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International - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

Protest in support of Iranian people

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | event notice author Wednesday June 17, 2009 00:31author by Free Iran - Free Iran (Ireland)author email at gmail dot comauthor phone 0872805780 Report this post to the editors

In solidarity with the Iranian people in their struggle against the dictatorship in Iran, the Free Iran Group (Ireland) will be holding a peaceful rally opposite the Iranian embassy in Blackrock on Thursday, 16th June 2009 at 14:00 to 16:00.
Brutally attacked
Brutally attacked

Press release
Following the sham elections in Iran, there have been widespread demonstrations and protests around the country. The widespread arrest of young protestors and opponents of the regime in Tehran and most other cities which began on Saturday has gained new dimensions. Thousands have so far been arrested, dozens killed and many injured. The mullah’s regime opened fire on the peaceful demonstration of a nation who only cried for freedom and democracy in Iran.
In solidarity with the Iranian people in their struggle against the dictatorship in Iran, the Free Iran Group (Ireland) will be holding a peaceful rally opposite the Iranian embassy in Blackrock on Thursday, 16th June 2009 at 14:00 to 16:00.
What we want:
1. Regime change in Iran. After 30 years of dictatorship, the Iranian regime is constitutionally, and ideologically incapable of reform. 8 years under the presidency of Khatami, a “reformist”, has shown that a leopard never changes its spots and ultimately the power lies with the supreme leader and the president is just a puppet.

2. Free elections in Iran under the supervision of the United Nations. Under the mullah’s rule, all candidates of presidential elections have to be qualified by the Guardian Council in order to run in the elections, which rules out any candidates independent of the Velayat-e-Faqih. The people are left to choose between bad and worse. Even then as the recent election has shown, people’s votes mean nothing and they will bring whoever benefits them at the time.

3. Prosecution of leaders in the International Criminal Court. 120,000 have been executed including the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988. 100 types of inhumane torture are used in Iran’s prisons. Those responsible must be held accountable for crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide.

Free Iran Group

Shot dead
Shot dead

author by Free Iran - Free Iran (Ireland)publication date Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Correction on the date: Thursday, 18th June 2009 at 14:00.
Free Iran Group

author by whereismyvotepublication date Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I'll be at the protest and hope that many join. As an Irish Iranian I hope that this message will also be forwarded on to any Iranians in the community. I know it is a difficult time at 2pm, but I think its worth taking off work at showing support. I just welcome the opportunity to show my support.

author by pat cpublication date Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is an awkward time but I hope the demo is a success. Hers info on another demo on Saturday.

Hands off The People of Iran’ calls for solidarity with the masses in their struggle for liberation!

No to imperialist intervention!

Demonstrate Saturday 20th June at 1.00pm - All Welcome
Outside the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
72 Mount Merrion Avenue, Blackrock, Dublin
Demo followed by meeting at 3.30pm
Seomra Spraoi, 10 Belvedere Court, off Gardiner Street

Join us in showing solidarity with the masses in Iran who have taken to the streets in outrage against the rigged elections. This is a revolt against a deeply repressive state. The situation is Iranian is on a knife-edge. Hopi supporters are in daily contact with Iran. We are pushing for maximum solidarity from the working class movement here in Ireland to progressive forces in Iran. The upsurge against theocratic rule should not derailed by reformists from within the Iranian regime itself. Moussavi was himself a demagogue during his 8 years in power. He is not a solution but a danger to the struggle for mass democracy.

Contact Anne on 086 2343 238 or at

author by Sarah Kaplan - Gush Shalompublication date Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What's with this bullshit.? Before you do your mindless prating, driven by an idiot wind, outside the Iranian Embassy, perhaps, you may reflect on reports in The Washington Post and in Counterpunch entitled: Why the US Wants to Delegitimize the Iranian Elections. Are You Ready for War with a Demonized Iran? that the election results in Iran reflect the will of the Iranian people.?

