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offsite link This Site Will Soon Be Hosted at anti-em... Sun Sep 22, 2024 17:24 | Anti-Empire

offsite link Ukraine Shoots Down F-16 With Patriot, A... Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:53 | Anti-Empire

offsite link Surprise Offensive Puts 300 km² of Russ... Fri Aug 09, 2024 08:44 | Marko Marjanović

offsite link The Wholesome Photo of the Month Thu May 09, 2024 11:01 | Anti-Empire

offsite link In 3 War Years Russia Will Have Spent $3... Thu May 09, 2024 02:17 | Anti-Empire

Anti-Empire >>

Human Rights in Ireland
Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link News Round-Up Tue Oct 22, 2024 01:24 | Will Jones
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
The post News Round-Up appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link ?RIP Peter Lynch, a Political Prisoner of Keir Starmer? Mon Oct 21, 2024 19:18 | Will Jones
Peter Lynch, who was sentenced to almost three years for his part in the summer riots despite not being violent himself, has died in a suspected suicide. He was Two-Tier Keir's political prisoner, says Isabel Oakeshott.
The post “RIP Peter Lynch, a Political Prisoner of Keir Starmer” appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Met Police Officer Who Shot Dead Chris Kaba Found Not Guilty of Murder. Why Was He Ever Charged? Mon Oct 21, 2024 17:24 | Will Jones
A police officer who shot dead black man Chris Kaba in south London after he tried to ram his way out of a police roadblock has been cleared of his murder. But why was he charged in the first place?
The post Met Police Officer Who Shot Dead Chris Kaba Found Not Guilty of Murder. Why Was He Ever Charged? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Commonwealth Set to Appoint Chief Who Favours Demanding Slavery and Climate Reparations From Britain Mon Oct 21, 2024 15:38 | Will Jones
Commonwealth leaders are set to elect a new head of the organisation who favours demanding that Britain be made to pay slavery and climate reparations.
The post Commonwealth Set to Appoint Chief Who Favours Demanding Slavery and Climate Reparations From Britain appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link David Davis Says He?s 90% Certain Lucy Letby is Innocent and Will Campaign for a Retrial. He?s Right... Mon Oct 21, 2024 13:38 | Timothy Bradshaw
David Davis says he's 90% certain Lucy Letby is innocent and will campaign for a retrial. He's right to do so, says Timothy Bradshaw: the case against her is collapsing by the day.
The post David Davis Says He’s 90% Certain Lucy Letby is Innocent and Will Campaign for a Retrial. He’s Right ? The Case Against Her is Collapsing by the Day appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Lockdown Skeptics >>

Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N°104 Fri Oct 18, 2024 13:59 | en

offsite link China Releases Report on U.S. Internet Spying Fri Oct 18, 2024 13:30 | en

offsite link Israel attacks the United Nations , by Thierry Meyssan Tue Oct 15, 2024 06:58 | en

offsite link Israel Ready to Drop Nuclear Bombs on Iran's Peaceful Nuclear Facilities, Scott ... Tue Oct 15, 2024 06:56 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N°103 Fri Oct 11, 2024 12:15 | en

Voltaire Network >>

dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Wednesday February 07, 2024 21:35 by indy   text 2 comments (last - friday march 01, 2024 01:23)
Sunday World is reporting on the forced shutdown of a soup kitchen in Dublin for the homeless because the group were not registered as a charity.. However the group say due to the excessive regulation imposed that if they registered as a charity their costs would escalate and they would be forced to make it commercial. And this appears to be exactly the goal of the government to stop any voluntary soup kitchens and so prevent the likes of 200+ homeless people showing up to be fed on Grafton street.. It embarrass es the government too much

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dublin / crime and justice / news report Wednesday January 31, 2024 19:00 by Eugene Cafferky

High Court Order No. 2021 / 2308P Exposes an Escalating European Constitutional Crisis under Article 40.1 of the Constitution and Article 2 of the Treaty of Europe. The State failed to Defend in Constitutional Case No. 2021 / 2308P as there is NO Defence against Article 40.1 / Art.2.

The Case Challenged all Court Summons and Orders as being unconstitutional under Article 40.1 and Article 2. The Order also exposes the fact that the DPP is NOT entitled to Prosecute while they ignore H.C. Order No. 2006 / 1114P which was Validated by the Supreme Court in Order No. 334 / 2007 and means that like the DPP , all 450 Million E.U. Citizens are IMMUNE to Court ORDERS as that Equality is Guaranteed under Article 40.1 and Article 2.

