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The Daily Sceptic

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Tahrir comes to Spain

category international | anti-capitalism | feature author Saturday May 21, 2011 14:24author by s Report this post to the editors


Tahrir Comes to Spain

Pissed off with very high unemployment, a political system which is not working, a feeling that banks and the markets matter more than life itself, the youth, unemployed and precarious of Spain launched their revolt last Sunday. Three days on and many squares in the country are occupied and movements are building up under the banner of "Democracy Real, Ya! (Real Democracy, Now!)

"No somos mercancía en manos de políticos y banqueros" (We are not merchandise at the hands of the politicians and the markets)

Inspired by both the recent uprising in North Africa and the peoples revolt in Iceland, for 3 months now, social movements in Spain have been organising to change the system. Last sunday was an international day of action which saw many thousands of people taking to the streets of many cities throughout Spain. Madrid saw the biggest demo. People occupied the main square, placa del sol (the square of sun), but this action was followed by severe police repression as riot cops cleared the square. Tuesday evening saw many many thousand people filling that same square and calls for similar actions throughout Spain...

"Democracy Real, Ya! (Real Democracy, Now!) Manifesto

We are ordinary people. We are like you: people, who get up every morning to study, work or find a job, people who have family and friends. People, who work hard every day to provide a better future for those around us.

Some of us consider ourselves progressive, others conservative. Some of us are believers, some not. Some of us have clearly defined ideologies, others are apolitical, but we are all concerned and angry about the political, economic, and social outlook which we see around us: corruption among politicians, businessmen, bankers, leaving us helpless, without a voice.
This situation has become normal, a daily suffering, without hope. But if we join forces, we can change it. It’s time to change things, time to build a better society together. Therefore, we strongly argue that:

• The priorities of any advanced society must be equality, progress, solidarity, freedom of culture, sustainability and development, welfare and people’s happiness.
• These are inalienable truths that we should abide by in our society: the right to housing, employment, culture, health, education, political participation, free personal development, and consumer rights for a healthy and happy life.
• The current status of our government and economic system does not take care of these rights, and in many ways is an obstacle to human progress.
• Democracy belongs to the people (demos = people, krátos = government) which means that government is made of every one of us. However, in Spain most of the political class does not even listen to us. Politicians should be bringing our voice to the institutions, facilitating the political participation of citizens through direct channels that provide the greatest benefit to the wider society, not to get rich and prosper at our expense, attending only to the dictatorship of major economic powers and holding them in power through a bipartidism headed by the immovable acronym PP (conservatives, built out of old fascist party) & PSOE. (the socialists)
• Lust for power and its accumulation in only a few; create inequality, tension and injustice, which leads to violence, which we reject. The obsolete and unnatural economic model fuels the social machinery in a growing spiral that consumes itself by enriching a few and sends into poverty the rest. Until the collapse.
• The will and purpose of the current system is the accumulation of money, not regarding efficiency and the welfare of society. Wasting resources, destroying the planet, creating unemployment and unhappy consumers.
• Citizens are the gears of a machine designed to enrich a minority which does not regard our needs. We are anonymous, but without us none of this would exist, because we move the world.
• If as a society we learn to not trust our future to an abstract economy, which never returns benefits for the most, we can eliminate the abuse that we are all suffering.
• We need an ethical revolution. Instead of placing money above human beings, we shall put it back to our service. We are people, not products. I am not a product of what I buy, why I buy and who I buy from.

For all of the above, I am outraged.
I think I can change it.
I think I can help.
I know that together we can.I think I can help.

I know that together we can.


Manifesto (English) - http://democraciarealya.es/?page_id=814

further report in English, from the barcelona group: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TocEU6SAWEiwXpIQJ1j...li=1#

Democracy Real, Ya! Video manifesto: Porque somos más, toma la calle (Because we are more, take the streets)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SAfFFpGF3E

Democracy Real, Ya! channel on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/democraciarealya

El 15 de mayo: ¡toma la calle! : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DXJ0qPXrCA

Desalojo de la acampada de Sol y reportaje sobre ¡Democracia Real ya! en Antena 3.

. TWTR: @acampadabcn - http://twitter.com/#!/acampadabcn
FB: acampadabcn - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Acampadabcn/227242160626146

todos somos islandia (we are all Iceland)

Un ágora instalado en el kilómetro 0

La Junta Electoral Provincial de Madrid prohíbe la acampada de la Puerta del Sol

I don’t want a new iPad, I want a new life”

- graffiti during the mobilisation of the 15th of May.

Tahrir comes to Spain  #spanishrevolution
Tahrir comes to Spain #spanishrevolution

Youth Rally in Madrid
Youth Rally in Madrid

Caption: Video Id: 1SAfFFpGF3E Type: Youtube Video
Democracy Real, Ya! Video manifesto

Caption: Video Id: 3DXJ0qPXrCA Type: Youtube Video
M15 El 15 de mayo: ¡toma la calle! (take the streets)

Caption: Video Id: sAmyc_TqO1c Type: Youtube Video
Desalojo de la acampada de Sol: eviction of the camp of sun

author by Dunkpublication date Thu May 19, 2011 12:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Last night was really something quiet special in Barcelona, it is amazing to see how simple yet smart communication is employed in this #Spanish Revolution; The main square now has 3 main sections / work areas / discussion zones; Tahrir, Iceland and Palestine within which there are boards with updates from TWITTER, print outs with decisions made, news etc, updating of numbers on boards informing people about neighbouring Spanish cities which are also occupying squares (presently about 40). A kitchen was set up, food distributed. Small commission meetings (infrastructure, camp, action, communication) fed into the full assembly at 10.30; about 2000 people sitting in a big big circle on the ground to allow for speakers in middle to be heard by all, informing of decisions reached and how things are progressing.

There was also an hour and a half pots and pans noise protest.

There was also a re-entry of the massive derelict building alongside the square which served as the focal point for the anti-system groups before the general strike last sep 29, after which the eviction of this space, led to much street violence that day. (police car torched, 31 people injured after police opened fire with rubber bullets, report on that day with vids etc at http://www.indymedia.ie/article/97786 ) A banner was dropped, not sure if its still occupied, if it will house more activities???