An independent, objective poll was conducted in Iran by American pollsters prior to the election. The pollsters, Ken Ballen of the nonprofit Center for Public Opinion and Patrick Doherty of the nonprofit New America Foundation, describe their poll results in the June 15 Washington Post. The polling was funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and was conducted in Farsi “by a polling company whose work in the region for ABC News and the BBC has received an Emmy award.”

The poll results, the only real information we have at this time, indicate that the election results reflect the will of the Iranian voters. Among the extremely interesting information revealed by the poll is the following:

“Many experts are claiming that the margin of victory of incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the result of fraud or manipulation, but our nationwide public opinion survey of Iranians three weeks before the vote showed Ahmadinejad leading by a more than 2 to 1 margin -- greater than his actual apparent margin of victory in Friday's election.
“While Western news reports from Tehran in the days leading up to the voting portrayed an Iranian public enthusiastic about Ahmadinejad's principal opponent, Mir Hossein Moussavi, our scientific sampling from across all 30 of Iran's provinces showed Ahmadinejad well ahead.

“The breadth of Ahmadinejad's support was apparent in our pre-election survey. During the campaign, for instance, Moussavi emphasized his identity as an Azeri, the second-largest ethnic group in Iran after Persians, to woo Azeri voters. Our survey indicated, though, that Azeris favored Ahmadinejad by 2 to 1 over MoU.S.avi.

“Much commentary has portrayed Iranian youth and the Internet as harbingers of change in this election. But our poll found that only a third of Iranians even have access to the Internet, while 18-to-24-year-olds comprised the strongest voting bloc for Ahmadinejad of all age groups.

“The only demographic groups in which our survey found Moussavi leading or competitive with Ahmadinejad were university students and graduates, and the highest-income Iranians. When our poll was taken, almost a third of Iranians were also still undecided. Yet the baseline distributions we found then mirror the results reported by the Iranian authorities, indicating the possibility that the vote is not the product of widespread fraud.”

As Paul Craig Roberts puts it: Think about the Iranian election from a common sense standpoint. Neither myself nor the vast majority of readers are Iranian experts. But from a common sense standpoint, if your country was under constant threat of attack, even nuclear attack, from two countries with much more powerful military establishments, as is Iran from the U.S. and Israel, would you desert your country’s best defender and elect the preferred candidate of the U.S. and Isral.?

There is an ongoing CIA black ops campaign within Iran at the moment to destabilize it through bombings, assassinations and propaganda, go ahead and further it.?

author by B Travenpublication date Thu Jun 18, 2009 14:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The poll referred to above is a joke.

52% of those polled had no opinion or refused to answer the questions. Such a poll cannot be taken seriously by anyone other than supporters of the Iranian Dictatorship.

"A telephone poll co-sponsored by Terror Free Tomorrow and the New America Foundation, conducted between May 11th and 20th, showed Ahmadinejad with a two-one lead over Mousavi, but 52 per cent of those surveyed either had no opinion or refused to answer, making many analysts wary of the results, especially because it was taken more than three weeks before the heated contest. When the poll was released, it predicted the vote would be “closer . . . than the numbers would indicate” and that no candidate would get the 50 per cent needed to avoid a run-off."

author by pat cpublication date Thu Jun 18, 2009 16:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Just in case theres any doubt as to where HOPI stands, here is a press release which has issued.

Hands off The People of Iran’ calls for solidarity with the masses in their struggle for liberation!

No to imperialist intervention!

Demonstrate Saturday 20th June at 1.00pm - All Welcome
Outside the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
72 Mount Merrion Avenue, Blackrock, Dublin

Demo followed by meeting at 3.30pm
Seomra Spraoi, 10 Belvedere Court, off Gardiner Street

Join us in showing solidarity with the masses in Iran who have taken to the streets in outrage against the rigged elections. This is a revolt against a deeply repressive state. The situation is Iranian is on a knife-edge. Hopi supporters are in daily contact with Iran. We are pushing for maximum solidarity from the working class movement here in Ireland to progressive forces in Iran. The upsurge against theocratic rule should not derailed by reformists from within the Iranian regime itself. Moussavi was himself a demagogue during his 8 years in power. He is not a solution but a danger to the struggle for mass democracy.