This S.C. Case Law is being used by Lay Litigants to Terminate Mortgage Arrears Litigation by Banks and Vultures with 100% success. There is additional S.C. Case Law No. 308 / 2009 which means that 450 million E.U. Citizens do NOT have to Defend in any Court Case and the Court MUST RULE in their FAVOUR , that Equality is Guaranteed under Article 2 of the Treaty of Europe. We have requested that Ursula Von Der Leyen send a Legal Observer to H.C. Constitutional Case No. 2017 / 8031P as the Case involves S.C. Order No. 308 / 2009 which has DISSOLVED every Court in the E.U. due to the power of Article 2. Lay Litigants are Prosecuting Perjury by multiple State Solicitors , suing Judges who loose their Privilege when they ignore the Constitution and Article 2 , also , suing Gardai personally as an arrest is now a Kidnapping and False Imprisonment , Gardai work under the DPP who is powerless.

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dublin / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Thursday October 19, 2023 23:27 by ipsc   image 1 image

At the time of writing, Apartheid Israel has cut off all aid, water and power to over million people trapped in the Gaza Strip. It has engaged in widespread and indiscriminate bombing, killing almost 3,500 people, one third of them children. Civilian infrastructure has been decimated; homes, offices, hospitals, schools and universities have all been targeted, as have medics and journalists. One million people have been displaced. The health system is on the brink of collapse. read full story / add a comment
dublin / health / disability issues / news report Friday March 03, 2023 22:47 by Anon   text 1 comment (last - saturday march 11, 2023 06:53)   image 1 image   video 2 video files
This protest took place last week where evidence was brought to the HPRA about the deadly vaccines that are leading to the huge rise in excess deaths in this country and everywhere else/

Delivery today at the HPRA HQ, Dublin to Lorraine Nolan CEO of the Health Products Regulatory Authority, Ireland (HPRA),
and Chairwoman of the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

Is she somehow unaware of the current risk/benefit analysis data for the jabs ... Especially re healthy children and young people.
If so that can only be, at the VERY LEAST, CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE

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dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Tuesday February 07, 2023 22:25 by Wake Up Ireland   image 1 image
Please join us at 1 pm This Saturday to gather as a nation & join in unison with our brother's & sister's around the globe in calling out RTE & MSM for the lying , fear mongering , scumbag Traitor's that they are. They are Complicit in the Medical Genocide of our people including young people & babies, They must be held to account & brought to justice for their crimes against the humanity of eiRe & their empire of corruption & lie's must be dismantled for Good . read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Tuesday December 06, 2022 22:08 by Free Speech Ireland   text 1 comment (last - wednesday december 07, 2022 00:39)   image 2 images

The Hate Speech Bill is an anti democratic bill and is all about shutting down free speech under the pretext of hate speech. A reading of the proposed legisalation as analysed by Tracey O'Mahoney shows the terms and definitions and conditions are so loose that it can and will be used to silence anyone who questions the narrative or government. This bill must be opposed.

Mattie McGrath TD
Professor Gerard Casey
Senator Sharon Keogan
Ian O'Doherty read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Sunday November 13, 2022 21:58 by pm   image 2 images

A Rally to Defend Free Speech demonstration in Dublin is being organised for Saturday 3rd December 1pm O’Connell Street, Dublin

If you care about your right to free speech and don’t want the government to have the authority to police what you can and cannot say, then be there.

The future of Irelands culture depends on you to be there.

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dublin / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Monday October 24, 2022 20:47 by Camp4Truth   image 1 image   video 1 video file
Can you support the #STOPtheWAR event Tues 25th Oct at 12:30 outside the Dept of Foreign Affairs
Stephens Green South read full story / add a comment
dublin / public consultation / irish social forum / event notice Thursday September 08, 2022 23:03 by Campaign for Truth & Civil Rights   image 1 image
There is no plan to develop our resources & economy to serve the people of Ireland

End the Rip - Off - Public Rally for Economic Justice
On the return of the Dail

Truth & Civil Rights
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dublin / miscellaneous / other press Thursday July 14, 2022 19:57 by Some Angry Cunts
Statement on Cops at Dublin Pride

On the 25th of June, while Gardai were marching in the Dublin Pride Parade and being celebrated by corporate and liberal gays, we decided to ruin their party. Companies and cops have no place in Pride. Large parts of our community still face attacks from Gardai on a daily basis. They are complicit, if not the key player, in our oppression, yet are invited to march in a parade that is rooted in a struggle against them. Have you forgotten Stonewall? We have not. This is why, on the 25th of June, we welcomed them with smoke bombs and flares. Led by sex workers and accomplices, this action was carried out in retaliation against the violence they perpetrate against our community. read full story / add a comment
dublin / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Monday July 11, 2022 22:32 by Yellow Vest   image 3 images   video 1 video file
Yellow Vest Ireland prepare to take to the Streets of Dublin once again as the establishment continues to make life more difficult for the people.