There is also a SUPER TWEET PAGE at #yeswecamp with TWEET feed updates from 47 towns and cities where #spanishrevolution is underway http://www.desarrollosenred.com/yeswecamp/

There is criticism of the movement, both from mainstream and conservative circles, aswell as from the more radical anti capitalist end of the political spectrum ( ie kaos en la reds report at http://www.kaosenlared.net/noticia/15-m-en-bcn-mani-dec...nante ) but personally it feels as if something very important has come into being, last night you could feel it, everybody could. The space is there, the process is there to allow for this thing to grow, all can come in and participate. Already there are many involved in social movements there in the square, the spanish mainstream media are devoting quiet some space to discuss whats going on.

Vamos a ver (lets see)

more info @

Tahrir comes to Spain

Some reports in english, so far

- Young Spaniards rally in election boycott call http://www.euronews.net/2011/05/19/young-spaniards-rall...call/
- Social networks used to call thousands to protest in Spain http://www.euronews.net/2011/05/18/social-networks-used...pain/
Washington Post
- Spanish revolution: Thousands gather in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol Square [VIDEO] http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/spani....html

Real Democracy in action, Placa Catalunya, Barcelona

#SpanishRevolution Map of where the actions are happening in Spain
#SpanishRevolution Map of where the actions are happening in Spain

#SpanishRevolution Democracia Real Ya! (real democracy, now!)
#SpanishRevolution Democracia Real Ya! (real democracy, now!)

#SpanishRevolution - M15 movement is underway
#SpanishRevolution - M15 movement is underway

About 20,000 young people angry over high unemployment have spent the night camping in a famous square in Madrid as political protest grows.
About 20,000 young people angry over high unemployment have spent the night camping in a famous square in Madrid as political protest grows.

#yeswecamp - TWEET feed updates from 47 towns and cities where #spanishrevolution is underway
#yeswecamp - TWEET feed updates from 47 towns and cities where #spanishrevolution is underway

Caption: Video Id: ChaOfA3O3u4 Type: Youtube Video
Real Democracy in action, Placa Catalunya, Barcelona

author by 18 May Minutespublication date Thu May 19, 2011 14:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors


its a mix of catalan and spanish, you can use google translator to assist: http://translate.google.es/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=es...ea%2F

author by Sol TVpublication date Thu May 19, 2011 14:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Just out; live stream vid transmission from the epicentre of the spanish revolution, Puerto del sol. You have to love the tek tools and what they enable...

Puerto del sol en directo (sun gate square live) - http://www.soltv.tv/

Also, The Washington Post gives front page coverage to the Spanish Revolution, which is currently underway all over spain, with the main squares of at least 47 towns and cities being occupied by people demonstrating what REAL democracy really looks like.

Washington Post, todays paper: http://www.washingtonpost.com/todays_paper?dt=2011-05-1...&pg=1

A spring of frustration in Spain

Demonstrators gather and shout slogans in Madrid's famous landmark Puerta del Sol, against politicians, bankers and authorities' handling of the economic crisis May 18, 2011. The demonstrations began on Sunday May 15, when thousands of people gathered in several cities in Spain to demand what they called 'real democracy' and protesters have vowed to occupy central squares in several Spanish cities until the May 22 local elections.

Puerto del sol en directo (sun gate square live) <the revolution is being televised>
Puerto del sol en directo (sun gate square live)

#SpanishRevolution is Washington Post front page news
#SpanishRevolution is Washington Post front page news

author by Dunkpublication date Thu May 19, 2011 14:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

map of pl cat, an info point and shot from last night via Acampadabcn - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Acampadabcn/227242160626146

#spanishrevolution square in Barcelona: with TAHRIR, ICELAND + PALESTINE areas
#spanishrevolution square in Barcelona: with TAHRIR, ICELAND + PALESTINE areas

#spanishrevolution square in Barcelona: info point
#spanishrevolution square in Barcelona: info point

#spanishrevolution square in Barcelona: 1000s gathered last night
#spanishrevolution square in Barcelona: 1000s gathered last night

author by Dunkpublication date Thu May 19, 2011 15:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

- Italian youth have called for a day of action for tomorrow, friday 20th of May
- The protests, as in the case of Spain, have been organised via TWITTER
- 7 Italian cities have confirmed they will participate in the concentrations; Roma, Pisa, Florencia, Bolonia, Padua, Torino, Milán

Lots of actions in support of the "Spanish Revolution" will be happening in front of Spanish embassies in different countries; Birmingham, Amsterdam, Berlin, Varsovia, Paris, Budapest, Estambul o Buenos Aires


#spanishrevolution spreading to Italia + "Spanish Revolution" solidarity actions around globe
#spanishrevolution spreading to Italia + "Spanish Revolution" solidarity actions around globe

author by Dunkpublication date Thu May 19, 2011 17:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

- The #spanishrevolution is growing around the world (La #spanishrevolution se extiende a todo el mundo)

Call for a revolution in Ireland (group on facebook, now sporting the 80+ year old Spanish republcan flag) have called for actions in Dublin on saturday:

Protest: for a true democracy now!
Location: O'connell street (in the spire), Dublin
Time: Saturday, 21 May 2011 14:00
info: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=202503726457580

Theres also events in Cork, cant find links at present.

Second Spanish Republic on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Spanish_Republic

- Nice foto slide show from publico.es at http://www.publico.es/espana/377220/la-mensajes-de-los-...how#0

- Democraciarealya.es: Democracia Real Ya! (article on indymedia london)

A black and yellow fever is taking over Spain, something long-latent in the country for quite a while now, it has suddenly awaken as a growing giant creature: a movement called 'Democracia real, YA' (Real Democracy Now) . Having gained more than 60,000 supporters throughout different social networks over the last three months, the rapidly increasing and pacific movement cemented its standing after a massive demonstration that took place on May 15, 2011 in more than 30 cities all over Spain and gathering thousands without the backing of any entity, political party or union.

It was bound to happen...

With the May 22 council elections approaching and with just over a year left to the next national elections, 'Democracia real YA' does not support any political party: it is a movement by the citizens and for the citizens...

