occasion less than a year ago, Bob roused his weary fellow travellers with a clenched fist, anti-fascist salute and that characteristically mischievious sparkle in his eyes during a spontaneous rendition of Viva La Quinta Brigada that quickly revived the spirits of his much younger comrades. Bob followed that with a few glasses of 'tinto' and a hearty traditonal stew courtesy of our generous Basque hosts.
I was further honoured by meeting with Bob on visits to Tyrone and Armagh in recent years to commemorate his comrades in the International Brigade - Charlie Donnelly and Jim Haughey. Bob generously signed individual copies of his autobiography for all who asked and my two sons were both privileged to receive personalised copies from the great anti-fascist hero. I last spoke with him in the John Hewitt in Belfast just a number of weeks ago where he again accompanied his companion Harry Owens in rededicating the IB memorial in Writers Square.
May he serve as inspiration to younger generations everywhere. Salud Bob! Viva La República!
Descansa en paz camarada fiel. No pasaran nunca. Hasta la victoria siempre
On November 8, 2008, Bob Doyle and fellow veteran Jack Edwards unveiled a monument to Irish brigadistas from Belfast at an event in Writers' Square. Bob was in poor health but attended the event anyway and said a few words.
La lucha continua.
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Sad to hear the news earlier this morning of the passing of Bob Doyle, our friend and comrade. Regards to his family circle, friends and comrades many.
I measc laochra lucht oibre go raibh a n-ainm - May their names be among the heroes of labour
No Pasarán!
May your body rest in peace Bob. You remain an inspiration to this day... NO PASARAN!
Bob Doyle and Jack Edwards in Belfast, 8th November 2008
Bob Doyle and Jack Edwards
I never had the good fortune to meet Bob Doyle but in my time with the CPI, all comrades who knew him spoke warmly of him. A called a friend from back home last night when I read that he passed away. He told me that Bob had the spirit and passion of a teenager.
Bob was an Unorthodox Communist and loved all the more for it within the Communist and anti-fascist movement.
A true hero of the anti-fascist War against Franco and should serve as a inspiration to youth on the Left for Generations.Here's to you Bob!
No Pasaran!
Ronan Harte, Deutsche Kommunistische Partei,
Essen, Germany
Bob Doyle and people like him stand out in stark contrast to the Ireland of today, where consumerism, individualism and greed reign as the new dictators.
Here is a link to a Daily Ireland interview that Damien Lynch did with him- there is also other interviews here as well.
Had the pleasure to meet him briefly before and got him to sign a copy of his Book for me. I felt i was in the presence of a true hero, a legend. May his life be an inspiration to us all. At least you are with all your fallen comrades now Bob. God bless
This interview was recorded in the days just after the commemoration mentioned by Ciarán Ó Brolcháin above when Bob came down for what was his last visit to Dublin. We believe this is his final interview - but he still obviously had plenty of fight and humour in him.
It was to be used for an upcoming DCTV series - good work by Barra and Greg in getting an edit done in memoriam.
Caption: Video Id: 2945037 Type: Vimeo
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No big speeches should be made just yet, at the moment all his family and friends can think of is that Bob is gone.
Bob will be missed, not just because he was a link in the history of the working class, but because he continued the struggle throughout his life.
On one of his recent trips to Belfast he said:
" Those whose greed would destroy our environment, with catastrophic consequences for humanity, must be defeated. It is indeed a noble struggle and it will not be over until the liberation of the entire human race.
La lucha continúa. "
We can only agree, Bob. You'll be missed.
Duration 8mins
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Embedded video Vimeo
We first remember meeting Bob at a May Day March in Belfast about 18 years ago. On that occasion there were about five Brigadistas who were at the front May Day march with the International Brigade Banner. (I have a slide of them with the banner and later in the Communist Party premises) Since that time I have met him on many occasions at International Brigade events at home and abroad, the last time of course being in Belfast in 2008 for the unveiling of the International Brigade CC memorial. There were also many times when Bob sent us postcards from Madrid, Barcelona and so on. It was a privilege to have Bob and Harry Owens stayed at our house in the late nineties on that occasion he even went leafleting for the N.I. Women’s Coalition outside Botanic Primary School. Memories are many but first and foremost Bob was a real and true working class hero. We can honestly say that we loved him and he will remain with us for as long as we live. Farewell, Bob Doyle, comrade, anti-fascist fighter and worker for some “great causes”. We will remember you with pride and love. Salud. We send our sincere condolences to family and friends.
