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RSF replies to false accusations

category national | miscellaneous | press release author Wednesday March 01, 2006 16:29author by Publicity Officer. - Republican Sinn Féinauthor email saoirse at iol dot ie Report this post to the editors

A police report of a planned sit-down protest by Republican Sinn Féin on the occasion of last Saturday's (February 25) loyalist march which has been quoted in Leinster House is without foundation. It is mere speculation and is not true.

The matter of the loyalist march through the centre of Dublin was discussed repeatedly at Ard-Chomhairle meetings. Our information on the growing level of disquiet and opposition to it was much more accurate than that which it appears was available to the "powers that be".

We sought to give this situation a political focus and the sole woman staff member who was in An Ard-Oifig on Monday, February 20 did not refuse to give the facts to a Garda Inspector when he visited without notice.

All was in the open and was carried on the front page of the January and February issues of SAOIRSE. Republican Sinn Féin carried out its protest picket as planned and departed from the scene in an orderly manner when the march was cancelled.

Earlier we had laid a wreath at the memorial to the 33 people killed in the Dublin-Monaghan loyalist bombings in 1974. All through our time in Cavendish Row we were corralled off by police barriers and an open space from the crowd which gathered in O'Connell Street.

In point of fact we were never in O'Connell Street but located ourselves in Cavendish Row, a small street which connects Parnell Square and O'Connell Street. Banner, placards and leaflets were all there for public scrutiny and the media were constantly in attendance throughout our presence there and can vouch for what we are saying.

The principal leaflet was entitled "An address to the People of Ireland" which made a special appeal to those of the Unionist political persuasion. It asked them to reconsider our ÉIRE NUA programme for a new four-province Federal Ireland including a nine-county Ulster in which unionists would have a working majority, but nationalists would be within reach of power.

We held a press conference three days earlier (Wednesday, February 22) in a Dublin hotel at which we gave interviews to UTV among others. Nothing was hidden but false accusations have been made. Rumour and public house talk is no substitute for accurate information.

We declared this loyalist march to be ill-advised. We believe any attempted repetition of it to be even more ill-advised.


Related Link: http://www.rsf.ie
author by Frankpublication date Wed Mar 01, 2006 18:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

well done to rsf for setting the record straight

author by philpublication date Wed Mar 01, 2006 18:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors


THE 26-County political establishment once more demonstrated the gulf of understanding that lies between them and ordinary Irish people when they chose to ignore warnings of serious disturbance if they allowed a loyalist march proceed through the centre of Dublin.

In the aftermath of the riots, which ensued on February 25, and the abandonment of the loyalist march Republican Sinn Féin pointed to where the true responsibility for the chaos in Dublin lay. In a statement RSF Vice President Des Dalton said: "The scenes witnessed in Dublin today only serve to illustrate how out of touch the 26-County political establishment was with the depth of opposition to the routing of a loyalist march through Dublin.

"Indeed 26-County Justice Minister Michael McDowell's willingness to meet with the organisers of this march while at the same time refusing to meet with the relatives of those killed in the British-directed loyalist Dublin and Monaghan bombs or the relatives of the Stardust tragedy, only serves to further highlight the gulf that exists between the 26-County political establishment and the views of ordinary Irish people.

The people of Dublin have shown their rejection of the ideology of sectarian hatred and bigotry represented by those who organised this march. The routing of such a march through Dublin was a completely irresponsible act with scant thought given to the consequences or the dangers it posed to people."

Since the march was first mooted in December of 2005 Republican Sinn Féin made it clear it intended to protest. On February 22 it held a press conference in Dublin to announce details of its protest however most of the Dublin based media chose to ignore it. The February edition of the newspaper SAOIRSE under the headline "Oppose Loyalist march" called on people to support a protest against the march as well as outlining the three reasons why Republican Sinn Féin were organising a protest.
These were also included in a leaflet distributed at the protest and were:

* "One of the bodies sponsoring the Loyalist march, FAIR, claims a near monopoly on suffering in Ireland over the past 40 years. The facts are more than 1,000 innocent uninvolved nationalists were killed by British-backed loyalist death squads. Of the 698 Protestants killed during the conflict in the Six Counties 340 died at the hands of loyalists. FAIR should be marching on the UDA and UVF in Belfast rather than through the centre of Dublin.

* Republicans stand in solidarity with the beleaguered nationalists of the Garvaghy Road, Ardoyne, Dunloy and other such areas. The 26-County administration by collaborating with this march has in effect turned its back on all, north and south, who suffered at the hands of British-backed loyalist death squads down the decades.
* The question which has not been asked is whether nationalist parades, of whatever kind, or even Civil Rights marches would be allowed through the centre of Portadown or Belfast's Royal Avenue? The British forces would certainly block them.
* When the British Government finally leaves Ireland, there will no longer be a question of supremacy of Unionists over Nationalists and all interests will be welcome to parade wherever they chose."