#spanishrevolution is growing around the world > ITALIA
#spanishrevolution is growing around the world > ITALIA

#spanishrevolution > Call for a revolution in Ireland: Called for revolutionary action in Dublin on Saturday
#spanishrevolution > Call for a revolution in Ireland: Called for revolutionary action in Dublin on Saturday

A black and yellow fever is taking over Spain... and now beyond: #spanishrevolution
A black and yellow fever is taking over Spain... and now beyond: #spanishrevolution

#spanishrevolution > revolutionary ideas on front page of spanish papers
#spanishrevolution > revolutionary ideas on front page of spanish papers

author by Dunkpublication date Thu May 19, 2011 19:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

list of international places taking action with the #spanishrevolution

Bruxelles. Viernes 20. Frente a la embajada española. 18.30h.
Berlín. Tiergarten: Frente a la embajada Española. 15:30 h
Birmingham: Victoria Square Viernes, 20 de Mayo. 12:00h AM
Bogotá: frente a la embajada de España (Carrera 92 # 12). Viernes a las 13:00
Buenos Aires. Plaza Mayo. 19 de Mayo. 17:30h.
Bristol. UK. Center City. 22 mayo. 17h.
Edinburgh (UK): 19 de Mayo. 15:00h y 20:00h
Florencia (IT): Piazza Santa Croce.19 de Mayo. 20:00h.
London (UK): Frente a la embajada de España.18 de Mayo.
Mexico DF: Frente a la embajada de España. 12h.
Padova-Italy; Prato della Valle 20/05 18h
París. (FR): Embajada de España. jueves, 19 de mayo · 20:00 – 23:00
Piazza Castello, Turín, Italy Viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011 20:00h.
Viena. Domingo, 22 de mayo · 12:00 – 12:30


Cork, Ireland: 21 May · 08:00 - 14:00 http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=211967275501008
Dublin, Ireland 21 May · 14:00 - 17:00 http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=202503726457580
Manchester (UK): 20 May · 19:00 - 21:00 http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=226962787321239


#SPANISHREVOLUTION > Toma La Plaza (Take the square)
#SPANISHREVOLUTION > Toma La Plaza (Take the square)

author by Keithpublication date Fri May 20, 2011 14:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I fully support the protest as I do Iceland & the Middle East/Mahgreb protests. Spain, however, should be in a unqiue position being the main historical cauldron of anarchism. I hope the protesters can tap into that heritage, & that this then informs any spread beyond their borders.

author by Annepublication date Fri May 20, 2011 16:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Check out the antiauthoritarian movement sweeping up Spain right now!


author by #SpanishRevolutionpublication date Sat May 21, 2011 10:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

TRUE DEMOCRACY NOW! #SpanishRevolution in Ireland (Cork)

True Democracy Now - Solidarity with the #SpanishRevolution (Galway)

Protest: for a true democracy now! (Dublin)

mas infos - http://tomalaplaza.net/

map of global actions - http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=20212...embed

#SpanishRevolution - actions all over the planet
#SpanishRevolution - actions all over the planet

Protest: for a true democracy now! (Dublin)
Protest: for a true democracy now! (Dublin)

TRUE DEMOCRACY NOW! #SpanishRevolution in Ireland (Cork)
TRUE DEMOCRACY NOW! #SpanishRevolution in Ireland (Cork)

True Democracy Now - Solidarity with the #SpanishRevolution (Galway)
True Democracy Now - Solidarity with the #SpanishRevolution (Galway)

author by Dunkpublication date Sat May 21, 2011 14:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The night before at 1am a judicial emergency meeting voted 4-1 (with some abstentions) that the 60+ occupations that happening all over Spain were illegal on Saturday, from 00.00h (12 midnight on that Friday night). In Barcelona, where there were many thousands of people gathered in the cities main square Placa Catalunya people were braced for an whatever might lay in store. There had been previous violence in this square recently during the General Strike on 29 september, but the police didnt come, 1000`s slept out. Something truly profound and special is happening here, in front of our eyes at present, not only for here, but for everywhere. "Another world is possilbe" they shouted, "not only is it possible, its absolutely necessary!"

Currently there is a garden being created in the square, complete with tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, herbs and flowers. This ties in with some thoughts that were shared last night with the assembly about the need to adress the PEAK OIL CRISIS that either will be, or already is, upon us.


#SpanishRevolution pl.cat - barcelona

Message of support to the #SpanishRevolution from the iclandic revolutionary groups
(El impulsor de la revolución islandesa, manda un mensaje de apoyo a los españoles. English )

acampada bcn VIDS: http://vodpod.com/acampadabcn



indymedia Barcelona feature

In Ireland:

Spain protesters defy ban

Spaniards took their protests over sky high unemployment and austerity into a seventh day across the country today, defying a ban on demonstrations in the run up to local elections tomorrow.
Witnesses estimated that at least 20,000 people were on Madrid's main square, despite a law prohibiting political events on the eve of elections which came into effect at midnight and has been upheld by the supreme and constitutional courts.

"I'm protesting because I've got no job future in Spain even though I've finished my degree in tourism," said Inma Moreno (25) on Madrid's Puerta del Sol plaza. "This should make the political classes aware that something is not right."

Last night some among the young protesters, dubbed "los indignados" ("the indignant"), said they feared the police would crack down.

The protests have resonated through Spaniards of all ages, including those who remember unrest which swept much of Europe more than 40 years ago.

"I saw the protests in May '68, and this is a similar movement, of the youth that had to come out on the streets," said Javier Gutierrez, an engineer accompanied by his wife who was making an early exit to get into work the next day.

In UK:

Spanish Revolution spreads to Brighton
+ Spanish Revolution Brighton blog - http://spanishrevolutionbrighton.wordpress.com/

True Democracy NOW! Manifesto and anglophone group
http://tinyurl.com/6fhrbec (this is the group..join in)

Spain reveals pain over cuts
Young protesters have many different demands, but they are united in opposing the government

Spanish defy protest ban ahead of elections (potos)

In US:

Thousands Protest Austerity, Youth Unemployment in Spain

Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Spain protesting a round of austerity measures and calling for a boycott of major political parties in Sunday’s regional elections. The protests began last week with a march denouncing high levels of youth unemployment. A large crowd established a tent camp in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol Square, defying an ordinance barring protests.

Protester: "I’ll attempt to stay here tonight, because I think it is very important to retake the streets that politicians have taken away from us to do their campaigning, preventing us from protesting. That is what we feel every day with lack of resources and a huge limitation of democracy. We cannot continue to tolerate this situation."

The movement’s rallying cry is "real democracy now." Protesters have vowed to remain in the streets, and some have organized citizens’ councils to begin debating proposals.