I spent some time with Bob Doyle in Jarama and in the Basque country last Feb .My daughter Niamh aged 17 was with me Bob was incredible He had a zest for life and his speech on the battle field at Jarama should be compulsary reading We loved him and it was such an honour to have been with him and that twinkle in his eye He inspired a 17 year old Rebel without a pause how true Our deepest sympathy to his family to Judd to Harry Owens and to all who loved him The fight continues Beir Bua
I am saddened to hear of Bob's loss. A great Irishman and a true hero.
He is an inspiration to everyone who seeks a saner and fairer world.
Here is a link to a piece the Guardian did 8 years ago on Bob.,,395358,00.html
I often wonder would today's complacent, consumeristic and selfish generation be capable of fighting fascism like the brave men of Bob's generation and other Brigadistas?
No Pasarán !
" I didnt know much about spain before i went over but every bullet i fired there was aimed at the Dublin capitalists and landlords"
viva la quinte brigada , Bob Doyle RIP.
condolences to the Doyle family, also to his friends on the death of Bob
Salud Bob Doyle, Comrade, Friend, Fighter for People's Rights - you will be remembered by many very lovingly. For all the work you did we thank you. It was good to have some time with you recently in Sitges, Barcelona and Belfast. Through you and your Comrades in the International Brigade we met many good and revolutionary people.
As you said many times La Lucha Continua. Love Maggie
Has any funeral arrangements been made yet?
The family expect to hold the funeral in London at 11.00 am on Tuesday 10th next.
Following that, family members plan to come to Dublin where on Sat 14th February we will celebrate the lives of Bob and his comrades of the International Brigades, starting at 12 noon from the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square, proceeding down O'Connell Street, and turning left along the Liffey to Liberty Hall where a wreath will be laid at the plaque with the names of 60 Irish Brigaders who died in Spain.
We'll book a trade union premises in the centre of Dublin for a reception, with speeches, songs and music, hopefully a film or two, and the gathering of all the many friends and relatives of Bob and his comrades. Speakers from Madrid are expected, and we ask all coming to bring your banners, and we will send you full details (venue etc.) shortly.
Please pass on this message to all interested,
La Lucha Continua
Harry Owens
Sounds like an interesting old chap. RIP. As an 'unorthodox Communist' he was fortunate that he never actually lived under orthodox Communists! He would not have lived to such a grand old age.
The Independent on Sunday (1st Feb) has a lengthy obit on Bob Doyle, giving colourful information about his deeds in England long after the Spanish civil war and WWII. Here's the link -
Although I did not share his political affiliations I had the utmost respect for Bob Doyle. I had the honour of meeting Bob on one of his many visits to Dublin. He was a lovely man, very witty and entertaining and extremely honest and frank for a member of the left. Among the things that he had no hesitation in admitting to was that he enjoyed not just his pint but also the odd joint of marijuana, fair play to him. Now how many members of other left parties would admit this even though we all know many if not most them do enjoy the odd bit of hash? His stories of struggle in trade unions and in Spain etc had a very human quality to them and were seldom bitter ar ranting unlike many other political activists. They are not making them like Bob any more. R.I.P
To Bob Doyle, 1st February 2009, from Conor McGuinness.
Bob, I met you once.
You were old and frail.
Your voice was weak
But still you spoke.
Long and loud and strong,
of justice, solidarity, of love and right and wrong.
Something within me awoke.
Awakened now, it couldn't sleep.
To fight and feel and teach
For something better, not just for me
but for all peoplekind, humanity.
Bob I met you once.
Not long enough to know you,
But still I took something away that night:
To fight for good is just and right.
To Bob's family and friends my condolences. To Bob my gratitude for his inspiration. Salud Companero
No Pasaran!
I gcuimhne ar Bob Doyle, comrádaí agus inspioráid
Even in Your ''trip to heaven '' Bob we are fighting . You were a marvellous and Gentleman .
God Bless U kiddo , you had the courage of your convictions unlike most of the rags and rats that are amongst us today .
Send us a ''signal '' to say you are safe in the arms of God , if anyone can Bob YOU CAN . WE await your Wink you old dog .
Hasta siempre Bob. Gracias por tu sacrificio. Desde España no te olvidamos, ¡NO PASARAN!