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national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Wednesday September 15, 2021 00:31 by On behalf of Tracey O'Mahony
Urgent - Please Lobby your TDs to stop extension of the draconian Covid emergency dictatorial powers Part 2 of the Health (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2021 (which facilitated the introduction of domestic vaccine passports for indoor dining and will soon likely facilitate an extension of the premises that may ask for vaccine passports as a requirement of admission) will expire unless extended by both House of the Oireachtas prior to 9 October 2021. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / crime and justice / news report Sunday September 12, 2021 00:32 by Stephen Manning
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A woman in Co. Mayo who had an asthma attack and went to Mayo hospital was sedated after entering hospital and then put in the Covid ward, placed in an induced coma and put on a ventilator. This was against her wishes and instructions because she had given her sister power of attorney before entering hospital. Despite this the corrupt management at the hospital threw here two sisters off the hospital grounds at 4am and denied her instructions. There appears to be a sinister policy to maintain the Covid fear and bump up the hospitalization and death statistics. read full story / add a comment![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Sunday September 05, 2021 21:33 by 1 of Indy
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Video footage has emerged of Paris police beating the living dayllights out of a French woman who tried to go shopping without a Covid Pass. The situation is already bad in Australia and New Zealand where they are in crazy lockdowns and Macron in France is doing everything he can to force mandatory vaccinations through by forcing the Covid "Freedom" Pass. These passes do NOT give back your freedom. Your freedom is yours as and is not something to be handed out to you by politicians with the option to take away at any time. It is well past the time for people to wake up to what is going on and what is coming down the line read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / public consultation / irish social forum / news report Saturday September 04, 2021 00:47 by 1 of Indy
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At long last if not very very late in the day Irish doctors are finally beginning to speak out in greater numbers. Unfortunately according to the governments own figures at least 85% of all adults in Ireland have been jabbed so since the long term effects are unknown, there is potentially huge damage, harm and misery stored up in the population that could have been prevented. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Thursday September 02, 2021 19:01 by AUSSTIM
In a victory for people power, the South Australian government has backflipped on its mandate that interstate truck drivers must have had at least one Covid vaccine shot before entering the state. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / arts and media / news report Wednesday September 01, 2021 21:08 by RiseUp
Jam for Freedom Irish Tour, united with RiseUp Éireann @jamforfreedom @galwayriseup Jam for Freedom is spearheading the pro-freedom revolution happening worldwide as a response to restrictions on our basic human rights to work, travel and live. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Wednesday September 01, 2021 20:24 by 1 of Indy
![]() Dr. John Ioannidis is a Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Population Health, and Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University. He was labeled "one of the most influential scientists alive" by The Atlantic and is one of the top cited scientist in the world averaging >6,000 new citations per month. In March of 2020, Dr. Ioannidis published an opinion essay arguing against school closures, social distancing measures, and lockdowns. In April of 2020, he published the Santa Clara study which put the infection fatality rate (IFR) at much lower than previously feared, around 0.17%. In June of 2020, he published a meta-analysis of 23 studies which pegged the IFR around 0.26%. This is highlights from a 2-hour presentation that he gave on June 25, 2021 where he discusses the 10,000 fold different in fatality rates between children and the elderly, the failure of lockdown policies, and much much more. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Sunday August 29, 2021 12:37 by 1 of Indy
I’ve just been informed via someone senior in the vaccination authorities that they will begin VACCINATING ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN AGED 12 - 15 years old STARTING SEPTEMBER 6th 2021. WITH OR WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT. Children are at no measurable risk from SARS-CoV-2 & no previously healthy child has died in U.K. after infection. Not one. The vaccines are NOT SAFE. The USA reporting system VAERS is showing around 13,000 deaths in days to a few weeks after administration. A high % occur in the first 3 days. Around 70% of serious adverse events are thromboembolic in nature (blood clotting- or bleeding-related). read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Friday August 27, 2021 19:01 by John
A protest is suppsoed to take place in Dublin onn the 28th of August. It seems it has been advertised on the Yellow Vest Ireland FB page... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Thursday August 26, 2021 14:55 by 1 of Indy
![]() ![]() Dr Anne McCloskey who is the only GP in her area around Derry in Northern Ireland treating patients nearly all of whom are suffering from adverse effects from the experimental gene therapy jabs otherwise known as vaccines. She recently made a video highlighting the serious things happening, her ongoing work and her concerns. As a result the cowards in the Northern Ireland Health and Care Board -or should that be Non-Care, have suspended her. We urgently need people to make contact with the authorities to get her reinstated. read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Thursday August 26, 2021 10:51 by HoldTheLine