Updates from PL.Cat:
Updates from PL.Cat:

Caption: Video Id: 68ZMv3hZLh0 Type: Youtube Video
#SpanishRevolution Pl.Cat - Barcelona

Caption: Video Id: cBAgEUCCdq8 Type: Youtube Video
Message of support to the #SpanishRevolution from the iclandic revolutionary groups

author by imc-polandpublication date Sat May 21, 2011 18:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

feature on imc-poland - Hiszpania: 6 dzień protestów

author by iosaf mac diarmadapublication date Sat May 21, 2011 18:35author address Barcelona Cataloniaauthor phone Report this post to the editors

Then it will be in every sense "movement". it is not a movement yet - simply an inordinate amount of young people in city squares and an extraordinary amount of "ordinary people" expressing solidarity with their indignation

But already we can see how the establishment will seek to containt & neutralise the indignation of thousands of citizens.
They refer to as a youth protest: they echo international media coverage which simplifies the issues and reduces it to the pitpat category of "anti-austerity" protest or "anti-unemployment" anger.

It is not a-n-g-e-r ............. it is indignation .

I have lived in Barcelona for more than decade during which I have been activist and participant to many social movements. What is happening at the moment is different in many ways from any other protest meme or strategy which in the past saw city squares occupied. I see little in common with the anti-war protests, the anti-real estate speculation protests, the reaction to the oil slick of the "Prestige"...............................

This is new. Because the common ground of demands which are emerging from the assemblies across the Spanish state & each city concentration is only a reflection of the mass support which is virally hooking up to this phenomena seem to concur with those voted yesterday by the assembly in Madrid & those demands are implicitly constitutional .

I went to the march in Barcelona last Sunday, the Catalan government had just proposed a law to fine any organiser of marches 30,000€ should municipal or private property be damaged during their walkabout. I knew that the usual ruck/riot "of forever" in Barcelona would this time carry a price tag. The posters calling us to "reclaim the streets" had asked us to be pacific. I was (honestly)
surprised that about 5,000 people in such a march with anarchist and Spanish republican flags could do the whole evening without incident. There were the usual black block occupations of empty buildings and banner drops on the route but after 30 minutes to the sound of a fun samba band - even the black blockers had left the buildings and taken their banners with them................

In my professional life I have opportunity to talk to a vast range of ordinary people in Catalonia. I have been taken aback at how many of the core demands or suggestions have been picked up out in the industrial estates of the satelite cities.

& I insist & it is my analysis the outcome of these protest will be a movement not to stop capitalism nor create jobs, not to end US hegemonic liberal finance nor return fiscal sovreignity to the Spanish state......but.........to alter the constitution's framework for the political party laws.

& more.................... it has long been a conviction of mine that these "demands" were essential to the further emergence of democracy in the Spanish state......................................

Let us be clear despite one of my illustrations - this "movement" has so far not called for a General Strike.


(((breaking news : we just got lovely messages of support from Icelandic people - hmmmmmm - maybe they're doing a Tahrir too?¿?¿?¿)))))

I've been tagging and stickering this for the last few weeks : it's happily fitting into the current gig.
I've been tagging and stickering this for the last few weeks : it's happily fitting into the current gig.

i don't think tampering with the constitution will be enough to sort out the leeches......
i don't think tampering with the constitution will be enough to sort out the leeches......

author by #spanishrevolution - Dublin demopublication date Sat May 21, 2011 18:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

first image in from the Dublin support rally / local acampada (gathering / action camp) from todays action, the image is accompanied with the following text: Mostly Spanish people, the Irish must have been at home watching Eastenders.

event on FB - Protest: for a true democracy now!

Image and commentry from FB group: Call for a revolution in Ireland
- http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=188960637822940&...ments

some comments, from the images FB:

- Our apathy makes me sad
- Rugby u muppet
- irish people enjoy being slaves ....very sad
- Me too Antony. I posted to my Spanish friends that I hoped there would be good numbers for this but doubted it. Unfortunately I was right. If I still lived at home I would have gone up to it. I wonder how much it'll take for us to actually go out and protest after what has been done and what is stil happening in Ireland. Does it maybe need the soaps or Sky Sports to be cut off or maybe the price of a pint to go up?! Sad indeed
- Little point in turning out in the freezing cold and rain with little support and no organisation...get real, not all of us live in Dublin and not all of us have access to enough money to get there either. I've been to Dublin to protest a couple of times and only twice was it worth the trip! Apathy its hard not to be apathetic when numbers are so small!
- ireland is a sad nation, dumbed by mainstream medias and i can only hope that they will wake up once and for all. They just live in a time warp 1950's style, they need mummy and daddy to move into life, really sad place to live unfortunately. i don't think irish will ever be like the spanish because they have no balls to do anything whatsoever, just a bunch of sad cases, living in the famine era and dreaming of a better life. pfff i feel gutted that irish people behave like that, still scare of their own shadow:((
- its a confidence issue, you see a reflection of the people in the government we elected (I say we because even if I personally didnt elect any of those in government I am a member of our nation so therefore we elected) our government did not have the confidence to do what was right when it came to the bank guarantee and have not had the confidence do what is right since they believe we are unable to take control of our own future so they handed it away to others of course with the incentive of big bucks in it for themselves.
- I don't have much faith in the Irish ever taking to the streets en masse, we are too easily placated. As you can see above there are plenty of Spanish out above, in the rain.

#spanishrevolution - Dublin demo: image and commentry (irish people enjoy being slaves ....very sad)
#spanishrevolution - Dublin demo: image and commentry (irish people enjoy being slaves ....very sad)

author by SOL en Dublinpublication date Sat May 21, 2011 19:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

more fotos

1 - By Gonzalo Garcia Lasurtegui (Albums) - http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2120282847033....58007

2 - by Javier Gordillo Pintos http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1015019144557655...eater

3 - by Ricardo Pacca http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1015020084550423...eater

Tahrir > España > Dublin (Real democracy now!)
Tahrir > España > Dublin (Real democracy now!)

Tahrir > España > Dublin (Real democracy now!)
Tahrir > España > Dublin (Real democracy now!)