On the day RSF carried out all of the activities they said would, this included gathering in Talbot Street, Dublin at the Memorial to the victims of the loyalist bombing of Dublin and Monaghan in May, 1974 in which 34 died.

Republican Sinn Féin President, Ruairí Ó Brádaigh, read out the names of the victims and he also read out the names of 13 civilians who were murdered in the 26-Counties by loyalist death squads.

He recalled having been at the funerals of the victims and that he has attended the unveiling of the memorials in 1991. He pointed out that the 26-County administration had refused to meet with the victim's families and that it was only in the past two weeks that Bertie Ahern agreed to meet with the relatives of the Stardust fire which claimed the lives of 48 young people in 1981.

A minutes silence was observed when Ruairí Ó Brádaigh laid a wreath after which those assembled made their way to O'Connell Street where at the Parnell Monument many more members, supporters and members of the general public gathered with placards to oppose the loyalist march from Parnell Square to Leinster House where representatives of the Orange Order were to meet with Michael McDowell, the 26-County justice minister.

A banner which read Unite Protestant Catholic & Dissenter...To break the Connection with England was carried by members of Dublin Republican Sinn Féin.

The lambeg drums could be clearly heard from the top of Parnell Square where, dressed in full loyalist regalia and carrying the Union Jack, the bands assembled. Within a short time trouble flared between groups of protestors who emerged from side streets and were not part of the RSF protest, and the 26-County police - many of whom were in full riot gear. It soon became obvious that the loyalist march would not be going ahead due mainly to the large numbers of people protesting.

Republican Sinn Féin continued their protest at the Parnell Monument and later moved to Cavendish Row until the loyalists boarded their busses and left Parnell Square.

The loyalists were bussed to Leinster House and the bands formed up there - again in full regalia and carrying the Union Jack. However a crowd of protestors having been told by the 26-County police that the Loyalists had been bussed to Leinster House followed them there and they had to pack up once again. However representatives of the march held a meeting with Michael McDowell in the Berkley Court Hotel.

In the days that followed Republican Sinn Féin, who throughout had provided leadership and a political focus to those opposed to the loyalist march deflected attempts by the 26-County administration to blame them for the riots. In interviews and statements on all of the national as well as some international media Republican Sinn Féin spokespeople including its President, Ruairí O Brádaigh, its two Vice Presidents Josephine Hayden and Des Dalton as well as publicity Director Ruairí Óg Ó Brádaigh highlighted that the 26-County political establishment had lost touch with ordinary Irish people in their rush to normalise British rule in Ireland as well as appease Unionism/Loyalism and its sectarian ideology.

On March 1, Ruairí Ó Brádaigh, President, Republican Sinn Féin, in a statement, refuted false accusations made in Leinster House:

"A police report of a planned sit-down protest by Republican Sinn Féin on the occasion of last Saturday's (February 25) loyalist march which has been quoted in Leinster House is without foundation. It is mere speculation and is not true.

"The matter of the loyalist march through the centre of Dublin was discussed repeatedly at Ard-Chomhairle meetings. Our information on the growing level of disquiet and opposition to it was much more accurate than that which it appears was available to the "powers that be".

"We sought to give this situation a political focus and the sole woman staff member who was in An Ard-Oifig on Monday, February 20 did not refuse to give the facts to a Garda Inspector when he visited without notice.

"All was in the open and was carried on the front page of the January and February issues of SAOIRSE. Republican Sinn Féin carried out its protest picket as planned and departed from the scene in an orderly manner when the march was cancelled.

"Earlier we had laid a wreath at the memorial to the 33 people killed in the Dublin-Monaghan loyalist bombings in 1974. All through our time in Cavendish Row we were corralled off by police barriers and an open space from the crowd which gathered in O'Connell Street.

"In point of fact we were never in O'Connell Street but located ourselves in Cavendish Row, a small street which connects Parnell Square and O'Connell Street. Banner, placards and leaflets were all there for public scrutiny and the media were constantly in attendance throughout our presence there and can vouch for what we are saying.

"The principal leaflet was entitled "An address to the People of Ireland" which made a special appeal to those of the Unionist political persuasion. It asked them to reconsider our ÉIRE NUA programme for a new four-province Federal Ireland including a nine-county Ulster in which unionists would have a working majority, but nationalists would be within reach of power.

"We held a press conference three days earlier (Wednesday, February 22) in a Dublin hotel at which we gave interviews to UTV among others. Nothing was hidden but false accusations have been made. Rumour and public house talk is no substitute for accurate information.

"We declared this loyalist march to be ill-advised. We believe any attempted repetition of it to be even more ill-advised."

It was reported on February 27 that loyalists returning from the abandoned Love Ulster march in Dublin were responsible for riots in Portadown, Co Armagh, in the early hours of February 26. Six RUC/ PSNI officers were injured during the trouble, involving more than 100 people in the High Street and Edward Street areas.

Local people reported that a loyalist crowd attacked customers leaving two nationalist-owned bars in the town. The report said that the attackers included several loyalist bandsmen who had been in Dublin earlier in the day for the Love Ulster march.

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