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Derry Joins Global Protests against Israel's Blockade of Gaza

category derry | anti-war / imperialism | news report author Thursday June 10, 2010 17:18author by George Rowauthor email gh_row at yahoo dot co dot uk Report this post to the editors

and highlights Israel's Massacre of Flotilla Aid Workers

Saturday 5th June saw a march in Derry to protest at the Israel's Massacre of Flotilla Aid Workers, and its continuing "Collective Punishment" of the people of Gaza illegal blockade. It ended with a rally
The March was addressed by Roisin Barton (Raytheon-9 women), Marty Crockett (Derry Friends of Palestine) who drove an ambulance to Gaza last year and Eamon McCann (DAWC).
Protest at Israeli massacre on Aid Flotilla: the march lead by the Raytheon-9 Women in Derry's City centre.
Protest at Israeli massacre on Aid Flotilla: the march lead by the Raytheon-9 Women in Derry's City centre.

Saturday 5th June 2010 was “Global Break the Siege” day.

The massacre on the Flotilla trying to bring aid to Gaza has shocked the world and once more illustrated the brutality of the Israeli military, brutality that Palestinian people face on a daily basis.

Derry has a wonderful history of standing up to oppression and standing with those who are suffering oppression. Consequently, the Derry Anti War Coalition (DAWC) called on the people of Derry to take to streets to protest against Israel’s massacre of unarmed aid workers and stand with the people of Gaza, trapped in their prison camp by an illegal embargo.

The march was led by the Raytheon-nine Women, who the day before, had been vindicated in court. It went from The Guildhall to Craigavon Bridge and back through the centre of the Walled City and down Shipquay Street back to Guildhall Square, where there was a brief rally.

The rally was addressed by Roisin Barton of the Raytheon-nine Women. She talked about their recent court experience facing charges relating to their occupation of the local Raytheon plant during Israel’s bombing of Gaza in January 2009. There defense was that their intention was to disrupt Raytheon’s global computer network and hence disrupt Israel’s war crimes against the civilian population of Gaza.

Marty Crockett (Derry Friends of Palestine) also addressed the crowd about the massacre on the Flotilla and the Israel’s hijacking of the Rachel Corrie. He went on to speak about his experience driving an ambulance to Gaza in the overland convoy last year. That ambulance was purchased by funds raised in Derry and it remains in Gaza as a symbol of solidarity between the people of Derry and the people of Gaza.

Writer and veteran civil rights campaigner, Eamonn McCann (Derry Anti-War Coalition - DAWC) joined the other speakers in condemning Israel’s hijacking of shipping, murder of unarmed aid workers, attempts to justify their illegal siege of Gaza and the failure of the Western powers to even curb Israel’s worst excesses.

He drew parallels between the Israeli governments attempts to justify its actions and the words used by the UK government in 1972 in the aftermath to Bloody Sunday.

On a different note McCann went on to call for celebration of the victory of the Raytheon-9 Women. "In acquitting them the jury was agreeing that Israel's bombing of Gaza WAS a war crime - having that acknowledged in court is a significant step".

Related Link: http://veryderry.com/end_gaza_blockade/

"Resisting War Crimes is not a Crime"
"Resisting War Crimes is not a Crime"

Roisin Barton talks about the court experience of the Raytheon 9 women.
Roisin Barton talks about the court experience of the Raytheon 9 women.

Marty Crockett (Derry Friends of Gaza) addresses the crowd about his experience driving an ambulance to Gaza
Marty Crockett (Derry Friends of Gaza) addresses the crowd about his experience driving an ambulance to Gaza

Eamonn McCann (DAWC) calling for celebration of the victory of the Raytheon-9 Women. "In acquitting them the jury was agreeing that Israel's bombing of Gaza WAS a war crime - having that acknowledged in court is a signioficant step".
Eamonn McCann (DAWC) calling for celebration of the victory of the Raytheon-9 Women. "In acquitting them the jury was agreeing that Israel's bombing of Gaza WAS a war crime - having that acknowledged in court is a signioficant step".

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