Tahrir > España > Dublin (Real democracy now!)
Tahrir > España > Dublin (Real democracy now!)

author by #spanishrevolution - Dublinpublication date Sat May 21, 2011 22:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

another dublin album - http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.21716096830792...67385

author by Rebel Corkpublication date Sat May 21, 2011 22:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

event: True Democracy Now! #SpanishRevolution in Cork
numbers expected via FB - 389 attending
found at - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=211967275501008

NEXT CORK DEMO - True Democracy Now! #SpanishRevolution in Cork, http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=212928062060985


- Jorge Ruiz Villasante - http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150192848008...28475
- Tomando la Calle en Cork #21M - http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2041084593110&se...ef=nf
- Julia's Photos - http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150189339274...04395

 #spanishrevolution in da peoples republic of cork 1
#spanishrevolution in da peoples republic of cork 1

 #spanishrevolution in da peoples republic of cork 2
#spanishrevolution in da peoples republic of cork 2

 #spanishrevolution in da peoples republic of cork 3
#spanishrevolution in da peoples republic of cork 3

 #spanishrevolution in da peoples republic of cork 4
#spanishrevolution in da peoples republic of cork 4

author by Gailimh abupublication date Sat May 21, 2011 22:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

GALWAY EVENT: True Democracy Now - Solidarity with the #SpanishRevolution
expected turnout: 94
link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=131493406926700

image at - http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=224728460873319&...ef=nf

GALWAY EVENT: True Democracy Now - Solidarity with the #SpanishRevolution
GALWAY EVENT: True Democracy Now - Solidarity with the #SpanishRevolution

author by Global Revolution Corkpublication date Sun May 22, 2011 09:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

After yesterdays successfull #spanishrevolution action in Cork city, the second day of revolutionary action happens today in the PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CORK.... On Da Rebels, Ya!

event post on imc.-ie - http://www.indymedia.ie/article/99848
FB event today - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=211967275501008
BLOG - http://globalrevolutioncork.blogspot.com/

M22 second day of revolutionary action happens today in the PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CORK
M22 second day of revolutionary action happens today in the PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CORK

author by 691 #SpanishRevolution > #Globalrevolutionpublication date Sun May 22, 2011 10:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

ye probably have heard the great news, in only a few days we are up to 640 (thats right six hundred and fourty) + events global in support of the #SpanishRevolution and leading it to global revolution. here in barcelona you can follow the goings on from the free square of placa catalunya at http://acampadabcn.wordpress.com/

anyway, things are chaotic, crazy, beautiful, unorganised, we encourage you to give your energy, support whatever, Do it. cork are leading the charge in ireland... we hope the rest will follow, from here, we hope ye move from demo to OCCUPATION - take the squares, parks, roads and set up live democratic spaces to demonstrate alt and create deeper the change we wish, and NEED...

solidaridad from barcelona

to see the list of actions in the world see - http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/

VIDS FROM Yesterdays

spanish revolution dublin

Solidarity with the #SpanishRevolution in Galway 21-05-2011

#SpanishRevolution > #Globalrevolution: 691 places around world currently in state of REVOLUTION
#SpanishRevolution > #Globalrevolution: 691 places around world currently in state of REVOLUTION

Caption: Video Id: TtcyHZKBEGE Type: Youtube Video
spanish revolution dublin

Caption: Video Id: U3l_j7nWtIE Type: Youtube Video
Solidarity with the #SpanishRevolution in Galway 21-05-2011

author by #SpanishRevolution > #Globalrevolutionpublication date Sun May 22, 2011 11:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

UK developments: London - Manchester - Brighton - Cardiff


"They all must go!" ...

BLOG - See Democracy London

Last minute information from the #acampadalondres

Last minute information from the #acampadalondres
Tonight around 50 people has spent the night outside the Spanish embassy, and today more people are coming since 11:00.

Right now more than 250 people are gathering and more people are expected along the day.

- Manchester

‘Nobody expected the Spanish Revolution’ (Sunday 22 May 2011)

In Manchester, England many Spanish young workers and students joined a 200 strong protest outside the Spanish consulate on Friday. ‘We are here because we want a new society which gives priority to the people, and not to the economic and political powers,’ explained Diana, who has helped organise the protest. See Face Book Page Spanishrevolution manchester

Roberto is from Spain and works in Manchester as a teacher. ‘I was with everyone on the TUC 26th March demonstration, and I joined the march in Manchester against the cuts. What you are fighting for and what we are fighting for is the same. We invite you to join us in support of the Spanish Revolution,’ he told campaigners collecting names for a message of support for teachers who are preparing to join the strikes across the UK on 30th June.

A further 80 people protested on Sunday in front of the Queen Victoria statue. Manchester Council worker Mike Killion was well received when he addressed the rally. ‘The revolutionary current from Egypt has reached the shores of Europe,’ he said. ‘This is just the beginning.’

BLOG - http://realdemocracymanchester.blogspot.com/2011/05/man....html

FB - #Spanishrevolution!! Apoyo desde Manchester http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=226962787321239


Spanish Revolution spreads to Brighton

Spanish Revolution Brighton: Let's act and fight for a Real Democracy Now

- Cardiff
Democracia Real Ya Cardiff

vid - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxBsptnNfBw

 Spanish Revolution Brighton: Let's act and fight for a Real Democracy Now
Spanish Revolution Brighton: Let's act and fight for a Real Democracy Now

Caption: Video Id: kxBsptnNfBw Type: Youtube Video
Spanish Revolution Brighton: Let

author by #SpanishRevolutionpublication date Sun May 22, 2011 19:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

found at http://www.paperpapers.net/2011/05/una-gran-foto-una-gr....html

it shows an activist climbing up to change the name of the square, to rename it to PLACA DE QUINZE DE MAIG (15th of May Square)

Also, limerick now on board... http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=218240811531155

WSM article - Peripherals Revolt: Spanish Square Occupation Movement Challenges Austerity and Worthless Elections - http://www.wsm.ie/c/spanish-square-occupation-movement-...erity

Furious at the burgeoning unemployment and a political system that offers them nothing but two main parties who only compete to out do each other in the savagery of the cuts they propose, the protesters have called for a boycott of both main political parties at the elections. For the rest they are creating their agenda by means of mass assembly meetings, using horizontal and grassroots democratic methods. The corporate media is completely unnerved by their inablility to find any leaders or figureheads amongst the movements and the wildest of conspiracy theories about who might be "behind it all" circulate in their reports. But the protesters themselves are completely united on their determination to express themselves and participate in creating change directly, without need for representatives or intermediaries.


article - Spanish Revolution solidarity demonstration in Ireland -

- Spanish Revolution solidarity demonstration in Ireland - http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2086679007173....16053
- Spanish revolution solidarity - http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150308772828...28377

vid - Spanish Demonstration in Dublin - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBvDAA5rL_w


WSM article - Spanish Revolution in Cork... - http://www.wsm.ie/c/spanish-revolution-cork-may

Workers and students from the areas of Spain living here in Cork protested today on the Grand Parade in support and solidarity with the movement for ‘Real Democracy’ in their homeland. Over a hundred turned up in pouring rain to voice and sing their anger at the failure of capitalism and lack of hope and possibilities that is offered to us under the present ‘free market’ regime.