Anne McShane of HOPI Ireland said:

Too many have already lost their lives at the hands of the state forces. We call for immediate, unconditional release of all prisoners arrested and for the withdrawal of state forces from the streets. The ban on reporting and on use of the Internet must be lifted immediately. We are pushing for maximum solidarity from the working class movement here in Ireland to progressive forces in Iran. The upsurge against theocratic rule should not derailed by reformists from within the Iranian regime itself.

Yassamine Mather, chair of Hands Off the People of Iran UK said:

It is no surprise that the highly contested results of the presidential elections in Iran have sparked unrest in Tehran and other cities across Iran. The level of cheating on display seems crazy even by the standards of Iran's Islamic Republic regime. Clearly, the results are the final proof that confirms that the whole electoral process is deeply undemocratic and rigged from top to bottom.

Irrespective of the illusions of his supporters, Moussai is no radical opponent of the regime. For eight years, Moussavi served as prime minister of the Islamic republic. He was deeply involved in the arms-for-hostages deals with the Reagan administration in the1980s, what came to be known as ‘Irangate’. He also played a prominent role in the brutal wave of repression in the 1980s that killed a generation of Iranian leftists. During this period, thousands of socialists and communists were jailed, with many of them executed while in prison.

Contact Anne on 086 2343 238 or at

author by Joe Murphypublication date Thu Jun 18, 2009 17:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Congratulations on a good turnout and support from passers-by.
Lets keep the pressure up.

author by gurgle tweetpublication date Fri Jun 19, 2009 00:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's been almost three years since Chavez visited Iran on a tour which brought in Belarus and Vietnam (c/f ) since when the two states rekindled a close relationship which their countries in former times and markedly different nature of states had had : united as oil producers against the anglo-saxon world.

In the last hours the Iranian ambassador to Venezuela has complimented statements made by Hugo Chavez several days ago in support of the acting Iranian president, Mr Ahmadinejad after a lengthy meeting which saw both states review their bilateral economic ties and common geopolitical strategy.
The Chavez support for Ahmadinejad was today relayed by lower figures in Venezuela but will nonetheless be presented by the western media tomorrow. France's "Le Monde" taking the lead.

Swatting flies is not a priority in some places. It is considered more important to kill mosquitos, a useful ability in tropical climates where thanks to WHO funding shortfalls and the disinterest of pharmo-corps, millions of people die every year from malaria.

If today you have learned how to pout in a sexy western way by simply saying "douche" everytime someone photographs you instead of "cheese", you might be ready to advance to the next level. It's your choice. You could learn how to look so sexy everyone knows something huge is rammed up your ass. Easy - say "douche" whilst furrowing your brow. Bingo you've got the porn star look. Or perhaps you might like to know how to kill mosquitos. Today's BBC has offered a guide on how to swat flies just like soft power Obama.

But nobody really knows how to get the little buzzing annoying Easy _ you wait till it stops buzzing. Then you look on the wall within one metre (or yard) of your bed. It will settle in a position which is perpendicular to your heat signal and be just waiting there for its chance to suck your blood as soon as you go asleep. As soon as you have found the fucker you can have it. Unlike Obama's soft power flies it doesn't fly backwards or have particularly good sight or sense of air pressure. All the have is smell and infra red. Of course simply disposing of stagnant water and sleeping under a mozzie net is much better. Malaria after all being a poor peoples' pandemic doesn't get treatment.

it is my considered impression and opinion that Venezuela doesn't really give a shite if household name Ahmadinejed continues. All the want is to make quite clear that their strategy of opposition to Anglo-Saxon imperialism does. They are as such under the mozzie net with both Russia and China. & ironically safeguarding their citizen's who happen to be in Iran and ensuring those people get to send out emails, make phone calls and leave with data.

background to the other kind of globalisation, Chavez in Iran

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