Bring your Tri-Colours and wear your Yellow Vest.
#TimeForChange read full story / add a comment
dublin / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Wednesday June 08, 2022 00:21 by Indy   image 2 images   video 1 video file
The Far Left both in Ireland and elsewhere completely abandoned all principles they ever had by supporting lockdowns and denying bodily integrity during the Covid crisis. In many cases they supported the Zero Covid policy which would have led to further destruction of lives through lockdowns. It is widely acknowledged the lockdowns were ineffective and counter productive and hit the disadvantaged and poor the most, the very people, the working class that the Left purports to give a voice too. Not only that Lockdowns were used to strip all of us of our rights and freedom, in other words our basic human rights which the Left apparently fought for over the years. Worse still the Left has always promoted itself on a platform of women's rights and yet during lockdowns it is widely acknowledged that domestic violence increased greatly. Despite all of this the Left supported them. Lastly during the decades the Left has spent campaigning for abortion their central platform has always being bodily integrity. Yet when people -the very ones they claim to speak for, were often coerced and intimidated into taking the deadly vaccine or else loose their job, they never spoke out against it. This was against a backdrop of the entire media establishment cheer leading for it -the very same media the Left has so rightly criticizied in the past. Yet this time they sided with them.

In short the Left during Covid sold out on everything they stood for and it was against this backdrop the some people attended the local community meeting with speakers from the Socialist Party and others to ask if they were so concerned about workers where why weren't they concerned when many had gone through economic hardship and lost their jobs during Covid. And importantly would they support more lockdowns and the plan of the government to sign the WHO pandemic treaty which will strip us of any sovereignty.

As you can see these questions were too uncomfortable and instead resorted to the media tactic of accusing them using the same old tired cliches used by the mainstream media. read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Tuesday May 10, 2022 00:11 by Campaign for Truth & Proper Healthcare   text 3 comments (last - sunday june 05, 2022 12:07)   image 3 images   video 2 video files   1 attached file

The first rally against the WHO Pandemic Treaty has been organised on Wednesday 25th May at 12 noon at Dáil Éireann to coincide with the 75th World Health Assembly annual meeting that takes place in Geneva between 22nd and 28th May.

A WHO Pandemic Treaty will have significant ramifications on our constitutional, civil and human rights.

Rally at Leinster House on Wednesday 25th.

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dublin / crime and justice / event notice Tuesday April 26, 2022 23:31 by The People's Newspaper   image 1 image
Demanding: Justice for Wards & Families, Proper Legal Due Process, Reporting for Families,
Dail Oversight of Funds & Redress for Money Lost by State

Peaceful Public Assembly outside Leinster House
Kildare Street, Dublin - Wednesday 27th April at 12 o'clock
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dublin / public consultation / irish social forum / event notice Friday April 15, 2022 00:00 by RiseUp Eireann   image 1 image
Join RiseUp Éireann, we are bringing this to the President of Éireann’s door,

See you Easter Sunday Rising 17 April’22 @ 1pm @ Áras an Uachtaráin, Phoenix Park, Dublin, Éireann 🇮🇪☘️ read full story / add a comment
dublin / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Tuesday March 15, 2022 23:33 by Campaign for Truth & Proper Healthcare   image 1 image   video 1 video file

Our Human & Civil Rights are as important today as they were 2 years ago.... the worse restrictions may have gone, but our rights are now regarded as mere privilage, to be granted or withdrawn as Government sees fit.

No EU Digital Green Certificate

No W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty

No Emergency Powers

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Michael O'Dea
dublin / arts and media / event notice Tuesday March 15, 2022 11:28 by Odeaml   image 1 image
O'Dea's first full collection since 2003 is to be launched in Drop Dead Twice on Francs St. on Friday, 25th March at 9.000pm. read full story / add a comment
dublin / public consultation / irish social forum / event notice Thursday March 10, 2022 21:31 by Sovereignty   image 1 image
Phoenix Park 🏞 #FutureIreland 💞 🌱 Being the change we want to see 🎯 growing food, designing own meitheal (heart-based) 👍 economy

Raising our kids in such love,
the word"war" is rendered obsolete

Sovereignty #FutureIreland

Restoring health to everyone and the land
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dublin / crime and justice / photo-essay Thursday December 30, 2021 21:31 by A Res i Dent   image 3 images   video 2 video files
A vigil was held by the family and friends of George Nkencho this evening at Blanchardstown Gardai Station, Main Street, Blanchardstown to mark the first anniversary of his death at the hands of the Gardai. read full story / add a comment
dublin / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Wednesday December 29, 2021 21:50 by RiseUp Dublin   image 1 image
Hold The Line -The Media Are Lying - Swords, Co Dublin - Fri 31st Dec @ 2pm

Riseup Dublin

Meet Ryanair building, Airside, Swords, Dublin

New Years Eve Fri 31st Dec from 2pm to 4pm read full story / add a comment
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