We are looking for volunteers to help with any city that wishes to take part in the World! We require local knowledge and people to help organise things; like choosing a busy central starting point where we are able to easily build a line of people linking arms and holding signs! It will be great to connect cities and ultimately go across whole countries and even continents if we can drum up the support! read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / crime and justice / news report Tuesday August 24, 2021 23:42 by Liberty Stream
On Aug 3rd last two were killed after a bus went out of control and hit a pedestrian on Cork road. Subsequently it was discovered the bus driver who also died had a heart attack. Whistleblower source inside Bus Eireann also informed the people of Ireland that Mark Willis RIP had also suffered serious side effects being ill and had time off weeks before the crash. His statements are now in the public domain so it will not be possible for an Garda Siochana to get away with closing their investigation with a - "nothing to see here" rubber stamp. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Tuesday August 24, 2021 15:33 by BRIAN
brilliant! how russians crushed moscow’s dumb vaccine passports in just 3 weeks What are we as free Americans/Europeans to do about this? Well, we already have one good example of citizens defeating a tyrant mayor’s vaccine passports – in Russia, of all places. https://humansarefree.com/2021/08/brilliant-how-russians-crushed-moscows-dumb-vaccine-passports-in-just-3-weeks.html read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday August 23, 2021 00:29 by 1 of Indy
The German vaccination machine is beginning to falter. In quite a few general practitioners’ offices, vaccinations are no longer being administered. More and more doctors are withdrawing from the corona “vaccination” campaign according to figures from the Robert Koch Institut, accessed by the newspaper Welt am Sonntag. read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Sunday August 22, 2021 01:02 by 1 of Indy
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In recent years the Covid tyrannical lunacy in Australia has reached ever more insane levels with further lockdowns and an announcement by the govt they were going to put 20,000 kids in a stadium for forced vaccinations without their parents being present. There are now unconfirmed reports this has already happened and two children have died immediately. And whether related or not, today there were huge protests in Melbourne as protestors broke through police lines. It is being reported that Livestream has blocked there with scenes of police brutality apparently off the scale.In Melbourne there is a curfew from 9pm and 5am and huge fines for breaking restrictions like travelling to the next county. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Friday August 20, 2021 23:55 by On behalf of Tracey O'Mahony
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This is probably one of the most important videos that Tracey O'Mahony, Barrister at Law has made and it concerns a letter issued by Beaumont Hospital regarding the unvaccinated status of transplant patients and the fact that unless they were vaccinated they would be denied medical treatment and transplants. Please share this widely and everyone is encourage to write to Beaumont objecting to this. See the template below read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / news report Tuesday August 17, 2021 18:48 by 1 of Indy
![]() UK Column was recently able to interview top French vaccine expert Professor Christian Perronne on the subject of Covid-19 vaccines and Dr. Anne-Marie Yim. This is probably one of the most devastating interviews on the whole Covid scam for it covers how the government and medical bureacrats imposed polices on doctors last year to NOT intervene or treat Covid patients and to tell them only to come into hospital 12 days later when they were critical. The policy then was to put them on incubators. Subsequently it was discovered this was completely disasterious and was killing people. It certainly looks like this was planned to drive up the death rate which it did. Then they briefly discuss how the PCR test generates 97% false positives at the cycle rate used in testing and how and why the variants like the delta variant are NOT dangerous and it is all scaremongering. They also discuss how the vaccine is not a vaccine but is gene therapy and it is completely useless and dangerous. There is a lot more but if you have not watched anything so far outside of the mainstream then this is the one to watch and his blows everything apart. If you are on your way to get a vaccine then stop and listen to this first and take in and absorb what they are saying. The only thing that remains is to press serious criminal charges and charges of scientific fraud on a whole range of medical "experts" and scientists, leading media figures and of course politicians who are driving this insane criminal destruction of our society and freedoms. read full story / add a comment
international / health / disability issues / news report Saturday August 14, 2021 23:41 by 1 of Indy
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This latest video message from Dr Mike Yeadon former scientist at Pfizier explains how the Covid vaccine is not a vaccine as we know it, how dangerous it is, the lack of testing and lots more. This is a must listen interview for everyone read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum / news report Tuesday August 10, 2021 11:07 by dr
This open Letter was published in the Irish Medical Times and was addressed ro the minister for health and asks why the highly effective drug Ivermectin has been blocked read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / news report Monday August 09, 2021 00:12 by 1 of Indy
Dr Peter McCullough in this interview last month explains how the spike protein is causing very serious damage to the body and says this Vaccine should have been taken off the market at least last Feb as it long past the threshold number of deaths for that to occur. read full story / add a comment |