The protesters called on Cork people to support and join them and we did! The protest continued throughout the afternoon and was marked by its noisiness and determination. One young protestor, Javier, told me that the protest in Spain ‘linked with those in Tahrir Square’ (in Cairo in Egypt) but ‘they are about different issues’. The ‘system has failed and we need a new way’, he added. ‘The protest will continue here in Cork each Saturday. We are in solidarity with those in Spain.’

That Valencia photo : PLACA DE QUINZE DE MAIG (15th of May Square)
That Valencia photo : PLACA DE QUINZE DE MAIG (15th of May Square)

Caption: Video Id: kBvDAA5rL_w Type: Youtube Video
Spanish Demonstration in Dublin

author by #acampadaBilbaopublication date Sun May 22, 2011 19:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

#acampadaBilbao Streaming en directo!!!
web - http://bilbao.tomalaplaza.net/
stream - http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bilbaocamp

Bilbao Streaming live
Bilbao Streaming live

author by take the squarepublication date Sun May 22, 2011 19:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

via tek hub pl-cat - toma la plaza - take the square ( http://tomalaplaza.net/ + http://takethesquare.net/ )

hope it helps those organising in cork, dublin, galway, limerick... and wherever else... abrazos


author by iosafpublication date Sun May 22, 2011 20:51author address barcelona cataloniaauthor phone Report this post to the editors

The true test of this emergent movment comes tomorrow when the winners (predictable as always) of the Spanish state's municipal elections decide which suit they're going to wear for their investiture ceremony some fine hot summer day soon.

The assembiles and the chatter twitter and popular penetration of this viral proto-movement has called for an end to corruption.

Alas........................ all the known corrupt politicians have been elected again.
indeed the PP in Valencia has increased its share of the vote beyond the mean swing to the right.

The right wing are back in power. that spain.,................ so at least it is small solace that Bildu the electoral alliance of post marxists and basque seperatists creataed as a fudge to bypass the Spanish state's illegalisation of basque seperatism have it appears swept to muncipal power in the four historic capital cities of the "Basque regoin".

But their election through this system was afforded thanks to well atriculated arguments of jurisprudence amidst an unprecedented formulaic and poltical expression by the abertzale that they did indeed deserve to have their votes counted and their votes be recognised (unlike the last decade) as being the exercised franchise resulting in office

public service,.

dark suits.

posh dinners.

press conferences.



it remains to be seen if the indignation movement whose calls to reject corruption and the parties of the establishment has now demonstrably been ignored can continue to hog twitter and facebook valuable communication / propaganda resources ,through tomorrow and indeed beyond to the mañana mañana but at least one indignant nation is to see its local government run the way its majority appear to want

........................................ don't any of you think we really have less to get uppity about than the gracious folk who sat on Tahrir square?????????????

this week saw diverse spaniards address the historical and constitutional problems of the "party political laws" - meanwhile the Basques came home.
this week saw diverse spaniards address the historical and constitutional problems of the "party political laws" - meanwhile the Basques came home.

author by Z.NETpublication date Mon May 23, 2011 09:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Notes from Barcelona’s Tahrir Square
By Esther Vivas and Josep maria Antentas

There is no doubt about it. The wind that has electrified the Arab world in recent months -- the spirit of the repeated protests in Greece or the student struggles in Britain and Italy, the mobilizations against Sarkozy in France -- has come to the Spanish State.

These are not then days of “business as usual”...

Spain’s Tahrir Square
By Pablo Ouziel

author by via Trade Union TVpublication date Mon May 23, 2011 12:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ya Basta! Solidarity with #spanishrevolution in Dublin

Hundreds took part in a joyful protest in Dublin in solidarity with the Europe Summer protests in Spain. This is a flavour of the Dublin solidarity protest.

This is the Manifesto of the Spanish Revolution- just watch the video!


(excellent video) Ya Basta! Solidarity with #spanishrevolution in Dublin
(excellent video) Ya Basta! Solidarity with #spanishrevolution in Dublin

Caption: Video Id: LmZCi8p64Wc Type: Youtube Video
Ya Basta! Solidarity with #spanishrevolution in Dublin 21st May 2011

author by Take the squarepublication date Mon May 23, 2011 12:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Spanish revolution on the streets of Cork...Again! (WSM)

Following on from Saturday's Spanish Revolution solidarity protest in Cork City there was another big crowd on the street of the city Sunday. As the issues that have brought the people of Spain out to protest are just like those affecting people in Ireland and across Europe, there was many calls to make this movement international.

The solidarity group here plan to return to the Grand Parade every day this week to hand out information and discuss the events in Spain with passersby. This will be between 11am and 1pm, and from 6pm to 8pm. Come along and find out what's going on!



- Asamblea para Democracia Real/Assembly for a True Democracy, 24 May · 18:00 - 22:30, LASC 5 Merrion Row Dublin 2 : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=132836556791863

(group page - Por una democracia real Ya!. Dublin se une. For a true democracy now Dublin - http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_222829654395291 )


Global Revolution Cork: During this week there will be in Cork City informative groups. EVERY DAY


- Limerick ( For a true Democracy) Solidarity with the #SpanishREvolution, 28 May · 14:00 - 17:00 - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=218240811531155


True democracy NOW Ireland - http://www.facebook.com/pages/True-democracy-NOW-Irelan...94214


Take the square; online toolkit for global revolutionary direct action for REAL democracy
Take the square; online toolkit for global revolutionary direct action for REAL democracy

author by Dr Gonzopublication date Sat May 28, 2011 00:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Indeed its big news for Spain.

If successful it will spread through Europe already Greek protesters of beginning to follow example and camping out in Squares with the French talking about possible action.

Some new articles that you should be reading on the protests.

Pepe Escobar on the protests and what they mean - http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Global_Economy/ME25Dj02.html

Role of Social Media in the Spainish Revolution - http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110526/tc_afp/spainprotes...ernet

Guardian coverage of some of the recent main points - http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/27/spanish-pro...olice

Video of Police Brutality in Spain (around the 30 sec mark) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtaNg8c8OtU&feature=play...edded

author by iosafpublication date Sat May 28, 2011 12:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

we do all know where were going with all this, don't we?

M27 saw a call to return to Tahrir Square, Egypt answered by several thousand after mid day prayers. Reports estimate that between 300 and 500 stayed in static protest overnight.

