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offsite link Ukraine Shoots Down F-16 With Patriot, A... Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:53 | Anti-Empire

offsite link Surprise Offensive Puts 300 km² of Russ... Fri Aug 09, 2024 08:44 | Marko Marjanović

offsite link The Wholesome Photo of the Month Thu May 09, 2024 11:01 | Anti-Empire

offsite link In 3 War Years Russia Will Have Spent $3... Thu May 09, 2024 02:17 | Anti-Empire

offsite link UK Sending Missiles to Be Fired Into Rus... Tue May 07, 2024 14:17 | Marko Marjanović

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Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link ?Colossal Waste of Money?: Climate Alarmists Turn on Carbon Capture Sat Sep 07, 2024 07:00 | Chris Morrison
Climate alarmists have turned on carbon capture and storage, branding the green technology a "colossal waste of money". Its real crime in their eyes, says Chris Morrison, is allowing the wicked oil companies to carry on.
The post “Colossal Waste of Money”: Climate Alarmists Turn on Carbon Capture appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link News Round-Up Sat Sep 07, 2024 01:35 | Toby Young
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
The post News Round-Up appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Irish Schoolbook Pulled Over ?Potato-Munching Xenophobic Family? Stereotype Fri Sep 06, 2024 18:00 | Will Jones
The publisher of a schoolbook intended to promote diversity has apologised after portraying a typical Irish family as cabbage-chewing, potato-munching xenophobes.
The post Irish Schoolbook Pulled Over “Potato-Munching Xenophobic Family” Stereotype appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Prison Population Hits Record High After Influx of Rioters Fri Sep 06, 2024 16:19 | Will Jones
The prison population has hit a new record high after an influx of rioters were jailed or remanded after last month's disorder ? as the Government prepares to release thousands of prisoners early due to overcrowding.
The post Prison Population Hits Record High After Influx of Rioters appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Why Do Europeans Support Populists? Fri Sep 06, 2024 14:00 | Noah Carl
What?s happened in Europe over the last ten years is simple. A sizeable number of voters wanted less immigration but none of the mainstream parties represented them. Populist parties came in to fill the gap.
The post Why Do Europeans Support Populists? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Lockdown Skeptics >>

Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N°97 Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:14 | en

offsite link The New Iranian Foreign Policy Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:12 | en

offsite link Press lies about the Venezuelan presidential election, by Thierry Meyssan Tue Aug 27, 2024 06:59 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N°96 Fri Aug 23, 2024 15:28 | en

offsite link China chooses international law, distances itself from Israel and reunifies the ... Fri Aug 23, 2024 15:18 | en

Voltaire Network >>

national / miscellaneous / news report Monday November 22, 2010 00:20 by Sparky   text 8 comments (last - saturday november 27, 2010 01:57)   image 3 images   video 1 video file
Ógra activist Injured by State car at IMF protest read full story / add a comment
cork / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Sunday November 21, 2010 23:03 by Paul McAndrew   text 6 comments (last - tuesday november 23, 2010 10:40)   video 2 video files
From Kate Ni Shuilleabhain:

"A vigil at the selling of Ireland's Sovereignty 6pm National Monument
Grand Parade tomorrow. Please invite as many as possible read full story / add a comment
They should be ashamed
national / anti-capitalism / news report Sunday November 21, 2010 22:14 by seedot   text 3 comments (last - monday november 22, 2010 00:07)   image 3 images
RTE cut off a press conference as the government agrees to sell our sovereignty. read full story / add a comment
Islamic finance & banking: A solution to Irelands financial fiasco!
dublin / anti-capitalism / event notice Sunday November 21, 2010 21:26 by FOSIS Ireland   text 2 comments (last - friday november 26, 2010 14:26)   image 1 image
In light of the major decisions taken by the Irish government which has largely divided our nation over with many critics have come out including former Irish Taoiseach John Bruton et al (some of those articles are included below) and even in other countries like France where Eric Cantona has set up an international bank protest which is to take place on the 7th December 2010 and has attracted a lot of attention

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national / crime and justice / press release Sunday November 21, 2010 15:51 by RNU PRO   image 1 image
REPUBLICAN NETWORK for UNITY (RNU) Ard Chomhairle member, CARL REILLY has responded to the continuous denial of human rights of Republican Prisoners in Maghaberry Gaol. read full story / add a comment
dublin / animal rights / event notice Sunday November 21, 2010 13:50 by Laura Broxson

As part of this year's 'Fur Free Friday', organised by the Anti Fur Coalition (for more details see: http://www.antifurcoalition.org/worldwide-fur-free-frid....html), we'll be having a protest outside Barnardo Furs, on Friday 26th November. Please join our fight against Ireland's fur industry by attending this important event.

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national / worker & community struggles and protests / opinion/analysis Saturday November 20, 2010 15:57 by pat c   text 4 comments (last - sunday november 21, 2010 18:48)
Union leaders are now calling for the Cowen/Gormley mob to go. Jimmy Kelly kicks the ball rolling with a call to join in ICTUs demo November 27th. But thats hardly enough.Jimmy at the time said that UNITE was forced into the Croke Park deal. The record of te ICTU leadership must be examined. Its their craven policies which gave the Cowen Junta the ability to cut wages even further and to now plan to demolish the Health, Welfare and Education sectors.

Support the ICTU Demo but no illusions in ICTU. We need a new Union leadership. One that fights to make the rich pay for the crisis.

Jimmy Kellys statement is below.

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kildare / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Saturday November 20, 2010 12:56 by Colin Coulter
Fundraiser in Maynooth for the next Irish Flotilla to life the Siege of Gaza read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Saturday November 20, 2010 11:17 by RNU PRO   image 1 image
REPUBLICAN NETWORK for UNITY Spokesperson, MARTIN Óg MEEHAN has criticised charges against RNU members for their involvement in the recent Student protest outside the Department of Finance in Dublin.