[...."Increasing numbers of protestors are still heading to Tahrir Square hours after Friday prayers. The protest which began with several thousand increased, reaching at least a hundred thousand by midday despite the extremely hot and sandy weather. Street vendors could be seen on every corner selling water and head caps to demonstrators who were struggling at first with the hot sun until the weather began to ease up after a cloud drifted over Tahrir Square, sprinkling drops of rain. Four stages were erected around the square, each with a different focus. The stage constructed by the Youth Coalition, near Talaat Harb Street, became the square's focal point after Friday prayer when the Imam sermonised from the stage, stressing that “the demonstration is not planned to challenge a certain body but to put forward demands.” The socialist Popular Alliance Party stage closer to Abdel-Moneim Riad Square, however, was more expressive of its anti-military council sentiment. It also focused mainly on social demands including the application of a minimum and maximum wage..........."] http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/13075/Egyp....aspx

this event ought not only remind "Spanish Revolution" in the Spanish state and its now refining component in Catalonia as much as all who are happily slogging up on the method & handbook of how to foment mass pacifist movements of class indignation that it all began in Tunisia & Egypt.

& it hasn't finished.

meanwhile on the other side of the Egyptian military council ruled "post-Tahrir Sq 1" land : yesterday border restrictions were raised between that state and the bits next to the Israeli and Gaza bit......oh yes..... but such geopolitics aint about more bread or a minimum wage.

M27 : Tahrir Square Egypt returns with thousands calling for minimum wage & hundreds sleeping over in static protest.
M27 : Tahrir Square Egypt returns with thousands calling for minimum wage & hundreds sleeping over in static protest.

author by Magopublication date Sun May 29, 2011 00:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"It´s about keeping those ants in line..."
"It´s YOU who need US...!"
Any resemblance...

author by Dunkpublication date Tue Jun 14, 2011 23:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Take the square > take the parliament

1,500 are presently occupying the space outside the Catalan Parliament in Barcelona at present. The gates were closed all day and inside are loads and loads of riot cops. Today was called for a day of direct action, to gather in the park and to camp out, a moving acampadaBCN, so that tomorrow morning the politicians would not be able to enter the parliament in Ciutadella park to vote on and pass the OMNIBUS bill, which is more general cuts especially in health.

So as it stands at present, it looks like 100's or 1000's will camp out. The second call out is for people to arrive at 6.30 in the morning to prepare to blockade the park from the outside, thereby not allowing the politicians in. It is expected that the Mossos (catalan police, remember them from M27 day of violence - http://www.indymedia.ie/article/99883 ) will arrive at about 7.30 to clear the way, but with perhaps a few thousand people, this could get messy.

Tune in tmrw to the live stream, suppose from 6am irish time at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/acampadosbcn + follow all developments on the acampadaBCN aturemelparlament section http://acampadadebarcelona.org/aturemelparlament/

Heres some photos:

1000's blocking the road to the parliament : foto at http://twitpic.com/5bl3p3

la avinguda de la indignacio
The street outside the parliament gets renamed: Avenue of indignation

No Passaran (They will not pass - the call of all those who fought and opposed facism during the spanish civil war)

baix llobergat community arrive, making up the numbers http://lockerz.com/s/110691798

taking the space at the gate to the park http://www.flickr.com/photos/acampadabcnfoto/5833939570...2001/

follow TWEETs #parlamentcamp http://tinyurl.com/6e8m92y @Aturemparlament http://tinyurl.com/6el9237

Baix Llobergat arrive to TAKE THE PARK
Baix Llobergat arrive to TAKE THE PARK

Avenue of indignation: The street outside the parliament gets renamed
Avenue of indignation: The street outside the parliament gets renamed

1500 People blocking the gates to the Catalan Parliament in Barcelona
1500 People blocking the gates to the Catalan Parliament in Barcelona

No Passaran - They will not pass. The people of Barcelona have had enough
No Passaran - They will not pass. The people of Barcelona have had enough

People have taken the streets, now they want to reclaim their lives...
People have taken the streets, now they want to reclaim their lives...

author by vid streampublication date Tue Jun 14, 2011 23:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

live vid stream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tots-som-pla%C3%A7a-catalunya

latest vid: 14/15-06-2011 Parlament de Barcelona

Caption: Video Id: 7_k5FMqw5G4 Type: Youtube Video
Parlament de Barcelona - 1000s taken to the streets

author by j14publication date Wed Jun 15, 2011 00:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Police in Barcelona move to stop "peaceful" budget protest
Security forces attempt to clear area around regional assembly ahead of Wednesday's vote

The permanent camps across Spain set up by the May 15 Movement may have been largely dismantled, but the campaign has taken on a more fluid motion in Barcelona, where on Tuesday evening hundreds of people tried to converge on the Catalan regional assembly with the aim of derailing Wednesday's scheduled debate on the Generalitat's budget.

Police shut down access to the area around the city's Ciutadella Park on Tuesday evening, denying access to the protestors, who had convened despite the regional interior department ordering its closure on Monday.

The organizers informed protestors through social network sites that at least 14 marches originating in the city would meet up in the park. They had planned to spend the night outside the parliament building and at 7am on Wednesday morning form a "human cordon" to prevent members from entering, which is a crime under article 494 of the Penal Code. "But they have never applied this article," one of the spokespeople for the movement said, adding that the protest would be "peaceful, massive and determined." Camping in the city is also prohibited under municipal bylaws. "Not everything legal is fair and not everything fair is legal," say the protestors.

The leader of the Popular Party in Barcelona, Alberto Fernández Díaz, said it was time to dislodge the "remaining anti-system protestors from Plaça Catalunya and reclaim the square for the city."

Cierran hasta el jueves los accesos al Parlament para evitar la protesta de los 'indignados' (includes good vid)

Los indignados aceptan acampar en el paseo de Picasso y no delante del Parlament (includes good vid)

author by indignadopublication date Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

helicopters, gunshots, riot vans screaming, armed cavalcade blocked and turned away... M15 > J15

helicopters, gunshots, lines of riot vans screaming around, police cordoned hi speed car cavalcade blocked in streets and turned away by protestors, old guys in the streets giving that sideways hand shake... A month into the #SpanishRevolution and things are really heating up.

author by #SpanishRevolutionpublication date Sun Jun 19, 2011 14:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In Barcelona the city will soon be filled by INDIGNADOS, by the sounds of it, everyone is going to the streets today for the mani at 5. Images coming in from Madrid, that is already chockerblock... Tune in on the live stream, or follow the tweets

1000's of INDIGNADOS block the streets of Madrid to gather in front of the Parliament
Miles de “indignados” recorren las calles de Madrid para concentrarse frente al Parlamento
UPDATES - http://www.3cat24.cat/minutaminut/2250/

vid - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=albsCH2SiKA
TWITTER - #19Jmani http://tinyurl.com/6k4ukb3
stream - http://www.livestream.com/spanishrevolutionsol

Democracy, Where is it???
Democracy, Where is it???

People are taking to the streets (L`Hospitalet @ Barcelona)
People are taking to the streets (L`Hospitalet @ Barcelona)

J19 - People of Europe are RISING UP (Madrid is allready filling up)
J19 - People of Europe are RISING UP (Madrid is allready filling up)

Caption: Video Id: albsCH2SiKA Type: Youtube Video
J19 - People of Europe are RISING UP

author by indignadopublication date Mon Jun 20, 2011 09:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Wow, what a day, we knew it was going to big, everyone was saying "see you in the streets", but WOW, was it massive. The official figure is "over 100,000 people" in the streets of Barcelona alone under the banner "The streets are ours". The mossos figure is significantly smaller and the highest has said there were a quarter of a million people in the streets yesterday. The demo met in Placa Catalunya at 5pm and soon took to the streets, across to Urquinaona, down Via Laetina, across Passeig Colom, into the park (where all that "violence" happened last week, thanks to agent provoceteurs http://www.indymedia.ie/article/100013 ) and up to the front of the Parliament. Apparently there was a tense moment there with the mossos, some of the younger folk seemed to get tense, but the older ones told them not to worry, to relax and to continue on as "We are going slowly, because we are going far". By 7pm there were still people leaving Placa Catalunya... massive massive display of people in favour of change, fed up with the lies, fed up with media manipulation, fed up with many things, but yesterday, in the streets with such joy, such creativity, such connectedness, it felt truly magic. The display was massive, it looks like indeed this movement is growing, massivly. It feels like indeed we will succeed in changing things.

Here is some mainstream Spanish reports, many lead with images of Barcelonas Via Laetina filled to the brim. Ironically, given all the talk of media manipulation (especially in Barcelona after Wednesdays "violent" set up) el Razon have been busted for doing a bit of photoshopping on their front page (making the demo look smaller than it was??)

-Una indignación masiva y pacífica: (A massive and peaceful Indignation)
El movimiento 15-M se hace más grande - (the 15-M movement has gotten bigger)

- La jornada de movilizaciones del 19-J, en directo (19-J, day of mobilisations, live; TIMELINE OF A GREAT DAY)

- Decenas de miles de indignados toman en paz las calles de España
Los activistas de BCN pasan con nota la reválida con la manifestación más numerosa de la jornada
El movimiento 15-M contra los recortes consolida y multiplica su cariz masivo, plural y no violento
(Más de 100.000 personas desfilaron en Barcelona y casi 50.000 en Madrid, las dos ciudades con más participación.)

- Miles de 'indignados' finalizan la marcha con la lectura de un manifiesto en Pla de Palau
Un grupo de jóvenes que ha increpado a dos supuestos agentes de paisano, único incidente de una manifestación fundamentalmente cívica | Los organizadores han reducido a los disidentes al grito de 'No a la violencia' | La protesta reúne a 100.000 personas en el centro de Barcelona

Although the manifestation of the # 19-J has developed smoothly and within the framework of a festive nature, a small group of dissidents has led past the 18.15 afternoon moments of tension when two officers allegedly discovered the Catalan police dressed in 'civilian' in the march. Young people, some dressed in clown wigs, have started to rebuke the alleged agents, when organizers of the march have been reduced to shouting No violence dissidents and accompanied the two men to another area before the whistle a crowd of attendees.

'Indignació' "multitudinària", "massiva", "pacífica" i "festiva" a la premsa

La 'indignació' no s'atura, portada de l'ARA

Polèmica a 'La Razón' per la imatge d'un home sense cap a la manifestació de Madrid

IN Europe

Germina la semilla
Los jóvenes de varios países europeos empiezan a contagiarse de la indignación española

La marea del 19-J recorre España y Europa (

15M grows
15M grows

Huge Indignation
Huge Indignation

Massive and peaceful indignation
Massive and peaceful indignation

festive indignation
festive indignation

El razon - try (not very professionaly) to diminish the size of our indignation
El razon - try (not very professionaly) to diminish the size of our indignation

author by PEACEFUL INDIGNADOpublication date Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Més de 200.000 manifestants a Barcelona: Multitudinària indignació contra el Pacte del Euro i les retallades (crònica, fotos i vídeo) cat/cast

[Seguimiento manifestaciones del 19J] Decenas de miles de "Indignados" en las calles para defender la libertad y la democracia real frente al capital

[Estado español] Recopilación de Crónicas y Vídeos del 19-J más allá de Madrid y Barcelona

Multitudinaria marcha de los "indignados" en Barcelona


quarter million people take to the streets of Barcelona - PEACEFULLY and with fun and joy
quarter million people take to the streets of Barcelona - PEACEFULLY and with fun and joy

The system is violent - we are peaceful
The system is violent - we are peaceful

Caption: Video Id: o-PAKOL6MNE Type: Youtube Video
Multitudinaria marcha de los "indignados" en Barcelona

Caption: Video Id: kCGlQYYoU3w Type: Youtube Video

author by Indignadopublication date Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

‘Indignant’ protesters set up camp in Brussels

The marathon march is over for Europe’s so-called ‘indignant’ protesters who have converged on Brussels from several countries.

Defying a ban, hundreds of demonstrators set up camp in the city’s Elizabeth Park. They want to make their voices heard and denounce EU-ordered austerity cuts. But first they simply celebrated reaching their journey’s end.

Organisers said more than 100 had marched from Spain where the ‘indignados’ movement became a phenomenon this spring.

“I am thriled,” said Daniel from Galicia. “A small dream has come true, for those who came along with us, too.”

Protesters will make their presence felt during this month’s EU summit in the Belgian capital, where Europe’s debt crisis is set to top the agenda.

vid - 'Indignant' protesters set up camp in Brussels

48 arrested and later freed, articles in spanish

La primera noche de indignación global se salda con 48 detenidos

La policía comienza a liberar a los 'indignados' detenidos en Bruselas

Madrid > Brussels : We are going slowly, because we are going far
Madrid > Brussels : We are going slowly, because we are going far

paso a paso... step by step toward global revolution... Oct 15th should be a very exciting day
paso a paso... step by step toward global revolution... Oct 15th should be a very exciting day

Caption: Video Id: fOtJmhlLppI Type: Youtube Video
'Indignant' protesters set up camp in Brussels

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