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international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Saturday November 20, 2010 10:09 by Madam K   text 7 comments (last - tuesday november 23, 2010 16:26)
Anti-IMF Sky News hijack Dublin 18/11/2010 read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / opinion/analysis Saturday November 20, 2010 09:18 by Edward Horgan   text 4 comments (last - monday november 22, 2010 12:30)
We urgently need a national strike, this comming week, to force the corrupt incompetent Fianna Fail/Green regime out of government. If we fail to do so we deserve some of the shame and devestation that is being heaped upon us. We need to take back our country from the shysters and liars who claim to be governing on our behalf. We need to act now or forever live in shame as the children of Ireland suffer and are forced to emigrate.
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90th Anniversaries - Wynns Hotel , Dublin, Sunday 28th November 2010.
national / history and heritage / event notice Friday November 19, 2010 21:59 by Sharon.   text 1 comment (last - tuesday november 23, 2010 14:53)   image 3 images
ON Sunday, November 28th , 2010 , Republican Sinn Féin will remember the 90th anniversaries of a number of notable events in Irish history. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Friday November 19, 2010 21:36 by Mark Stephens
On the morning of 21 August 2010, my client, Julian Assange, read in the Swedish tabloid newspaper Expressen that there was a warrant out for his arrest relating to allegations of “rape” involving two Swedish women.

However, even the substance of the allegations, as revealed to the press through unauthorized disclosures do not constitute what any advanced legal system considers to be rape; as various media outlets have reported “the basis for the rape charge” purely seems to constitute a post-facto dispute over consensual, but unprotected sex days after the event. Both women have declared that they had consensual sexual relations with our client and that they continued to instigate friendly contact well after the alleged incidents. Only after the women became aware of each other’s relationships with Mr. Assange did they make their allegations against him. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / news report Friday November 19, 2010 12:50 by 1of99   text 4 comments (last - thursday november 25, 2010 12:56)   image 2 images
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions have called a national demonstration on 27th November in Dublin which will see tens of thousands take to the streets. But many are very unhappy with the ICTU leadership and a march called on the basis of 'fairer' cuts and a return to the disasterous policy of Social Partnership. The 1% Network will be taking part in the demonstration not to support the demands of the ICTU leadership but to outline what we see as the alternative. This is not in the expectation that the ICTU leadership can be convinced but because we want to make the argument to the thousands of workers who will take part that it is up to all of us to organise what is needed, a general strike, despite that leadership. read full story / add a comment
Assembling outside Áras na Mac Léinn
galway / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Friday November 19, 2010 00:36 by TD   text 6 comments (last - saturday november 20, 2010 15:51)   image 4 images   video 2 video files
Today, in Galway, the Union of Students in Ireland intensified its ongoing campaign against threatened registration fee hikes and cuts to the student grant in the forthcoming budget with a march of some 2,000 students from NUIG - another is planned for Cork in early December - to Galway city centre via University Road, Eglington Street and Shop Street to the Spanish Arch plaza, where the demonstrators were addressed by several key speakers. including USI President, Gary Redmond, NUIG SU President Peter Mannion and GMIT SU President, Colin Canny. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / press release Thursday November 18, 2010 16:43 by Shonagh Byrne

The 'Your Right Your Fight' CE Workers campaign met with Minister O Cuiv, Minister for Social Protection on 17th November 2010 to raise concerns on the possible removal of the One-parent Family Payments & Disability payments for CE Workers. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Thursday November 18, 2010 13:39 by Paddy Hackett
My piece endeavours to show that there is no essential difference between the politics of John Molyneux from the SWP(UK) and Michael Taft from the UNITE union. read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Thursday November 18, 2010 12:21 by Grace Walsh
Speakers: Senator David Norris and Jon Mc Court

Background: VSI was founded in 1965 and Service Civil International SCI in 1920. Together we are celebrating 45 and 90 years of working for peace through international volunteering in Ireland and in over 70 countries worldwide. SCI was founded in the aftermath of World War 1 and the first project was the restoration of villages and communities destroyed by the war near Verdun in France. The project brought together volunteers from the previous warring nations –Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Austria and was a positive attempt at reconciliation and international understanding. Today VSI and SCI continue that tradition in our work for peace in Ireland and around the world.
We are very happy to have David Norris and Jon Mc Court with us today to share their ideas and views on working for a more just and peaceful world.

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national / eu / news report Thursday November 18, 2010 11:29 by Andrew   text 23 comments (last - monday november 22, 2010 07:27)   image 1 image
It's now official, the Irish state is in talks with the EU and the IMF about a so called 'rescue plan' to bail out the Irish capitalist class from the disaster created by the international crash of the capitalist economic system. A crisis that was magnified in Ireland by the corruption of local crony capitalism on the one hand and the dependency of the economy on 'globalization' on the other. Trapped between such a cast of crooks and idiots it is perhaps not surprising that many in Ireland hope things will be improved when the running of our lives will be handed over to those who many hope might have a clue. read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Thursday November 18, 2010 09:39 by Martin O'Sullivan
Campaign Against The Cuts To Beaumont Hospital Public Meeting in St John Vianney Hall Ardlea Road Artane at 8pm on Monday 6th December

In beaumont hospital two wards were closed earlier this year with a further closure of another 10 beds recently. This means that at least 62 beds have been closed already this year. Further threats to services to renal patients are also being made. Patient services to these patients have been curtailed – down from two wards to one. Meanwhile as these wards lie empty the a&e crisis in beaumont continues to become more and more chaotic read full story / add a comment
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